InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what did i do this time ❯ Inuyasha's training ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha or any other characters in this story. Oh yeah another another thing to add to my disclaimer is that i do not own dragon ball z

Previous chapter: "Inuyasha....Sit boy."

Chapter 3: Inuyasha's training

"You are not going to kill my mothers company." Kagome says releaved that she stopped the enraged hanyou from killing her mothers guest."When you can climb out of your crater we'll be waiting inside, and if you can't control yourself then don't come in."

Heading toward the house the mysterious man's hair and eyes returned to normal."Thank you Ms. Higurashi."

"Sota go to your room."

"yes momma."

Walking into the kitchen Mrs. Higurashi walkes to the refrigerator. "Would you like some refreshments Gohan." (A/N Ahhhh he has a name.)

"A water will do." Looking over to Kagome, he studies her noticing the scars along her arms and face."So Kagome, Your mother tells me that you and your friend Inuyasha are frequently facing danger."

Her mouth opens in shock, she quickly gives her mom the 'how dare you' glare. "Mother how dare you discuss my travels with a man who I have never laid my eyes on in my life. Especially when you promised to keep them a secret."

"Kagome I will explain everything to you when Inuyasha is present because this involves both you and him."

"B..b..but mom."

"No buts Kagome."

Inuyasha walks in with a mixture of rage, confusion, and disgust on his face. Sitting on the opposite side of Gohan he looked at Kagome. "How are you feeling, your not sick are you?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Blushing she looks at her mom. "Now can you tell us who you friend is and why you were telling him Inuyasha and I's business."

"Alright, Inuyasha, Kagome this is Gohan he is a martial arts expert." she looks at Gohan. He nods his head. "Well, that is an understatement. Gohan is a half breed," Inuyasha looks up at Mrs. Higurashi trying to see if she is jokin. sniffing the air trying to tell if he is half demon or not. "kinda like you Inuyasha.........."

"How is that possible, he doesn't smell like a hanyou?" Inuyasha asked confused

"Maybe I had better take over from here." Gohan stands up and looks from Kagome to Inuyasha and back. "I unlike you Inuyasha am not a half demon." realizing they forgot to breath both Kagome and Inuyasha exhale with a confuse look on their faces. "I am half saiyan, a warrior race from a different planet."

Jumping into the air with disbelief. "Your saying that you're a alien." Kagome says running to inuyasha

"Technically half-alien." Gohan says calmly "My father is Full blooded saiyin, while my mother is human."

Looking completely lost Inuyasha looks at Kagome. "What is this alien thing your talking about?" Lookin back and forth between Kagome and Gohan, standing up Inuyasha "Forget it, just get to the point."

"Mrs. Higurashi here has been friends with my wifes father for quite a while now. She asked him if he knew of anyone who could teach her daughter and her daughters friend how to preserve their energy while in battle."

"Mom.........what all did you tell them?" refusing to look at her mother she stared at the table

"Everything I know." Mrs. Higurashi said while trying to console her daughter."

"Little did your mother know that when my father-in-law told her he knew someone who could help, that that person could teach you to harness a different kind of energy called ki." with saying that he raised his outstretched hand palm side up, gathering the necessary energy to create a ki ball.

Simeltanieously Inuyasha and Kagome jumped in suprise."What the fuck is that." yelled inuyasha unsheathing tetsiaga. "Are you a witch or something."

"No, I am not a witch. This here is why I came to help. I can teach you to gather your ki and how to control it so you can create attacks with it." smiling Gohan looks at the two. "unless you think you can win all your fights when all this girl has to say is sit and you go crashing to the ground."

'what how dare he insult me like that, grrrrrrrrrr. But if i were to allow him to teach me how to use that kind of energy I would be able to protect Kagome alot better and we would have an edge on Naraku.' "feh!!!! Alright I'll do it, but no more of your wise cracks."

'what, did inuyasha just let Gohan insult him, and did he just agree to be trained.' "Inuyasha are you feeling ok?" feels his forehead


"Since Inuyasha is doing it I will to."

"Now that that is settled I will be back tomorrow to start your training." saying his goodbyes and thanking Mrs. Higurashi for her hospitality he heads out the door with Kagome and Inuyasha intow. Waving goodbye Gohan takes off so fast that even Inuyasha didn't see him take off.

"What? Man that guy is fast." Inuyasha says with aww. "I think we made a smart decision to train with that guy."

feeling Inuyasha's head "Are you sure your feeling ok?" Kagome askes. "Becuase you are not acting like yourself."

"Feh, I'm fine."

'hold up why is Inuyasha here in the first place weren't we fighting. "Inuyasha why are you here?"

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier, plus I wanted to tell you that I didn't mean what a said about your friend or Kikyo."

"You are really starting ot scare me today Inuyasha."

looking at the sky Inuyasha realizes that its almost dark out. "Come on Kagome let's go back to the village to tell Sango and Miroku about Gohan."

"Inuyasha......why don't we stay here tonight since your gonna be human and all." refusing to look into his eyes. "It will be alot safer here anyway, we won't have to worry about demons attacking." finally giving up she looks at hem. "Plus didn't you say Sango and Miroku were slaying demons in other villages?"

"Feh........Fine, fine buy you owe some ramen." he says trying to advoid a sit or two.

"Deal." she says. Grabbing his hand she takes off into the house to make them some well deserved Dinner.