InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Unexpected Judgement ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Don’t have anything to say right now, so I’m just gonna answer the reviews. ^_^

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol I’m glad you’re enjoying it. This is probably my fav pairing (which makes me a bit of a hentai I guess) but that’s why I’m writing this story.

-Mysic Rose - Don’t worry, I will. ^_^   ~*~   Unexpected Judgement

‘You two will be mated to each other.’

Inuyasha’s eyes widened in surprise.

Well, he sure as hell hadn’t been expecting that!

Glancing over at his brother to be certain he had heard right, he saw Sesshomaru twitch and he froze, his eyes widening further in surprise, because the only time Sesshomaru twitched was when the stars shined green in a yellow sky. His brother twitched about as often as Inuyasha sat still, and the effect it had was enough to almost distract Inuyasha from what his father had just said.

Then his mind got it’s priority's straight, and his eyes snapped back toward his father, who was watching them both intently, the corner of his mouth almost seeming to lift slightly in amusement at his two sons reactions.

Then his fathers words began to really sink in, and this time, with the full effect of knowing that he had heard right (his brother’s reaction enough proof of that little fact), the impact of them finally hitting home in the hanyou’s mind, his tell-all eyes widening even more (if that was possible), was incredibly, and Inu no Taisho silently braced himself for the explosion that was sure to come.

The world turned in it’s orbit and suddenly veered off course, leaving the poor hanyou lost in a daze of confusion, his baffled mind trying to figure out exactly what had just happened. Confusion was melting away fast to anger and indignant horror as his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up at his father, searching his eyes, hoping this was all some cruel choke. The eyes, however humour filled, were stern and determined, and there was no trace of lying or joking in them. And Inuyasha felt the world take another violent turn as it desperately tried to get back on track, his own rage and fear building and taking over.

‘You’re fucking insane!’ He said before he could stop himself. Inu no Taisho’s eyes narrowed slightly as all eyes in the room fell on the young hanyou, his mother taking in a small breath and gently placing a hand on her mate’s shoulder, unsure if he would react violently toward the disrespect her only son had just shown him.

‘I assure you that I still possess every last bit of my sanity, Inuyasha. And I have made this decision with only you and your brother’s best interests in mind.’

Inuyasha glanced from his father to his brother and back again, then shook his head violently. ‘There’s no way in hell I’m mating that baka!’ He said, some of his fear now dripping into his angry voice.

Inu no Taisho’s eyes narrowed even more at his youngest son. ‘You have no say in the matter, Inuyasha, nor does Sesshomaru. You will mate with each other, not only to protect one another from the power-hungry youkai who would seek you out otherwise, but also to end your needless fighting and hate for one another. That is all there is to the matter.’

Inuyasha looked helplessly from his father to his mother to Katashi to Sesshomaru, and back to his father again. ‘But...’ he gestured with his hands, trying to think up a logical defence here to possibly dissuade his determined father. ‘he’s my brother!’ He finally got out, a tinge of desperation in his voice, and why the hell wasn’t Sesshomaru fighting to? This was his battle as well, unless he wanted Inuyasha as his mate...

‘Most youkai, Inu’s included, have no qualms over incest, Inuyasha. It is a foolish law thought up by humans’ and here he cast a meaningful, almost apologetic-like, glance at Izayoi ‘you and your brother, however, have no reason to have such worries.’

Inuyasha stared at his father in wide-eyed disbelief, wanting to argue the matter further, but no sooner had he opened his mouth, than his father cut him off, standing up with enough force to knock the chair back, and slamming his fist down on the desk.

‘That is ENOUGH Inuyasha!’ He said, effectively startling the hanyou into silence. ‘This is not some idle request I have made of you, but an order. And you and your brother will be mated, willingly, or so help me, I’ll tie you to the bed myself!’

Izayoi was slightly startled by the outburst, but calmly and gently placed her hand on her mate’s shoulder, causing the Inu no Taisho to glance back, then force himself to calm. He stared at his youngest son, who had his head down, bangs falling down to cover his eyes and hide his face in shadow, while his eldest looked on with no trace of any kind that he had reacted to the demand or outburst at all.

Sighing, he felt Izayoi squeeze his shoulder gently again and he sank down tiredly into his chair, hearing his mate’s whispered words of ‘let go.’ He decided that, for the time being, that would be the best piece of advice to follow, and so, gently but firmly, he dismissed the hanyou for the night.

‘You have leave to go, Inuyasha. I suggest you go to your chambers and rest for the time being.’ The hanyou slowly got up, not looking at him, and, after giving a small bow, turned toward the door to leave.

‘And Inuyasha’ he said, causing his youngest son to halt in his steps, back still turned to him ‘Do not try and run away. I do not want to have to keep you prisoner in your own home.’ He could see Inuyasha’s shoulders tense up as the boy continued walking, shutting the door gently behind him.

The Inu youkai listened to the hanyou’s near-silent footsteps as they disappeared down the hall, before turning toward his eldest, who was staring at him with the impassive iciness he hoped mating with Inuyasha would break.

It was strange how different his two sons were: Sesshomaru was cold indifference, with a grace and patience about him that took most youkai’s years to acquire. His battle techniques were long practiced and impeccably flawless, and he could see and exploit any enemies weakness. And he usually did. Yet he remained calm and never let anyone break through the barrier he had erected about himself, blocking out the world, and leaving no trace for love or compassion of any kind really. Inuyasha, however, was entirely different. Where his brother was cold and collected, Inuyasha was hot-tempered and held his very soul in his eyes, laid out for anyone and everyone to see. He was very impatient and often acted rashly, letting his emotions rule him sometimes as though he were a ningen, and had the freest spirit in the world, taking a special thrill in simply running through forests and leaping over trees. His battle technique was to rush forward, swinging his blade repeatedly at his enemy in a graceless manner, yet in a way that forced his enemy to go entirely on the defensive, and would quickly wear them down enough for him to kill. He was different from both races, ningen and human, and had a foot in both worlds at the same time, but was never accepted into either, and he had seen his son hold a strange amount of compassion for similar outcast creature’s like himself.

They were the opposite sides of the same coin, neither complete without the other, yet both always struggling to be the dominant one.

Shaking his head slightly, the taiyoukai focused his eyes intently on Sesshomaru for a moment before speaking. ’Don’t you have anything to say about this, Sesshomaru?’ He asked, his voice sounding strained and tired even to his own ears.

‘What would you have me say, father?’ His eldest asked in his cool tone. ’The command has already been given. Whatever I might say would be utterly useless beyond this point.’

‘But it is still your mate we are talking about.’ Inu no Taisho said, trying to remember when the last time he had heard his son speak without sounding like there were glaciers in his throat. ’I would like to hear your opinion on this.’

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, but when his father continued to stare intently, seemed to realise this was not enough of an answer for the taiyoukai. ’Well, in my “opinion”, I think such a bond would be utterly useless and a complete waste of time and energy. Inuyasha has already expressed his opinions, and I must admit I feel similar as him on this issue. I cannot honestly say that either of us would be happy with this union. You claim it is to keep corrupt demons away from us, as well as to give us both mates who we would love and be happy with, yet there is no proof that any such thing could ever or would ever occur. I think it is possibly one of the greater lapses in your judgement.’

The Inu no Taisho considered this for a moment, then sighed, and waved his hand toward the door. ‘Thank-you, Sesshomaru. You may go.’ He watched his eldest son rise and leave, before slumping slightly in his chair. He had not expected his two sons to appreciate this arrangement, but he had hoped that they would at least be a little more accepting and willing than they had been.

Behind him, Izayoi shifted, moving her small, delicate hands to his shoulders and gently massaging the tension from them.

‘They will adjust in time.’ She said softly, the voice of his mate instantly soothing the youkai.

‘Before or after they kill one another?’ He asked, and she gave a small smile, gently kissing the top of his head, while Katashi moved to stand in front of the desk, his head cocked and frowning thoughtfully. ‘Forgive me, my lord, but why did you suggest such a union?’ The youkai asked, his voice laced with concern and curiosity. ‘The brother’s obviously share no love, and no heirs could come from the bonding-- in the end they would both be unhappy, and the Inu empire would simply end up in the hands of some corrupt demon anyway.’

The Inu no Taisho gave a small knowing smile to his mate, and then looked back at his councillor. ‘Perhaps your old age is beginning to effect you, Katashi, as you are wrong on both accounts.’ When the youkai continued to look at him in confusion, he elaborated. ’For a long while I have watched my sons, and, though they fight like Nekos and Inus, there is some sort of bond stronger than their hate there. The two baka’s simply have yet to see it. As for an heir’ at this, he shared another look his mate, his smile widening and stretching the hardened face of the Inu no Taisho as muscles strained to accommodate the rare and unfamiliar facial expression ’Izayoi has been talking with one of the healers from her village who has witnessed more than once an account of a hanyou male becoming pregnant.’

The dog demon stopped, waiting for the words to sink in, watching in amusement as his councillor’s eyes widened. ‘You mean... Inuyasha...?’ Katashi asked. Inu no Taisho nodded, taking in the way Katashi’s eyes bugged out of his head as his mouth fell slightly open and let out a loud howl of laughter, making his councillor blush crimson.

‘And... does Inuyasha know of this?’ Katashi asked when his lord had quieted. This seemed to sober the dog demon slightly, because he shook his silver mane of hair, his eyes hardening instantly. ‘Iie. I have enough trouble convincing them to mate in the first place, but I somehow think that Inuyasha would not find it encouraging to know that he could bear his brother’s child.’ The lord said, and Katashi nodded.

‘Hai, I do not think he would find that a likely motivation at all.’ Katashi said thoughtfully, and the taiyoukai’s eyes narrowed slightly. ‘You are forbidden from telling him, Katashi. Or anyone else for that matter. Tongues hang loose in this castle, I’m afraid, and the right words in the wrong mouth can lead to disastrous situations.’

The man nodded his dark head. ‘Hai, I would not dream of revealing this news to any, my lord. Though, I must say, it would be interesting to see everyone’s faces when they learn that the little hanyou lord can get pregnant.’

The two stared at each other a moment, then both began laughing uproariously again, while Izaiyo just smiled her soft smile, not entirely comfortable with the idea of concealing this oh-so-important fact from her only son, but know that, if she ever wanted him and Sesshomaru to be together (and happy) she would have to.

And she did want them to be happy. They deserved to be happy. And if this was the only way to go about achieving that, then so be it.

As long as it all worked out in the end. That was all that mattered. ~*~


Inu no Taisho - Inuyasha’s father (duh!) means something like Lord of the dogs

Baka - Idiot, stupid person, moron, etc

Youkai - Demon

Inu(s) - Dog(s)

Izayoi - Inuyasha’s mother.

Hanyou - half-demon

Ningen - Human

Iie - No

Hai - Yes