InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ New Moon ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787
InuYasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don't sue me.
Chapter Eight
- New Moon
Kagome sat at the bar quietly sipping her `Sex on the Beach' while Sango sang her heart out to `No air' By Jordan Sparks. `How do I let myself get talked into these situations?' she thought moodily setting down her drink as Sango came over and collapsed into the bar stool next to her.
“Having fun?” she said breathlessly, `Weird, I have a déjà vu feeling.'
“Totally.” she lied, `this conversation seems oddly familiar.'
“You don't have to lie, it's obvious you're miserable.” Sango said as she fanned herself with a coaster from the bar. `Add a `Kag's' to that sentence and she sounds just like Kelly in Vegas'
“I really don't like crowds” Kagome said honestly.
“I understand, you know what will make you feel better?” she said leadingly.
“What?” Kagome said puzzled.
“A better drink.” she said pushing away Kagome's half-consumed `Sex on the beach'.
“I don't know…” Kagome said uneasily, she had been wary of drinking since Vegas, the results of that night had been disastrous and she wasn't looking to repeat them. Then again, what could she lose? She was already married to someone she hated.
“Come on, loosen up!” Sango prodded.
“Alright, fine.” Kagome said defeated.
“Hey!” She said waving her arms at the bar tender, a younger man with long dark brown hair in a short ponytail and a light sprinkling of freckles across his cheeks. Despite his young appearance his demeanor had an old soul feel. “Get us two `Sex and Candies', and two `Grateful dead'.” Sango ordered expertly.
He brought them four glasses and two shots, “Here you go ladies.” he said in a friendly tone.
“Thanks Kohaku” Sango said smiling at the young man. He smiled back before attending to other patrons. “You drop these in here,” Sango said turning to Kagome, she picked up one of the shot glasses and dropped it into a half full glass of red liquid. “Then we chug.”
Kagome did as she was told, “Cheers!” Sango said, clinking glasses with Kagome.
Kagome brought the glass to her lips tentatively; it was an explosion of sweet followed quickly by kick of liquor. She drank as fast as she could but Sango slammed her glass onto the table first.
“Delicious, am I right?” she said breathlessly.
“It was pretty good.” Kagome said smacking her lips.
“Try this.” Sango said sliding a glass across the bar to her.
Kagome took a small sip of the orange colored beverage. There was an instant spike of alcohol followed by a citrus undertone it brought to mind a night in an expensive hotel room, she saw an image of someone as they were handing her a mixed drink, someone with silver hair. `That's right I remember now, I went up to InuYasha's room for a drink… he got me drunk that bastard' Kagome fumed internally.
“That's strong” Kagome said setting the drink back down.
“I know isn't it delicious?” Sango said sipping her drink happily. “My brother invented it from a variation of what InuYasha makes, this isn't nearly as potent.”
`Don't I know it' Kagome thought.
“Wait you're brother? Is he here?” Kagome said looking around interestedly.
“You've already met him, he's the bartender, hold on I'll get him” she said setting down her drink, “Hey Kohaku come over here” she shouted for him, as he was at the other end of the bar.
“What's up sis?” he said as he approached them,
“I noticed you were busy a minute ago and also I forgot to introduce you to my friend and InuYasha's wife Kagome”
“So you're Kagome” Kohaku said stepping back to get a better look at her, “I hope you can tame InuYasha 'cause no one else has been able to.”
“I don't think it's possible to tame him” Kagome said dryly.
Kohaku laughed lightly, “I like you already”
“Thanks” Kagome replied smiling genuinely.
“Did you know InuYasha used to work here during college?” Sango supplied.
“Really, he never mentioned it” `or anything else about himself, as if I cared'
“Well his most recent college stint, he's been to college what seven , eight times?” Sango added.
“Must be nice to be over five hundred years old, you can do pretty much everything” Kohaku added dreamily,
“Hey can I get some service?” a pouty blond in with large breasts in a two small t-shirt asked from down the bar.
“One moment miss,” he said to the blonde “duty calls” he said to Sango and Kagome before heading over to take the blonde's drink order.
As Kohaku walked away Sango turned to Kagome, “Now, how do I get you to sing tonight?”
“I don't know” Kagome said uncertainly.
“Come on, for me?” Sango begged with her eyes.
“But I haven't sang since high school choir,” Kagome said trying to wheedle her way out of singing.
“Don't worry nobody here cares if you hit a bad note it's all in good fun,”
`She just isn't going to give up is she?' Kagome thought, staring at Sango's intent face.
“Maybe after a couple more drinks” Kagome conceited.
“I'll hold you to that!” She said exultantly.
“Ha-ha” Kagome laughed uneasily, “I bet you would.”
They talked superficially for a while as Sango sifted through the songbook, she put her name into the list for karaoke and Kagome worked on her drink, which was starting to taste better with every sip.
By the time she was to the end of her glass, she had a good calm going and she was really starting to enjoy the music other people were singing. The K.J called out Sango's name, Sango sauntered up to the front, and she took the mike from the K.J and the song started.
“He was working through college on my grandpa's farm
I was thirsting for knowledge and he had a car
I was caught somewhere between a woman and a child
When one restless summer we found love growing wild
On the banks of the river on a well beaten path
Funny how those memories they last”
Kagome recognized the song she was singing almost immediately, it had been years since she heard it but it had always been one of her favorites. She leaned back in her chair, a combination of the drink and the way Sango sang `Strawberry Wine' was giving her a really calm, relaxed feeling. She let her mind wander.
“Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine”
She thought about that night in Vegas, the patched together images that she could remember of her first night with InuYasha, `I wonder if he was good in bed, I can't even remember vaguely.' She shook her head, `what am I thinking, I don't need to know if he was good in bed or not.'
“I still remember when thirty was old
My biggest fear was September when he had to go
A few cards and letters and one long distance call
We drifted away like the leaves in the fall
But year after year I come back to this place
Just to remember the taste”
`I wish I could remember why I would marry someone I never met' she thought closing her eyes imaging what it was like to be with InuYasha intimately, 'I've had a taste of what InuYasha can do, that I can still remember… and when I really think about it I did enjoy it' Kagome's eyes flew open, `I must be buzzed already I'm thinking crazy thoughts.'
“Of strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
Kagome watched as Sango swayed her hips to the music, `I need to get out of here before I drink too much and do something stupid.' Kagome thought.
Sango finished the last few verses to scattered applause, Kagome even clapped for her. Even though it helped her think about things she didn't want to think about it still was a great song.
“How'd I do?” Sango said glowing with sweat.
“Amazing, I love that song!” Kagome said enthusiastically.
“I'm glad you liked it, and by the way, I put your name in next.” Sango said eagerly.
“What? No, I don't think so!” Kagome said waving her hands in front of her face, “actually I was thinking about leaving, it's getting late you know?” she said, hoping Sango would catch the hint.
“Kagome?” the K.J said reading her name off of a piece of paper, `Shit'
“Well too bad, `cause it's your turn!” Sango said amusedly. “Here, have some liquid courage” Sango handed Kagome a shot which she gulped down quickly, she got down off her stool and paused momentarily,
“I don't know if I can do this…” Kagome said standing frozen to the spot. She was terrible in front of crowds.
“Get up there” Sango said shoving her. She flew forward towards the K.J.
“Kagome?” the K.J said
“Yeah.” She said nervously.
“Take this mike and watch the lyrics on the screen,” he instructed,
Kagome gripped the mike loosely, and turned to face the monitor. She was horrified at Sango's choice of song. The display on the screen read, `Waking up in Vegas, By Katy Perry'.
Kagome spared Sango a withering look before the first verse began,
You've gotta help me out
It's all a blur last night
We need a taxi
Cause you're hung over and I'm drunk”
Kagome paused shaking her head before the next verse. This had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of her life.
“I lost my fake id
But you lost the motel key
Spare me your freaking dirty looks
Now don't blame
You want to cash out
And get the hell outta town
Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me”
Kagome could feel the shot warming her insides. And the music seemed to be building in side of her. She could feel a strange thrill building low in her stomach, she was loosening up, letting her hair down a little. Maybe it's not so bad after all?
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Why are these light so bright?
Did we get hitched last night?
Dressed up like Elvis
Why am I wearing your class ring?”
Kagome felt an odd pang of familiarity to that lyric, hadn't that been what happened to her? Once again she caught herself wondering about that night. A couple more verses and the repeating the chorus a second time Kagome finished the song. There was raucous applause at her finish. She was surprised people had enjoyed it as much as they did.
“You did great!” Sango cheered,
“Thanks,” she said feeling a small swelling of her pride, “nice song choice by the way” She said giving Sango a look.
“You're welcome,” she winked, “This calls for another round, Kohaku two red headed sluts.”
“I don't know if I should drink anymore…” Kagome said cynically.
“Come on you got to let your hair down sometimes.”
“I guess.” Kagome said cautiously.
“Yeah you only live…” Sango trailed off her eyes glued to the doorway, Kagome turned in her seat to look at what Sango was watching so intently. A youngish woman with long, straight, black hair, wearing a short, tight red dress was standing in the doorway a faintly familiar looking blonde had his arms wrapped around her shoulder. “I can't believe she's here.” Sango said mostly to herself.
“Who is that?” Kagome said curiously.
“That's Kikyo, InuYasha's ex-fiancée.” Sango said disgustedly. `InuYasha was engaged before? I guess it's not that surprising' she thought.
“Her and that guy both look kind of familiar” Kagome said conversationally.
“Yeah you might remember her from a tooth paste commercial from a couple years ago”
Kagome thought for a moment,
“She's the Right Bright girl?” Kagome said amusedly,
“Yeah and I think he's a model or something” Sango said offhandedly
“Sango is that really you” Kikyo said in a fake excited voice.
“Oh hey Kikyo.” Sango said flatly.
“Still visiting this dive?” she scoffed,
“You're here too.” Kagome pointed out irritated, she didn't like her attitude.
“Well, me and Ian here are on a tour of the local dive's while were in town.” she said, her voice losing all hint of fake sweetness, “Oh, where are my manner's? You probably remember Ian from the `Taco King' commercials?” She said waving at him airily.
“Hey.” he said distractedly looking around the bar.
“Hey” Sango and Kagome replied half-heartedly.
“So who's this?” Kikyo said motioning to Kagome as if she wasn't there.
“This is InuYasha wife, Kagome. Sango said proudly,
“So, he tricked some hapless girl into marrying him after all?” Kikyo said looking down at her nails in a bored way.
“Excuse me, I'm sitting right here” Kagome said hotly.
“I'm aware of that, I choose to ignore annoying things” Kikyo said sparring Kagome a withering glance.
“Excuse me?” Kagome said irritated, she was normally pretty level headed but something about this woman was really getting under her skin.
“And just so you know” Kikyo continued completely ignoring Kagome's outrage “InuYasha is and always will be madly in love with me and if I ever decided to, I could take him back in an instant, so don't get too comfortable.”
“Ha.” Kagome scoffed, she wasn't sure why she felt the need to be defensive it wasn't like there really was anything between the two of them.
“You just watch yourself little girl, I always get my way when I want it.” Kikyo said venomously.
“Good luck” Kagome said dismissively,
“Hey, can we go? I'm bored.” Ian said from behind Kikyo.
“Of course, Babe, I'm done speaking with this trash.” Kikyo said as she flipped her hair and walked away from them.
“What a bitch!” Kagome shouted once she was out of hearing distance.
“She didn't used to be like that.” Sango said thoughtfully, “But let's forget that, what we're we talking about? Oh yeah, you loosening up, and I have just the thing more drinks!” Sango said eyes dancing with mischief “Two more `sex and candies' and two `red headed sluts'” Sango shouted at Kohaku, doubling her drink order.
“Coming right up.” He said from down the bar.
Several hours, and several drinks later, Kagome had her arm wrapped around Sango's shoulder as she slurred the words to the last song of the night.
“I want to change the world…” she sang off-key, before bursting into laughter rolling on the floor.
The K.J shut off the music. “Okay ladies that's it for the night”
“Awe, really?” Kagome moaned,
“Yeah, come on ladies.” Kohaku said firmly, coming up to help get them on their way. “I called Miroku for you, Sis, and Kagome, InuYasha isn't answering so you'll have to ride with Miroku and Sango.”
“Alrightie!” Kagome said giving him the thumbs up, Kohaku just laughed and shook his head, “Hey Kohaku, you know what, you're kind of cute!” Kagome said in a would be sexy voice.
“Thanks Kagome” he said amusedly, “I'm going to go clean up,” he said walking away.
“Hey Sango don't you think Kohaku is cute?” Kagome said in a conspiring tone to Sango,
“NO” Sango shouted, “He's my brother that's gross”
“Oh yeah” Kagome said before falling over laughing once more,
“Why are you hitting on my brother when you got a hot piece at home like InuYasha?” Sango asked sloppily,
Kagome thought for a moment “You're right, I should go home and hit on InuYasha.”
“Yeah, he is your husband after all.” Sango replied,
“That's what you think.” Kagome said before rolling over with laughter once more.
InuYasha lay awake in his bed staring at the ceiling; the ringing phone had woken him some time ago. He hadn't answered, he never answered when he was like this, when he was weak, when he was human. It didn't matter how many centuries he lived, he'd never get used to how vulnerable he felt, how helpless he was in this flimsy body. He rolled over onto his stomach, most nights on the new moon he slept through it hardly remembering the night, but when the phone rang he had checked the caller id, it had been the bar he used to work at years ago. The bar Sango had taken Kagome to at his insistence. He wasn't ready to expose his vulnerable side to Kagome just yet. Few people knew when he was at his weakest, Miroku and Sango of course, and Kikyo. Kikyo, the woman that had stamped on his heart more times than he could count.
InuYasha pushed up from the bed to kneel facing his open window, I need to stop this before I go any further he thought, every new moon these human emotions seem to take hold of me and I can't seem to stop them. He stood up to pace the room, he looked at the clock radio near his bed it was nearly three in the morning, `where's Kagome, she should be here by now.' He thought, pausing to watch the clock. `I hope she's alright' InuYasha physically shook. `God's, what's wrong with me? I sound like a pansy in my own mind, when will this night end?'
A light wrapping at his door brought him from his thoughts. Is that Kagome? Damn these human ears I can't hear a thing. He walked over to his bedroom door, if it was her he didn't want her to see him in the state he was currently in. He pressed a human ear to the door, he could hear Kagome shuffling on the other side of the door, and she must have heard him moving around because she called out.
“Inuuuuuyaaasha” She said in an exaggerated whisper.
“What?” He snapped,
“I want to talk to you.” She said sweetly. `She's acting strangely did Sango get her drunk?'
“Now's not a good time Kagome it's past three in the morning, come back tomorrow.” He said through the door, all he could think about was seeing her, he wished he could smell her but his damn human nose wasn't strong enough. `What is wrong with me? I'm acting like some kind of love sick pup, I know I felt a connection in Vegas, and I asked her to marry me on impulse but she hates me. She's made that more than clear. Then why do I have this longing to hold her close?'
“Pleeeeeeease, Just for me?” Kagome begged from the other side of the door taking InuYasha from his thoughts.
He thought about it for a minute, she would have to find out about his condition at some point he couldn't have Sango take her out every month for the next year. So, reluctantly, he cracked open the door. Kagome was standing, or slouching in the doorway, her hair was slightly disheveled and her makeup was smudged, but InuYasha couldn't remember the last time she looked more beautiful to him.
“Yes?” he said trying to keep his tone short.
“Aren't you going to invite me in?” she said coyly batting her long dark lashes at him.
He was taken aback at her forward nature `what's brought about this dramatic change, is she drunk?' If only he had his Hanyou nose he could tell for sure.
“What's going on Kagome?” he said crossing his arms over his chest.
“Let me in” she said silkily,
There was a certain command in her tone that inclined him to obey; he opened the door wide and moved out of the doorway. Kagome swaggered into the room. She lost her balance slightly as she approached the bed collapsing upon it in a fit of giggles. She spread her legs as she sprawled on the bed, her skirt hiking up slightly, nearly revealing her prize, a fact that wasn't lost on InuYasha.
“InuYasha your hair” Kagome said hesitantly,
“What about it?” InuYasha said casually picking up one of the ebony strands.
“Looks different.” She mumbled rolling over to bury her head into his pillows.
“Oh no, you're not falling asleep in my room” he said walking over to shake her by the shoulder. It was obvious to him now she was intoxicated, and the last thing he needed was for her to vomit in his room. Kagome rolled over and blinked her big brown eyes up at him.
“Inuuuuuyaaasha” she purred.
“Yes Kagome?” InuYasha said amusedly he had to admit she was pretty cute when she was drunk.
“I remembered what happened in Vegas, tonight” she said sexually,
InuYasha felt his heart constrict, `why do I feel like this? It was an impulsive decision that's led to some amusement that's all, right?'
“Oh?” he choked out.
“Yes, everything but the best part” Kagome said climbing onto her knee's. She delicately traced a hand down her shirt caressing her own breast, “I can't remember the part where you made love to me InuYasha, or anything after that, I remember your room and you handing me a drink” She said slowly pulling off her top. She threw her shirt to the floor, and then sat back down staring at InuYasha, sexual tension was thick in the air.
“I see” InuYasha said gulping here was his chance Kagome was practically throwing herself at him, why couldn't he make a move?
“I want you InuYasha.” She said seductively, she leaned towards him as he stood near the bed.
“Kagome this isn't right, you're drunk,” he said lamely,
“That didn't stop you in the past did it InuYasha?” Kagome said as she moved in closer she place a hand gently on his cheek caressing it familiarly.
“That was different.” he stammered.
“Different how?” she said caressingly.
`I don't know.' He thought desperately,
“You don't have a reason InuYasha, do you?” Kagome smiled wickedly, “you've been pawing at me for a month and the moment I throw myself at you you're going to turn me down?” Kagome said disappointedly, she stood up to leave. `What are you doing? Stop her, stop her!' He waited until she was nearly out the door before he stopped her. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her body flush against his. He parted her lips easily into a deep kiss, which she willingly accepted. It was all so euphoric he could hardly believe it. It was like a wonderful dream. Kagome had come to him willingly, she was in his arms, it was hard to describe the feeling he was experiencing. They explored each other's hot mouths as he felt his erection pressing against his boxers wanting to be free of all fabric containment. Kagome seemed to have felt the pressure on her leg because she pulled away.
“Eager are we?” She smiled,
“I guess so.” He said breathing heavily with desire.
“Well let me help.” She reached down and wrapped her small hand around his throbbing erection; she took slow purposeful movements as she stroked his member. While InuYasha rained kisses all along her shoulders her neck her cheeks her mouth.
He wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her to the bed. He never broke their connection as he relaxed her onto the bed, her half naked form pressed against his as she stroked him up and down, sensing the unevenness in the situation he reached his hand beneath her skirt, searching for her wetting core. She was close to ready and he could feel it as he slid his fingers along the outside of the fabric before moving it aside to massage at her folds and button. She mewled under his careful stroking; he could feel her getting wetter every second and he couldn't stand it any longer. He had waited so long to be inside her and he couldn't wait another moment. He tore at her skirt pulling it down below her ankles; he quickly disposed of her bra and panties. Then he flipped her over on the bed so her firm rear was presented to him the way he had fantasized so many times before. He brought his head to the crest of her opening teasing her clit with the tip of his cock, making her beg him.
“Please InuYasha, I need it, now!” She moaned.
He slid into her easily, and he moved slowly relishing every moment he was inside of her. He held onto her rear as he slowly thrust into herm making her mewl with pleasure. He reached around to her clit and teased it as he continued his slow fluid movements. After several minutes he could feel her walls tighten telling him she was getting close. He increased the tempo of his thrusts and his pressure on her clit became more intense, he could feel her entire body tense just before the pulsing crash of her orgasm smashed against his member. He was close himself as he brought her body closer to his, he studied her elegant neck, admiring the hollow of it. He admired that part of her neck where he would have put his mark if she were really his mate. He suddenly had a strange urge to see how it would look to have his mark on her. He paused his thrusting only for a moment to suck and nip at her neck in the same space a mark would have been, he left his mark on her. Then he increased his pace after and soon felt the expedited release of his orgasm. He collapsed onto of Kagome who rolled over onto the bed. He wrapped his arm around her protectively, as they lay in bed together.
He lay watching Kagome for a few moments, her breathing even and it seemed, soon, sleep would claim her.
“Good night. Kagome.” he whispered.
“Night InuYasha.” She mumbled,
“I'll see you when you wake.” he cooed.
“I don't ever want to wake from this dream.” Kagome said sleepily.
“Neither do I.” he said, brushing a hair from her face,
“I like you better in my dreams InuYasha…” Kagome continued,
“What do you mean?” InuYasha said pausing, his hand hovering in the air above her,
“The real InuYasha is so arrogant and a jerk, but I like this dream, the dream InuYasha with black hair” she continued dreamily,
“Kagome, do you think this is a dream?” InuYasha said hoping he was just misunderstanding her,
“Of course it's a dream, I wouldn't sleep with you in real life I would lose the bet.” She mumbled, rolling over.
InuYasha sat straight up in bed, `the bet, I haven't even thought of that, I just thought she'd finally realized it was useless… oh gods, she's not going to remember any of this… what should I do? Leave her here? Or let her believe it's a dream.' InuYasha watched her sleep for a few more minutes, as much as he wanted to win the bet, this wasn't the way to win. He picked Kagome up easily and walked her back into her bedroom, covering her gently before leaving the room.
“Good night Kagome, it was nice for tonight but tomorrow it will be back to normal.” He closed the door behind himself and went to bed.
Unknown to InuYasha Kagome rolled over in her sleep mumbling to herself, “but I don't want it to go back to normal…”
Kagome opened her eyes heavily only to shut them once again quickly, she was hit with a wave of nausea. She sat up in bed, immediately the room began to spin around her, which made her need to vomit. She got up and ran to bathroom, vomiting up the few contents of her stomach. Why did I let Sango talk me into drinking so much? Kagome thought mentally berating herself. She walked over to mirrored sink to wash her face. She splashed the cool water on her face before looking up at her reflecting, she looked awful her hair was sticking up in every direction, her makeup had all run down her face and on the hollow of her neck was a bright purple, hicky! She thought angrily, only one person came to mind that could have given her the hicky. She ran out of the room heedless of the fact that she was completely naked. She burst into the kitchen where InuYasha was drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.
“YOU! What is this?” she said pointing accusingly at her neck.
InuYasha looked up from his paper a huge grin spread across his face, “Kagome are you trying to seduce me?”
“What are you talking about you idiot? What is this hicky on my neck?”
“You're naked.” he said plainly, the amused grin never leaving his face.
Kagome looked down realizing for the first time her current condition. She turned bright red before running back into her room.
She grabbed the first clothes she could, but as she got dressed she started to try and recall the night before. She remember the bar and Miroku giving her and Sango a ride home, she remember coming home and then she remember having sex… with InuYasha no I couldn't have was I really that drunk? She thought despairingly, but wait if I remember right the person I had sex with had black hair, with InuYasha's face, how could that be? Was it a dream? But how did I get this hicky?
Kagome returned to the kitchen where InuYasha was waiting a bemused grin still adorned his features.
“Oh please don't dress up for me.” he teased,
“Oh shut up would you, do you know anything about this?” She said once again pointing at the love bite.
InuYasha got up to inspect the mark on her neck, “Looks like you fell down while you were drunk.” he said in a disinterested tone.
“It looks just like a hicky!” she accused.
“Well you didn't get it from me I was asleep all night I didn't even hear you come in.” he said nonchalantly,
“Really?” Kagome said suspiciously.
“Yep.” he replied with a shrug of the shoulders, `it has to be true, if he won the bet he's be gloating I'm sure, he seems to be telling the truth. I wonder how I got this mark. And what a weird dream InuYasha with black hair that's strange.' Kagome took it all in, easily willing to accept the most convenient truth.
A/N: Don't KILL ME, I'm sorry I know, I know she still doesn't know anything and the bets not over YET. Feel free to vent your frustration on my reviews as long as I'm not flamed I don't mind. Thanks for reading I love you all!
K.J: Karaoke Jockey
`Strawberry Wine' by Deana Carter, `No Air' By Jordan Sparks, and `Waking Up in Vegas' By Katy Perry. I would like to see who can guess what the final song of the night was, it's pretty obvious.