InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What If? ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi all!
Yeesh…. I wish I had spent more time on this…. Guys (and gals), please don't judge my writing on this - it was my first written and posted Inuyasha fanfic. It's based off of episode 100 - “Truth Behind the Nightmare: Battle in the Forest of Sorrow.” You don't need to see the episode to understand it.
This is also the 1st arc of a story that will be 6 arcs total. I will have all main characters in them (no OC, until the last arc.), and involve everyone, but mainly focus on InuKag. All of them are continuous - although this is canon, I have aged the characters at the start of it all. Kagome is 17 here at the beginning of this fic.
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“What If?”
Kagome was just inside the entrance to the shrine in her world. “Buyo's down there somewhere, but he won't come out,” said Sota, holding the bowl of food he had tried to lure Buyo out with.
“Well,” said Kagome, looking down at the well. “Why don't you go find him?” “Are you crazy?” said Sota, “It's so dark and creepy down there…you go.” “Oh, alright,” said Kagome, heading down the stairs.
As she reached the bottom, Buyo came out from behind the stairs and shot back up them. Upon reaching the top, he turned back to face the well, and hissed, loudly. Kagome turned to look at him.
“Huh? What's with you, Buyo?”
“Uh, sis?” said Sota, his voice shaking. “Take a look behind you!”
“What?” she said, turning back around. A thick, purple/black miasma was flowing out of the well and had started to creep along the floor towards the stairs. A laugh started to emanate from the well, low-voiced, and full of malice and confidence.
“No…not here!” said Kagome. She turned, running back up the stairs. She grabbed Sota's hand and pulled him out of the shrine, with Buyo and Naraku right on their heels.
They ran towards the house, and Kagome's mom and grandpa came running out to meet them. “What's wrong?” they cried.
Kagome yelled back at them to turn around and go back into the house, but they wouldn't listen. She looked over her should to see that Naraku was literally right behind them, almost within grabbing distance.
He launched an attack right at Kagome and Sota.
Kagome placed herself in front of Sota to shield him from the attack and waited for the impact…
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Yeah…pretty sucky…. It was really short, but from reading an A/N from when I posted this on, evidently I had to leave it off here because I was headed to a biology class…go fig. This fic is complete, so I'll just be straightening them up and posting them.