InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happened to the princess's prince? ❯ What happened to the princess's prince? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Disclaimer: I do not own any Inuyasha characters but I do own this story and the girl Inuyasha meets).
What happened to the princess's prince?
Did Inuyasha really die or did he just up and disappear? This starts from the day after he left.
Inuyasha rode on his horse a day deep in the woods angry that he had to leave his beloved Kagome.
`I'll find that lost carriage fast then go back to Kagome. Stupid humans have to get lost'. He rode on for another agonizing day till his horse fell tired.
“Dumb horse” he fed the horse and set camp as the night fell. He sat next to a tree and barely fell asleep. In the morning he got up and watched the sunrise turning the sky red like a rose. He jumped from the tree in which he sat from and walked around till his horse got up. He walked into an opening and saw a black carriage.
“It's the carriage I was searching for?” he walked over to it only to get wrapped up by some vines. A girlish laughter was heard but no one was seen Inuyasha ripped from the vines but more wrapped around him.
“Don't struggle they'll only tighten”
“Who's there” he looked around angrily but still saw no person in sight.
“Come out or are you scared”
“HA! Me scared of YOU that is truly a false fact”
“Then come out”
“I'm right here” he turned around and only saw millions of pink flowers.
“Where” he growled
“Silly, here look closer” he leaned over to look at a closed flower. The flower moved then began to open slowly, he watched as a.
“A fairy you're a fairy” he was shocked she had little wings was little so he couldn't make out any features.
“No silly” he backed up, as she grew bigger, now she was as tall as he was, and her wings wrapped around her. The wings disappeared and she wore a long thin white dress with no sleeves and that showed her shape well but not nudity. She had ankle length light brown hair almost to light to be brown but not blonde, it had a light tint of pink and she had straight bangs with two straight strips to her chin. Her eyes were a light green and her face had a childish feature but still older than a child. She smiled and revealed two small fangs and her smile grew bigger as she saw his little dog-ears.
“I'm a sprite what are you a cat” she giggled.
“No I'm a dog and your gonna be dead when I get out of this” he struggled to cut the vines but they just kept tightening around his body cutting off his circulation.
“Oh please don't struggle you wont get out of that tangle unless I let you out”
“Well then let me out”
“No you were gonna take my carriage weren't you”
“No I was gonna take what is inside”
“I WON'T ALLOW YOU!” her voice was stronger and her skin turned blue as her hair became blood red knife like wings grew from her back and her dress became a shorter dress made of bones.
`Holy shit those have to be the bones of the people'
“Yes they are”
“How'd you know what I was thinking”
“I can read your mind hanyou”
“Yes I will be a tough opponent but I don't have to kill you if you promise to leave and never return”
“Huh?” she turned back to her first form.
“If you just leave I won't kill you”
“I don't like breaking a love apart” she looked sad and Inuyasha could smell unshed tears.
“Ah… don't cry” he panicked like he always did when girls cried he hated it.
“I'm sorry it's just the way I am”
“You're not a sprite”
“No I'm a plant and my life is to be a sweet caring creature but it's so hard and I get so lonely when those people came here I was happy and my flowers spread over the ground. But when they started to kill my flowers I was given this shape and had to kill them”.
“So it was them who hurt you”
“Yes and I'm sorry I had to kill them but it's the only reason I have this form he gave it to me”
“Who's he” the vines let go and they sat down.
“Origami a powerful man a shape shifter. He came to my real form and told me he would give me this form to hurt those humans for what they did, I agreed but… when I went to talk to the people he made my anger form another person and my anger killed them” she began to cry.
“So you're just a harmless plant being used”
“Yes and it's so hard it's like he's inside me” she threw herself in his arms and cried petals. Inuyasha let his guard down and that cost him blood, the girl dug long sharp nails into his back and they came through the front of his stomach. He jumped up and ejected his claws at her, but she wasn't her anymore instead a man stood there. He had long black hair that covered his whole body from sight.
“So your Origami” the girl fell to the ground from behind him, she had blood all over her chest but was still alive.
“Well you'll only be shreds of skin when I'm done with you”
“I don't THINK SO” he turned into a large tiger demon. The creature jumped at Inuyasha but lost an eye for that, he turned into a wolf and bit Inuyasha's chest ripping his shirt. Inuyasha's eyes grew red as his demon blood took over in the fight. Inuyasha ripped off the wolfs left arm and the thing turned into a large bat with knifed wings. This fought went on with the origami man or demon turned into panther's and other dangerous demon animals. In the end Inuyasha's words were true as the thing lay on the ground as shreds of nothing, Inuyasha won with only a large wound on his chest and other cuts on him. He fell to the ground and slept till his wounds healed. Two days later he woke up and knew it had been a long time so he got his horse and went to leave.
“Inuyasha” the girl ran to him with a feared look.
“Don't go that way”
“Why not it's the way I came”
“I know but things changed when you killed Origami, now that way is a high cliff”
“Well which way do I go”
“I do not know the land takes a week before I know every tree and way.”
“I'm not staying here for a week”
“Please it would be safer to wait instead of die and brake your queens heart”
“Fine” he sat down and waited a day before becoming impatient. The girl had turned into a small fairy thing again and stayed in a closed rose, he yelled at the flower till she finally opened it.
“Can you tell me the way out yet”
“I said a week not a day you impatient hanyou”
“Err hurry up”
“WAIT!” the flower closed and he sat back down
`I wanna get back to Kagome but I don't wanna fall down and die before I get to her. Wait I'm stronger than a human I can stand a fall'
“It's no ordinary fall Inuyasha you wouldn't live believe me I know I've lived here for thousands of years” Inuyasha growled at her. A third day went by and Inuyasha awoke to a voice singing, he looked around and it was from the rose that was now redder than before and a little open. He walked over to it and the voice grew louder and young. He tried looking in to get the girl to shut up but he couldn't open it for when he touched it the thorns grew an attacked him till he was a couple feet away.
“Roses are red and violets are blue, honey is sweet but not a sweet as you”
“Sweet from the flowers honey from the bees I've got a feeling I'm ready to release, roses are red violets are blue, honey is sweet but not as sweet as you”. The flower opened and she paid no mind to Inuyasha as she walked to a small pond and jumped in. her voice echoed through his mind in a song she said more words but the words that stuck were the first. She came up still half in the water and was a human form again, she was naked and not facing him but still singing.
“DON'T TAKE MY ROSES AWAY…!” she sang louder and Inuyasha could see her smirk. She turned around lower in the water so nothing could be seen.
“Have a problem Inuyasha” she giggled.
“I wish that you were my lollipop sweet things I will never get enough of” she made a childish voice and sang a candy man song.
“What's a lollipop”
“A sweet candy on a stick”
“And how would you know it”
“Humans eat them”
“I wish that I were your bubble gum…” she sang more.
“Oh my love I know you are my candy man and oh my love your word is my command. And oh my love I know you are my candy man and oh my love let us fly to bounty land!” she got out of the water automatically covered by a dress made of red rose petals with sleeves made of leaves sliding down her shoulders.
“Roses are red and violets are blue, honey is sweet but not as sweet as you. Roses are red violets are blue, honey is sweet but not as sweet as you.” She began that song again in a fun voice when she said `roses are red', `violets are blue'. She finally stopped singing but then birds began to chirp and her smile was gone.
“Well I know the way out now if you want to leave” she weakly smiled
“Where is it” she sighed and pointed behind him, he jumped onto his horse and held out his hand.
“Come with me you can live with me and my Queen in a safer home” she smiled but nodded her head no.
“I have to stay here and be a flower”
“Okay” he turned his horse and rode off but what he didn't see was the evil smile on her face. The flowers around died and where the body of the Origami man was came back and turned into who it really was, the girl. Who Inuyasha thought was the girl turned into Origami and picked up the flower girl that was dead but to his deadly touch lived once more.
“Well that dog has fallen into my trap”
`NO!' she screamed in her mind.
“And now it's your part again”
“Then your land will die” he looked at half of her land and the life was killed even the animals.
“NO!” Inuyasha heard her scream and turned quickly.
“Well he has heard you so this will be a lot easier”
“I'm sorry hanyou boy” a tear fell from her eye and the land changed into a fake beauty. Inuyasha came back.
“Why'd you scream”
“Oh I want to come”
“I thought you had to stay here”
“No I want to come”
“Okay hop on” she got on and held tightly to him. They rode through the forest for the rest of the week till they were at the end but this would not last for Inuyasha. The girl or plant's hand became a sharp thorn and stabbed Inuyasha in the back.
“You… You stabbed me”
“I'm sorry Inuyasha I'm sorry” she became a flower and died quickly. The stab became green as a deadly poison took over his body. Origami appeared in front of Inuyasha and turned into a man Kagome knew as Hojo with a letter.
“Poor demon not even love can save someone who tries to kill me”.
“You bastard…” Inuyasha fell to the ground DEAD!?!
The Hojo look alike ran on a brown horse to the castle and gave Kagome the note he rode away and was happy with his job.
`Though I did not know Inuyasha's life he is no longer, any creature that tries to steal from me then kill me will not suffer but make his life suffer' he laughed evilly and rode away. Inuyasha woke up and saw his castle not too far, he got up and ran to the home in which Kagome awaited him. but she was not there he searched everywhere but even the thrones were gone. He rode to a village and the huts were now some odd buildings. He went up to a person.
“What happened to the village”
“Are those real” the lady touched his ears.
“Oh my they are why boy how did you--”
“I said what happened to the village where is Princess Kagome”
“Oh she died ten years ago I'm sorry why did you need her”
“She was my wife”
“Oh you are to young to be her husband and he's dead died about… 22 years ago”
“Yes he disappeared after their marriage and was said to be dead his name was Inuyasha”
“Thank you” he ran off with his demon speed.
So there he's alive but alone and angry he became full demon as his anger caused him to slaughter many…