InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is true love? ❯ Let the battle begain. Part 2 ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recape: "Let the battle begain."
Chapter 25: Let the battle begain. Part 2
"Your scared," Inuyasha whispered to Kagome.
"Yes," she responded weakly.
"Don't be, I'm here you have nothing to fear." Inuyasha offered her a comforting half-smile
"You could die." Her voice broke on the last word.
Seeing her so vulnerable looking, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her in a gentle
"You won't let me," he told her in a soft whisper.
Kagome looked into Inuyasha's amber eyes, and felt her heart wrench, she had to tell him...she had to do it now... "I'm pregnant."
Inuyasha, didnt have time to respond , nor react to Kagome's rather abrupt announcement, because at that very moment Naraku and his minions broke through the East wall of Kaede's village.
The hanyou looked at Kagome, some emotion she couldnt quite name shining in his eyes before he turned away from her to scan the ruined wall, and the hord of demons continuing in their direction. He had to do something... Kagome and her sacred arrows could be a big help... but now that he knew she was pregnant, he was reluctant to let her participate in the inevitable battle ahead.
Inuyasha nodded, a physical reaction to the metal conversation he was having with himself and then he spoke.
"Kagome, stay here. If they get close dont hesitate to use your arrows," and then he was gone; rushing headlong into a battle he wasnt certain he could win.
Inuyasha drew his sword, and cut a path through the onslaught of lesser demons,
attempting to get to Naraku, before Naraku could get to anyone else.
Kohaku peered over his older sisters shoulder, in an attempt to see what was going on. She
however wouldnt allow it. Grabbing his wrist she pulled him along with her to a place she
hoped would be safe... at least for the time being.
The sounds of battle, of clashing metal, and roaring crowds penetrated throught the walls of their hiding spot. Sango shot her young brother a worried look, and chewed at her bottom lip. She had to do something... she couldnt just stay there. Wasnt she of more use out on the battlefeild?
With a swift blow to the back of her brothers head she knocked him unconsious and hid his slumbering body as best she could before heading out to protect both him, and her friends the best way she knew how.
Sango was going to fight.
Bodies littered the ground, most of them dead, while some were still clinging to life if only just barely. Sango was aiding Miroku, who's wind tunnel was useless with all of the poison insects about ready to fly at him if he should choose to employ it.
Kirara was engaged in her own battle fending off as many demons as she could, little Shippo offering as much help as he could manage through the use of his fox magic.
Kagome shot arrows into demons with deadly accuracy, from where her dog eared companion had left her.
Sesshoumaru, and Inuyasha, swords drawn, were cutting down as many foes as they could manage. Using their swords to their full potential, while Kagura aided them using her wind sorcery when ever they seemed to be in trouble.
But still, the demon hord kept advancing, and Naraku kept getting closer and closer to his goal; Kohaku, and the final shard of the jewel, the one that he himself had placed in the boy's back.
No one realized that their biggest enemy and largest threat had managed to get to the stables, where Sango had concealed her brother until they heard the unmistakable sound of Kagome's scream, carrying over the sounds of battle.
Kohaku's now lifeless body was dangling in Naraku's grip, his back bloody and torn open. Kagome was on her knees, clutching at her left side, where the material of her white top was stained crimson with her own blood. Inuyasha let out an enraged cry as he fought off the demons surrounding him as fast as he could.
Naraku didnt have time to grab up Kagome as he spirited himself and the jewel shard away, just narrowly avoiding the sharp end of Inuyasha's blade as he did so.
The battle was over... though the outcome had not been the one they hed been seeking.
The demons retreated. They had gotten what they wanted. They had fulfilled their duties.
They could leave.
Inuyasha was at odds with himself. He looked at Kagome, and then in the direction he knew Naraku had dissapeared in, and then back at his wounded Kagome. Hatred seethed within
him and with out so much as a word he headed off in persuit of the spider marked demon.
Mean while back in the village, Kaede, saw to Kagome's wounds, as well as the wounds of
those villagers still alive after the battle that had just taken place.
She would be alright. The wound was nasty, and there was no doubt it would leave a
terrible scar, but it was shallow, and non threatening.
Sango wept openly, over the body of her little brother, as Miroku and Kirara comforted
Little did she know that her weeping was in vain.
Sesshoumaro took the body from the grieving girl and placed it on the ground, before
drawing his other sword, and passing it over Kohaku.
a few moments later the boy shifted. He was going to be okay. He was alive. He was also
mmediately embraced by a still teary-eyed Sango,
Inuyasha, had once again lost Naraku's trail. He couldnt pick up his scent anywhere... it
was damn frustrating to tell the truth.
With anger at his enemy, and concern for Kagome, burning inside of him, he headed back to the village. After all, he couldnt fight Naraku alone; not now that he had all of the pieces of the jewel.