InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Rude Awakening Part 1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: GOMEN NASAI!!! I'm soooo sorry for taking a month to update. I didn't mean to keep you guys all waiting. But thank you to all of my loyal readers who put up with my tardiness and I'll try my best to update faster.

Normally, I would answer your reviews in the beginning, but seeing that you guys waited so long for this chapter; I won't be doing that today.

Thanks to Kia4lyfe, sunshine07, Aewi at CMMU, Kagome M.K, Inu lover 554, Inuyasha-520, Blackhand the Destroyer, Niffy, and Sexy Capricorn for reviewing.

Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't ask.

Chapter 8: Rude Awakening Part 1

<? P.O.V>

The floor creaked softly as I walked down the vast hallway of my home. It was a long walk to my brother's room but seeing as my father sent me, I had no choice but to follow his request and do as I was told. As usual, my brother's door was slightly opened, and I proceeded to enter the room without a sound.

I crinkled my nose in distaste as I noticed the endless piles of books, clothes, and CD's, which were carelessly scattered on the floor. An odd odor reached my nose and knowing my brother, the smell was probably coming from him.

Looking around the room, I located my brother sleeping in his chair with his headphones on, near his computer. His head was resting on the table and a small trail of drool could be found flowing down his cheek.

Without a moment's hesitation, I walked towards my brother's sleeping form and cranked up the volume to his music on full blast. Heavy rock music could be heard coming through his headphones as he woke up with a start and toppled out of his chair.

"Sesshomaru, you bastard! What the hell was that for?" He took off his headphones and threw them at me, which I easily dodged as I stepped to the side.

"Didn't I tell you before that, that type of music was bad for your brain?" I asked, as I tried to hide the smile, which was tugging at my lips. Causing my brother pain always brought a smile to my face. "Or…whatever's left of it."

He scowled at my remark and struggled to get to his feet. His eyes were red and he looked as if he hadn't slept for days.

"Have you been drinking again little brother?"

He shot me a cold look and crossed his arms over his chest. "Does it look like I've been drinking?"

"No, you look like a hobo. In fact…" I paused and sniffed the air. "You smell like one too."

"Shut the fuck up!" He slumped back into the chair and started to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "By the way…what the hell are you doing here in the first place?"

`To make your life miserable that's why.' Was what I really wanted to say but instead I went with, "Father wanted to speak to you, so being the only responsible son he had, I did as I was told and went to wake you up."

He sat up in his chair and look at me confusedly. "Why would father want to speak with us this early in the morning?"

I shrugged and headed towards the door. "You should hurry and get cleaned up. I don't think father will be happy if you spoke to him looking like that, and while your at it…" I turned my head to face in his direction. "Please try to get rid of that awful stench. You smell like cat piss."

He mumbled a few curses under his breath and I took this as my cue to leave his room. Walking through the hallway to my father's office, I too began to wonder why he wanted to speak to us this early in the morning. Scratching my chin as I thought of some plausible reason why he would, I soon found myself standing in front of his office door.

Knocking on the hard oak door, I heard my father say "come in," from the other side of the door. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and entered my father's office, who was currently too busy signing paper work to even look up and acknowledge the fact that I was there.

"Ah, Sesshomaru…back so soon?" He asked, not even looking up once from what he was doing. "I thought it would take you longer to wake up your brother, seeing as he could sleep through anything. Speaking of Inuyasha, where is he?"

"I assure you father, Inuyasha will be here momentarily. He just had to take care of a couple of things."

Just as those words left my mouth, the door to my fathers office opened and there stood Inuyasha, who thank god, managed to get rid of that awful stench.

"You wanted to speak to me father?" He asked nonchalantly, as if this was a waste of his time.

The soft noise of scribbling ended as my father stopped writing and looked up at us. "Actually, I wanted to speak to both of you. Please sit." He motioned to the two leather chairs, which were placed at the front of his desk.

"Inuyasha, the reason I called you here was because I was wondering how your search was going."

"Search? What search?" He scratched his head and a small frown appeared on his face. "I don't recall losing anything."

My father, who looked completely shocked at my brother's actions, sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Please don't tell me you forgot about our deal already?! I mean, you're the one who made it for crying out loud! But of course, if you really did forget, than that means that you are free to go and marry Rin Suzuhara."

I stared at my brother as he continued scratching his head, a look of concentration on his face as he tried to remember the deal he had made with our father. `I guess dropping him on the head a couple of times when he was younger really did have an affect on him.'

The loud noise of my brother smacking his head told me that he had finally figured out what father was talking about. "Oh…that search!" His face fell and I knew instantly that he had already forgotten the deal he had made. Yeah…it's…um… going great. In fact…I…" He hesitated and took in a deep breath. "I…think I already found my perfect girl."

"Really?" My father lifted his eyebrows in amazement. "You already found someone? Wow…that's great. But still…I would like to meet this girl. Just to make sure she really is perfect for you."

"You…want…to…meet her?" My brother's face paled a bit, as he started to fidget under my father's intense gaze.

"Well of course. Why? Is that a problem?"

"Actually father, she is very shy about meeting new people…and…um…I think it would be wise to…um…wait…a while. You know…so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable meeting you and all."

"Okay, if you think that's for the best. But don't forget Inuyasha, our deal still remains. So if this girl turns out to not be your perfect girl at all, you know what you must do."


"Good…well that's all I wanted to talk about. You should better go and get ready for school."

Inuyasha nodded his head in response and left the room.

"You know, Inuyasha is such a terrible liar." I said as I watched the door close after said person.

"Yes, I agree." My father sighed and leaned back into his chair. "Knowing Inuyasha, he probably scared away all the girls at his school with his temper, but who knows…maybe he did find someone."

"I highly doubt it. After what happened, he has become more stubborn than a mule and I doubt that no girl would be able to stand his attitude."

"I guess you're right. Anyways back to the reason why I called you here." He folded his hands together and rested them on top of his desk. "Sesshomaru, as Inuyasha's older brother you have certain responsibilities to uphold."

`Responsibilities? I don't like the sound of that.'

"That is why I want you to keep an eye on your brother."

"In other words you want me to baby-sit him."

"Not exactly. I want you to just keep an eye on him, to make sure that he doesn't make the wrong choices. I also want you to report to me about anyone who seems suspicious, so that I could take the necessary precautions to ensure that another incident won't happen again." He leaned back into his chair and folded his arms over his chest. "And if everything goes to plan, Inuyasha will end up marrying Rin Suzuhara and all our problems will be solved."

"So, what you're saying is that even if Inuyasha finds someone, it won't matter because you're going to still find a way to get him to marry this…Rin."

"Exactly. So…will you do this for me?"

His sentence was followed by a long period of silence. I really didn't want to do this but seeing as I didn't want to anger my father I agreed.

He stood up and walked towards the door. Patting me on the shoulder as he passed. "I knew that I could count on you Sesshomaru, so you better not fail me."

"No father, I won't." I answered quietly. The opening and closing of the office door were the only things I heard as I sat in the room alone.

"Kuso!" I gripped the arms of the chair I was sitting in. My nails almost piercing through the leather to the stuffing underneath. `Why is it that whenever my brother screws up, I'm the one who always ends up bailing him out?'

Cursing again, I stood up and walked out of the room, slamming the door as I closed it. `Damn it Inuyasha! You better appreciate what I'm doing for you because after this, I won't be helping you again.'

<Inu's P.O.V>

"Baka!" *Bam* "Baka!" *Bam* "Baka!" *Bam* "BAKA!" *BAM*

I rested my head on my locker door, the metal feeling cool against my sore forehead, which was surely red after all the banging that I did.

`Why? Out of all the lies I could've said, why did I have to say that? I am such an idiot! Of course it wasn't all a lie.' Sighing, I turned around and slid onto the floor, sitting in front of my locker. My head fell back and I started banging it against my locker. `I did meet someone, but that someone was anything but perfect.'

Closing my eyes, I continued banging my head until it started to hurt. `I better find someone and quick. If I don't, I'll end up marrying someone who I don't even know. I could just pay someone to pretend to be my girlfriend.' I opened my eyes and looked around the hallway. `There are like a bunch of girls here that would just jump at the chance of going out with me. But if father ever did find out that I lied to him, he'd probably run me over with his car.'

`Damn it what am I going to do?' I guess I was too busy banging my head, for all of a sudden a pair of feet appeared in front of me.

"Hey, Inuyasha! Um…why are you banging your head on your locker?"

I looked up from were I was sitting to see Miroku, who was sporting a red handprint on his face. `Figures! He probably was caught spying on the girls in the change room again.'

"What do you want Miroku? Don't you have to go and hit on some girl or something?" I held my head in hands to subdue some of the pain I felt.

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled slyly. "Honestly Inuyasha, is that really how you see me, as a lech? A person who can't control his hormones when a beautiful girl comes by, just because she has a nice rack, or a nice pair of legs or even better…" He sighed and had a content look on his face. "…A nice, round, firm as-"

"Can you please stop talking about how much you like a girl's ass for once and just shut up! Your rambling is giving me a headache." I snapped as I leaned my head back onto the metal surface of my locker.

"Seeing as there are many dents all over your locker, I'm guessing that my rambling didn't cause your headache. So tell me Inuyasha…" I heard a bit of shuffling and turned my head to the side to see that Miroku had taken a seat beside me. "…Why are you in such a bad mood today. Did you get into another fight with Sesshomaru again? Or did your dad find out about your secret stash of Playboys that you've kept since grade nine?"

"No, Sesshomaru and I didn't get into a fight today, and you know as well as I do that, that stash of Playboys are yours."

"Oh yeah…I forgot that I left those at your house. Anyways, what's up?"

"Well, I'm having a bit of a problem here." I stared at my hands as I clasped and unclasped them.

Miroku nodded his head slowly. "Yes, but what kind of problem are you having. Like are you having guy troubles?" He paused and looked at me strangely. "Because if you are, I can't help you with that."

I whacked him on the head and scowled. "Not that kinda problem you idiot!"

"Oh so your having girl problems then?"

I opened my mouth to reply but paused. "Well…not exactly. You see I'm having problems finding a girl and I don't kn-"

Miroku raised his hand to silence me. "Say no more. I know exactly what to do, for you see I, Miroku, am an expert on women."

"If you're such an expert, than how come you've been shot down by every girl you've asked out?"

He shot me a cold look. "Do you want my help or not?"

Since I had nothing better to do but listen to his ideas, I had only one thing to say. "Feh."

"Good, okay like I was saying before, since I'm such an expert on women I know exactly what to do. But instead of telling what to do…" He looked around the hallway and a small smile appeared on his face. "I'll demonstrate it for you."

I followed his gaze until I noticed that he was staring at a really attractive looking red head. `Oh you've got to be kidding me.'

He quickly got to his feet and picked up a binder on the floor, which I assumed belonged to the red head.

"Hey! Excuse me Miss!" He called out to the girl who turned around in confusion.

He walked well actually it looked more like strutted towards the girl. "Sorry to bother you Miss but I believe this belongs to you." He held out the binder and flashed the girl his "sexy" smile.

"Oh…um…arigatou." She held out a shaky hand and took the binder from Miroku, who's smile only got wider.

"Oh no…I should be the one thanking you." He than took one of her hands in his own, causing the girl to blush in either embarrassment or anger. "For you see, after meeting you, I've finally witnessed true beauty such as yours."

I closed my eyes and snorted at his statement. `God, that must've been the lamest thing I've ever heard.'

The girl, who looked very embarrassed right now, fidgeted in her spot. "Th-that's very nice of you to say, b-but I better get going. I'm gonna be late for class if I don't."

Miroku, who looked unfazed after the girls comment just sighed and looked into her eyes. "Please Miss don't go, for you see it would be a crime against nature if I never see your beauty again."

Cracking one eye open, I noticed that one of Miroku's hands, which was temporarily free, was getting dangerously close to the girl's ass. `Oh this should be good.'

"Seriously, I better get going." The girl said hastily.

"Oh, all right. But before you go Miss, may I please ask you one question? Will you please do me the honor of bearing my child?"

It took all the will power I had to not burst out laughing. Even though I've seen Miroku do this like a million times, the result was always the same.

As the girl stood there, looking as if she was about to die of embarrassment, Miroku took this time to grope her ass.

`Predictable.' I sighed and closed my eyes. `Three…two…one…'


I opened my eyes just in time to see Miroku sprawled on the ground with a huge red handprint on is face. The girl, who was now fuming with anger, just turned around and stomped to class, while mumbling something about "sick perverted bastards who can't keep their hands to themselves."

"Don't forget to think about my offer!" He called after her as he rubbed the red handprint on his face.

Getting up, he walked over to where I was sitting and plopped down beside me. "So Yash, did my little demonstration teach you anything?"

"Keh! Are you kidding me? Your demonstration taught me a lot."

"Really that's good."

"Yeah, your demonstration taught me to not act like you and end up getting my ass kicked!"

Miroku sighed and shook his head. "Than I guess I haven't taught you anything. You see, my demonstration was supposed to show that, that girl wasn't meant for me. By rejecting me, that proves that she and I weren't meant to be."

"Oh really? I thought by rejecting you, it meant that she didn't like how you were feeling her up."

"Jeez Inuyasha, I guess you just don't understand my technique. Besides, I already know who I'm meant to be with."

"And my I ask who it is?"

"Well if you really want to know. It's the one and only Sango Kobayashi."

"Sango? Are you sure about that? I mean…Sango said no to you more times than I can count and if I understand your `technique' correctly, that would mean you and her aren't meant to be."

"Ah…but you see Inuyasha, she is only playing hard to get, and you know as well as I do that I just love a challenge." He clasped his hands together and rested them behind his head.

"Miroku, I swear. You are a glutton for punishment."

"Yeah, but the pain is worth it." He smiled and rubbed his still throbbing cheek.

"By the way Inuyasha, how was your little study session with Kagome. I bet that you guys were up all night long `working' on it." He did the little quote on quote action as he said the word working.

"What are you implying?" I eyed him suspiciously. `He better not be thinking what I think he's thinking.'

"Come on Inuyasha…all I'm saying is that if I were the one, alone, in a very attractive girls room, that something exciting and very tiring, might I add, would happen. If you know what I mean."

"If you mean in exciting, as in getting pissed on by a cat exciting, than yeah, I had a very exciting night." I said sarcastically.

"Aw come on Inuyasha. You can't expect me to believe that you and Kagome didn't do anything but studying while you two were alone in her room all night. I mean come on. You. Her. ALONE! Man, that spells instant make out session!"

"One: I would never take advantage of a girl on the first day I've met her. Two: Especially someone who isn't single and Three: I would never be caught dead making out with that bitch."

"Well, it's your loss man. Kagome is one amazing girl and if the very beautiful Sango didn't already take my heart, I would've asked her out myself."

"Yeah, that's very unfortunate for me."

He sighed and looked at his watch. "Well, come on Yash, we better get going or else we'll be late for class."

"Yeah, your probably right."

After a few minutes of us, struggling to get on our we finally managed to trudge towards our next class. That is of course, if there wasn't already a certain someone who was just waiting for us to come by…

Again sorry for the long update. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll try to get the next one out as soon as possible. Oh and for you guys, who are interested in this, I have some news about the whole series finale of Inuyasha. Supposedly the manga and the anime series are going to end somewhere in September. The manga is going to end at volume 35 or 36 and the anime is going to end at episode 166-167 or 167-168 in a two part special.

Well thanks to my beta reader lilkawaiigurl88 (Starfire Star) and to all the peeps out there who reviewed my story.

~ Well, TTFN! Peace!