InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Roses are red... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello peeps, it's me again! Anyways, I hope you liked the first chapter because if you didn't than "Feh!" Okay, anyways here is the next chapter to my story, I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: Like I said, I'm too poor to own the very kawaii Inuyasha. But one day, I'll be able to and I won't share him with anyone! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Gets stabbed with katana * Oh great…not again! *Passes out from blood lost*

Chapter 2: Roses are red…

"Fuck!" I cursed softly as I heard the siren of a police car following me. 'I don't have the time for this.' I quickly pulled up on the side of the road and drummed my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently.

'Damn! How long does it take a person to get out of their car?' I glanced at me rear view mirror to see a fat police officer stumble out of his police cruiser. (A/N: I'm not trying to be stereotypical, so forgive me if this offends you.)

"Typical," I murmured under my breath as I noticed the donut that the officer clutched in his fat hands. He continued a steady pace towards my car, taking his sweet time.

'Oh for god's sake…hurry up!' When the officer finally reached my car, he quickly tapped on my window, signaling me to roll them down.

"Is there a problem here officer?" I asked trying my best to not sound rude.

"Do you know how fast you were going back there?"

"No…not really." I answered casually. My fingers still tapping on my steering wheel. 'Hurry up!'

My answer seemed to have angered the police officer for his face started to turn red. "Well for your information, you were driving at 80km/h!"

"And that would be a problem because…"

"The speed limit was 40!"

"Oh…must've slipped my mind." As I waited for my ticket, I took a quick glance at my watch and noticed how late I was. 'Shit! I'm late!'

"Look…officer…" I quickly looked at his nametag, "Bob, can you please hurry up. I have important matters to take care of and I'm really running low on time. I would really appreciate it if you would just hand me my damn ticket and let me go!'

"Look kid…it ain't my problem that you're late. It's your fault that you didn't obey the law and now you have to pay the consequences." He sneered at me. "Now…license and registration please."

I tossed him my wallet and heard him mutter something along the lines of "stupid kid" as he opened it. A small smile began to form on my lips as I noticed the blood drain out of his face as he read my license.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him mockingly. "I take it by your pale face and complete and total silence that you have finally realized who I am." I tried to stifle a laugh as "Bob's" eyes widened in shock.

"M-Mr. Take-Takegama…I-I d-didn't know it was you." He stuttered. "P-please forgive me."

"Hmmm…I don't know…" I rubbed my chin as if I was thinking. "You really did cause me to be late, and I bet my father will just love to hear how rude you were to me." I tried my best to glare at him, but if you looked at my eyes hard enough, you would notice that I was laughing in the inside.

"No please…have mercy. Please don't tell your father about this, I could loose my job. I'll do anything you want, but please don't tell your father."

"Anything?" I started to grin evilly as I thought of the perfect way to punish "Bob". 'This will teach you to make me late again you jackass!'

"Fine, I won't tell my father about this little incident but…"

"But what?"

"But in return, you must rip up that ticket and…"

"And what?" His eyes were full of fear as if he knew what I was gonna tell him.

I waved my hand to call him forward so that I could whisper in his ear. As I finished telling him what his punishment was, I noticed that his eyes were once again widening in shock.

I crossed my arms and smiled smugly as he continued staring at me with wide eyes. "Look, either you do what I asked you to or…" My eyes traveled down to the donut he was still clutching, "…you have to give up donuts."

"Bob's" grip on his donut tightened, as if he thought that I would take it from him. "You-you can't do that! Nobody in this town has that much power to do that!"

"Hey, remember I'm not a nobody, I'm a Takegama and believe me I have the power to do that. So, did you make your decision? Are you gonna do what I asked, or will you stop eating donuts. But between you and me, if I were you I would choose to stop eating donuts."

Bob's face turned red and I knew that I had once again pissed him off, but this time he couldn't retaliate. "F-fine…I'll do it." He hung his head low in defeat and slowly began to rip up the ticket.

"Good, now if you don't mind…" I started my car engine and stared at him. Waiting for him to stop leaning on it.

"Oh…ah, gomen ne." He said as he took a step back.

"Yeah…whatever. Oh and Bob…don't be late." He nodded his head in response and with that I drove away.

* * *

'Okay…here goes nothing!' I thought to myself as I stood in front of Kikyo's tall oak doors. I quickly smoothed out my T-shirt and pressed the doorbell.

"Oh…ah, hi Mr. Himasaki…is Kikyo ready?" I asked as the tall oak doors opened to reveal a tall man with cold black eyes and long black hair. It really amazed me that this man was Kikyo's father for they didn't even look a like.

"Oh…hello…Inu-Inuyasho was it?" He said casually as he looked at his watch.

Me eye twitched in anger but of course he didn't notice for he was too busy smoothing out the wrinkles in his Armani suit. "Beg your pardon sir but my name is Inuyasha…not Inuyasho." I responded through clenched teeth.

"Whatever…anyways, I'm sorry to inform you that Kikyo…" A small evil smile formed at his lips, which sent a small shiver down my spine "…isn't here. She left a couple of minutes ago with her friend.

I stared at him suspiciously, to see if he was telling the truth. "O-kay…did she tell you why she left so early?"

"No…but she told me to tell you that she'll meet up with you at school…or something like that." He said with a bored expression on his face.

It was pretty obvious that Kikyo's father, Mr. Himasaki didn't like me very much. I guess it was because he didn't think that I was worthy enough to be with his daughter. Hell, even I thought that I wasn't worthy enough to be with her. Kikyo is…well perfect (A/N: Yeah and I'm the princess of retard land. Hey…where did this crown come from?)

And me, I'm just an arrogant, stubborn bastard.

"Okay. Ah…thanks for your help Mr. Himasaki. Ja!" I said as I turned around and walked towards my car.

'Weird…Kikyo always wants me to pick her up for school/' I pondered as I drove towards my high school, Tennyo High. (A/N: Don't laugh at the name *_*) 'And she usually would call me if she didn't want me to. Well…I guess that she was in such a rush, that she didn't have time to call me.' "Yeah, that must be it." I muttered to myself as my school came to view.

As I finally reached the school's parking lot, I was greeted with the familiar sight of my two friends…correction: me two only friends arguing.

"Arrrgh! I swear Miroku, the next time you touch me there again, I will not only rip out your ponytail but a very important part of your reproductive system as well!" Yelled Sango, her ponytail swaying back and forth as she slowly advanced on the cowering figure, which was Miroku. She quickly grasped Miroku's two-inched ponytail and yanked on it hard.

"Itai! Please love-I mean Sango…" Miroku corrected as Sango's face darkened. "I didn't mean to touch you there. I was just walking towards you when all of a sudden I…uh…tripped. Yeah that's it. I tripped and…uh…accidentally touched you." He slowly walked towards, and carefully grasped her hands in his, causing her to blush so deeply that she resembled a tomato.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Sango asked as she tried to not look into his violet eyes.

"Sango, I'm sorry if I've dishonored you in any way. You know that I would never do anything to you that you don't like. Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me for my foolish acts?"

"I…uh…I…uh," Sango stuttered for she was lost for words. Miroku used this as an advantage to fully embrace her, which is a pretty bold thing to do, considering it was Sango he was embracing. This action caused Sango to blush even more, but I was the only one who noticed it for Miroku was a bit too busy and Sango was trying her best to not push him away.

"Oh…all right Miroku. I'll forgive you…this time." Sango said as she awkwardly patted him on the back.

"Thank you Sango. I promise you that from this day on, I will never grope another girl again."

"You better keep your promise Miroku, or so help me god, I will-" Sango's body stiffened as she felt a hand rubbing her backside.

"HENTAI!" *Slap*

I took this as my que to get out of my car and allow them to know that I had just witnessed their "intimate" moment.

"Hey! Sango!" I yelled, causing her head to turn and face my direction. Her face started to turn red but this time in embarrassment.

"Inu-Inuyasha? H-how long have you been there?"

"Long enough." I said as I gave her my trademark smirk. "Wow Sango, I never thought that you, out of all the girls in this school would actually fall for one of Miroku's tricks. And what's even more surprising is that you let him hug you!"

"Oh, shut up! It's not like I enjoyed it!" She yelled, causing me to flinch a bit.

"Rea-lly? Well it didn't look like that to me." I said mockingly as I slowly walked towards her, careful to make sure that I would step on Miroku. "In fact…it actually looked like you enjoyed it."

"Inuyasha you better take that back or else!"

"Or else what Sango? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna hit me? Slap me? What?" I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked at her. "Don't forget Sango, I'm not a sissy like that lech over there," I cast a glance towards Miroku, who was still unconscious, "and your slaps won't affect me."

"Oh really?" She asked, as she copied me and crossed her arms over her chest.


"Okay…but who said that I was gonna slap you?" She quickly uncrossed her arms and lunged at me.


All of a sudden I felt my arm being twisted and a sharp pain passing through it.

"Ow, Ow, OOOWWW! LET GO OF ME BITCH!" I yelled as I struggled to get her off of me.

"No! Not until you say uncle!" She replied calmly as she continued to twist my arm.

"LIKE I'M GONNA FUCKING SAY THAT!" Man for a girl she sure had one hell of a grip.

"You asked for it!" She then applied more pressure on my arm and sure enough the pain intensified.

I know that I'm gonna regret saying this but…"Okay, okay…I give! Uncle! Uncle!" True to her word, she quickly let go of my arm, and grinned at me.

"Damn Sango! What the hell was that for?" I asked as I messaged my sore arm.

"That was for implying that I liked Miroku."

"What! I never said that! I only said that you enjoyed hugging him!"

"Yeah I know. But I also know that you meant to say that I liked him." She said as she glared at me.

"Well don't you," I snapped back.

"What?! Me and that Hentai? Yeah right. I would never date a guy like him. And besides," she cast a quick glance towards Miroku who believe it or not, was still unconscious. "I've known him for as long as I've known you. If I dated him, it would feel like I was dating my brother.

"Yeah…I see your point."

'Yeah right! Saying that you don't like Miroku is like me saying that I'm gay! Which I'm not of course.'

"Anyways…speaking of Miroku, don't you think that we should wake him up now. I mean, it has been 10 minutes since you knocked him out an yet he's still unconscious."

"Aww! Can't we just leave him there, just until the day is over?"


"Oh all right. But if he touches me again, you'll have to suffer as well!" She walked towards Miroku and crouched down beside him and started to shake him. "Miroku…Miroku…oh for the love of…WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASS!" She yelled, but still he didn't get up.

"Here let me try." I shoved Sango out of the way and took her place beside Miroku. 'I hope this works.' I took a deep breath and yelled, "SANGO! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TAKING OFF YOUR SHIRT?"

All of a sudden Miroku jumped to his feet and looked around with wide eyes. "Where!?" His eyes finally focused on Sango who was glaring at him and his face fell in disappointment. "Aw man! Inuyasha that was a dirty trick you played."

"Well, that was the only way that I can think of to wake you up. Anyways, Miroku you sure know how to ruin a moment."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He means when you hugged me and then groped me even though you promised me you wouldn't!" Sango said through clenched teeth.

"Oh that!" Miroku said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Well…technically I said that I wouldn't touch another girl again. I… never… said that I wouldn't…um…touch you again. Eh…he…he."

"Why you little-" Sango cried as she lunged at him.

"Whoa! Hold it Sango." I said as I grabbed her arm. "Don't mind Miroku. He just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut."

"Humph! Whatever." Sango mumbled as she jerked her arm out of my grasp, and started to walk away.

"Miroku…if you want Sango to like you, you better start thinking with your head up here, and not the one down there."

"Yes, I know that Inuyasha but whenever I look at her, I just can't control myself."

"Yeah…well you better learn how to fast, or else one of these days she'll actually rip out your balls." I shuddered at the though of my own balls being ripped out.

"Hey you guys! Hurry up!" Sango yelled at us.

"Coming Sweetheart!"


I rolled my eyes and sighed. 'Miroku, when will you learn.' My thoughts were soon interrupted as I felt Miroku tap my shoulder.

"Hey…Inuyasha?" Miroku said as we followed Sango to class.


"I was meaning to ask…where did you get that?"


"That!" He said as he pointed towards a bead necklace, which was around my neck.

"Oh this! Kikyo gave them to me."

Miroku snorted and gave me an odd look. "Kikyo…I still can't believe that you're going out with that whore."

"Hey don't call her that!"

"Call who what?" Sango asked, as we finally caught up with her.

"Kikyo…he's calling her a whore. I mean isn't that the stupidest thing that you've ever heard?"

"Actually…Inuyasha…" Sango said shyly as she tried not to look at me.

"Oh, no…not you too!" I cried as I noticed her trying to avoid my gaze.

"I'm sorry…but it's the truth! Kikyo is a whore!" Sango commented as we continued walking to class.

I started to feel myself get angry as they continued saying bad things about Kikyo. My Kikyo. "How dare you guys say that! You guys don't know shit about her, so stop acting like you do and mind your own god damn business!"

"Stop acting so blind Yash! Haven't you watched the news lately?"


"Well if you did, you would have known that Mr. Himasaki is being charged with stealing his clients money to pay for his debts!"

"So what!"

"Arrrgh! Stop being such a baka!" Sango cried as she slapped me in the back of a head. "That means Kikyo's father can end up in jail or he can end up bankrupt!"

"And what does that have to do with Kikyo?"

"Think about it Yash. Your family is the richest one in town! Now that Kikyo's father is going bankrupt, you're the only person that can provide for her, and that's the only reason why she's still dating you!" Sango said while Miroku nodded his head in agreement.

"What? That's not true! Kikyo cares about me, and not about my money."

"Than answer this: Why did she make you change your appearance if she supposedly likes you for who you are?" Sango asked.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, for I was lost for words. "She…uh…probably just didn't want people to know that we were dating so that the press wouldn't…uh…write about us." I answered. 'Yeah…that must be it.'

"Believe what you want Yash but you should know, Sango is right about Kikyo. Kikyo only loves you for your money, for she is nothing but a gold digging bit-"

"That's enough Miroku!" I yelled, causing him and Sango to jump a bit.

"But Inu-"

"I said that's enough! Look, I know you guys are just trying to help me but, I don't need it. The truth is…I love her and I don't give a shit if you guys don't like the fact that I do. Because tonight…" I quickly took out the box that contained the jewel, and showed it to them. I heard Sango gasp in shock and noticed the surprised look on Miroku's face, for they both knew what the jewel meant. "…is the night that I give this to her, and I don't care what you guys say for you won't be able to change my mind for I love-"

As we rounded the corner I froze. I felt the blood drain out of my face and my heartbreak at what I saw.


A/N: Yay! Another chapter is completed! So, are you guys wondering what Inuyasha saw? But, being the smart readers you are, I bet you already know. Expect chapter 3 to come out sometime this week. Anyways, in the next chapter, Kagome will make her debut and there might be a bit of violence in it.

By the way, if you guys haven't noticed yet, I haven't really described what the characters are wearing. Well you see, I hate making up clothes for them to wear, so you know what, you guys can imagine what they are wearing. You could even imagine them naked for all I care! (But you know, the thought of Inuyasha naked isn't really that bad!)

So anyways, please review, review, REVIEW!