InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what did i do this time ❯ training day 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: No matter how hard i wish i did i do NOT own inuyasha or any characters associated with the show, i also do not own dragonballz

last chapter: "Deal." she says. Grabbing his hand she takes off into the house to make them some well deserved Dinner.

Chapter 4: Training-Day 1

"Kagome........Inuyasha wake up. Gohan is here."

Kagome looks at her alarm clock. 'what why is he here at 5 in the morning' "Ok mom we'll be right down."

in the kitchen

"You let the two of them sleep in the same room!" Gohan says looking very confused. "Aren't you afraid they'll do something?"

"Inuyasha will protect Kagome with his life. He loves her, but he won't show it because he is afraid that Kagome will reject him, because he is a half demon. He is also afraid that if Naraku finds out he will try to use Kagome against Inuyasha. Now as for Kagome she loves Inuyasha, even if he is a half demon. She thinks he doesn't share her feelings because he hides his feelings." She sits down and takes a sip of coffee. "He also tends to piss Kagome off quite a bit."

neither looking remotely happy both Kagome and a human Inuyasha walk in half dazed.

"Kagome, where is Inuyasha and who is your friend?"

Looking at Inuyasha Kagome suddenly realized that he was still human. "Gohan this is Inuyasha, human Inuyasha."

"you mean Inuyasha can turn human?"

"Only on the night of no moon."

"You mean it's only temporary?"

"Feh........ you got a problem with..... " yawning inuyasha continues .""

"No, it's just that your power level is no where near as strong as it was yesterday."

looking confused Inuyasha sits down "huh, whats a power level?"

"I will explain that to you another time but first you have to be able to control your ki and form blasts."


"Alright you two now listen up, there is no way I can train you here at the shrine. but I do know of a small clearing." looking at his watch "It will take about 15 minutes to get there by foot, seeing as to how neither of you can fly."

"Fly, you can fly."

"yes and I will teach you two how to fly."

"That would give us an upper hand in battle." Kagome says jumping up and down.

"Feh......let's go I don't want to have to put on that stupid hat." 'I hate that hat, and I hate having to be trained even more, but any upperhand on Naraku I'll take.'

"Ok follow me." They start walking passing people on their morning jogs across town. Reaching the park, Gohan leads them to a small path barely visible to the naked eye. "This way." Walking for about 2 minutes they come to a small clearing. "This is it."

"Alright before we begin your training. You need to understand what you are about to attempt." walking to the middle of the clearing Gohan sits down. "come, sit while I explain. Ki is energy your body uses to keep you going, your life force in a way. If you use to much ki your body will slowly grow weaker. Are you two with me so far?"



"Ok, now through training you can raise the amount of ki your body can hold. The more ki your body holds the higher your power level."

"So thats what you were talking about this morning when you said my power level isn't as high in my human form as it is in my hanyou."


"But why would Inuyasha's power level decrease when he is human."

"I believe it is because he is stronger when he is hanyou, then when he is human. As you may have noticed yesterday, when Inuyasha attacked me my hair and eyes changed color. That is because when saiyans increase their power level high enough they can transform which multiplies their power, speed, endurance and strength. I believe Inuyasha is the same. When he is hanyou he is stronger, he has more endurance, he is faster."

"So what you are saying is that my power level is already pretty high?"


"Then how come I can't detect power levels, fly, or shoot ki blasts?"

"because you don't know how to concentrate or minipulate your ki to do so."

"I'm a miko, I can concentrate power to purify demons. I can also put my powers into arrows and shoot purifying arrows."

"Then you are already able to use your ki. This will be easier for you." 'no wonder she has a high power level, though nowhere near as high as Inuyasha's or mine' "huh." looking at Inuyasha "whats wrong? Why are you raising your power level?"

pointing ot the sunrise "The sun is rising. I'm turning hanyou."

Watching Inuyasha he notices that his hair is starting to turn silver. His eyes are slowly turning golden and his ears are starting to turn triangular as they rise to the top of his head. "So, let's get started. I will need you two to clear your mind, and reach deep down inside and try to concentrate your power. Once you have done that try to focus it into a ball." watching Inuyasha and Kagome focus. 'and to think these two have all this power at their fingertips and they don't know how to use it to their advantage.' suddenly light flashes where Kagome is sitting. looking at her he realizes that she is starting to control her ki. "Very good Kagome. Your almost their just concentrate a little harder."

Reaching deep down she realizes she can feel energy radiate off of her. 'all I have to do now is concentrate my energy into a ball.' feeling her energy ball up she looks at her hand and pushes her energy out. slowly her hand starts to glow pink. 'yay I'm doing it' suddenly the pink glow that once surrounded her hand was forming a ball just inches from her palm. "Gohan I think I've done it."

"Indeed you have now I want you to use your energy to push the ball away form you."

Focusing real hard she pushes the ball with all her might. "whoa!" suddenly the ball flies out of her hand and hits a tree twenty feet away causing a blast big enough to create a Inuyasha size crater.

"HOLY SHIT! Why would you do that? What are you trying to do purify me?"

"I'm sorry Inuyasha, I didn't know it would be a purification ball."

"feh...........just don't do it again."

"That was good Kagome, keep practicing."

After about an hour of trying Inuyasha was finally able to form a ki ball. Declaring that that was enough for one day Gohan told Inuyasha and Kagome that he wanted them to practice, and that tomorrow they would resume training. Arriving at Kagome's house. "Wait a minute Inuyasha I want to go tell Sango and Miroku that we probably won't be back for a few days."

"Alright sounds good to me, let's go." walking into the well house he takes hold of Kagome and jumps into the well to be swallowed by a familiar blue light.