InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What I'll do for you ❯ At kaede's hut ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What I'll Do for You
Disclaim: I don't own to Inuyasha or any of the characters.
When Inuyasha & the gang got to the village. They stopped by the well & Inuyasha jump through & dropped off Kagome's stuff in her room. The group had walked about 2 days from the well after Naraku took Kagome. So before heading back into the village they decided to drop off Kagome's stuff.
“ So what do u think is taking Inuyasha so long,” asked Shippo.
Cause he was really worried & wanted to start the search of why Kagome went with Naraku.
When Inuyasha came back he was quiet. He hadn't been able to do a drop off & get out. Kagome's little brother Sota cached him dropping off Kagome's stuff & had asked where Kagome was. He said she stayed behind but was tired of caring her bag. Sota thought that odd but hey Kagome was an odd sis. Inuyasha felt bad for lying to the kid.
“So what took u so long,” yelled Shippo.
“Feh, why should I tell you,” yelled Inuyasha.
“Cause it shouldn't take you 2 hours to come back cause by then Kagome could be in real danger,” yelled Shippo.
“While never mind I'm saying nothing cause telling you is pointless,” yelled Inuyasha.
“WHAT,” yelled Shippo.
Miroku just showed up with Sango hand & hand after (wink, wink) they walked off to the hot spring near the village.
“What's all the yelling about,” asked Miroku.
“Yeah,” said Sango a little sad with her head down then looked up & said “I mean come on let's ask Kaede if there's a way for us to talk with Kagome,” said Sango.
They all headed toward the village. When they get into the village Kaede was in her herb garden. So Inuyasha asked everyone to wait at Kaede's hut.
“Inuyasha what a pelican surprise, what bring you & the others back,” asked Kaede.
“Nothing much, just wondering..” (scratch his head) “ if there is a way for me to contact Kagome?,” asked Inuyasha.
He had his head down while asking.
“Why do you ask,” asked Kaede a little worried.
“Cause while…(scratching the back of his head)…. Kagome was taken or went with Naraku & me & the others where wondering if there's a way for me or them could contact with Kagome without Naraku's knowing so is there a way,” asked Inuyasha with hope in his voice.
“While I believe there is but wait till night okay,” said Kaede. I wonder if it will work the only way it will work is if both want to connect & if they are soul mates.
Kaede stayed calm & said, “That's the only way I may be able to help you & Kagome speak with one another.”
“What,” yelled Inuyasha.
“Let's go back to the hut eat & I'll tell you & the others what I mean,” said Kaede.
First I have to ask Miroku some questions about this before I can be sure I do the right thing.
Back at the Castle
I think & hope this works Kagome thought. She had just been sent to her room. She sends her spirit with miko energy out but makes sure not to send to mush out or she would die. As she does this Naraku plots.
With Naraku
What should I do first torture Inuyasha by making him watch me hit or rap Kagome. Should I make her tell him to kill the others what to do, thought Naraku.
“Kagura,” yelled Naraku.
“Yes Naraku,” said Kagura.
“Send out the (bee's of hell) to see what Inuyasha & them are doing & also send Kanana to me,” said Naraku.
“Yes Naraku,” said Kagura.
“Yes Naraku,” said Kanana “What is it you wish of me?”
“Keep an eye on our guest,” said Naraku with an evil smile.
“Yes Naraku,” said Kanana.
Back with Kagome
Oh there he is. Thank goodness I hope he goes to his usual light sleep soon.
Back outside the Hut
It's about an hour before dark & Kaede asks Miroku to accompany her outside to take a walk with her & tells the others that they will be just a minute.
“Miroku does Inuyasha care very deeply for Kagome& Kagome does she Inuyasha,” asked Kaede as soon as they where out of ear shoot rang of Inuyasha.
“Why you ask Kaede-san they do yes but why ask me,” said Miroku wondering what was up.
“Cause I think I can make Inuyasha & Kagome meet in dreams with their spirits if they are “soul-mates”,” said Kaede.
“Oh,” said Miroku.
“You know of what I speak Miroku,” asked Kaede.
“Yes & I think your right that the 2 are “soul-mates” though they are stubborn this will help us right know & might help them too,” said Miroku.
They head back toward the hut.
Back inside the Hut
“Okay Inuyasha I need you to take a sleeping potion,” said Kaede.
“Why,” asked Inuyasha?
“So I can make it possible for you & Kagome to meet in dreams as “soul-mates”, said Kaede.
“Why do you think me & Kagome are “soul-mates” asked Inuyasha a little suspicions?
“Cause my sisters spirit found its way back to you plus Miroku, Sango, & Shippo can tell you love & care for Kagome-san,” said Kaede.
“Feh fine,” said Inuyasha as long as I know she's save I'll be fine thought Inuyasha.
K while tell what you think & how Kagome & Inuyasha should meet. Should they meet in a hot spring, in a mountain valley or in a special spot, give me some ideas for every time they meet.