InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what is the meaning of life? ❯ lost betrayel ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter one: lost betrayel

Konichiwa everyone! This is my first fic, so hope it comes out all right! Enjoy and hope ya like!

Disclaimer: I will never own Inu Yasha; no matter how much I wish I did….


Miroku stood there, as he took off the prayer beads and the cloth on his right hand. He looked at his hand; no air-rip, no hole; no curse; Naraku was officially dead.

He flexed his fingers, and touched his hand to get used to his new hand. He smiled, as he looked over at the others' they were not rejoicing like him.

Sango crawled over to Kohaku, picking up his body.

"Kohaku, Kohaku, wake up." She cried as she held his head in her lap. "Please wake up." Tears formed in her eyes.

"Kohaku…" she closed her eyes as a lone tear slid down her face. The tear slid onto her chin, and silently fell onto Kohaku's face.

"Sango?" he asked, his voice very weak. "Sango, is that really you?"

Sango's lips formed a smile as she hugged her brother. "Kohaku! Thank goodness you're safe!"

Kagome lay on the ground, unconscious. Her bow was still in her hand, along with her arrows. She stirred as her eye slowly opened and blinked a few times to rid the blurriness. She moaned as she sat up. She felt a very sharp pain on her side, her hands reached for it. Her shirt was stained with her blood.

"That's not good," she said as she looked around her.

She saw Miroku, Sango and Kohaku; all smiling and crying tears of joy.

`Good,' she thought to herself. `They're happy. But… where's…' she gasped as she jumped up.

"Where is he, where is he?" she kept repeating to herself. Tears formed in her eyes, as she walked around the battlefield.

She noticed Naraku's dead corpse, ignoring it. She only cared about one thing; Inu Yasha being alive.

She searched, jumping to many conclusions, like he was dead, he ran away, Kikyou shot him again, and Naraku killed him.

She fell to her knees tears streaming down her face.

"Ka...go…me…" she heard a weak voice whisper. Her eyes looked to her left, and near a tree. She saw Inu Yasha sitting there, his eyes looked at hers and he smiled.

Kagome ran to him, crying hysterically into his haori. Inu Yasha wrapped his arm around her waist, hugging her body closer to his.

"You jerk! You scared me so much!" she screamed into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Kagome," he hugged her tighter.

"Don't do that to me," she said in between her tears. "You scared me to death. I thought you were killed." She closed her eyes and relaxed against his body.

"I would not die that easily," he said. "Kagome, I- "

"Inu Yasha!"

Everyone looked over to the source of the voice and saw Kikyou, a look of anger and sadness on her face.

Kagome got off of Inu Yasha and looked over to Kikyou.

"Do I mean nothing to you, Inu Yasha?" Kikyou looked like she wanted to kill him.

Inu Yasha stood up, Kagome helping him because of his wo0unds.

"Kikyou, you do." Kagome looked towards the ground. "But, I don't love you like I did fifty years ago."

"Why, Inu Yasha?"

"Kikyou, you tell me why. Why do you want to kill me?!"

Inu Yasha looked her straight in the eye, piercing her soul…well… was left of it….

"You betrayed me, Inu Yasha. You betrayed our love!" Kagome was fuming with anger. She stepped in front of Inu Yasha.

"Now listen hear, Kikyou. You have no right to say that to Inu Yasha! He did not betray you! Naraku tricked you, Kikyou. He's a shape-shifter and took on the form of Inu Yasha. He attacked you, you got angry and thought it was Inu Yasha. Inu Yasha took the jewel, thinking you betrayed him. Then you shot him with your sacred arrow and took the Shikon no Tama with you to hell, where it was cursed with evil." Kagome took a deep breath and calmed down.

"But, as much as I hate you, I pity you. You died with so much pain in your heart, thinking the one you loved betrayed you. And yet, through all this pain, you still go after him." Kagome smiled, but only for a second.

"I may pity you, Kikyou, but I won't let you drag him to hell. I won't let you ruin his life because of your own selfishness, so," she picked up her bow and arrows, "you'll have to get past me to get to him."

"Kagome, no!" Inu Yasha screamed, about to run to her.

"Inu Yasha let me be." Kagome looked back at him, giving him her best smile. "I need to fight for you now."

She turned back to Kikyou, who had a look on her face like she was going to explode with frustration. Kagome aimed her arrow at Kikyou.

"Will you fight, Kikyou?"

"I'll fight. Shall I win, you live lonely forever and Inu Yasha and I go home to hell."

"Fine. If I win, I have Inu Yasha, and you will be at peace; we'll help you."

Kikyou started a chi-energy ball, and blasted it to Kagome. Kagome shot her arrow, breaking Kikyou's attack.

Kagome's arrow glowed pink, as it hit Kikyou right in the heart…er, well…in her "clay heart".

Kikyou gasped as the arrow hit her. Inu Yasha's eyes widened.

He was afraid she might be dead (isn't she already?) as she collapsed on the floor.

Kagome ran to Kikyou and pulled out the arrow.

"You win." Kikyou admitted.

Kagome noticed how sad she was. `She has no friends.' Kagome thought. `She can't run to someone's shoulder and cry her heart out. I bet she just needs friends.'

Inu Yasha walked over to the two girls, he didn't know what to say when he smelled tears.

Kagome looked up to Kikyou's face to find her crying.

"Kikyou, I'm…I'm sorry." Kikyou looked up at Kagome. "I want to ease your pain.

Kagome hugged Kikyou as if they were friends. Inu Yasha, Miroku, and Sango's jaws dropped to the ground.

Kikyou smiled. "But I'm your rival." She said as she got out of the embrace.

"We can start over, Kikyou. You can start over.

Kikyou stood up. "Thank you."

Kagome just shook it off.

"Inu Yasha," Kikyou walked over to him. "I want you love, but as your friend. I understand Kagome shall be yours; I know she will be there for you; you're much better with her than with me. So, here is the jewel." She handed it to him.

"Do with it what you wish."

Inu Yasha looked at Kagome. "Kikyou, it's not mine."

Kikyou nodded, and understood him. She walked over to Kagome.

"It is yours, then." She put the jewel in Kagome's hand. "You are its rightful owner."

~ ~ ~ end ~ ~ ~

OKAY! Sooooo…. How do you like? Good, bad? REVIEW!!!


Till next time!

~ forgotton angel