InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ This Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey people, 'tis me Inu-13. Anyways, this is my first fanfic so please be nice. And oh yeah please don't flame me because you know what, if you do, I'll flame you right back. *Takes out flame-thrower and turns it on* HAHAHAHAHA. *Looses control of flame-thrower* OH MY GOD…it burns…it burns… *puts out fire* Anyways now that you…ouch…know this is my first fanfic…ouch…please review it…someone…please… get…me…an ambulance … *Passes out from the pain. *

Disclaimer: Look, I'm a poor, Filipino/Canadian with no life! Do you honestly think that I own Inuyasha!

Oh, Please don't mind the grammar and spelling mistakes, I suck at eengliish!

Chapter 1: This Love

"Shit! That was the tenth time this morning!" I cursed softly as my fingers slipped on the button I was, buttoning up. My hands trembled softly, but not because I was scared. No. It was because I was nervous. Nervous that the woman I love will reject me.

I quickly finished buttoning up my shirt and stood in front of my mirror to check myself. I frowned slightly as I looked at my reflection. Why? Because the person staring back at me, wasn't me at all, but a complete and total stranger.

My once waist long silver hair was now a midnight black with blue hues. And my eyes…well, my eyes believe it or not were once a brilliant shade of amber but now with the help of contacts, are a deep shade of violet. My friends would and still ask me questions like: "Why did you dye your hair Yash?" or "Why are you wearing contacts?" and I would always respond by saying "Because she wants me to."

Truth be told, I love my silver hair and my amber eyes. Even though a lot of people would stare at me like I was a freak or something, or ask me if my hair and eye colour were "natural", I didn't care. I'm proud of who I am and I love my eyes and hair. They make me unique and allow people to recognize me as the youngest son of the richest man in town: Inutashio Takegama. For you see, silver hair and amber eyes runs through my family. Well, for the men actually. It's sorta like our "trademark".

So naturally, when I dyed my hair and started wearing contacts, my dad freaked out. We had a huge argument and my dad kept on saying things like "What the hell would posses you to do such a stupid thing," and "You are bringing dishonor and shame to the family name." This argument lasted a few weeks until we pissed-off my mother and she forced us to stop. A word of advice, never piss-off your mother while she's PMS'ing.

So why, why would I, Inuyasha Takegama, heir to the Takegama fortune do something to bring shame to the family name? The answer to that question is simple: Because I'm in love. And no, I'm not talking about the kind of love between a hentai and his/her "lemons". I'm talking about the kind of love when, you know, you feel all mushy inside and can't eat or sleep type of thing. I know, I know. That sounds like a bunch of romantic crap, but hey, that's how I feel when I'm around her.

But even though I tried to explain this to my father, he still thought that I was pretty stupid to change who I am, just for the affection of a girl. That comment kinda made doubt her intentions for a while, but still I can't change the way I feel for her. Besides, she probably only wanted me to change because she didn't want the press to find out that we were dating. Because, if the press found out that the son of the richest man in town was dating the daughter of the second richest man in town, they would be having a field day. Besides, I would do anything for her, just to make her happy. If she asked me to jump, I'd say how high. If she asked me to go to hell with her, I'd do it in a heartbeat. You get the idea.

A small smile began to tug at my lips as I though about all the times we had together. It's been about ten months. Ten wonderful months that we've been together. It still is hard for me to believe that her and I got together, even after the way we first met.


It was a Monday morning and I was running. Running for two reasons:

a) I was late for school and b) I wanted to get there fast to kick Miroku's ass (A/N: Hey, that rhymed ^_~)

'Miroku, you're a dead man!" I though to myself as I continued running. You see, Miroku and I are childhood friends and he usually picks me up for school. But knowing him, he probably saw a hot chick and started hitting on her. So my guess is that he is now unconscious after "accidentally" touching the girls ass and getting his ass kick in returned.

I guess, I was too busy plotting my revenge for all of a sudden I had the wind knocked out of me and was on my ass. "What the hell!" My head snapped up and I saw a girl about my age also on the ground.

"Watch were your going bitch!" I yelled as I got to my feet and dusted off my pants. The girl seemed to have gotten pissed-off when I called her that for she suddenly got on her feet and started yelling at me.

"Me?! You're the one who should watch were they're going! You're the one who ran

into me you bastard!"

I knew then and there that she was new in town, for no one ever spoke to me like that.

"Look, I don't have time to argue with you wench, so either get out of my way or I'll make you," I snapped at her.



"You heard me. I said no! I won't move for you until I get an apology." She placed her hands on her hips like most girls do when they're pissed and glared daggers at me.

That's when I noticed how hot she was. She had waist long raven black hair, which was pulled in a low ponytail. Her eyes were a deep brown with a hint of grey in them and her lips were red. She had a nice body with long legs and all the right curves in all the right places. Of course since I was too pissed-off, I didn't care if she was hot or not. Nobody ever said no to me. Nobody.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear before bitch. I told you to Get. Out. Of. My. Way!"

"And like I said before. No! I won't move for you, you arrogant pig-headed bastard! Not until I get an apology."

'That's it!' My eye twitched in anger as I lost my last bit of patience. 'You asked for it!' I quickly picked her up, despite all of the screaming she did, which of course attracted a lot of stares from the people around us and "gently" put her down beside me so that she wasn't in my way anymore.

I quickly brushed passed her, leaving her with an embarrassed look on her face, as she yelled after me. "YOU STUPID BASTARD! I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!"

I looked back and smirked at her. "YEAH, WELL, I'LL SEE YOU THERE!" And with that I flipped her off and continued running, while hoping, no, begging God that I would never see that bitch again.

But as fate would have it, she was attending the same school as me. So of course, like the first time we met each other, we argued. But after the first few months of school passed by, we became friends, but that didn't mean that we stopped arguing with each other. In fact, it was sorta like a game between us. First I'd call her one thing, than she would try and top that, and so on and so forth. But the weird thing is, is that my friends didn't really like her as much, but that didn't matter to me. For she really didn't like them. It really bothered me that my friends didn't like her, but after a while I got use to it.

Anyways, as the school year progressed, our friendship began to change into something more, and we started to develop feelings for each other, so naturally we started dating. And now, ten months later, I've decided to take our relationship to the next level.


As I finally made sure that I looked alright, I reached into my pocket to make sure it was still there and sure enough…it wasn't.

"Fuck!" I quickly got on my hands and knees and frantically searched for it. "Shit, shit, shit! Were the hell did I put it!" I quickly looked under my bed and sighed in relief as I saw it sitting there. I quickly grabbed it and dusted it off, making sure that it was dust free. If your wondering what it is, it is a black pearl, which is passed down from generations to generations. The black pearl is very important to our family for it has a very special purpose. For you see, the men in our family would give it to the person they loved, and that would mean that they would be together forever. It was like giving your soul to that person, so once you gave it away, you are suppose to be theirs forever.

My oldest brother Sesshomaru was pretty pissed-off when our father gave me the jewel and not him, but our father explained that since he was the eldest, that he would inherit the families prized possession: The Tensaiga. Therefore, since I was the youngest, that I would inherit the black pearl. To tell you the truth, I think my father never gave him the jewel for he didn't think that Sesshomaru would want to get married. He's the type of person to who doesn't like to express their feelings. (A/N: Please don't flame me because I said some bad things about Sesshy)

Our father also told us the legend about the black pearl. He said that our family are the descendants of a hanyou who was the true owner of the jewel. That would explain why all the men on my father's side have silver hair and amber eyes. It was said that the hanyou was the true owner of the jewel and that one time the jewel wasn't always black, but a beautiful shade of pink. Our father also told us that the hanyou had fallen deeply in love with a miko who in return, loved him back. The hanyou had promised to marry the miko so he decided to give her the black jewel, which would symbolize their union. But on the day that they were suppose to meet, a youkai who had also fallen in love with the miko, deceived them and in the end, they ended up killing each other. On that day, the pearl had turned black because of the hatred and betrayal the hanyou had felt when he was killed, but it was said that the jewel would revert to it's former colour when the re-incarnation of the hanyou professes his love for the re-incarnation of the miko.

This is why to this day the men in our family started the tradition of giving the person that they loved the jewel, in hopes of turning the jewel back to it's former colour. But sadly, the jewel never turned back pink. Personally, I really don't care if the jewel ever does turn back to its former colour, for I really don't believe in the legend at all. It's just a bunch of bullshit to me.

As I finally finished checking if the jewel was in perfect condition, I carefully placed it back in it's case and prepared myself. Today is the day that I'm gonna do it. And no, I'm not talking about it as in having sex! Today is the day that I'm gonna give her the jewel. I don't care if my family and friends think that I'm too young to be in love, just because I'm 16. Today is the day I was gonna tell her. The day when I finally have the gut and was man enough to say those three very important words. The words that would change our lives forever. Today is the day that I can finally say, "I love you…Kikyo."

A/N: *Wakes up from coma* Huh? Where Am I? Oh, yeah…there you go people my first chapter. Please tell me what you think of it. Was it too long? Short? Boring? Please just tell me what you think of it. I know what you're all probably thinking: Why the hell did you make him say "I love you bitch…I mean Kikyo?" Well I'll tell you why: BECAUSE IT"S MY STORY! HAHAHAHAHAHA! *Gets pelted by angry readers* Ouch, who threw that katana? Anyways, don't worry this won't be a Inu/Kikyo story, I hate that bitch I hope she rots in Hell! HAHAHAHAHA! Ahem, but I'm not saying that this will be an Inu/Kag one…or is it? Anyways please review my story *Gets down on hands and knees* Please I beg of you REVIEW! Now that I've gotten that taken care of, will somebody help me take this katana out! Hey why is the room spinning…and what's this red stuff? *Passes out with katana still in stomach*