InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Inuyasha Character Do You Want To Meet?! ❯ READ! MeeP ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey, I got this Idea from Disire69all4u, I praise her! Please dont think I took your Idea!!

Hey, this is what you need to put on the review! Please do NOT e-mail me!! >.< tis already has enough! Okay, this is my first fic going onto a officail website! so pleZ be nice? ^_^

Name (First name and made up last name if disired):

Age (No older than well...200!):



Other (tail, ears..etc.):

Clothes/Apearance (i :


Name at least three people from Inuyasha you want to meet:

Choose one: Date, Interview, Hanging out with from a day(or 2), or something like My Big Fat Abnotious Fiance orrr choose your own!>.<

Other(Info wise):

AND thats it! Hurry up and review!! Oh, and if you pick date, YOU won't know who it is! exept for it will be one of the three u chose! ANd ppl, lay off the the Sessho!! HES MINE! *firey background* *scary* ^.^ Now be a good lil girl/boy and run along and play! >.< Mine..

Thank you!



Again, NO E-MAILING ME! And Review soon!!!!!!! BOYS & GIRLS BOTH ACCEPTED!