InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens When a Demon and a Mermaid Mix!! ❯ First Time on Land! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.2 ~ First Time on Land!
Disclaimer: Hello again! Nope I do not own Inu-yasha. I can still wish though. Okay, Roll it!
Kagome watched as a figure emerged. She gasped at what she saw. A girl with long dark brown, with cinnamon brown eyes and a giant boomerang on her back stepped out. She had a black cat suit on with pink armor here and there. She had a red sash around her waist with a sword tucked in it. The girl blinked then blushed. Kagome just realized that she was only half dressed and blushed bright red.
The girl then knelt down beside her and asked. “Are you okay?” Kagome nodded and muttered. “I guess so. At least I'm not dead.” The girl looked at her curiously then said. “I'm Sango” Kagome blinked in surprise and stuttered out. “I. . . . I'm . . .I'm Kagome. Nice to meet you.”
Sango smiled gently. “Here you can borrow my kimono. I don't need it while in my slayer uniform.” She said. Kagome nodded and smiled. Sango pulled out the kimono and gave it to Kagome. “Thanks” replied Kagome. Sango nodded. “It's okay. When we get back to my camp, we'll get you some clothes. Then you can tell me what happened to you.” She said.
Kagome slipped on the kimono and tried to stand. After the third attempt Sango put an arm around her waist and Kagome's arm over her shoulders.
They had finally made back to camp and it was already sunset. Sango had gotten some clothes for her and she was changing in Sango's tent. “So her name's Sango . . . . I wonder if she knows anything about Naraku. After all he appeared so suddenly, and he wasn't from another village so he must've come from the surface. After all he's a half-demon and last time I checked half-demons can't breathe underwater.” She thought, frowning.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see a yellow and black stripped two tailed cat come in. So when the cat nudged her, she screamed. Sango came rushing in almost tripping over her kimono with her hand on her boomerang. “What's the matter?!” She asked hurriedly looking around for an enemy.
Sango saw the cat and gave a soft laugh. “What's so funny?!” asked Kagome angrily. Sango just giggled as she picked up the cat. “This is Kirara. She's a Fire Cat Demon. Don't worry, she won't hurt you. She's my friend.” said Sango still giggling. The Demon gave a small `mew' and tilted her head.
Kagome blinked and sat down sighing. Sango leaned her Hirokostu against and sat down next to Kagome with Kirara in her lap. “So care to tell what happened? Even in this land, women don't show up on a beach half naked.” She finished.
Kagome sighed and thought. “Might as well. . . . She's the only one I can trust right now.. . . I am alone here after all. “I'm a Mermaid. I live in the ocean and down there, we have a Princess. She has been made to be wed to a man by the name of Naraku, who arrived about a month ago. Well this morning I went into a forest to pick some coral berries. When I saw him talking with a small girl. He spotted me and tried to kill me. He turned me human hoping I would drown. But it didn't work and here I am.” Kagome finished softly.
She looked over to Sango who looked furious. “Did I say something wrong?” She asked hesitantly. Sango gave a sad smile and shook her head. “My turn. See I'm an elf. I come from a village of Demon Slayers. While I wasn't there, Naraku slaughtered everyone in my village. He killed everyone, including my little brother Kohaku. I'm traveling with a group who want to destroy Naraku so he can't commit another evil deed.” She finished solemnly.
Kagome hadn't noticed before but Sango's ears were pointed. She bet more so than a demon's. And her eyes seem to have an extra light to them.
Kagome's eyes widened then. “How terrible . . . . He did all that? Why? For what purpose. He probably enjoyed it. I knew it . . . He's evil, plain and simple.” She thought. “I knew it. I thought he was evil. I sensed it from him.” said Kagome sadly.
Sango looked over at her in surprise then got a thoughtful expression. “I think Kaede might want to see you. You might have a miko's power. Then that means you'll be able to use the Shikon Jewel. I do believe she's traveling with Sesshoumaru. We'll be going to meet Miroku tomorrow. He'll be very interested in this information. We now know where Naraku is. We just have to figure out why and how to get there.” Sango finished firmly.
Kagome just nodded. “The Shikon Jewel? Miroku? Kaede? Sesshoumaru? Who are these people? They're all hunting Naraku? I know why . . . Naraku must've have done something to them all. Like Sango and her village. I was right. If Naraku marries Princess Kikyo, then the ocean will defiantly not be the same! Who knows what he'll do! He could destroy the whole ocean for all I know! Well, I'm not going to let him! I'm going make sure he's defeated!” She thought determinedly.
Her face then fell. “This is allot bigger than I pictured and all because of Naraku.” She thought sadly. She looked over at Sango who had already bedded down and fallen asleep. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't realized how late it had gotten.
“I guess I should get some sleep too. Walking is going to be different. Hopefully I won't fall too much. She thought. She did the same and as she closed her eyes only one thought went through her head. But I have legs now. . . . That means . . . . . I'll never see my home again.” She thought as a tear ran down her cheek.
The next day found them walking through a beautiful forest. Kagome stumbled once in a while but was doing considerably better at walking. Especially since, she had been swimming her whole life in the ocean. Kagome looked over at Sango.
Sango had been holding back laughs all day and was grinning right now. She couldn't blame her. Then a thought struck her. “Sango?” She asked. Sango looked over at her. “What this Miroku like?” She asked. Sango got an annoyed look.
“He's nothing but a pervert!” Sango said angrily. Kagome then heard a deep male voice say. “Now Sango, how can you say such a thing about me?” Kagome blinked and looked to see a guy walking over to them.
He was wearing robes of purple and black. He had black hair pulled into a little pony tail at the base of his head and had laughing violet purple eyes. He had earrings in his ears and was carrying what looked like a monk's staff. The rings jingled lightly as he came to a stop in front of them.
He walked up to her and grabbed her hands. “What a lovely maiden. My name is Miroku. And may you bestow me with your name?” He asked. Kagome smiled brightly and said. “My name is Kagome.” Miroku gave a charming smile and asked.
“Kagome what a beautiful name. May I ask you a simple question?” Kagome got a confused look while Sango got a furious one. Kagome nodded as Miroku grinned. He kept one hand holding hers and wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Will you do me the honor of bearing me a child?” He asked smoothly. Kagome's eyes widened as she turned bright red. She then felt a hand groping her backside and turned even redder.
A loud sound echoed through out the forest. Miroku had two very red handprints on his face. “It was worth the pain.” He said dreamily. Sango looked beyond furious. “MIROKU!! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN?! YOU'RE SUCH A PERVERT!!!” Sango shouted. Kagome could swear the whole forest had heard Sango.
Miroku started to back away from where he had fallen on the ground looking scared. “Now Sango, Let's not be hasty!!” He said nervously. Sango just approached the now very scared monk like a tiger. But stalked right past him angrily only shooting him a glare.
He looked like he was about to die from the shock. He gave a sigh of relief and muttered. “The heavens are smiling down upon me today.” Kagome laughed softly as she followed Sango.
It was already night and Sango had just finished telling Miroku what Kagome had told her. He looked thoughtful and said. “I see. I'm sure Inu yasha will want to know this.” Kagome looked at him in confusion. “Whose Inu yasha? Oh well, another name on my list.” She thought, sighing. Then she smiled at Miroku.
“Umm . . . Miroku?” She asked. He looked at her smiling and asked. “Yes? What can I do for you Kagome?” Kagome got a hesitant look. “It's really none of my business. . . . But I can't help but want to know. Sango told me about her on her own free will. Miroku might not want to tell me about himself... It might be too painful. She thought nervously.
“Sango told me why she's hunting Naraku. I'm just curious . . . . . But why are you hunting Naraku?” asked Kagome hesitantly. Miroku gave a small smile.
“I'm a monk, so was my father and grandfather. My Grandfather was hunting down Naraku because of the crimes he had committed. But Naraku disguised himself as a beautiful elf. You see, my grandfather was a lecher. My grandfather fell for it and Naraku put a curse on him. He cursed him with a windtunnel that would kill him. It will carry on through the generations until Naraku is killed. I have the curse too. It will kill me eventually if Naraku isn't killed.” He finished solemnly.
Kagome looked at him sadly and said softly. “I'm so sorry” “I wish I hadn't asked. Now I feel guilty. It must be so sad and painful knowing you're going to die if someone isn't stopped.” She thought looking down. Miroku shook his head and gave her a smile. “It's ok. Don't worry about it.” He said. Sango then sighed and stood stretching slightly. “I'm going to bed, Goodnight.” She said going into a tent.
Miroku nodded and stood as well. “Me too” He went into the tent Sango had gone in. Kagome stood and gave a slight giggle knowing what was going to happen then yawned. She heard a loud `Miroku!' and Miroku came running out of the tent with a red handprint. He sped into the other like he was being chased by a shark.
Kagome gave a laugh as she went into the tent Miroku just left. She saw a steaming Sango getting into bed. She rolled out her own bed and laid down still laughing now silently.
“It's going to be a long day tomorrow. I wonder if I'll get to meet the others tomorrow too. But I can't help this feeling of excitement. Something is going to happen again but I know this time it'll be a good thing. She thought as she drifted off to sleep.
To Be Continued. . . .
Ch. 3 He's a Prince?!
I hope you all enjoyed this. Tell me if these chapters are better than the last ones. And please review. Til then!
~Lady Sakura