InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ Sleep Over ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Six: Sleep Over

Mrs. Higurashi Watched the way Kagome and Inuyasha behaved with each other. They had just shouted `Chinese take out' at the same time.

"Ok so Chinese take out it is. I'll call and have it delivered. It will probably be here in 45 minutes or so at about 8:30." She said with a smile.

"Yum, yum! Chinese!" Inuyasha said sounding like a small child.

"Yes I love Chinese food too but, Inuyasha could you put me down now? Your shoulder is digging into my stomach and it's starting to hurt." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome around the waist then lifted her off of his shoulder and placing her feet on the ground.

"There you go." He replied taking his hands away from her waist.

"Thanks." Was the only thing Kagome says before running off towards the back door. Inuyasha blinked a few times and immediately turned to face the house.

"HEY!" Inuyasha shouted running after her.

By the time he reached the living room Kagome was just beginning to climb up the stairs. She slipped backwards on the fifth or sixth step and fell backward hitting the floor at the bottom rather hard. Inuyasha skidded to a halt next to the couch. He didn't realize that he had stopped breathing, all he was aware of was the fact that Kagome might be seriously hurt. Within seconds of hitting the floor Kagome got up and shot a smile at Inuyasha that told him she wasn't in pain. She then proceeded to race up the stairs and to her room, leaving a very confused Inuyasha and her equally confused father who had also witnessed the fall. Inuyasha, who had again begun to breath, speed after her with a wide smile on his face. That was his strong Kagome. When other girls would have started to cry because of a fall similar to the one Kagome had just taken, Kagome would get right back up and keep going a if she hadn't fallen at all. When they were younger she never cried when she got a scraped knee. She never had made a stink if she was hit in the head with a ball in gym like all the other girls do. The only other girl he knew who was as strong as Kagome was Sango. Kagome was strong and tuff, to him it was one of the major things that makes Kagome, Kagome. When Inuyasha caught up with her, she was standing in the middle of her room sticking her tongue out at him. He entered her room and closed the door behind him as she pulled her tongue back into her mouth. Inuyasha stood with his arm crossed over his chest. Kagome began to speak with a joking smile.

"I can't believe that you looked at me as if I had just been shot. You of all people should know that it takes a lot more then something like that to really hurt me. You know I'm tuff. And if I really had been hurt you would have known." She said with a slight sake of her head.

"I can't help it but worry about you if you get hurt. I care about you too much to not worry even if it is something small." Inuyasha said and you could see just by looking at his face that he cared deeply for the girl standing in front of him.

"I know but, for some reason I still think it's silly." She responded as her heart fluttered like it did every Inuyasha told her how much he cared about her.

"Silly? Silly? I'll give you silly!" Suddenly he moved quickly towards her, picked her up and dropped her on her bed. He dropped on top of he and began tickling her, both laughing as she squirmed beneath of him trying to escape his moving fingers.

"Inuyasha stop!" She managed out while laughing.

"Nope, never!" The laughing, squirming and tickling went on a few minutes longer until neither of them could breath. During the tickle war Kagome's right leg had found it's way between Inuyasha's legs. After catching her breath Kagome realized this and also became aware of exactly where her knee was located. She moved her knee ever so slightly to alert Inuyasha to exactly what kind of situation he was in. Upon feeling Kagome's knee move Inuyasha quickly opened his eyes which he had closed while catching his breath.

"You know I could cause you some serious pain at this moment." She moved her knee again to emphasize her words. Inuyasha couldn't help but notice the evil smile on her face and evil glint in her eyes.

"I'm fully aware of that, I am the one who taught you how to do that correctly." He said, his face turning pink as she moved her knee yet again.

"Yep, and I haven't forgotten anything you taught me in those self-defense `classes' you gave me."

It was the summer between 8th grade and Freshman year. Inuyasha and Kagome were both 14 years old. They were at Inuyasha's house sitting on the couch watching T.V. Inuyasha was flipping threw channels when he happened to stop on the news. At the beginning of the summer a series of rapping had started. A man named Naraku was suspected of the rapping's. They showed his picture on the news and you could tell he was creepy just by looking at him. What was currently on was a news report of the latest rape. The newest victim was a 14 year old girl who lived 30 to 45 minutes away from where Kagome and Inuyasha lived. After hearing the girls age and where she lived Inuyasha turned off the T.V. and slammed the remote down on the coffee table located directly in front of the couch. You could hear the wood crack. Kagome was quite startled. She watched him closely as he sat on the edge of his seat and ran his finger through his hair.

"Fucking bastard! What kind of fucked up asshole forces himself on a woman? Fucking creep makes me want to be sick!" Inuyasha looked to his left where Kagome sat watching him with a confused and worried expression. He knew the news report had upset her and it had upset him so much that he had acted the way he did. He looked at her for a few more seconds before he stood up. Grabbing her hand and interlocking his finger with hers he dragged Kagome off of the couch nearly causing her to fall flat on her ass. Inuyasha quickly made his way out of his front door pulling Kagome along behind him.

"Inuyasha what are you doing?" She asked in a worried tone.

"I have to barrow some things from Koga." He replied still pulling her. Koga was Inuyasha's next door neighbor. Koga was also 14 years old and had been going to school with Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango since 1st grade. Koga and Inuyasha weren't really friends but they got along well enough. They had gotten into a few fist fights but nothing too serious. Koga played every sport you could think of so if you needed to barrow some equipment you went to Koga. When they reached Koga's front door Inuyasha rung the door bell and waited impatiently for Koga to answer.

"Hi Inuyasha and hello Kagome my dear. Come in." Koga Said opening the door and closing it behind them.

"Cut the crap Koga." Huffed the rather annoyed Inuyasha. He still had a tight grip on Kagome's hand.

"Sorry. What can I help you with Inuyasha?" Koga asked.

"I want to barrow some of your sports equipment." Inuyasha answered.

"Ok follow me." Koga began to walk away.

"Kagome you stay here." Inuyasha said releasing Kagome's hand followed Koga. They both disappeared into the house.

"So what exactly do you want to barrow?" Koga asked upon reaching where he stored all of his sports gear.

"Well I am going to teach Kagome some self-defense so I want to barrow all of your pads and protective gear." Koga Grabbed a duffel bag.

"Ah, so your going to be a human punching bag. Well, I really don't Know what you might need for that so I'll just fill up this bag." Koga then started to shove different pads and things in to the bag. When Koga and Inuyasha went back to where Kagome was standing just inside that front door Inuyasha was carrying a set of huge football shoulder pads over one shoulder and the stuffed duffel bag over the other. Inuyasha turned to Koga.

"Thanks for letting me barrow this stuff I'll bring it back in a week at most." Inuyasha then reached out and shook hands with Koga.

"Sounds good. I'll see you later." Inuyasha nodded and grabbed Kagome's hand again and walked back to his house. Upon entering his house Inuyasha told Kagome to stay at the bottom of the stairs as he went to his room with all of the stuff. Several minutes later Inuyasha came back down looking exactly the way he had when he went up. He lead her to the back yard where he dumped the stuff on the ground. He turned to Kagome and looked at he a few seconds before grabbing her firmly by the shoulder.

"Inuyasha what are you going to do with that stuff?" She asked.

"You'll see, but right now I am going to ask you to do something and I don't want you to get embarrassed and flip out on me Ok?" He said looking her straight in the eye.

"Ok." Inuyasha then pushed her up against the back of the house.

"Kagome I want you to knee me where it will really hurt me as hard as you can." He said trying to put it nicely. Kagome's mouth fell open and her eyes got ever wide.

"What?!" She couldn't believe he had asked her to do something like that.

"I want you to knee me in the crotch as hard as you can." This time around his cheeks became pink.

"Inuyasha I can't do that to you and I won't. I am not going to hurt you." She looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Yes you will! I don't care how fucking badly I get hurt just as long as I know you won't end up like those girls on the news! If there's anything I can do to make sure you don't end up that way then I'll do it! Just as long as I know that you can protect yourself from any creepy bastard that might try to do something to you! Damn it Kagome your my best friend if anybody ever did anything like that to you I'd kill him! Please do this for me." He looked her straight in the eye and she could tell he was beyond serious. She knew he wasn't going to give up until she could successfully beat the crap out of him which, was going to take a while because he was very strong for a 14 year old.

"Ok Inuyasha if giving me these `lessons' will make you happy then I won't argue with you."

"Good, now knee me." Kagome nodded and shut her eyes tightly. Taking a hold of Inuyasha's shoulders she tried to knee him but, missed and hit the outside part of his thigh. Inuyasha took a small step back and grabbed her leg right above the knee.

"Ok, let's try this again. You need to aim here Kagome." He said lifting her knee so it brushed the crotch of his pants. She nodded again and he let go of her leg. With bright pink cheeks Kagome tried again. She successfully kneed him where it would hurt him most. Kagome gasped and her eyes shot open, anger clearly written on her face. Inuyasha started to laugh.

"You bastard! You let me think I was going to hurt you very badly while your wearing some of the pads Koga gave you. You had me worried I was going to cause you some serious damage! You sneaky little bastard!" She shouted at Inuyasha who was finding this all hilarious. By the end of that week they both had many bruises. Inuyasha had bruises everywhere including one on his cheek from one of Kagome's punches. Kagome's bruises which were caused by inflicting Inuyasha's bruises were located mostly on her arms and legs.

"Well Inuyasha I'm not feeling all that evil today so I won't hurt you." She said straightening her leg out.

"Thank you" Inuyasha replied getting off of her. Kagome sat up.

"Inuyasha, Kagome your food is here." Mrs. Higurashi called from downstairs. Kagome and Inuyasha made their way to the bottom of the stair to see Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi dressed up and holding several Chinese take out containers.

"Thanks Mom. Where are you and Dad going?" Kagome asked as she and Inuyasha took the containers from them.

"Oh I forgot to tell you two that Inuyasha's parent asked us to go to dinner with them tonight. We don't know when we'll be back. So be good and have fun." With that Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi left and Kagome and Inuyasha went back to her room to eat.

Now usually leaving two 18 year olds alone in a house at night is like playing with fire. When it comes to Inuyasha and Kagome it's completely different. Of course Inuyasha wanted to make love to Kagome but, he knew that if they were ever going to do that together it would happen after college and he didn't mind that. Inuyasha was convinced that in the end their decision to wait would make finally making love to each other so much better and more special somehow. Kagome and Inuyasha had talked about having sex and they both had decided that there were too many risks involved. Both of them believed that you don't have to be married to have sex, it's not necessary. All that really matters is that your doing it with the one person you truly love and loves you back just as much, no matter if your married to them or not. Kagome and Inuyasha's parents trusted the two very much and had let them keep having sleepover's with each other even when they became teenagers. They still let them have sleepover's even now that they had begun dating and it was obvious that they were in love with each other.

Kagome pulled another chair up to her desk and sat down. She opened one of the containers she had been carrying.

"Yum chicken chow mien." She said with a smile.

"I just opened pork fried rice." Inuyasha said showing her the continence of the container he was holding. They both picked up a pair of chopsticks and ate their dinner.

After they were finished they changed into their sleep wear. Kagome wore her usual giant tee shirt that went down to mid thigh with only her underwear underneath. Inuyasha had on his boxers and an old white tee shirt. Kagome popped the DVD of one of their favorite movies into her computer and turned the screen so they could see it perfectly while they sat on her bed and leaned against the wall. They had decided to watch "Toy Story". The movie started just as Kagome got settled on her bed next to Inuyasha who in the middle of the movie had wrapped his arms around her and rested his cheek agent the top of her head. By the time the movie was over and they had looked at all the extras it was around 1:30 AM Sunday morning. Kagome had just finished taking out the DVD and shutting off her computer when Inuyasha came back from the bathroom. She turned around to see him start to take of his shirt then stop and pull it back down, he then smacked himself in the forehead with the heel of his hand.

"Inuyasha take off your shirt. It's ok I don't mind." She said as he turned to look at her. They went threw this every time since Inuyasha had started to sleep without a shirt.

"Are you sure? What if your parents come and check on us? What if they get the wrong idea?" He asked afraid of the worst possible scenario coming to life.

"It's ok they won't." Inuyasha hesitantly took off the old shirt which he folded before setting on the table beside her bed. Inuyasha then slipped into her bed with Kagome getting in right after him. Not even five seconds after his head hit the pillow was Kagome leaning over him. She bent down and kissed him, letting his tongue slide into her mouth to explore a bit before he pulled away from her lips. They smiled at each other and Kagome reached over and turned off the light.

"Goodnight Inuyasha." She said lying down beside him.

"Goodnight Kagome." He kissed her on the cheek and they both fell asleep.