InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Some Friends ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787

Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.


Chapter Nine

- Some Friends


The sounds of clicking keys along the keyboard filled the room. Inuyasha paused in his typing to pinch the bridge of his nose. He had nearly finished an email that had taken him close to an hour to write. He read over what he had written so far, mumbling to himself.
“So I believe this will increase…numbers should double next quarter…it would be advantages for both our companies…”
Normally something this routine would have taken him five minutes at a maximum. Today, however, he was distracted. Thoughts of Kagome had been plaguing him for days. He had hoped that once the new moon had passed things would go back to normal, they hadn’t. The next morning seeing his mark on her neck, then lying to her about the night before. He had felt the same tight feeling in chest that feeling like someone had taken a hold of his heart and was squeezing the life out of him. Was it really in his best interest to let her believe what she wanted? If he hadn’t lied, he would have won the bet. ‘But do I even care about the bet anymore? Doesn’t this feeling transcend that now?’ He shrugged off the thought. Since the moment he had met Kagome there had been a immediate sexual attraction, with her long legs, petite frame, large round breast, that led up to an elegant neck, which held up her perfect head. He imagined the way she looked when she smiled, the way her eyes lit up when she was excited, and the way her lips turned down in that adorable way when she was annoyed with him.
Inuyasha abruptly slammed his fist down on the desk. ‘Why can’t I even fantasize? Everything is tainted like this’ He fumed. ‘I promised myself I wouldn’t let a woman do this to me again, I promised myself I would always be in control of my emotions. I promised myself I was done falling in love’
Inuyasha swiveled his chair to face the window, steepening his fingers. ‘I’m just infatuated with her sexually, I’m not in love, she’s someone I’m sexually attracted to nothing more.’
A light wrapping at the door brought him from his inner turmoil.
“Come in,” He said dismissively. Unannounced like this, at this time of day it had to be either Sango or, if Kagome was early, it could be her. He listened as high heels walked purposefully across the room. ‘With that gate it has to be Kagome’ he thought. His head was still so distracted that he didn’t even register the scent of the person walking towards him. He turned his seat to face forward, the person standing in front of him was the last person he would have expected to see in his office uninvited.
“Hello Kikyo.”


< br>
Kagome sipped her ice water watching the door of the restaurant waiting for her dining companion. She upturned her wrist to check the time on her watch once again, ‘He’s running late’ she thought letting out a sigh. Kagome had been surprised to receive his call when she did. It was an unexpected, yet pleasant, surprise. She still had a lunch date with Inuyasha, but when she got the call she just couldn’t resist the temptation to bend the just rules a little. ‘I can’t always follow the rules,’ she mused ‘besides its kind of fun taking time away from that pompous bastard.’ Kagome stifled a giggle behind her hand. She probably seemed crazy to her fellow diners, laughing by herself. ‘If only real life Inuyasha could be more like the dream Inuyasha’ Kagome thought wistfully. She had spent a lot time over the past few days analyzing her dream and its meaning. ‘Why would I have a sex dream about Inuyasha with black hair? And he was so sweet in my dreams I even remember at one point in the dream him tenderly brush the hair from my face almost like he was in lo…” Before Kagome could continue the thought she heard someone calling out her name.
“Kagome,” Jak said excitedly, rushing towards her. “So sorry for being late,” he said as he took a seat across from her. “There was a fashion crisis that could not be averted, I tried to get away as fast as I could, but you know how these things go.”
“Of course,” Kagome said placating.

A waiter with light blonde hair and diamond stud in one ear sauntered over to take Jak’s drink order.
“What are you having?” he said flirtatiously.
“I’ll have a diet coke, I’m trying to watch my weight,” Jak said playfully.
“You don’t need to lose a pound,” the waiter said in a flattering ton.
“Oh you’re a sweetie,” Jak said with a wink.
“I’ll be right back with your drink,” the waiter said sweetly, before he bustled off with a small waggle in his hips.
Kagome shook her head smiling to herself it was the same old Jak, habitually late and a constant need to be the center of attention.
“Sorry about that Kagome, now tell me about your scandalous marriage,” Jak said turning to her to give her his full attention, Kagome smiled. ‘He always has been a gossiper’ she thought amusedly.
“Cutting to the chase?” Kagome said lightly.
“You knew what I wanted when I asked you to meet me,” He said with a sparkle in his eye.
“We’ll there isn’t much to tell, I went to Vegas, met a guy there and got married.” Kagome said shrugging her shoulders while upturning her hands. “It’s your normal boy meets girl type of situation.”
“That’s no good I’m looking for the dirt, the details, I’ve gathered as much information from Kelly already,” He pouted.
Kagome paused for a moment so far no one had really asked for more details about her marriage, most were satisfied with the standard, ‘we met in Vegas decided to get married story’. She formulated a believable story in her mind.
“Well he saw me from across the bar, he came over and he asked me my name…”‘Damn how do stories like this go?’ “We got to talking and we really hit it off…we ended up in his room, and…eh… one thing led to another and before you know it…” Kagome paused, it was almost painful to say the next part. “I fell madly in love with him and we got married,” Kagome ground out. ‘Does the lying ever get any easier?’ she thought despairingly.
“That’s so romantic you sure have changed a lot since college. I still remember an innocent, studious, virgin who wouldn’t put a toe out of line.” Jak said nostalgically.
“And I remember an obnoxious fencing enthusiast who had a different girlfriend every week,” Kagome countered.
“Touché,” Jak laughed heartily. “It’s hard to stay with a girl when she realizes you can’t get it up for her.”
“You could get it up for me,” Kagome laughed lightly.
“Only you girl,” Jak winked.
“Stop it,” Kagome said playfully hitting his arm.
“Looks like you’re being taken care of without me around,” Jak said motioning to Kagome’s fading hicky like bruise.
“This? I got it when I fell down, while I was drunk,” Kagome said defensively.
“Is that the story you’re telling your mother?” Jak said raising a brow.
“Honestly,” Kagome blushed, ‘Of course it’s a bruise, what benefit would Inuyasha have in lying to me about it. If he won the bet he would be lording it over me for days, I’m sure... Wouldn’t he?
“Earth to Kagome, are you in there?” Jak said waving a hand in front of Kagome’s face.
“Huh, oh sorry I guess I’ve got some things on my mind.” Kagome said distractedly.
“Oh?” Jak said leadingly.
“It’s nothing,” Kagome said dismissively, when she realized something. “What time is it?”
“About twelve-twenty,” Jak replied pulling out his cell phone.
“Damn it I was supposed to meet Inuyasha twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh really?” Jak said excitedly.
“And I valet my car, this is going to take forever,” she moaned.
“Oh let me drive you, I’ll use any excuse to see that stud muffin of a husband of yours again.”
“I guess if it’s not too much trouble?” Kagome said hopefully.
“My pleasure,” Jak said practically jumping out of his seat and heading for the door.


< /div>
Kikyo stood before him, just the way he remembered her. Her long black hair pushed up on her head by a pair of large white sunglasses. She regarded him with the same cold black eyes, accessing, calculating. She was wearing a short jean skirt paired with a tight red top that had a deep v-neck. ‘This is the body of a woman I used to craze?’ he thought critically, ‘Kagome is much more attractive’.
“Inuyasha,” she said smoothly,
“What cat dragged you in?” Inuyasha said disinterestedly, if she was here it couldn’t be anything good.
“I was in the neighborhood I thought I would stop in and say hello,” She said casually, as she strolled over to his desk.
“Since when did we part as friends?” Inuyasha accused.
“Inuyasha don’t tell me you’re still holding onto the past” Kikyo pouted.
“What do you want Kikyo,” He said cutting to the chase. He wasn’t in the mood for more of her game playing that had ended for him years ago.
“I heard a rumor you were married,” Kikyo said sliding onto his desk, Inuyasha leaned back in his chair hoping to get away from her scent, it reminded him of unhappier times and it seemed to be penetrating his senses.
“What if I am?” he replied mildly.
“That disappoints me Inuyasha,” she said leaning in seemingly to get a pen from the desk. “I thought you would have waited for me,” She said sadly.
“You’re never going to change will you Kikyo, you’re always going to want what you can’t have.”
“You’re wrong Inuyasha I always get what I want, when I want something, nothing can ever stopped me.” She leaned in close their faces a mere inch apart, when the sound of raucous laughter burst into the office.
“Kikyo?” Sango said in disbelief. Kikyo shot up, before casually standing up and walking towards the door.
“Excuse me I was just leaving,” she said before brushing past them. As she passed Kagome they each shot the other a dirty glare.
“What was she doing here?” Kagome said disgustedly.
“Nothing, wait how do you know her?” Inuyasha said suspiciously.
“I had the displeasure of meeting her at the bar the other night,” Kagome said with distaste. ‘So that’s how she found out’ He thought.
“What did she want?” Sango interrupted his thoughts.
“Nothing important,” he said dismissively.
Kagome gave him a suspicious glare before continuing, “Well I’m sorry to be late I had to meet up with Jak. So let’s get going to lunch I have things to do,” Kagome said in a calculating tone.
“Oh Kagome, can I come too?” Jak begged.
“Me too?” Sango added.
“I don’t mind if Inuyasha doesn’t mind,” Kagome said looking to Inuyasha.
“I don’t care I’m not going anywhere,” He said stubbornly.
“What do you mean, you have to come,” she said agitatedly.
“I mean you go without me,” he said firmly, turning his chair to face the window.
“But…” Kagome trialed off.
“Let him stay here Kagome, this way I can take you bathing suit shopping!” Sango said excitedly.
“Shopping, I’m in,” Jak chimed in.
“Alright I guess,” Kagome said hesitantly.
“Great let’s get going,” Sango said heading towards the door.
“Don’t worry Inuyasha we’ll bring her back to you in one piece,” Jak said playfully.
Inuyasha listened as their footsteps faded away before turning his chair to face the door once more. ‘Kikyo’s back,’ he thought ‘and she knows that I’m married to Kagome. This could be a problem.’


Kagome held up a string with two triangles of fabric. ‘What is this supposed to cover half my nipple?’ She thought inspecting the tiny bikini. She picked up the hanger that held the watching bottom half of the bikini, an equally thin piece of fabric, with enough coverage for a toddler. ‘Or younger’ she thought sarcastically. ‘How is this supposed to be a bathing suit?’ She thought, as she put the scant piece of fabric back on the rack she had found it.
“Kagome I found the perfect bathing suit for you” Jak cooed from the next aisle. Kagome walked over to Jak hesitantly. He was holding up a bright pink bikini with frills all over the trim. “Look at this!” He said proudly.
“I don’t know if I would look good in a pink bikini,” Kagome said carefully.
“She’s right,” Sango interrupted walking over from a few aisles over. “Pink’s not her color.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Kagome said meekly.
“Pink is more my color,” Sango continued completely ignoring Kagome, “I think Kagome is more of a red.” She held up a fire engine red bikini.
“You think she has the skin tone for that color? What about a nice blue or green?” Jak countered.
“Hmm good point,” Sango said contemplatively.
“Does anyone care what I have to say?” Kagome said unassumingly.
“I know lets have her try them all on,” Jak said excitedly.
“What a great idea!” Sango said clapping her hands together.
“WHAT AM I, A DOLL,” Kagome shouted.
They paused in their conversation to look at her, “Sorry Kagome I almost forgot you were there,” Sango said apologetically.
“Me too,” Jak admitted sheepishly.
“Well I don’t know why you two find it so crucial that I buy a bathing suit,” Kagome said angrily.
“Kagome we’re leaving for Mount Hakurei in two weeks, and it’s not just a resort, it’s the number one spa resort in the state. There’s plenty of baths and you’ll need a bathing suit.”
“Did you say baths?” Kagome said a smiling creeping up her features.
“Yeah, the best hot spring baths you’ll ever visit,” Jak said conspiringly adding to Sango’s story.
“Give me those,” Kagome said grabbing a pile of bathing suits from Jak’s open arms. She rushed into the dressing room, and quickly began undressing when she realized. ‘Damn it they tricked me.
“Make sure you come out and show us each one!” Sango called,
“Some friends,” Kagome mumbled to herself.
“What was that?” Jak called,
“I said sure thing,” Kagome replied sweetly. ‘Damn Jak he knows me too well he always could get me to do things I didn’t want to do.’

“Isn’t it fun dressing up Kagome?” Sango said happily.
“It sure is,” Jak agreed, “It’s funny she’s changed a lot since college.”
“How so,” Sango said interested.
“In college she was always straight and narrow, never diverging from her own plan for her life. And it took a lot more than some simple treachery to get her to do what you wanted. She could be really stubborn.” He said wistfully.
“Hmm, I haven’t known her very long, but she’s been very accommodating during the time I’ve known her, she even sang the other night when we went out together.”
“Really?” He said in disbelief, “Even I couldn’t get her to sing, and I could get her to do anything. I guess marrying Inuyasha has finally loosened her up, because I know the Kagome I knew in college would never have married a stranger.”
“Huh,” Sango said thoughtfully, ‘that’s strange’ she thought, but before she could continue the thought Kagome emerged from the dressing room. She was wearing a green bathing suit with white piping along the edges.
“Happy?” she said unenthusiastically.
“Twirl around,” Jak instructed.
Without flare and slumped posture, Kagome twirled in a single circle.
“I’m satisfied, are you?” Jak said amusedly to Sango.
“I’m satisfied, let’s see the next one,” Sango demanded.
Kagome trudged back into the dressing room slamming the door.

Kagome tried on and model several more suits, each time she gave as little effort or showmanship as possible. Before she came out with the final bathing suit, Sango got a text message. As she fished her phone out of her pocket she got a devilish idea.
“Want to do something naughty?” Sango said turning to Jak.
“Always” Jak said turning to Sango, “What did you have in mind?”
“Let’s take a picture of Kagome in her next bathing suit and send it to Inuyasha.” she said in an excited whisper.
“Oh you’re bad,” he said hitting her playfully.
“So you’re in?” she said excitedly.
“You couldn’t stop me from doing it now,” he replied,
A moment later Kagome emerged from the dressing room, in a very flattering red bikini that exposed just enough to be sexy without being risqué. Sango quickly snapped a picture with her phone.
“What are you doing?” Kagome said suspiciously.
“Nothing,” Sango replied innocently.
“Hey Kagome I think you dropped something,” Jak said pointing to the ground behind her.
“I did?” Kagome turned around to look, while Sango took another picture.
“Yeah I think I see something on the ground,” Jak continued.
“Right there bend down and get it,” He said firmly,
“I don’t see anything.”
“No I think there’s some money on the ground,” Jak insisted.
“Really?” Kagome said excitedly bending over to pick up the invisible money. Her rear was right in line with the camera phone as Sango took a third picture.
‘I got it,’ Sango mouthed to Jak.
“Oh never mind I guess it was nothing,” He said casually.
“Oh well, I guess,” Kagome said as she stood back up, shrugging her shoulders.
“So what do you think of this suit?” Sango asked innocently as she slid her phone back into her pocket.
“I actually like this one, I think I’m going to buy it.” Kagome said admiring her own body.
“Great, why don’t you go change and then we’ll go pay for it.” Jak said urging her along.
“Alright, no need to rush me,” Kagome said walking back into the dressing room.
They waited till the door closed before they both stared laughing madly.
“Let me see what you took,” Jak said holding out his hand for the phone.
They scrolled through the pictures before coming to the final one.
“This is the one,” Sango said triumphantly.
Jak nodded in agreement “it’s perfect.”


< br>
Inuyasha dropped his keys onto the counter as he staggered into the living room, before slumping onto the couch. He rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. He’d left work early. Shortly after Kagome and the others left, he’d lost his last shred of concentration. The combination of Kikyo and his confusion about Kagome was damning. He was considering making himself a stiff drink when his self phone began vibrating in his pocket. ‘This better not be work related’ he thought grudgingly as he removed his cell phone from his pocket. He flipped it open and inspected the screen, it was a picture message from Sango with the title ‘enjoy’. ‘What’s this?’ he thought opening the text message. He was nearly floored by the sight that greeted him. Kagome’s firm rear was presented to him. Her mound, barely swathed in a bright red bikini, her legs were splayed revealing the outline of her sex. Past that he could see the small rise of her breasts, he had an instant erection. ‘I am enjoying this’ he thought.

An evil thought came to mind, ‘I know just how to prove to myself that this is all just a game and nothing more.’ He jumped to his feet and headed towards the door. ‘But first I’m going to need some supplies.’


After the bathing suit store, Sango and Jak had dragged Kagome all over the mall, they talked her into buying some new outfits for the resort, and they convinced her to buy a couple new pairs of shoes. And much to her horror they made her buy a sexy black negligee. ‘I won’t be using that anytime soon’ she thought tiredly. She’d never made it back to the office and she feared the amount of work that waited her tomorrow. ‘Can’t think about that right now’ she thought, ‘I just want a nice long bath and a glass of wine with a good book’ she concluded.
She stumbled down the hallway to her apartment her arms were overlain with bags. She fumbled with her keys when she reached her door, and she managed to get the door open. The sounds that greeted her were shocking. She fell into the door, as soft romantic music played. ‘What’s going on?’ She thought. ‘This has to have something to do with Inuyasha.’ She set down her bags before cautiously entering the living room.
“Inuyasha?” She said carefully. There was no response. She found an envelope on the kitchen counter, she tore it open. It read,

’Kagome, I’ve drawn a bath and set up some nice music for you please enjoy.


She turned the letter over a few times looking for some kind of hidden message. ‘What’s his angle? Is he here somewhere waiting for me to get naked. Then again I can’t say no a nice bath’ Kagome set down the note and padded into her bedroom. There was no sign of Inuyasha. She eased over to the bathroom door, opening it slowly. All the lights were off, and Inuyasha had lit many small candles. The bath had already been filled with fresh bubbles and it smelled like jasmine and lavender. ‘How nice,’ she thought. She looked around to make sure Inuyasha wasn’t hiding in the corners of the bathroom waiting to spring on her when she turned her back. Once she was satisfied, she was alone. She locked the bathroom door, and slipped off her clothes.
She sank into the warm bath water. It soothed her aching muscles and the soft music and candles made for a relaxing atmosphere.

Kagome soaked in the tub for a better part of a half hour until the water had long gone cold and the bubbles had all gone flat. Then she got out of the tub and toweled herself of slowly. Now dry she put on a bathrobe and went into her bedroom. It had been transformed into a scene out of a romance novel. Four posts had been erected at each end of the bed with red draping curtains. Red rose petals were scattered over a white comforter, the lights were down and lit candles were littered across the room. Kagome strolled over to the bed where another envelope was waiting for her. She tore at it excitedly wondering what the next surprise could be. ‘Maybe it’s food, that would be great a nice dinner.’ She eagerly unfolded the letter, it had a simple message.

‘If you’re wonder why I’m doing this and where I am turn around’

Kagome turned around cautiously, Inuyasha was standing in the doorway of her room. He was shirtless and in a pair of loose fitting slacks.
“Inuyasha what is all of this about?” She said trying to sound angry, but it was all so reminiscent of her dream it was hard to resist.
“It’s all for you Kagome” He said as he strolled over to her, he wrapped an arm around her waist easily, pulling her body close to his. A battle between common sense and desire battled within her. She looked up at him torn between looking into his golden eyes and turning away.
“Inuyasha I don’t know…” she said softly.
Inuyasha took her face in his hand, “Stop thinking so much Kagome and kiss me,” he brought her lips to his and kissed her deeply. She couldn’t help but feel herself melt into him. His skilled tongue searched out her mouth, making her long for him. ‘What am I doing what about the…’ reason was escaping her he was too good of a kisser to deny her urges.

She was melting into him just like he had expected her to, he could see the lust in her eyes, but it was all wrong. It didn’t feel right, he thought what he had wanted was for Kagome to sleep with him, but now that she was plying to his whim, it wasn’t what he had expected. Kagome pulled away motioning towards the bed, she began lowering her robe. ‘I can’t do this,’ he thought ‘I can’t take the deceit’. He placed a hand on her shoulder as she gave him a look full of longing.
“Kagome I’m sorry I can’t do this,”
She looked at him like he had grown a second head.
“What do you mean you can’t do this?” She said quietly.
“This isn’t right, I can’t…” he pushed away from her and ran for the door, leaving Kagome alone in the candle lit room.

‘I should have known this was all just a game to him’ Kagome fumed. She began blowing out the candles around the room. ‘I almost fell for this romance crap, I’m so gullible. I should know that a dream and reality are two different things.’

Inuyasha slumped against the door to his room, ‘What is wrong with me a few weeks ago I would have jumped at the chance to sleep with Kagome, just a few days ago I did. Why can’t I seduce her without feeling this terrible guilt’. Inuyasha racked his fingers through his hair, ‘I’m pathetic.’


Short chapter I know… and I’m sure I pissed off some people, Again. I promise the next chapter will be well worth the frustration! Thank you to all my fabulous readers and especially to those of you who answered the final Karaoke song question.
In order received P-Tama, (she edits for me so of course she saw it first.) On Fanfiction.Net Lady Kira94 and KagomeYasha. And the only one on Media Miner Cassandralynn30 and you get extra bonus points for giving the name of the band who sang it you rock!