InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What If? ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi All!
Yeah…this chap is one of the more interesting ones.... Have fun....
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What If?
Chapter 4
Once Kagome got home after leaving her friends, she finished packing and did some last minutes things around the house. By that point, it was almost 7pm. Maybe my dream won't come true, thought Kagome, I mean, sundown is only an hour and a half away and even Naraku can't do too must damage in that amount of time, can he?
Kagome's mom called her into the kitchen. “Yeah, Mom?” said Kagome. “Would you please go get Souta?” asked her mom while stirring a pot on the stove. “He's in the shrine house looking for Buyo and the fudge is almost done. You know how he loves to like the spoon.”
Kagome said she would and headed out the door. When she got to the shrine and pulled open the door, Souta was standing at the top of the stairs, with a bowl of food in his hand.
“Souta, come on insi-”
Kagome broke off, having gotten a feeling of major déjà vu. The next few minutes felt like she was walking in a dream. A very familiar dream.
Walking down the stairs. Buyo rushing past her back up them. Souta's warning. The miasma. The laughter. Running up the stairs and out of the shrine. Her mom and grandpa running out to meet them. Naraku getting closer and closer. Using her body as a shield to protect Souta…
(A/N: I bet you thought that's where I was going to leave it off. Well, I thought about it, and I decided to be nice. LOL Besides - I already left you at another cliffie in the first chapter that was at the same place!)
The sound of Naraku's attack coming closer pulled Kagome back to reality. She threw herself and Souta to the left, trying to dodge the attack. It worked…mostly. The tail end of the attack caught her on her upper right arm, causing her to hiss slightly in pain when she sat up.
“Sis,” said Souta, still a little shell-shocked. “You're hurt!”
Standing up, Kagome helped Souta to his feet and said, “It's nothing. I've been hurt much worse than a little scrape before. Let's go.” They started to run back to the house, catching up with their mom and grandpa along the way. Naraku followed, but slower than before, like he was waiting for something.
Once the family was inside the house, Kagome told her mom and grandpa to take Souta and go to the basement. She then turned and ran upstairs to her room. Her mom called after her, but she was already halfway up the stairs.
Kagome grabbed her first aid kit and was headed out of her room when she noticed her bow and quiver of arrows propped up next to her backpack. “Oh,” she said to herself. “I forgot I brought those back with me. I'm glad I did, though.”
Grabbing them, she ran back down the stairs to find Naraku nearly inside the house and Souta waiting at the top of the basement stairs for her.
Not stopping to think, Kagome threw the first aid kit at Souta and turned to face Naraku. Souta caught the kit and watched his sister place an arrow in her bow, aim, and fire. The arrow didn't hit Naraku, but instead hit the floor just in front of him.
“Missed again, eh?” said Naraku, a smirk crossing his features.
I'd like to wipe that smile off your face for good, thought Kagome.
Aloud she said, “I don't think so. I hit just where I meant to.”
That point was proven almost immediately, when Naraku tried to step past the arrow and was stopped by a barrier. Kagome turned back to Souta and they hurried down the stairs, leaving a none-too-happy Naraku behind.
Half-way down the stairs, Kagome stopped and fired another arrow into that side of the door. “That should buy us a little more time,” said Kagome, coming back down the stairs to join her family.

Kagome's mom and grandpa were looking at her a little uncertainly. “Kagome,” her mom asked. “Who was that? And why did he attack us?”
“Yes,” said her grandpa. “Your mother brings up a valid point. However, I'd wager that this has something to do with your visits to the feudal era, am I right? What exactly do you do over there?”
Kagome looked at everyone, feeling slightly uneasy, then bowed her head and sighed. Looking up at them again, she said, “Okay. I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything.”
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I thought that was a cliffie? Geez Louise.... And just in case anyone's wondering where Buyo is, when he took off out of the well house, he really took off…he's hiding in the storehouse.