InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Love May Bring ❯ What Love May Bring ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha watched as the arrow blazed across a hazy sky. He watched it race flying from its bow to her heart, to his heart. The entire event went in slow motion and he could hear the arrow slicing through the wind, he could hear it as it ragged against the obstacle of air and onto its impending target zooming on with only one goal-to end her life. It flew by them all unnoticed-or so it seemed- for he saw it. But he couldn't stop it.

An arrow shot from life to take a life. A past loves revenge for a new loves death. Kikyou's satisfaction for Kagome's demise. In the mist of a battle things and events are heated : Sango's arms are slung over her head as she spins her mighty Hiraikotsu to kill her opponents. Miroku's arm extended in front of him, wrist forced to palm as he releases the awesome force of Kazaana, and Kirara soaring high above the earth spitting searing fire from her tongue towards her doomed targets an overly eager to Shippou on her shoulders doing what he can to help. Despite all their efforts however he in his mind held the most important job of all.

Do you know what that job is? It wasn't to secure more shards, it wasn't to defend the lives of his human companions, and it wasn't to unleash the Gods fearing power of Tetsusaiga. It was to protect one valued life out of all. It was to ensure that no force in heaven or hell touched her soul, tainted her heart, or took her life. He had failed. That word rang out in his heart and in the outer reaches of his mind.



To become a full youkai.


To have faith in the bonds of Love.


To gather the Shikon shards.


But most of all failure -To save the ones you love.

With a distinctive 'PLUNK' the arrow - KIKYOU'S ARROW - pierced Kagome's heart. Through her shirt, past her skin, into her veins, over the tissue and into her most priced possession- his most valued asset -her heart...

Without feeling or thought or a shred of remorse he raced towards Kikyou and her smug look, he raced towards her set body her toned muscles in a pose showing she'd just fired an arrow. His pounding heart and ragging blood coursing through his veins was all he heard as he gave the Tetsusaiga a mighty swing, and unleashed a fearsome cry from the inner most bowels of his soul. Erupting from him like lava shooting fourth from a roaring volcano that slashed through her neck lightning fast and quick as death. Her head remained there for a split second before falling down to the side, her body stood directly in front of it.

His breathing came in hard gusts, producing an unfamiliar air gasping noise even to his own ears- a haggard sound from his chest. His whole form shook and his actions didn't register in his mind even after he had done them. He eyes starred fourth emotionless yet at the same time filled with pain a look that only the most pitiful ever come across. The look of - love- dead love. Love that has died and taken the heart, and soul with it leaving nothing but a hatred filled bitter shell. He didn't move. His sword was still drawn over his head, remaining in the same position he had used to slash Kikyou's head off with. His eyes stared on golden pools dead to the world now filled with a frantic nothingness. His mouth parted allowing the air to escape as his heart rate slowed.

Miroku, Sango, Kirara, and Shippou all came up behind him. Their enemies killed off and looked at the love worn hanyou with pity emerging from them all. They watched as Kikyou's body turned to dust disintegrating from the neck stub down. When they looked to her head it as well was nothing but dust in the wind. A silent plea flew from Inuyasha's mouth.

"Kagome," a hushed whisper.

"KAGOME!" A frantic plea cried out from the heart of his soul.

In movements quicker than the eye could catch he sheathed his now rusty old Katana, moved from his spot and ran to her slumped over still form in the tall grass. He was at her side with a new found acquired speed faster than even a full youkai could match. Landing softly at her side her gently turned her prone form over and watched as her eyes barely focused on him.

'The arrow may have pierced her body physically, but in doing so it's killed my heart as well' Inuyasha thought as a wry smile crossed her face.

'Her last smile.'

"Inu-yasha..." she rasped out.

"Shhhhhhh," he muttered "don't speak Kagome, save your strength."

She ignored his request and talked on.

"I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance to tell you before I -"

He put a clawed finger to her mouth and shook his head.

"I SAID don't talk we need to get you to Kaede's hut and have her take a look at you wound."

Even a he breathed these words he knew it was futile. She'd lost too much blood by now, she was lying in a puddle of it, and the arrow had penetrated a quarters inch away from her heart. Bruising the organ and narrowing her life span down to mere minutes.

"Inuyasha I want you to know..." tears welled up in her eyes and took the place of her words

"I know Kagome- I know,"

"I love you Inuyasha, I always will and I know you and you need to not blame yourself for this EVER it wasn't your fault! My death was inevitable and I want you to be happy, I want-" Kagome's words were cut off as she started cough un-controllably and a thin stream of blood leaked out of her croaked lips to trace the edge of her lips and run down her chin.

He could feel her life slipping away beneath his fingers and he couldn't catch it. It was like a leaf on the breeze flying away before his very eyes and it was blowing away rapidly before he'd even get a chance to tell her. His thought cut off abruptly as she spoke once more:

"I want you to be with Kikyou if you truly desire it, I relinquish any guilt you may feel," she said brokenly.

"Kikyou's dead Kagome," he said slowly. Kagome knew that Kikyou had killed her but how had... she... ...died.

"Dead?....... but ho-

"I killed her. I killed her for taking you from me."

"Oh Inuyasha," Fresh tears welled up in her eyes.

She didn't want to die. She had love she had life she still had to live. SHE WANTED TO LIVE! She had to finish the Shikon no Tama, she had to be here, SHE had Inuyasha and she needed to be there for him! She didn't want to leave him. Her wound had stopped hurting a while ago and she knew she was dying. She almost welcomed it, this would end the pain in her heart that swelled in every fiber of her being. She couldn't take the pain of leaving. A part of her didn't want to.

"Kagome you know I-"

"Good-bye Inuyasha," she said. She hadn't even heard his talking.

She felt a heavy darkness descend upon her and she felt her own heart to stop ticking. She felt it make its decent into death. Its last few beats coming out slow and shallow.







"KAGOME! KAGOME! NO PLEASE COME BACK!" He shook her body violently. And sobbed into her dead body.

The others all bore tears in their eyes and stood a little ways back, Shippou crying un-controllably at the lose of his segregate mother.

A single salty tear snaked its way down her chest and onto the blood stained Shikon no Tama's fragment. It sparkled for a single moment and then merged with the stone itself.

The wind carried a whispering voice on it. It spoke to Inuyasha.


He looked up bewildered eyes darting wildly about looking for the source. Slowly they fell upon the jewel and this time it said it again more urgently.


"I WISH TO BE WITH HER! ALWAYS!" An anguished voice cried out over the urgent whispers.

The others looked on at him with pity heart felt gaze's. Then in wonder as a bright light engulfed the two emendating from the jewel fragment. It was too bright for the others too look at an all turned away with shielded eyes, and didn't turn back until the light source had vanished. When they did look back it was hesitantly and to an empty field. Kagome's body, and Inuyasha were both gone. The only thing that was there was the jewel. All felt an eerie feeling settle over them as they saw the jewel pass an unatural sheen over itself as if it had just done some great feat.


Far away and off the path of life in-between the world of the Living and the realm of the dead Inuyasha nuzzled his love's neck breathing in her scent. There love and the power of the Shikon no Tama had created this place and they shared a kiss that would last a life time in a world that would out last eternity, in a realm that was just out of deaths grip. In an imaginary euphoria.