InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens When a Demon and a Mermaid Mix!! ❯ He's a Prince?! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.3 ~ He's a Prince?!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-yasha. There I said it again. Now let's get on with the story!
It had been three days since then and they had been walking non- stop. Right now though they were taking a break. Kagome looked over at Miroku and Sango. One of the two was flirting while the other was trying to resemble a cherry.
“It seems to me to me that Sango and Miroku are in love. . . I wonder if they've admitted it to eachother yet. From the way they're acting, probably not. She thought, sighing as Sango stomped away.
She went over to Miroku and sat beside him. He was rubbing the brand new handprint acquired from Sango. “Miroku?” She asked. He tore his eyes away from Sango's form to look at her. “Hm?” muttered Miroku.
Kagome smirked. “Oh yeah, he has it very bad. I wonder if there's anything I can do to help. She thought then asked. “How long is it until we get to the others?” Miroku looked thoughtful for a moment then replied.
“If we continue the way we are . . . . Then we should meet up with Inu yasha and Kouga soon. But we'll still have to meet up with Kaede and Sesshoumaru. That'll take a couple of days at least. Then we'll just have to figure out what to do from there.”
Kagome nodded smiling. Then she stood and went into the forest to find Sango. Leaving Miroku to pack up so, they could get started again. “Sango!” She called. She found Sango sitting on a rock in the middle of a clearing.
She seemed deep in thought. Kagome called her name again and when didn't receive an answer walked over to her. “Sango? Are you alright?” She asked as she put her hand on Sango's shoulder.
Sango jumped slightly but smiled and said. “I'm alright. I was just thinking about something. Don't worry Kagome.” Kagome got a sly look on her face then. “You were thinking about Miroku weren't you?” She asked.
Sango turned a deep crimson while Kagome giggled. “You're in love with Miroku! I knew it!” She exclaimed. Sango's blush got darker and she stuttered out. “Am. . . Am not! Who could love such a pervert! Including that pervert! How can you accuse me of such a thing Kagome?!”
Kagome gave a soft laugh. “Yes you are! I can tell!” said Kagome. Sango sighed but replied quietly. “How . . . . . could you tell?” Kagome smiled gently. “It was easy to see. Since Miroku is the same. He's in love with you too.” She said gently.
Sango gave her a shocked look and asked in disbelief. “M . . . . M . . . . Miro . . . . ku? You sure?” Kagome smiled. “Well I'm not one hundred percent sure but he acts the same. So I'm pretty sure.” said Kagome with certainly.
Sango gave a small giggle. “We'll see. I'm going to wait until Naraku is dead before I tell him though.” She said smiling. Kagome nodded. “Well at least I helped a little even if all I did was tell her that Miroku seemed to feel the same way.” She thought smiling. They walked out of the forest together and to a waiting Miroku. She saw as they walked along Sango get closer to Miroku. Who pretended not to notice but was smiling.
“I hope I can find someone to love as much as Sango loves Miroku.” She thought smiling softly, walking along side Miroku.
It was already mid afternoon and Sango had just suggested that take a break considering Kagome had been stumbling more and more due to exhaustion. But every time she had fallen Miroku had caught her and steady her without a single perverted incident.
He had agreed looking at her with concern then looked straight ahead while Sango was helping her up from her latest fall. “At least I'm getting used to them. They're just like my fins. But I'm on land so I can't use my arms like I would to swim. I guess I'll have to take more breaks like Sango suggested.” She thought, sighing.
“Hey! There's Inu yasha!” Miroku said. Kagome looked ahead to see two guys. One had long silver hair that went past his waist with two dog like ears on top of his head. He had slitted golden eyes that held a special depth and was wearing a bright red kimono with a sword strapped to his side.
The other had long raven black hair tied up into a high ponytail that went past his shoulders. He had bright sky blue eyes that seem shine with an extra light. He was wearing armor and a fur kilt. Then she noticed he had a dark brown tail that was going back and forth.
The guys stopped at them and looked her over curiously. Kagome couldn't help it but the stare from the silver haired guy was unnerving her. It was like he was trying to peer into her soul. Miroku put a hand towards him and said looking at her.
“Kagome this is Inu yasha. And this guy is . . .” He put his hand towards the black haired one. “Kouga. Gentlemen this is, Kagome.” He finished. Inu yasha gave a “Feh” and a nod while Kouga gave a charming grin.
“Pleasure to meet you!” She said brightly. Inu yasha gave a nod then said. “Alright let's take a break then we'll continue west. That's where Sesshoumaru is.” Everyone nodded and Sango started getting things out of her pack.
Kagome went to a tree and sat down under it. She looked over to Miroku who were talking to Inu-yasha and Kouga. They were listening intently. She knew what they were talking about. They were talking about her and what she had to say about Naraku. She wondered if they would question her or maybe not believe her at all.
She sighed and looked up at the sky, watching the clouds. After a while she felt someone sit next to her. She glanced over to see Inu-yasha. He was staring straight ahead.
She just looked at the ground, having a feeling about what was to come. “You're far away from home, aren't you?” He asked quietly. She nodded and replied softly. “I can't go back. I'm human and even if I could Naraku would try to kill me . . . again.”
She could feel his eyes on her and for some reason wanted to blush. “What did you do to make Naraku want to kill you?” asked Inu yasha curiously. “I . . . I . . . I don't know. I just saw him talking with a girl and that's all.” She replied.
“Miroku told me that he arrived and got himself mated to your Princess. Naraku doesn't do anything without a reason. What reason would he have to mate your Princess?” He said seriously.
Kagome looked thoughtful and then said. “Well my kingdom has a great army but they can't leave the water though. So that wouldn't be the reason. He could be marrying her just so he could control the ocean. But then again . . .” She paused and turned toward him. “He seems more after Princess Kikyo than anything.” She finished.
Inu yasha's eyes widened. “Kikyo?!” He asked. Kagome nodded and said. “They said the Queen had a daughter. But her daughter disappeared for years, but she found her way home. Her name was Kikyo. Even though, the Queen never got a chance to actually name her Mer-child.”
Inu yasha nodded and said. “I now know why. Kikyo was a priestess you see. She was Kaede's older sister. Fifty years ago, I knew her, we were . . . Friends. Kikyo was the guardian of the Shikon Jewel. She betrayed me and put me into a sleeping spell and betrayed her sister by giving the Jewel to Naraku. If she gave him the Jewel than he would free her of her duties as a priestess.” He paused, looking at her.
“Kaede confronted her and Naraku but she was only a pup. Though, she held her own having been taught by Kikyo. Kikyo died in the crossfire between Naraku and her sister. Naraku gained the power to resurrect her a while ago. She was resurrected and I was awakened. But Kikyo fled, no one knew where until now.” He finished.
“He sounded so sad when he said her name. I don't know why . . . . but I don't want him to feel sadness... Wait a sec! Oh no! That means Princess Kikyo isn't the real Princess. When the Queen finds out she's going to be heartbroken.” She thought sadly.
“Then Kikyo isn't the real Princess. The real Princess is still out there somewhere. The poor Queen. . . She was so happy to see Kikyo.” said Kagome now with tears in her eyes.
Inu yasha blinked then blushed. “This girl . . . Her scent is so sweet. Wait a second! I can't believe this! She cares about what the Queen is going to feel when she finds out Kikyo isn't her daughter? She should be worried about herself! But . . .she's not . . . She cares more for other's feelings than her own. This girl seems to be the complete opposite of Kikyo. But . . . for some reason . . . . I don't want to see her to shed any tears. Is it possible for me to trust again after what happened with Kikyo? For once I think I will follow the damn monk's advice. This once only though. And I'm not going to tell him I did either. He thought staring at her.
Kagome caught him staring at her and asked. “What is it?” He blushed deeper, turning away and muttered. “Nothing” Kagome blinked in confusion then remembered. “Inu yasha?” She asked. He turned back to her. “What is the Shikon Jewel? I've heard Sango and Miroku talk about it before. Sango even saying I might be able to use it but I don't know what it is.” She said.
Inu yasha raised an eyebrow. “You don't know what it is?” He asked. Kagome shook her head. “The Shikon Jewel or Jewel of Four Souls is a jewel that has incredible power. Naraku wants the jewel for power. It's also the only thing that can in the right hands destroy him. Kikyo was the guardian but couldn't use the jewel. Ever since she died the jewel has been looking for a new guardian. Kaede has been protecting the jewel since Kikyo died.” He finished.
Kagome looked thoughtful for a moment and asked. “Could I be the new guardian?” He nodded. “Who knows? But we'll have to have the Jewel here to make sure. We'll find when we meet up with Sesshoumaru.” He said, shrugging.
He saw that the others had already packed up and were going down the road already. He muttered a curse. Kagome blushed as he took her hand and pulled her up. “Come on. We're gonna fall behind.” muttered Inu yasha blushing.
Kagome nodded and followed beside him. But he didn't let go of her hand. She looked ahead and saw that Miroku and Kouga were both grinning back at her in a knowing way. She blushed but didn't mind.
In fact she liked holding his hand. She just gave it a soft squeeze and watched as he blushed darker.
Inu yasha held her hand until they picked a spot for camp. She had just finished gathering the firewood and sat it next to the fire pit for Inu yasha. He had started building the fire already.
“Need anymore?” She asked. He shook his silver head. Kagome smiled and took a few steps before she tripped. She held out her arms to catch herself but ended up falling against something warm and soft. Arms went around her.
She blinked and looked up to see a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. She couldn't help but blush. “His eyes . . . . They're like that sunset I saw when I went to the surface. I feel so warm . . .What am I feeling? I think I know . . . this is love isn't it?. But I just met him right? I guess this is what they call love at first sight.” She thought blushing darker.
“You okay? You need to be more careful.” said Inu yasha with a slight blush. She nodded as he let go of her.
When dinner was ready Miroku was the one who started the conversation. “You know what Kouga and Inu yasha are Kagome?” He asked. Sango immediately stood and went into their tent with Kirara and her food. Knowing what was about to transpire.
Inu yasha was glaring at him while Kouga was growling. Kagome just shook her head; she had a bad feeling that something bad was about to happen to Miroku.
“Kouga is a wolf demon. He's the Prince of the wolf demon tribe. The reason he's hunting Naraku is because Naraku murdered some of his tribe members” Miroku said casually.
She looked over at Kouga who looked furious. “Monk! You're dead!” He said growling. Kouga lunged at Miroku who had started running away. “There's no way you can get away Miroku!” He said angrily.
Miroku ran away yelling. “I KNOW!! BUT I CAN TRY!!” Kagome just laughed. She then looked over at Inu yasha who was smirking. “What about you Inu yasha?” She asked.
“I'm a half- demon. Half dog demon and half human. The reason I'm hunting Naraku is to get revenge for everything he's done.” He finished looking at her hesitantly.
Kagome gave a soft smile and said softly. “It seems you were expecting me to do something. But the only thing I'm thinking about is . . . you getting revenge. I know you want revenge for everybody here too. That's why I think you are very brave.” Inu yasha's eyes widened as he blushed bright red.
As Miroku ran by he shouted. “HE'S ALSO A PRINCE!!” Kagome looked shocked while Inu yasha gave Miroku a death glare who had already gone. He shouted to Kouga as he ran by in a tornado.
“GIVE A FEW PUNCHES FOR ME!!!” She heard a reply of “SURE THING” as the tornado disappeared. But she was still in too much shock to laugh. “Wow . . . He's a Prince. . . . A Prince?! All this time I've been walking next to a Prince. But he seemed angry that Miroku told me. I wonder why? She thought. She then asked in disbelief. “You're a Prince?!”
She heard him mutter “I'm going to kill him if Kouga don't.” but nodded. Kagome just smiled brightly at him. He turned to her and said. “My bastard of a brother is Prince. But I'm crown Prince.” “You don't like your brother much huh?” asked Kagome curiously.
“Feh. He's only my half brother. The reason I hate him is obvious. He hates me too.” Inu yasha said angrily. Kagome's eyes widened. “How can he hate you?!” She asked in shock.
Inu yasha gave her a strange look. “In this land, half- demons are considered inferior by full blooded demons and feared by humans. I've been hated and feared by everyone except the people in this group. It's the same for every half-demon. Of course he hates me.” Inu yasha finished angrily.
Kagome got tears in her eyes and said softly. “That's terrible. . . How could they do such a thing?” A tear ran down her cheek. Inu yasha looked shocked and quickly put his hands on her shoulders.
“Don't cry! It's ok! Just don't cry!” He said hurriedly. She sniffed but nodded. He gave a sigh and muttered blushing. “It's not that big of deal anyway.” Then he stood and fled into the forest. She watched him go sadly. “What did I do wrong?” She thought.
It was very late and everybody had gone to bed except her. She had just had a conversation with Kouga while helping him put a bruised Miroku to bed. Kouga had been nice enough to bring Miroku back after beating him into the ground. He had finally caught him about an hour ago. Apparently Miroku was very sneaky and knew how to hide well.
She saw Inu yasha under a tree looking like he was asleep. Kagome walked over and sat down next to him. “You should be in bed Kagome.” said Inu yasha opening his eyes. She smiled and replied. “I'm not sleepy. By the way . . . . . D. . . Did . . . . Did I say something to upset you Inu-yasha?”
“No, you didn't. Don't worry about it.” He muttered blushing. Kagome nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, smiling as she blushed bright red. “He's so warm... I feel so happy and content right now.” She thought as her breathing evened out.
Inu yasha blushed as he looked down at the sleeping girl. He just leaned back against the tree and put an arm around her. He let his eyes close and fell into a deep slumber.

To Be Continued. . . .
Ch. 4 Back Into the Water!!
Thanks for reading!! I hope you continue to read. Don't forget to review!
Lady Sakura