InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Pure and Simple Insanity ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Hm. Well I can definitely understand why people don’t use this site for slash fics very much and also why they don’t update very fast-- not a lot of people seem to read or review!

It’s a little frustrating when you put effort into a story and only get one or two reviews.

Still, one or two is better than nothing, and I’m glad that some people took the time out of their lives to read and review this! ^_^ Thanks!

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Wow, you rated me pretty high! (I bet it’ll change later on-- at least in the spelling and grammar category! ^_^) Yeah, I’m surprised I made him that cool as well, but this is Sesshomaru and since when has he ever shown facial expression around anyone? Don’t worry, I’ll probably have more of his reaction in... somewhere.

I am actually really proud of this chapter so I hope everyone enjoys it!

DISCLAIMER - (this applies to the entire story in case I forget again) I don’t own the Inuyasha characters. I only own the OC and the story. I make no money off of these things.   ~*~   Pure and Simple Insanity

Inuyasha sighed restlessly and turned over for what felt like the thousandth time that night, still unable to find a comfortable enough position on his futon that his mind would agree to shut-up and relax into.

‘Dammit all, why’d father have to pick Sesshomaru?’ He silently demanded. ‘Of all the people he could have picked, he had to pick the one who despises me like the sun despises the clouds: I’m the only thing stopping a true youkai like him from shining in all his brilliant glory because of my damn “tainted” blood.’

Grumbling, he turned over again, lay still a moment, and then shot violently upward, eyes narrowing as he gave the uncooperative futon a growl of warning before jumping out of bed and moving to stand in the middle of the room, ears twitching back and forth as they searched for signs of life in the house.

But the house was dead around him, more silent than the grave, and it was about to drive him screaming up the damn fucking wall! He didn’t know why, but for some reason it was important that he hear someone, anyone at all, to signify that he wasn’t the only thing alive in the suddenly claustrophobic castle.

With every passing moment his breathing began to quicken, and with every breath he took, the silence seemed to thicken until the feeling of claustrophobia became far too great for him to bear.

Storming over to his wardrobe, he reached in and pulled out his fire-rat clothes as well as his Tetsusaiga, biting his lip to stop the screams of frustration and agony that wanted to burst from his throat, and stormed over to the balcony, pulling the clothes on haphazardly as he went.

He didn’t know if his father had posted guards around his room to stop him from running away, wasn’t even sure if they were needed yet, just knew that, if they were there, and if he was actually running away, he didn’t want them alerted until the last possible moment.

Pausing to taste the scent of the night, he smelled the pine and sakura and nameless other trees that made up the forests around the castle, shivering slightly as a gentle wind rose up to taste his skin, billowing his hair out in front of him and urging him toward the silent trees.

Up in the sky the moon shone as radiant and bright as a diamond among pearls-- both holding some kind of strange and precious beauty, but only the diamond possessing the unique beauty and presence that set it apart from the rest.

And it was as though the night itself was calling to him, egging him on in his mad desire to run and never stop running, and he could no more resist than he could tear his own ears from his head.

Coiling his body into a small crouch, he tensed and then shot off into the air, covering nearly half the distance between his balcony and the forest in a single leaps. He gave a slightly smug smirk despite the troubled thoughts rushing through his mind: He may not be able to fly like Sesshomaru, but he could sure as hell jump!

No sooner had his feet hit the ground than he was off again, rushing into the familiar trees he had conquered long ago. The forest was his playground, his element, and, while Sesshomaru could rule over everything and everyone pretty much anywhere else, Inuyasha was definitely the dominant one in the trees.

No one could defeat him here, he knew. His brother, his many trainers, even some of his father’s most prized warriors had all tried and failed to defeat him here. Repeatedly. In fact, he might even go so far as to say that he could defeat the great Inu no Taisho himself in these trees. But he couldn’t be sure. After all, it was one thing to know your surroundings, but a whole different thing entirely to know your enemy. His father knew his mind patterns and his fighting style, and that would be a great advantage to the taiyoukai.

Those thoughts, however strange and unlikely, comforted the hanyou, and gave him a strange sense of freedom knowing that, should he ever want to get away, all he had to do was run, and the forest would gladly accept him.

Jumping up onto the branches of a tall oak tree, he sprung roughly through the green canopy that cut him off from the night sky, letting the chill air caress his face and hair and the moonlight bathe him in silver as he soared through the air, the inky depths of the night sky backlighting him perfectly with the pale illumination of the moon.

Shifting in the air, he allowed himself to fall to the trees again, the branch he landed on creaking in mild protest as it bent on the impact, and his ears twitched as he paused to listen.

He could hear water nearby, smell it and the faint traces of himself on the air, confirming to him that he had been here sometime recently. He grinned when he realised he had unconsciously returned to the stream and pool he had rested by earlier, before this whole mating nightmare had begun.

Jumping down into the lush grass and soft sandy dirt that made up the banks of the pool, he thoughtlessly began to undress, carelessly letting his haori, yukata and hakama’s fall to the ground in a pile, though he took more care with Tetsusaiga, setting the might fang on a small rock a good distance away from the pool where it wouldn’t get wet, but not so far that he couldn’t reach it quickly if he needed to.

The he turned and dove headfirst into the chill water of the pool, gasping slightly when he re-emerged his head, the cold water momentarily shocking him. During the day, the pool was always quite warm (even during the winter) but for some reason that seemed to have changed during the night, and now the water was as cold as a normal pool might be.

He silently revelled in the feeling, because it shocked his mind into stopping the thoughts that were scrambling to be at the front of his mind, and slowly began to allow them to reorganize in a coherent and slightly reasonable fashion.

He splashed about in the water for a moment, enjoying the carefree feelings that seemed to come with the action, before moving to float on his back in the centre of the pool, ears flat against his head to keep the water out, and eyes narrowed as he thought about the things that had occurred when his life had suddenly decided to go speeding out of his control on a path that could surely only end in a gigantic and possibly fatal crash at the end.

This place had always been good for getting away, and he came here often when he needed to think. Because, unlike Sesshomaru, he simply could not block out the voices or movements of people around him. He needed peace and quiet when he wanted to meditate or concentrate on things, and right now that’s exactly what he wanted to do. He needed to escape, and this place was perfect for that, offering him a haven from the insanity that made up his life.

And right now that seemed to be all that his life involved. Just pure and simple Insanity.

‘Keh! Imagine father trying to mate me with Sesshomaru!’ He mumbled angrily to no one in particular. ‘Even if I wanted to mate, what makes him think I’d want that moron as my mate, or that he would want me?’

‘You never know, Master Inuyasha, he might surprise you.’ A voice from somewhere near the shore said, and Inuyasha, forgetting that he was currently in the water, turned sharply and simultaneously inhaled in surprise, while his body slipped under the water.

The end result was him trashing about under the water a minute, before managing to pull himself close enough to the shore that there was no longer any risk of drowning, and begin hacking the water in his lungs up violently (though to him it felt as though the lung had been included), before turning violently flashing eyes on whoever had caused the whole damn thing to happen in the first place.

He felt more than saw the intruder as they attached themselves firmly to his nose and began sucking out his blood. Inuyasha growled angrily.

‘Dammit, Myouga, do I look like a fucking blood bank to you?’ He demanded, his hand coming up to slap the flea away, though he sincerely wanted to crush the little pest, he resisted. After all, he was one of his father’s most trusted advisors, and he didn’t want to think of the wrath that might come with killing him. Dammit, it was just a fucking flea after all, he was sure his father had thousands of them!

He lifted his hand from his nose and let the flea fall to the ground, scoffing at the myriad of indignant protests that began streaming up to his water-filled ears from the insect.

‘Would you knock it off?’ He said in annoyance and he carefully tried to coax the water out of one ear with his finger without tear the thing off with his claw. ’You’re the one who snuck up and nearly drowned me, so don’t give me that fucking shit, alright?’ He snarled, tilting his head to either side before shaking it violently, finally managing to get the water out.

He turned his annoyed, if slightly curious, gaze upon the flea and his brow furrowed at him. ’Why are you here anyway?’ He asked, though not entirely sure he wanted to know. The flea liked jumping on him and sucking out his blood whenever he could get the chance, however, he would not do it if it meant straying to far from Inuyasha’s father. The flea claimed it was loyalty, but Inuyasha knew better. Myouga was a coward who wouldn’t risk his own neck if he could give up someone else’s, and liked hanging around a strong and greatly feared demon that few would dream of attacking. Inuyasha was almost certain that, should his father die one day, the flea would either hang around with him, or disappear off the face of the earth. He would hope for the latter, cause he sure as hell didn’t want the little pest tagging along with him all the time looking for a free meal and protection.

The flea glared up at him, quickly scaling a large grass blade so that Inuyasha could actually depict him among the grass and dirt, and then seemed to swell slightly, though this time with self-importance instead of blood. ‘Your father suspected you might try and run, master Inuyasha. He sent me to guard you.’ The flea said, hopping over to sit Indian-style on Inuyasha’s fire-rat clothes, his four arms cross in front of him.

‘Keh! And what exactly did he expect you to do, suck me to death?’ Inuyasha said, annoyed and grateful at the same time that his father had set such a useless guard. It was a minor blow to his ego that his father thought the flea would be enough to stop him from running away, but it also meant that, either his father trusted him enough not to, or he was stupid enough to assume Inuyasha wouldn’t harm the creature if he chose to flee.

‘Besides, I’m not running away.’ He added, almost as an afterthought, though he still wasn’t entirely sure if it was true. He just didn’t want to deal with one of the flea’s damn long lectures right now.

Dipping under the water, he grabbed a handful of soft sand from the bottom of the pool and resurfaced, using it to vigorously scrub his skin as his thoughts went back to Sesshomaru and his father’s plan to have them mated.

He scratched his skin until it was red and raw, might have continued to scratch until it bled, had Myouga not interrupted him.

‘Pardon me for interrupting, master Inuyasha, but you seem troubled by something.’ The flea said, and Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

‘Give you one guess what that is.’ He mumbled. The flea stared at his master’s son for a moment in concern. He did not normally question the Inu no Taisho’s judgement, but here he was wondering if perhaps the old dog demon had faltered in his wisdom.

He had seen Sesshomaru earlier as well (just in passing since the youkai had absolutely no tolerance for his, or any flea’s, presence) and both brother’s looked genuinely angry, confused, and upset at their father’s ruling. Of course, it was hard to tell with Sesshomaru, the dark look on his face could simply have been there because the servants were late with lunch for all he knew.

‘Master Inuyasha, if you want my advice--’ he began slowly

‘I never said that!’ Inuyasha protested ‘You’re just looking for an excuse to talk, ya little vampire!’ He snarled. Myouga ignored this, accustomed to the hanyou’s rash and rude outbursts, and continued as though nothing had happened.

‘--I think that, perhaps, your father was more than a little hasty in his seemingly rash judgement.’

Inuyasha blinked, startled, by the flea’s words. Myouga never went against the his father. Ever. Even if the youkai was wrong, Myouga defended him like his life depended on it. Which, in retrospect, it probably did.

‘That isn’t to say that his plan is not without some wisdom’ the flea added hastily, and Inuyasha mentally nodded. ‘Knew the little twerp wouldn’t go against father.’ He thought in grim smugness as he began to scrub with the sand again. ‘But I do not know what he hopes to achieve with this bond. Though never before have I seen him do anything that did not have some greater meaning behind it-- so perhaps there is a reason greater than we understand for you mating with your brother.’ The flea said, a look of deep contemplation on his face. ‘Maybe you should attempt setting aside your hate for Sesshomaru--’

‘I ain’t setting aside nothing for that pompous son of a bitch!’ Inuyasha snarled. ‘He’s the one who started this whole blood feud, not me. It’s not like I wanted to hate him, he simply gave me no other choice!’ The hanyou said vigorously, wishing he had something he could throw at the insect, who was staring at his hands in deep thought.

Sighing in aggravation, Inuyasha stepped out of the pool and shook himself off, tempted to soak the flea with the spray, but resisting the urge: Myouga was still on his fire-rat clothes, and if he got the flea wet, then he’d get his clothes wet, and he did not want to go leaping through the forest in wet, stinking clothes.

Casually he reached down and swatted the flea off of his clothes before swiftly pulling them on himself, tying Tetsusaiga at his side and glaring as the flea jumped up to land on his shoulder, a position he so often saw the flea mimicking on his own father’s shoulder.

‘I should just leave you here, you dumbass hitchhiking vampire.’ He said as the flea sat down and crossed his arms again.

‘But you won’t.’ Myouga said confidently. ‘I am, after all, your guard, and here for your own protection.’

Inuyasha snorted. ‘Yeah, right, you’ll protect me. Ad long as here isn’t anything dangerous happening.’

That said, he crouched down and sprung into the canopy of branches above them, a smirk spreading across his face as Myouga’s protests were cut off to be replaced with a small shout as the flea desperately grabbed and clung onto the collar of his haori.

‘Would serve him right if he fell off.’ Inuyasha thought as he sped through the air, neither aware of the pair of crimson eyes watching them by means of dark magic as they disappeared into the night. ~*~


Futon - (You probably all know what this is, but just in case...) A Japanese mattress. They are usually folded up and stored during the day cause most Japanese houses are so small!

Youkai - Demon

Tetsusaiga - Inuyasha’s sword (duh! Have you even seen the show?!) It’s name means something like Iron Pulverizing fang.

Sakura - Cherry Blossom

Inu no Taisho - Again, Inuyasha’s father, means something like “lord of the dogs”

Taiyoukai - I think it’s actually supposed to be daiyoukai, so my apologies for that (though I probably won’t remember) but it’s supposed to mean something like great youkai or something.)

Hanyou - Half-demon

Haori - Sort of like a half-length jacket.

Yukata - A light summer Kimono (though in this case, it’s the white shirt that Inuyasha always wears under his haori)

Hakamas - pants

Myouga - Of course we all know who this is, I just wanted to point out that his name means something like “Invisible council”, which sort of makes sense, don’t you think?