InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ More Photographs And A Ride ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Five: More Photographs And A Ride

Upon turning the page Kagome and Inuyasha saw one of the most hilarious pictures probably ever taken in the history of the world. Kagome and Inuyasha began to cry they were laughing so hard. The picture was of Sango and Miroku who were about 12 years old at the time.

It was the summer between 6th and 7th grade. Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango and Miroku were all very excited about finishing their first year of Middle school and that summer proved to be interesting. In the picture Miroku was stood about eight yards away with his back facing towards the camera. Sango was standing a few feet away also, with her back to the camera. What made it hilarious was the boomerang, that was visible in the picture as a blur, which was flying directly towards the back of Miroku's head.

Sango's father had been on a business trip to Australia earlier that summer. He bought the boomerang for his daughter thinking she might enjoy it and she did. The boomerang it's self was very well made and exactly the same size as others. Sango loved to practice throwing it and over the years since the picture had been taken her favorite moving target had become Miroku. Every time the group went to the park or the beach or anywhere outdoors Sango always brought he boomerang. During these outings if Miroku was being perverted, Sango wouldn't hesitate to take aime and throw it at him and sometimes she wouldn't even bother throwing it she would just whack him with it.

Now Seniors in High school Inuyasha and Kagome were slightly concerned that Miroku might be suffering brain damage of some kind. Which would have been directly caused by all of the target practices he had been apart of and beatings he had received over the years. Miroku never really complained about the pain Sango inflicted upon him. In his mind any attention form Sango was good attention. And if you looked up the definition of `love sick' in the dictionary you would find a photograph of Miroku next to it.

"I remember the day I took that picture." Inuyasha managed to say after calming his laughter.

"You know that to this day Sango still claims it was an `accident'." Kagome said trying not to break out into another fit of laughter.

"Yeah like anyone would ever believe that. Sango better stop beating the crap out of him soon or she will end up with a brain dead husband." Inuyasha said felling sympathetic for his friend. Kagome gave him a rather shocked look. It wasn't like Inuyasha to think or say things like `husband' or `wife'. At least as far as she knew. Inuyasha turned to her.

"Don't give me that look, like you can't believe I think about things like that because I do. And you know it's true. You know that in 2 to 6 years we will be invited to their wedding. Miroku is too head over heels for Sango to not, at the very least ask her to marry him." He stated like it had been a headline on the cover of a newspaper.

"You're right, at the very least he will try. But do you think that if they do get married Sango will stop beating him up?" Kagome questioned

"Maybe but, I think that right before the birth of any children they might have that we need to make sure Miroku is half way across the world or Miroku might not live to see his child much less create anymore." Inuyasha said in amusement. Kagome laughed and blushed.

"I agree. Sango does express that she's in pain through anger. And when she's angry she tends to get violent." Kagome said fearing for Miroku's life. Then suddenly blushed bright red.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked bluntly.

"Well, because of some of the ways Sango might chose to harm Miroku in that situation." She blushed more.

"Ah yes, the amputation of a certain male body part. Forget half way across the world we'll have to send him to the moon." Inuyasha said with a slight blush and his eyes open a little wider than normal. Kagome laughed.

They looked at the next picture which was of them. They were at that beach and Inuyasha had Kagome thrown over his shoulder. It had been taken the summer before their Senior year. They had gotten to the beach and Kagome hadn't been ready to go in the water yet but, Inuyasha had grown impatent and thrown Kagome over his shoulder and then proceeded to stomp to the water. Inuyasha started to laugh remembering how mad Kagome had been at him for that.

"Shut up Inuyasha it's not funny you can't just throw me over your shoulder when I don't want to go where you want to." Kagome slightly huffed. Inuyasha but the Photo Album down on the bed next to him and stood up.

"Oh yes I can Kags. Yes I can." He gave her a wicked smile.

"No Inuyasha! Don't you dare!" She said as he leaned over. He then heaved her over his shoulder and off the bed, holding the backs of her knees. He turned and started heading for her bedroom door.

"Put me down right now! Inuyasha!" She shouted while kicking her legs and hitting him on the back.

"No way!" He said opening the door and making his way down the stairs. He went to the living room where he saw Mr. Higurashi who was reading the paper.

"Hello Inuyasha." Said Mr. Higurashi.

"Hi Mr. H." Inuyasha replied with a small wave.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Higurashi asked with a smile on his face watching Inuyasha walk around the living room with his daughter slung over his shoulder.

"Oh nothing really Mr. H." Inuyasha responded as if Kagome wasn't slung over his shoulder. Mr. Higurashi laughed a little.

"Dad make Inuyasha put me down!" Kagome pleaded.

"I trust Inuyasha. He's not going to hurt or drop you Kagome. Carry on with whatever it was that you are doing. You have my permission to carry her around like that as long as you like." He said watching their antics.

"Thanks Mr. H." Inuyasha said walking towards the kitchen.

"Dad! You're supposed to tell him to put me down immediately, not encourage him!" Kagome shouted while being carried into the kitchen.

"Dad!" Mr. Higurashi heard Inuyasha mock in a girlie voice. Kagome then slapped him on the back and sighed. He wasn't going to put her down until he wanted to. Inuyasha walked out the kitchen door in to the back yard. Mrs. Higurashi was sitting on a bench in the warmth of the sun when she spotted Inuyasha come out of the kitchen with Kagome over his shoulder.

"Enjoying the ride Kagome?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.

"You know I am actually enjoying it. It's quite fun once you get used to is." Kagome stated happily.

"Then why did you ask your Dad to make me put you down?" Asked Inuyasha. His head was spinning as he tried to comprehend how Kagome had gone from ranting and raving to saying she liked him carrying her so quickly.

"I did it because it makes him feel needed even if he does end up giving you permission. He will always think of me as his little girl and every once in a while I have to play along." She explained. It made perfect scene to him now. He had seen her play along with her Dad hundreds of times.

"Since Inuyasha is spending the night, what do you two want to eat for dinner?" Asked Mrs. Higurashi. The two 18 year old thought for a moment.

"Chinese take out!" Both Inuyasha and Kagome, who was still slung over Inuyasha's shoulder, said at the same time. They had always been able to know what the other was thinking or say the same thing at exactly the same time. After knowing each other and being best friends 15 years and being boyfriend and girlfriend for two of those it was to be expected. After the time they had spent together it was only natural that they would have that `telepathic'/ `mind reading' bond.