InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beyond ❯ Just Outside the Unknown ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What Lies Beyond

"Here we are," announced Myoga from he relative safety of Inu Yasha's thick mane of shaggy hair. Kagome, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Inu Yasha, and Sango's fire-cat demon Kilala had been travelling to a remote village that supposedly housed another Shikon Shard. Shippo sat back and took a look at the dark woods in front of them. Sango propped her boomerang bone on a rock and surveyed the woods with Shippo. "Exactly where are we?" she asked. Myoga bounced out onto her shoulder. "Hmmm," he reflected, "I believe these are called the Dead Woods." the companions all peered into the gloom. "These woods don't look very dead," said Shippo, as if determined not to believe any of Myoga's stories. "On the contrary," he continued to the old flea-demon's annoyance, "they look very alive and well, leafy." Miroku leaned in close to his face, "That's only what they want you to think," he said in a low undertone. Shippo gulped nervously, "They?" he asked as he inched towards Kagome. Thoroughly enjoying the fox-demon's terror, Miroku lead him on. "Yeah, they." said Miroku smugly. Kagome snorted as Shippo cowered behind her. "And who exactly are 'they'?" she asked incredulously. Enjoying himself immensely, Miroku went on. " They are a group of vicious demons who lock innocent travelers into trees after brutally torturing them into insanity!" Shippo whimpered pathetically. "If you ask me," Sango piped up as she lit a fire, "those demons won't have much fun with you, you're already insane!" She and Kagome laughed. Miroku just sat down near the fire with a wide grin on his face as he eyed Shippo who was still cowering behind Kagome's back. "Suit yourselves." he said nonchalantly. Shippo crawled onto Kagome's lap, "There aren't really any demons who do that in those woods, " he looked up into her face fearfully, "are there?" Kagome smiled kindly down at him. I'm sure there aren't. What do you think Myoga?" the flea hopped over onto her shoulder. "Well," he started, "There was once a story about a great demon who lived in those woods, but he only devoured his victims, not locked them into trees- that part is just plain nonsense!" Shippo stared hopelessly at him. "De-devours?" he said shaking, "O-oh, how c-comforting." "don't worry Shippo," Sango reassured him, "I won't let anything devour you". Inu Yasha spoke suddenly, "Feh, if there is a demon in there, I'll take care of it…" he cracked his knuckles menacingly. "See," said Kagome to the quivering Shippo, "Inu Yasha will protect you-" she was cut off short be Inu Yasha. "I never said anything about protecting him," he protested, "Shippo's such a scaredy cat that I'd rather have him be devoured than listen to him whine." Kagome leaned over and smacked him upside the head. "Stop it!" she yelled at him, "I don't know what your problem is lately, but cut it out!" angry and embarrassed, Inu Yasha turned from her. He really hadn't meant to be so mean, but he just couldn't help himself. He partially accounted his bad mood to his utter frustration. Lately, he had been noticing Kagome more and more. The way she moved, the way she laughed, her smile, everything. All these emotions were so confusing, so new to him. They welled up inside of him like a spring bubbling out of an outcrop of rocks. Bottling his emotions up inside of him, he unsheathed his Tetsaigua and began to polish. Miroku slyly moved over to Sango and Kagome. He put his arms around their waists and pulled them in close to him as he purred, much to their displeasure "I'll always take care of you, ladies." He let his hands drop to their buttocks and two female hands simultaneously slapped his face. Just then, Shippo's shriek cut through the air. "What is it?!?!" Kagome asked as she rushed over to him. Shippo leaped into her arms. "The squirrell!" he squeaked as he pointed to the furry mammal who disappeared up the nearest tree. Interested, Miroku popped up beside Kagome. Sango sneered sarcastically from the fireside, "Ooo, did it sprout another head?" "Maybe it was just holding its' nuts…" Miroku suggested innocently. "No!" shrieked Shippo, shaking, "It just kept staring at me! Ughh!" he shuddered, Kagome rolled her eyes. Soon the companions bedded down for the night. None of them had any clue that something watched them as they slept from the shelter and darkness of the woods…


Well, there it is- my very first fan-fic. (I'm so proud! J ). Please let me know what you think of it!

Luv ya!
