InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath? ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

7/6/04 Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

Plot: Well I actually thought about it a lot and reworked the plot. The way I had it before was way too boring. So I added a little more angst in the mix.

Chapter 2: Reunion

It was soon Thursday and Inuyasha actually for the first time in history showed up to all of his classes. "It's a Miracle!" "Oh Shut Up!" yelled and annoyed Inuyasha to his physch. teacher who in turned laughed good naturedly and turned to teach the rest of the class.

Inuyasha then `paid attention' to the rest of the `class', and when I say `paid attention' to I mean stared at and when I say `class' I mean Kagome.

"Is he still at it?" "Yup."

Sigh. "What is his deal?" "Don't know for sure, but maybe you?" Kagome turned and stared at her friend. "Ok Ok I was only kidding Kagome!" "Don't kid like that Sango, he's really starting to freak me out." Throwing another glance over there and making sure he was indeed still watching her, she snapped.

With him only being three desks behind her and in the next row it wasn't really hard for him to hear what came out of Kagome's mouth, and she made sure of that. "Sango don't you just hate when people just star at you? I mean is there something wrong with me or something? Is there something on my face?" With Sango thrown into a fit of giggles at her friend's antics and shaking her head `No', Inuyasha was less amused, but amused none-the-less.

The people around them who heard her little out burst sniggered and through glances at him and indeed found what she said was true. A little less amused he listened to her continue.

"No? Then why in the seven hells is he gawking at me?!" `That's it.' "Who the hell do you think you're talking too?" "HM? Me?" Kagome asked turning in her seat to face the infuriated Inuyasha. "I'm talking to my best friend, not that that's any of your business." With that she turned in her seat again. "Really the nerve of some people!" "THAT Is IT!" "No this is it, Goshiro, Higurashi outside of my classroom now!" Kagome and Inuyasha turned to face a very annoyed Mr. Berman. "But Professor-" "I've heard enough Higurashi, now if you and Mr. Goshiro would like to exit my classroom at this point in time that would be wonderful." "Yes Professor."

Kagome then grabbed her things and left the classroom with Inuyasha trailing after her. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Inuyasha yelled as soon as the door was closed. A scoff was all he got as Kagome turned and started walking down the hallway. Inuyasha reached out and grabbed her wrist, and was less then prepared to counter the slap that followed.

"I refuse to be eyed and drooled over like some piece of candy!" Kagome seethed as Inuyasha slowly brought his head around to face her. Never has anyone dared to touch his face as she did. It was certainly a first for the leader of the revered Kaze no Kizu bike gang and he certainly wasn't going to let it slide. "You may get a kick out of subjecting other girls to that but I refuse to stand for it! All week you've just been-" Inuyasha interrupted her by slamming her against a nearby wall and consequentially hitting her head pretty hard as well. He let out an inhuman growl as he placed both hands on either side of her head while she grimaced and squeezed her eyes shut. He lowered his face to just an inch above her own. "You should really watch what you say, with that pretty little mouth of yours." He said in a menacingly low voice running his thumb over said mouth. "In fact I can suggest something much more useful that you can do with that pretty little mouth of yours." Kagome's eye's snapped open and narrowed at his vulgar `suggestion'. `Who the fuck does he think he is?' That inch between became a centimeter as Kagome much to his surprise didn't cower in fear like he expected her to, instead she grabbed him by the collar with one hand and a sickly sweet simile replaced her earlier look of disdain.

"Really? Now what kind of suggestion would that be? Cause- (She knees him in his groin at this point) as far as I'm concerned you no longer have anything for my mouth to be useful for." Saying the last part into his pain and shock filled eyes as she kept a steady hold on his collar when his legs gave way to the pain. "Bitch" He gritted out when he slumped forward with his hands out in front of him with Kagome in between again. "Only as much as you're a gentlemen." And she slightly winced when her head touched the wall. Inuyasha noticed and his eyes softened a little `Damn I hurt her.' He thought as he righted himself again. "Now if you don't mind I've got more productive things to be doing other than having this `Oh so enjoyable conversation' with you." With that she pushed him off her and continued her way down the hallway with Inuyasha left standing there in her wake.



"God he is such an asshole!" "Anyone I know?"

Kagome froze mid-step `It can't be'. After her fight with Inuyasha she decided to walk around the courtyard before she went to her next class. "Hmm? Now I know that can't be Yukio (AN: Yukio means: gets what he wants) because if it was, he would've kissed me already." Kagome turned around only to crash into a hard well-toned body and was immediately kissed like there was no tomorrow. Her arms quickly found his neck as his were wrapped around her waist.




Inuyasha swore. He could beat himself up after that whole thing with Kagome. He shouldn't have pushed her like that, but it was just so confusing for him.


He took off running down the hallway she had walked down. She was unlike any girl he'd ever met. She was certainly one to be respected and if you didn't then the hell with you. He loved how she could be so sweet and innocent the first time he met her but then as soon as he got on her nerves she let him know it. Albeit she could've done it a little more discreetly, but that was what he liked about her, her Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde demeanor intrigued him. And the best part was that she wasn't all talk either, no no no. If it were anyone else in the hallway with him he was 100% positive that they would've cowered in fear or yelled for help or something stupid like that. Nope. She stayed and whopped his ass. Yup that she did and he was still feeling the after effects. He winced slightly. `I hope she'll hear me out before she knees me again. God knows my grandchildren felt the last one, I can only pray for them and myself now.' He reached up and pushed the glass doors leading him outside into the courtyard.



They broke away panting and Yukio looked down onto Kagome's flushed face and smiled, she smiled up at him as well and asked "What are you doing here?" Her hands strayed from his neck and traced his cheek while his rubbed her lower back. "I go here and I take it you go here as well?" "Bingo" She replied no longer gazing at his eyes but staring intently at the scar her fingers traced going down his jaw line. He chuckled lightly "It's just a scratch Kagome." She looked up at his eyes again. "A scratch that mars your face for eternity, I wonder what your mother would say?" She said smirking up at him. He grinned and asked "Aawww are you worried about little ol' me?" "Like hell I am!" She yelled smacking his shoulder. He laughed again.

God how long had it been since he held her like this? `Too damn long.' He thought as she resumed tracing his scar. "Actually I kinda like it. It looks sexy." He cocked an eyebrow and lowered his head to hers. "Really now?" "Mmhmm" She nodded again tracing the scar before kissing it then him again deeply.



Inuyasha's jaw dropped. His insides clenched at the site of Kagome kissing another man. `What the hell is she doing?!' He thought enraged. `Whoever that punk is I'll rip `em a new-' His train of thought came to an abrupt stop as he got a good look at just who she was kissing. "Why the fuck would she kiss Koga!?"