InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Hurts The Most ❯ Back To School ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sesshomaru stepped out from behind an ancient tree.
"Oh, it's you," spat Sango with disdain.
"Yes, me," he replied. "So I see my idiot brother has finally left you for that clay pot. I was wondering what was taking him. Now, where did he leave his Tetsaiga?"
This thought hadn't yet occured to Kagome. They might still have the Tetsaiga. She couldn't think of much good it could do for them, but the fact that it might still be in their posession comforted her a bit.
"I-I-I'm not s-sure," Kagome stuttered slowly.
"Not sure? That wont do either of us any good. I have a feeling you will need that sword to rid the land of Naraku."
"What do you want with it anyway? You cannot weild it by yourself, and you have Tokijin," Sango demanded.
"Naraku persists to pester me. I find it quite annoying. The sooner you do away with him, the less I will be bothered by his antics."
Sesshomaru disappeared into the woods as quickly as he appeared for them.
"Sango, I need you to return to Kaede's hut, tell the others about Inuyasha's demise, and attempt to locate the Tetsaiga," Kagome ordered. "Please do this for me. If it's alright with you, I'm going to leave here for a week just to let things sink in and to take a break. I'd suggest you and the others take a vacation as well after Tetsaiga is found."
"Okay Kagome. Go ahead and go. I'll see you in a week," Sango replied. The two girls embraced and then Kagome was off. She ran to the well and jumped into it. She was finally home. Free, for at least a week, to be Kagome Higurashi, the healthy, active, friendly schoolgirl, instead of Kagome, the savior of the Feudal Era. She'd now be running to classes to keep from being tardy, instead of running for her life. For a week, her life would be normal, and Inuyasha-free.
'Not Inuyasha-free,' she corrected herself silently, 'Feudal Era-free. My life will be Inuyasha-free from now on.'
That thought was not happy one, but she couldn't shake it. She climbed out of the old stone well, and walked into her house. She was glad it was late at night. She didn't want anyone other than Sango to witness her tear-stained face. She snuck up the creaky wooden stair to her very feminine bedroom, and laid awake on her bed for ten minutes before deciding that she wouldn't be able to sleep. Kagome then rose from her bed and snuck into the bathroom. She drew herself a steaming hot bubble bath. When it was ready, she sank in. Instant relief filled her aching body. She wished the relief would extend to her broken heart. Tears started to fill her eyes, but she supressed them. Now was not the time to cry. After her bath, Kagome threw on her pajama's and threw herself into bed. She fell into a deep but fitful slumber laden with nightmares.
She was awakened in the morning by her mother standing over her bed with thermometer.
"I'm sorry Kagome, dear. I heard you come in last night and decided to check on you today. When I bent to kiss your forehead, you were extremely warm. Honey, I think you're sick. Let me check your temperature would you? How are you feeling?"
"I feel miserable," Kagome croaked. She was parched. Her mouth was cottony dry and her tongue felt too large for her mouth. "It might be nice to have something to drink, please."
"Alright dear. I'll go fetch you some tea while you let the thermometer does its work," Ms. Higurashi said as she stuck the thermometer into Kagome's mouth and then hurried downstairs to get Kagome tea.
It turned out that Kagome had a temperature of 103 degrees. Ms. Higurashi had confined Kagome to bed for the rest of the day, and Kagome didn't argue, although she did cast some longing looks out of her window through which bright sunshine was streaming in. She would tomorrow if her mother tried to keep her home from school. Tomorrow was Monday and Kagome thought that it would be nice to actually attend school for a full week. She slept the rest of the day, waking periodically to drink the hot tea her mother would bring in for her.
Monday morning Kagome felt fine. Her temperature was gone and she was ready to go to school. She dressed in her white and green uniform, and headed out the door after saying goodbye to her family. Her friends would be shocked to see her. Kagome guessed their reactions correctly.
"Wow! The famous Kagome has finally decided to grace us with her presence," Yuka teased as the girls stood in a crowded group in the middle of a narrow, locker-filled hallway.
"It's so nice to see you back in school finally!" Ayumi exclaimed.
"How long you plan on staying here this time?" Eri asked jokingly.
"Nice to see you all again too," she said glaring at Yuka and Eri. "So what've I missed."
Yuka and Eri giggled and Ayumi started off telling her about all the tests and homework she needed to catch up on.
"Well," said Yuka interrupting Ayumi, "Hojo has been asking about you a lot."Kagome sighed. She could care less about Hojo.
"As has some new guy," chimed Eri.
"New guy? We have a new guy? How does he know about me?" Kagome asked. She couldn't help adding, "Is he cute?"
Her friends giggled and nodded. Kagome blushed.
"How does he know about me? What's his name? Where's he from?"
"I don't know how he knows about you, but his name is Ian and he's from England," Ayumi stated pointedly
"England? I don't know anyone from England."
"Apparently you do," Eri giggled watching the boy they were talking about sneak up behind Kagome. Kagome felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped.
"You must be Kagome then. I've heard so much about you," said an oddly familiar voice. She slowly spun around and found herself face to face with none other than...