InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Is Love Anyway? ❯ The New Kid ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~Chapter 2~~
~The New Kid ~
When they got to school Kagome parked her Mazda in her usual spot near the door, and they got out of the car and walked into the school. When they got to their lockers they took out their books and walked to homeroom. Once they reached homeroom they took a seat near the back beside their friends Miroku, Rin, and Sesshomaru.
They had all been best friends since they met in elementary well except Sesshomaru they met him in 7th grade, but he had easily fit in. Rin Hirayama was very naïve and could be childish at times, she had long black hair and brown eyes, she was wearing low rider blue jean caprice and a yellow t-shirt, she and Sesshomaru had been dating since 8th grade. Miroku Houshi was the biggest pervert on earth, you couldn't bend over without finding his hand on your ass, but he was a really nice guy once you got past that and at times he could give great advice. He has shoulder length black hair, which he tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck and he was wearing black slacks and a purple t-shirt. Sesshomaru Takashi could easily be described as the coldest guy on earth, I mean if there was an award for it he would win … every year, he had even been nick named the `Ice Prince' by most of the students, and the only time he ever smiles is when he's with Rin. He has really long silver hair that makes most girls jealous, cold golden eyes, and a nice build. He was wearing black slacks and a white t-shirt with his hair down.
When they sat down Rin leaned over to Kagome before whispering “Guess what?”
“What?” Kagome asked turning to look at her.
“Well I don't know if I should tell you,” Rin giggled while smoothing out invisible wrinkles in her yellow t-shirt. “But I guess I could, Sesshy's twin brother is starting school here soon.”
“How soon?” Kagome asked.
“Really soon.” Rin replied smiling.
“How soon is really soon.” Kagome asked looking at Rin who was smiling rather creepily.
“Well it's about … right now.” Rin said as the bell rang and Ms. Keade walked in followed by the boy that was obviously Inuyasha.
“Hello class. We have a new student with us today, his name is Inuyasha Takashi.”
Inuyasha Takashi is Sesshomaru's twin brother they weren't identical twins but they have a strong family resemblance. Inuyasha was sent to boarding school a couple years before the Takashi's moved to Tokyo. He was sent there Sesshomaru had told them because he had hotwired his 6th grade teacher's car and rode it all over the city, it had been ordered by the court that he went there. Last week Sesshomaru had told them he was coming back because him and some of his friends tried to burn the school down but he didn't know exactly when. He had long silver hair like Sesshomaru's and gorgeous golden eyes also like Sesshomaru's but his were warmer and held more emotion. He had a nice build and was wearing black slacks with a red t-shirt; he had his hair left down, and he had a scowl on his face.
“Inuyasha please take a seat beside Kagome Higurashi. Kagome will you raise your hand,” Ms. Keade said. Kagome sighed as she raised her hand. “And Kagome will you please show Inuyasha around.”
“Yes Ms. Keade.” Kagome answered as Inuyasha took a seat beside her. `Why am I always stuck showing the new kids around?' Kagome mentally asked herself as she sighed again.
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Ok you may have noticed this isn't the old chapter well I rewrote it because I didn't like how it had turned out, so I hope you like this version better. Well please review.
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Final Thought from Kagome:
Great another new kid to show around.
Blanket disclaimer for this fanfic (will apply to this and all other chapters in What Is Love Anyways?): I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or the characters associated with the anime/manga. Those rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi, et al. I do offer my thanks to her for creating such vivid characters for me to terrorize.