InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens When You Mix a Reincarnation, a Shadow, a Hanyou, and A Perverted Monk? ❯ The New Girl Is Very Odd... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

HEYYA!!!! It's me, Lavender-chan! I have returned!!! Sad thing is, I'm no longer doing Cyoa's on this site; I am now doing them on but I don't have any posted at the moment…so you'll have to wait for them, sorry!

Oh, and by the way, I'm co-writing this with Kagome Mizuno, just so we split the credit 50/50 ^_^.

Anyway, ON WE GO!!!

Chapter 1




A young girl with brown hair with blonde streaks opened one lazy brown eye to look at the clock…7:56am…

"WHAT! I'M LATE!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

She got up as quickly as humanly possible and rushed over to her closet to get her school uniform out.

"Lexi, honey, you're going to be late!" she heard her mother call.

`Oh, now she tells me!' Lexi thought sarcastically.

She literally jumped into the shower and got out in a record time. She brushed her hair as fast as she could and raced downstairs. She decided to skip breakfast, grabbed her lunch, kissed her mother good-bye (the rest of her family got to stay in) and raced out the door.

She was running down the side walk and raced by the Higurashi shrine. She did a double take as she saw a girl, who was not Kagome, standing in a tree looking at the shrine entrance. Lexi would have asked questions, but at that precise moment, she heard the warning bell.

`Ahhhhhh! If I'm late one more time, Miss Shod will Murder me!' was all Lexi could think as she ran the rest of the way to school.


"You got lucky this time, Reki-chan…" Kagome whispered to Lexi, who had just slumped into her seat.

"I know, I know…" Lexi sighed back.

Lexi had in fact been late, but Miss Shod had not been in the classroom, so she lucked out.

She got her books ready and just as she hung her bag on the side of the desk, Miss Shod came in with a new girl…

`That's the girl I saw at Kagome's!' Lexi thought, her eyes widening.

"Now listen up! This is Lavender! She will be with us until we can find out who her parents are…" Miss Shod explained on and on, but Lexi hardly heard any of it.

Lexi kept one eye on the new girl all day. She didn't like the feeling she got from this Lavender character…

At the end of the day, she and Kagome decided to study at Kagome's house for the test that was on Monday.

Before either of them left, they saw the new girl, Lavender, standing on top of a light post!! She was just standing on top of it like she was standing on the street! Then she jumped off, and landed on her feet like she had only jumped a couple of steps at the bottom of a flight of stairs and walked away!

"That girl can't be human…" Lexi said in aw [I would be amazed too, that light post is light thirty feet high!].

"I don't think she is either…" Kagome added, looking seriously after Lavender.


At about 4:00, Lexi was at the Higurashi's Shrine eating Mrs. Higurashi's fabulous cooking…

"This is Great Mrs. Higurashi!" Lexi said happily.

"Why thank you, Lexi." Mrs. Higurashi said, smiling down at Lexi.

"Well, mom, we need to get to studying! Oh wait…OH NO!!! I left my books in the Shrine!" Kagome said, running out.

"Wait up Kagome!" Lexi yelled after her, following.

Lexi waited outside the shrine just looking around, waiting for Kagome.

When she looked back at the house, she saw a shadow enter Kagome's window! The shadow exited just as fast as it entered. Lexi followed the shadow with her eyes.

The shadow entered the shrine behind her and Lexi followed. When she came in, she saw the silhouette of a girl blast Kagome into a wall of the shrine and leap onto the edge of the well.

"Oh, no you don't!" Lexi yelled and tackled the shadow from behind.

As they both fell into the well, Kagome yelled, "NO!!"

Lexi was thrown into a whirlpool of colors with the girl and both were thrown into the shadows of unconsciousness…


End chapter

Well, it's the first chapter, so hope you like it!