InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Rude Awakening Part 2 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9: Rude Awakening Part 2.


Our footsteps echoed throughout the nearly deserted hallways, as Miroku and I walked towards our next class. An odd shiver ran down my spine as we walked through this oddly familiar hallway, but of course everything in this school was familiar to me for I did spend at least two years of my life in it. But still the odd sickening feeling in my stomach wouldn't leave me as we walked through it.


My eyes scanned the empty hallway as I tried to figure out why I felt this way. Not really paying any attention to Miroku who was probably talking about woman or some other perverted things he thought up in his perverted little mind.


Closing my eyes for a brief second some really disturbing and horrific scenes flashed in my head. One of them was of me looking down at my hands covered in blood. His blood. Opening my eyes as a soft gasp escaped my lips I turned to Miroku who seemed to have not noticed my little episode.


It was so weird. The images seemed so real as if I was actually there. Holding one of my hands in front of me I stared down at it and squeezed it into a tight fist. It seemed so real, as if I could feel the blood on my hands. Opening my fist my eyes widened in shock for a bit as blood covered it.


Stopping dead in my tracks I furiously rubbed my hands on my pant leg, almost missing the "Are you okay?" that Miroku said. My breathing became ragged as I continued wiping my hands clean trying to get rid of the offending blood on it. "It won't come off. Blood so much blood." I muttered to myself over and over again as I desperately tried to get rid of it.


I firm hand on my shoulder jerked me out of my ranting as I looked up to the concerned face of Miroku. "Are you alright Inuyasha?" He asked softly. I looked back down at my hand to find it completely void of any blood. It was just a hallucination. Taking a deep breath to steady my rapidly beating heart I pushed Miroku's hand off my shoulder and crossed my arms over my chest with a loud "Keh".


"Of course I'm fine. It was nothing. I just…just saw a bug on my hand and had to get rid of it okay." I replied hastily, mentally kicking myself for the lame excuse.


Giving me a look, which clearly stated he didn't believe me he said, "It didn't look like nothing to me. You seemed to have been really bothered by something. I've never seen you act like this before Inuyasha."


"I'm fine. Nothings bothering me so just lay off." I said forcefully as I brushed past him. But something was bothering me. After two years of blocking those memories from my mind, how and why did they come back right now? Something…I don't know what yet but something about this specific hallway had to have triggered them. But what and why?


I stood there trying to absorb my surroundings trying to figure out why and than it came to me. This place, this hallway is where it all began. This is the place where-


"Are you sure you're okay?" Miroku's voice interrupted my thoughts. "I could take you to the nurses office or something if you -"


"I said I'm fine." I snapped back, trying to recollect my thoughts.


Miroku just shrugged his shoulders with a simple "whatever" and walked past me.


"Wait Miroku."




"Do you…" I paused as he turned around to face me. Should I tell him? He is my best friend and he deserved to know the truth. Taking a deep breath I continued. "Don't you realize where we are?"

He gave me a puzzled look and began slowly. "We're in a hallway…"


I ran a hand down my face at his stupidity. "Don't be such a smart ass and think. What special significance does this hallway have?"


He paused and rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger. His eyes widened a bit as he realized where we were. "I almost forgot. This is the place where -"


"Yeah, exactly."


"It still bothers you, doesn't it?"


"Why? Doesn't it bother you?" I asked looking around as old memories of that day filled my head.


Miroku sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Sometimes it does. Sometimes at night I still have dreams about that day, but with Sango's help it's getting a bit better."


"Sango…how is she coping with it? I never did have a chance to ask her yesterday."


Miroku sighed again and leaned against a locker. "I'm not really sure how's she's doing. That day did have it's affect on her like it did to you and me but she seems to have it worse than me. Seeing me…us like that must've got to her but she's seems to be dealing with it. But some times," He paused and frowned a bit, "her mom tells me that sometimes she has dreams just like me, but she's strong. Stronger than both of us combined even, and I know that she'll learn to deal with it. And besides," he smiled "I'm there to help her in any way I can."


His words really affected me. Here I am thinking only about myself when my two best friends in the world had to learn to deal with this problem by themselves. Never did I once call them in the past two years and ask if they were doing okay. No, all I did was wallow in my own sadness thinking about poor me and how fucked up my life was when back home they were suffering as well.


"I'm sorry."


"For what?"


I looked at the ground. "It's all my fault that you guys are suffering. If I just listened to you and Sango that day none of this would've happened. And besides, what kind of friend am I to have not asked or even tried to help you guys in these past two years?"


"Inuyasha, you have nothing to be sorry for. It was no ones fault that that happened that day. In fact you could say that we were all to blame for what had happened. Besides you're the one who needed the most support. You were the one who was betrayed by the woman who you loved the most and you were the one who was hurt the most that day. I don't think anyone except someone with a strong will could live with that on his shoulders. And to answer your question Inuyasha I think you're a pretty good friend regardless of the fact that you weren't here for us. The only thing I'm upset about is that we weren't there for you."


If only you knew the whole truth about that day Miroku than you wouldn't be talking so highly about me. If only you knew that while you were at the hospital I was out drinking and killed some guy because of it. That my father had to pay off a lot of people to keep there mouths shut and to keep the identity of the driver a secrete so that it wouldn't be used as bad publicity against him.


"Well seeing as this conversation can't get any more depressing than it is, let's hurry up and head to class." Miroku said as he pushed himself off the locker and stood up straight. "Wouldn't want to piss off any teachers now would we?"


"No, I guess not"


So again we continued are somewhat long and tedious walk to class. Of course normally it would've taken about five minutes to get to each class but seeing that we both walked very slowly it seemed more like a few hours. But I figured that if we walked without any more interruptions that I could get to class without the teacher bugging me about my tardiness.


But seeing that fate always had a sick and twisted sense of humor it seemed that my hopes of getting in on `time' would not be answered.


* * *


A small sigh of relief escaped my lips at the sound of the bell. Grabbing my books I slowly trudged out of the classroom, stifling a yawn as I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to keep them open.


"Hey Kagome!"


I turned around at the sound of my name being called.


"Hi Sango." I replied tiredly.


"Hey what's up?" The smile she wore on her face slowly disappeared only to be replaced by a look of worry. "You don't seem to be your happy and energetic self this morning. Are you okay?"


"One word: Kouga."


"I see. So what did he do this time?" She asked a small frown appearing on her face. "I swear Kags if he forced you to do something against your will I'll…"


"You make it sound like he's going to rape me."


"Well can you blame me? I've known Kouga much longer than you have and I've known him to treat his girlfriends like his property. Forcing them to do whatever he wants whenever he wants."


I sighed while pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation. "I thought we talked about this before. Kouga has done nothing but treated me with respect and has done nothing to harm me in anyway."




"And for your information the only reason why I seem so out of it is because he called me last night and just wanted to talk, and by the time our conversation ended it was already past one."


She stayed silent for a couple of minutes than shrugged in defeat. "Alright fine. If you say he didn't do anything to you than I'll believe you. But that doesn't mean that I think he's good enough for you."


"Can we please change the subject?" I asked. "It's a bit too early for you to be telling me the reasons why you believe Kouga isn't good for me."


She opened her mouth to reply but closed it; probably realizing that what she was about to say wasn't the best thing to say at that moment.


It was like this every time I didn't seem like myself. She would automatically assume that Kouga did something to hurt me and right now it was really getting annoying. Of course I did appreciate the fact that she cared for my well being by but did she always have to blame all my problems on Kouga?"


The day she found out that I was going out with Kouga she went off and told Miroku about it. Than the two of them tried to convince me to reconsider and told me all these bad things about him.


It was pretty obvious that they didn't like him that much and as much as I respected their opinions, I decided to stay with Kouga anyway. Despite all the bad things they told me I just chose to ignore it. But that didn't mean that they haven't stopped trying to change my mind about him.


A pregnant silence followed our little talk as we walked through the crowded hallway.


"So," Sango said to try and break the silence, "who are you going with to the dance?"


"I don't know. Probably Kouga but that is if I decide to go."


"You're not going to the dance? Why?"


I took in a deep breath, thinking of the best way to explain myself. "Dances just aren't my thing. I mean spending so much money on a dress that your probably going to never where ever again is just stupid."


"In other words you haven't bought a dress yet, right?" She asked dryly.


"Well that's another reason but still, I don't think I'm going to go."


"Aw come one Kags, you should go. Besides you do still have this week to go out and buy a dress." She stated.


"I don't think…"


She gave me a look that clearly said `you better come with me or else.'


"Um…I mean, o-okay." I smiled weakly.


"Good, so how `bout me and you go to the mall on Saturday to see if we can buy you anything to wear?"


"Okay." I said hesitantly. "But only to buy something to wear for the dance. I don't want to end up buying stuff which I won't really need later on."


Sango smiled. "Okay, anyways you and I haven't hung out in a while and it seems that you could really use a girls night out."


"Yeah your right. By the way Sango, who are you taking to the dance?"


"Um…me?" She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt nervously. "Well, I haven't actually asked anyone yet but…but I do have someone in mind."


I grinned mischievously. "Really? By any chance is it anyone I know?"


Of course I already knew whom it was she wanted to ask. It was so obvious that she was head over heals in love with Miroku that I was quite surprised that she didn't already ask him out yet.


"Well, you kind of know who he is. He's a pretty good friend of mine and we've known each other for quite sometime. In fact I've liked him for a long time but…" She paused.




"But, I'm not really sure how he feels towards me. He is quite a lady's man but he hasn't really shown any interest in me. Well he does sometimes but than I think that he just, you know, thinks of me as just a friend."


I thought over what she said and realized that she was somewhat true. Yes Miroku did have quite of a rep as a lady's man but by the way he acted towards her I knew that he saw her more that just a friend.


"Listen Sango, from what you're saying I think I have a pretty good idea of whom you're talking about."


"Really? So what do you think I should do?" She asked in a small insecure voice.


"Well, I think that you're getting it all wrong. I think that this `guy' actually likes you back. I've seen the way he looks at you and even though he treats you like every other girl in the school I know that he likes you back.


"And since this guy hasn't done anything yet, I think that you should ask him instead of waiting for him. Take matters into your own hands." I suggested. "Besides, if he says no, at least you tried."


She nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, your right. The next time I'm alone with him I'll- Hey watch where you're going!" She yelled as someone ran right into her.


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Sango" He replied hastily as his eyes moved around frantically.


"Are you okay Hojo?" I asked as I noticed the scared look he had in his eyes.


As he heard my voice he slowly backed away from me, his brown eyes wide with fear.


"K-Kagome?! Oh no he might see us." He tried to run away but ended up tripping over his own feet.


I crouched down in front of him and held a hand out. "Here. Let me help you-"


"Don't touch me!" He quickly got back onto his feet. "S-stay away from me…I-I have t-to get out o-of here!"


I watched in shock as the young brunette ran as fast as he could away from me, not even once stopping to apologize to the people he ran into.


"That. Was. Weird." Sango said slowly.


I slowly stood up, still looking at the direction he ran off to. "Yeah, I wonder why he was so scared?"


"He said something about someone catching you two. What do you think that means?"


"I don't know. I know Hojo can be weird sometimes but he was never that weird?"


"Well, look at the bright side. At least he's not following you like a lost puppy now." Sango said positively.


"That's true." I agreed.


Taking one last look to where Hojo ran off to I wondered what or who was able to freak out the most cheerful guy at school.


* * *


"Inuyasha I think that we should take another way." Miroku suggested as he grabbed hold of my arm to stop me.


I tugged my arm out of his grasp. "Miroku, this is the only way to get to my class and since I'm already late as it is I can't take another way."

He stood in front of me and blocked my path. "No seriously Inuyasha we should take another way."


"What the hell is wrong with you Miroku?" I shoved him out of my way only to find myself looking at a very familiar person beating up some kid.


"What the fuck." I quickly took off at the direction of where they were only to find myself once again stopped by Miroku.


"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed as he started to pull me away. "We have to go and help that kid."


Miroku looked over his shoulder with a serious look on his face. "Look Inuyasha it isn't our problem, so we shouldn't get involved. Besides I think it would be better if you didn't start a fight with Kouga on your second day back."


Ignoring him I pulled away from him and walked back to where Kouga was who was currently too busy threatening the kid to see me coming.


"Leave that kid alone."


Kouga turned his head to face me and smirked. "Well if it isn't the resident pervert and my old pal dog shit."


"Don't you fucking `pal' me." I growled. "Like I said, leave him alone."


He turned his attention back to the kid he was harassing, and pushed him down. "Don't forget what I told you Hojo. Stay away from my woman or else I'll make the rest of your life a living hell. Now get lost."


The kid, Hojo, quickly got on to his feet and ran past Miroku and me.


I stood there glaring at Kouga. Feeling all the pent up anger I had beginning to resurface as I stared at the person who made my life a living hell.


"What's the matter dog shit? Aren't you happy to see me?" Kouga asked sarcastically.


"You know damn well that I'm not happy to see you." I spat at him.


"I was actually hoping to run into you today. You see there's something that you and I have to discuss."


"I have nothing to say to you." I growled as I walked past him, only to find myself pushed into the wall.


"That's too bad because you're going to listen and listen good. And you…" He turned around to Miroku. "Better not interrupt."


"What do you want Kouga?" I scowled.


"Like I said, I want to talk. You see yesterday I was very pissed. Why? Because I found out that you were coming back. But what pissed me off the most was when I found out that you were with my woman." He said angrily.


"What's wrong Kouga? Worried that she might like me more than you?" I asked, knowing that that would really rile him up.


It seemed to have worked as Kouga clenched his fist in anger. "Shut up. She would never like a low life like you."


"Really? Seeing that she's going out with you that would mean that her standards are pretty low."


I cough was heard behind Kouga and I looked over to see an angry looking Miroku who was pretty mad that I had made fun of Kagome.


"Don't you ever make fun of my woman."


"Look Kouga, I ain't interested in your woman." I snorted. "I'm not that desperate."


"I better not see you anywhere near her again, is that understood." He said forcefully.


"Don't worry, I'm not interested in girls that you've already touched."


"Come on Yash, let's go." Miroku said as I followed him, walking past Kouga.


"What about Kikyo." Kouga called after us.


I froze for a second. "What about her." I said quietly.


"You said that you wouldn't go with any girl that I've already touched and I've been fucking her for almost a year and you still went out with her."


His words cut through me like a knife. Than that would've meant she's had been cheating on me through out our whole relationship. I decided to ignore him and kept on walking,


"What's the matter dog shit, I thought that after all this time that you would've wanted revenge against me. But seeing that you ain't man enough to I can understand why." He called after us.


I stopped and whirled around to face him. "Shut up."


But Kouga just smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Speaking of you not being man enough, maybe that's why Kikyo came to me practically begging me to fuck her."


"Shut the fuck up." I said as I ran up to him and punched him straight on the jaw.


Kouga staggered back a bit, wiping the blood that was going down his chin. "You call that a punch you pussy."


"You son of a bitch." I growled as I punched at him again, only to find myself punching air as he dodged it.


I clutched my stomach in pain as Kouga punched me there, knocking the wind out of me. Looking up just in time I dodge his punch and elbowed him in the back sending him to his knees. I kicked him in the stomach and was about to do it again when all of a sudden I was pulled back.


"Oh my god Kouga! Are you okay?"


Struggling against the people who were holding me back I saw Kagome by Kouga's side, looking at his `wounds'.


"Inuyasha, stay still." I turned to my left and my right and realized that it was Miroku and Sango who were holding me back. I stopped struggling in their grasps and pulled my arms away.


"What the hell happened?" Sango asked as she looked between me and Kouga who was still being looked at by Kagome.


"Kouga provoked him." Miroku stated calmly.

As the two of them talked about what had happened I glanced over towards Kouga and Kagome and noticed that she was giving me a cold stare. Without warning she walked over to me and slapped me across the face, causing everyone to go silent.


"What the hell was that for?" I yelled while clutching my cheek.


"I have nothing to say to you." She replied in a deadly tone. She walked back over to Kouga and helped him onto his feet. Slowly the two of them walked away from us.


"Don't worry about her Yash, she's just upset that you attacked her boyfriend." Sango said as she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.


I shrugged her hand off and crossed my arms over my chest. "Keh, I don't give a rat's ass if she's upset or not."


I turned around and started walking towards the front doors of the school.


"Where are you gong?" Miroku called after me.




I heard footsteps behind me and knew they were following me. "But school isn't finished yet."


"I know but I'm still going out."


And with that I walked out of the school, not even looking back once at the concerned faces of my friends.


* * *


I was pissed. No I was beyond pissed. I forcefully shoved my books into my bag and slammed my locker door shut with a bang. Heaving my yellow bag on to my back I stomped my way out of the school and frowned. There he was, the object of my anger.




I only knew him for two days now and I already knew that I disliked him. The stupid ass hole went missing for the whole school day and when it was time for History class I had to present our project by myself.


Sure we had a lot of great information about our topic but since I'm not such a great speaker in front of class I ended up making a complete fool out of myself. Add to the fact that he attacked Kouga and well he pretty much succeeded in ruining my day.


I walked up behind him and noticed the cigarette that he was currently holding.


"You know that that stuff is bad for you right?"


"What the hell do you want?" He asked as he took a drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke at my face.


I waved a hand in front of my face while coughing and took the cigarette from him putting it out. "Where the hell were you? Because of your little disappearing act I had to do the whole damn history presentation by myself you dimwit!"


He shrugged. "I was out here the whole time."


I stomped my foot in frustration and slapped him at the back of the head. "You ass whole! If I loose any marks it's all your fault!"


"Can you just get to the damn point of your lecture." He asked as he took out another cigarette and lit it.


My eye twitched in irritation. "Fine you want to know why I'm here. I just came out here to tell you some very wonderful news. Mrs. Kamiya thought that since you and I worked so well on our project together, that she wanted you to become my tutor." I said through clenched teeth.


He took another drag from his newly lit cigarette and frowned. "You've got to be kidding me."


I gave him a cold stare. "You think that I want this? I'd rather be eaten alive than have to spend my nights alone in a room with you."


"And what if I say no."


"If you and I don't do this, she's going to deduct marks off our grades." I stated simply.


He stayed silent for a minute and shrugged. "Fine. I'll do it."


"Good." I turned around and was about to walk away when I felt a hand on my shoulder.


"Here." He sated as he shoved something into my hand.


I looked down at it and noticed that it was a new cell phone. "Why are you giving this to me?"


"Because I said that I would get you a new one to replace the one I broke yesterday." He muttered, as he walked past me as I stood there in silent shock.


Did he just…was he just nice to me?




"Tell me again why I came here Sango?"


"Um…because you said that we could hang out and go buy you a dress?" She said nervously.


"Alright and by `we' didn't you mean just you and I?"




"Than tell me again why the hell he is here?" I said through clenched teeth as I turned back and glared at him.


"Look Bitch, I don't want to be here just as much as you do." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.


"Well, since my car was in the shop today I asked Miroku if he could bring us and he ended up bringing Inuyasha as well." Sango said as her voice faltered under my cold stare.


I sighed and ran a hand down my face. "Alright fine. Let's just get this over with."


So for the next four hours we ran walked around the whole mall trying to find the perfect dress for me, while Sango and Miroku bickered and Inuyasha acted like his bastard self.


"Jeez woman can't you just pick a damn dress already. I'm starving here." Inuyasha whined as his stomach growled to prove that he was indeed hungry.


"If you don't stop complaining I'll shove my foot up you're a-"


"Hey everyone, why don't we go get something to eat?" Miroku said loudly.


"That's a great idea Miroku." Sango agreed.


"You know Sango, I do have more great ideas. Like how bout you and I go find a secluded area and-"


"Finish that sentence and I'll make sure that you'll never be able to reproduce." She hissed.


"Wow Sango, I never knew you liked to play rough." Miroku said as he smiled lecherously.


"Why you-"


"Ah, I do believe we found a spot to sit." Miroku said as he quickly walked towards an empty table at the food court.


As we all sat down I sudden thought came to me.


"Um…Inuyasha can you come with me to get something to eat?" I asked sweetly.


Inuyasha gave me a funny look. "Are you feeling okay wench? One minute you're telling me to go jump off a bridge and now you're asking me to go get food with you?"


"Just. Come. With. Me." I forced out through gritted teeth.


"Keh! I ain't your lap dog bitch that's Kouga's job. Why don't you just ask Sango to go with you?"


"I want you to come with me. So come now!" I grabbed onto his shirt and drug him away, not caring about the stares we received from our little `display of affection'.


I pulled him along until I found a plant to hide behind which was stationed close to where we sat. I crouched down behind it and pulled Inuyasha down with me.


"What the fuck was that about? I thought you wanted to get food not play hide and go seek?"


I smacked him on the head and frowned. "Shut up you imbecile! They might hear us." I whispered.


"What the hell? Who do you mean `they'?"


I pointed towards Miroku and Sango. `Them, now shut up."


"What're you planning wench?"


I sighed. "Sango wants Miroku to ask her out but since he doesn't seem to like her she's going to ask him out. I just wanted you to come with me so that they could be alone together."


"Keh and where did you get that stupid idea that Miroku doesn't like her? He's freaking obsessed with her." He scoffed as we continued to spy on them.


"Really? Well anyways let's just hope that one of them asks the other out."


We sat there quietly and watched as Sango and Miroku began talking but it seemed that neither one of them was about to do anything yet. Until…


"Um…say Miroku I was wondering?"


"Yes Sango?"


"I was wondering if you want…"


I leaned forward more. Is she finally going to ask him?


"Come on Sango you can do it." I whispered. I held my breath as she continued her sentence.


"…to get something to eat?"


"Damn it!" I cried. "Come on Sango just ask him!"


"Forget it wench. You can't force people to do what they don't want to do." Inuyasha said as he slurped up some Ramen.


"Where the hell did you get that?"


He slurped up some more Ramen and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "While you were busy playing `spy' here I went to get food."


"I hope you choke." I stated dryly as I turned back towards Sango and Miroku.


"Hey Miroku, are you going to the dance?"


"Why yes Sango are you?"


"Well I was wondering if…"


I held my breath again. This is it. Sango is finally going to ask Miroku out.


"…you knew what time it was starting?"


"What?!" I cried out again.


"Oh jeez woman this is becoming so annoying." Inuyasha yelled as he stood up and headed towards Sango and Miroku.


"Inuyasha. What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I tried to keep up with him.


"Something I should've done I long time ago." He muttered. "Sango." He said as he finally reached the table. "Can you please do us all a favor and go out with Mi-"


"I'd love to go out with you Inuyasha. Is tomorrow okay?"


"-Roku?! WHAT?!" He yelled.


"I said that I'd love to go out with you. Is tomorrow okay?" Sango replied as she smiled happily.


I stood there in shock. Did she just ask Inuyasha out, instead of Miroku? I turned to look over at Miroku who had a look of betrayal in his eyes.


As all eyes went to Inuyasha for his answer, he stood there nervously and gulped.




* * *


A/N: Hey guys it's me. I'm sooooo sorry for not updating in 5 months. You see I had a lot of family problems and emotional problems that I had to sort out. Also my comp broke down and it erased this chapter when I was working on it and I had to start all over again. Add to the fact that I had major writers block so I really didn't know what to write.


I hope you guys can forgive me but don't worry I'm not giving up on this story. I shall finish it and update as frequently as I can. I would like to thank all my reviewers out there who have reviewed my story and I hope that you guys haven't lost interest in it.


Well again sorry for the long update but I hope that this really long chapter makes up for it. If it sucks like crap than I'm sorry! I didn't have time to edit it because I wanted to post it as fast as I could.

