InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What dreams are made of? ❯ BFFL ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hello people. This is TwistedAddiction speaking. Welcome to the greatest story on earth! Really? No.
But I hope you have fun anyway. Enjoy and embrace the insanity. I swear I will right better stories when my brain gets to it.

Disclaimer: seriously people…if I owned these people would I really be sitting here writing this so you can read it and make sure I’m not some rich fuck sitting on some silk throne just enjoying my free time writing to you so you can all read my crappy story? I didn’t think so. ONWARD!


Kagome Higurashi sat in a circle with her three friends, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi. It was Kagome’s fifteenth birthday and she was having a great party. They all agreed to start a game of truth or dare, the ultimate ‘must-do’ at every great sleepover. Eri was rubbing her chin in a thoughtful kind of way. It was totally obvious what was running though her head. Who to choose was nearly written on her face in bold black ink.
With a lot of sighs and Come on Eri’s passed around she finally spoke up.

“Okay… I choose… Ayumi!” Eri said happily pointing to Ayumi. Everyone folded their hands as if thanking the heavens for her words.

“Lay it on me.” Ayumi said with a determined face.

“Truth or dare” Eri said staring into one of her best friends eyes.

“Uh… Truth.” Everyone looked surprised at her choice. She just shrugged and smiled.

“Okay… truthfully… do you like Hojo?” Kagome groaned at the name. The boy was like a damned stalker to her! So he was the hottest boy in school and one of the smartest, but that means squat to Kagome. He only seemed to have eyes for her while every girl in the whole schooled ogled him everyday. But did he notice them? No. The only girl that seemed to be immune to his charms was the one he liked, Kagome.

“Oh come on Aya… answer the question.” The common nickname jolted her friends out of their dream like state.

“Oh right… yeah… I guess I do…” Ayumi said blushing, “But it’s not like any one has a chance with him… Kagome has him hook, line, and sinker.”

“Pu-lease!” kagome groaned, eyes rolling, “You know I don’t like him! But he just doesn’t go away!”

Yuka shook her head, “Geez Kagome…you don’t have to be so cruel, just because he hands on to you like a lost dog doesn’t mean you should flunk him out of your class,. Figuratively speaking.” kagome just sighed and turned to Ayumi.

“You could have him okay…now lets get on with this game!” Kagome said picking at her freshly colored toes.

“Fine then… Truth or dare” Ayame said watching as Kagome took her index finger into her mouth.

“Dare” Kagome sighed out. Time to spice up her life. I mean what can a little dare do? Even though Aya’s dares were totally evil in more ways then one. For instance… she takes your worst fear, turns it into a dare, and taunts you until you do it. But please… Kagome could take anything on. Just if its avoiding the subject of Hojo.

“Dare it is then…” she said with an evil glint in her eye. After a second or two she jumped up and startled everyone.

“Alright Kagome…” She said with an evil smirk, “I dare you to go down to the old well house and climb down the well.” Kagome stood there for a minute but took the dare head on. She grabbed her flashlight and left the room. Eri and Yuka just watched with this empty look on their faces until Ayumi asked if they were coming.


On their way down to the well house Yuka turned to Ayumi.

“Oh Ayumi! I cannot believe you! Your just doing this because Hojo likes Kagome and not you!” she whispered sadly.

“So?” Ayumi shrugged and then ran down the small path to where Kagome was walking.

~In the Well House~

Kagome trotted up to the edge of the well and switched on her flashlight. When she tried to see the bottom of the well her small light was swallowed up by the darkness.

“Damn…” she muttered to herself. Kagome hated dark secluded places, but it was a dare. Her friends just showed up when she started having second thoughts. She looked up at them with pleading eyes.

“Guys I…” Kagome began but was interrupted by Ayumi.

“Oh… are you scared now Kagome? Chickening out?” she asked harshly. Kagome opened her mouth to say something but was cut off again. “This is truth or dare you know.”
Ayumi shoved Kagome toward the well making her stumble. Kagome tripped over her own feet and fell head first into the old well.

Her friends screamed for her but it was no good, Kagome was headed for hard ground. No matter what Century.


So how do you like it? Tell meh tell meh!! Its my first attempt at a fan fiction really. You must love me…. You must…. @_@

So review.