InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Hurts The Most ❯ Totosai And A Roll Of Parchment ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Miroku was still inside of Kaede's hut pondering Sango's actions when she re-entered the hut and sat down next to him unexpectedly. He looked at her in surprise and she smiled at him warmly.
"Miroku, I have a favor to ask of you," Sango started.
"Oh really... And what might that be? I always knew I'd be the one you asked," he said slyly reaching around Sango to grope her. She had been prepared for this and grabbed his wrist before his hand reached her round posterior.
"That's not the favor," she replied pointedly. Miroku looked at her dejectedly, pulling his hand away from her. "Well, now that we don't have Inuyasha for Kagome's transportation, traveling will either be a lot slower or only a couple of us can go places at a time. Right now we are extremely vulnerable due to Inuyasha's absence so neither of those options are very good. We need a way for all of us to travel together."
"By this you mean Hachi," he interjected. Sango nodded. "If I can borrow Kirara, I will find him and bring him back. You want to go to Totosai today I take it."
"Yes. Go ahead and take Kirara. We will wait for your return. Don't take too long. And, Miroku," Miroku looked back at Sango, "stay safe."
He smiled and nodded. "Of course Sango," he replied.
She watched Miroku and Kirara fly out of sight with a sigh. She had known for a long time that her feelings for the monk were returned, but she never wanted to show those feelings. She was slightly embarrased by them. He was a lecher and always would be, and she was jealous and possesive and that wouldn't ever change. She didn't see how it could work. Plus, she didn't have the ability to make herself available to him, even if he did change his lecherous ways. She needed to discover a way to help Kohaku. He was her first priority. And then, there was Naraku. He was her second. It was her job to avenge her people. A romantic relationship would just get in the way. It almost seemed like a shame to her.
'Maybe, when this is all over, things will work out for us,' she thought to herself, and with that pleasant thought she strolled outside to sit with Kagome and her new friend.
Koga was starting to become more and more jealous as he watched Kagome converse with the half-breed's reincarnation. At first it was just explanations. Those were fine, but now, Ian was attempting to flirt with his woman. He could tell by the way she was blushing.
"Koga?" inquired Hakkaku shyly. "Why are we still here if you're not going to steal her away to the mountain?"
"Fool," Koga spat, "you dare question to my actions?"
"No sir, he.. he was just curious," Ginta spoke up.
"I suppose you're curious too," Koga replied in annoyance. "Do you see Inuyasha anywhere around?"
The twin wolf demons shook their heads.
"Then who do you suppose will be here to protect Kagome? Both the demon slayer and the monk are just as frail as she is. The thought of two humans to protect her from Naraku is ridiculous. And, as much as I hate the thought, Inuyasha did manage to take decent care of her when she was under his protection. Now that he's gone, it is my duty to protect my future mate. If both of you wish to return to the mountain you may do so, but I will stay here."
"But Koga, what about your duty to the pack?" Hakkaku asked.
"My duty to the pack? The pack is perfectly capable of handling itself since those filthy birds have been killed. If I was needed they'd send for me. In fact, I want you two to return. I leave you in charge until I come back with Kagome."
The wolves nodded, bowed to Koga, and ran off toward their home. Sango watched the pair run off.
"Why'd you send them off?" she implored.
"To get them to quit asking me annoying questions," he replied truthfully.
"Ahh... So does that mean you have invited yourself to travel with us?"
"That's exactly what it means," he replied.
"Good.. As soon as Miroku returns we are all off to see Master Totosai to retrieve Inuyasha's sword," Sango informed. Then she turned and walked toward Kagome and Ian leaving Koga to his thoughts.
Kagome looked up at Sango as she sat next to her friend.
"Where's Miroku? Did you send him off to get Hachi already?" Kagome asked. Sango nodded.
"Hachi?" Ian implored.
"Another demon friend," Sango and Kagome said in unison.
"For a demon slayer you sure have a lot of them as friends," Ian remarked to Sango. She shrugged and watched the skies for any sign of Miroku, half-listening to Ian and Kagome chat. For a minute the two stopped talking for Kagome to ask Sango a question.
Kagome looked back at Sango, "Where's Shippo?"
"Still sleeping. The poor fox is tired after adventuring with Miroku for the last two days," Sango replied.
Finally, a giant two-tailed cat appeared in the skies, and then landed on the ground next to the group of friends.
"Ian, this is Hachi," Kagome said referring to the short, chubby raccoon demon who bowed upon introduction.
"So Miroku," Hachi said in a high-pitched whiny voice, "What do I get for helping you out again?"
"To avoid my wind tunnel," he replied in annoyance. The raccoon was smarter than that.
"I know you wouldn't dispose of me now," he chuckled in amusement. "You need my help."
Miroku beat the demon about the head with his staff. "You wanna bet?" he hissed.
"Miroku, leave Hachi alone," Kagome ordered, but Miroku didn't listen. Finally, after much argument, dissent and a few beatings, Hachi was sporting a few bruised and tender lumps on his head, but they were all on their way to Totosai. They had decided to leave Shippo with Kaede so the kitsune could continue to rest. Ian, who had been a bit reluctant to ride on the back of the transformed demon, tried to convince them to let him stay with Shippo as well, but Kagome managed to coax him into going. They reached the barren home of the master weaponsmith late into the afternoon. Kagome was the first to venture into Totosai's cave carefully.
"Master Totosai?" she called after a few steps in. Suddenly the old weaponsmith appeared out of nowhere.
"I've been expecting you," he said knowingly. Then with a look at Ian he exclaimed, "So it is true! Lord Sesshomaru brought these to me. I believe they are yours young master." He thrust the Tetsaiga and a roll of parchment into Ian's hands. "Now then, leave me. I have much to do and little time to do it in," Totosai said disappearing into his cave.
"Uh.. um.. thanks?" Ian managed to sputter. He unrolled the parchment and read the words to himself, then looked at Kagome in confusion. She grabbed the parchment and read it aloud.
'Inuyasha's time of weakness
Will be his time of strength
The hanyou you will be
For a full night's length
As long as the Tetsaiga
Is ready at your side
The night of the new moon you'll spend
As the one who died'