InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Naraku's Sisters ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Okay, so I swore I wouldn’t rant as much whenever I posted the next chapter, so I’m just going to answer a couple of reviews and then get on with the story.

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Yep, Naraku’s in here now. It’s actually part of the challenge that Naraku sends his sisters (Kagome and Kagura) to mate with Sesshomaru and yadda yadda yadda. I followed the borderlines of that challenge, but I also tried to stick closer to a more reasonable point of view (therefore, since Kagome is actually from the future she is not his other sister ^_^)

Crazy-Inuyasha_Girl - Well why not, after all-- there is no normal.

-Inu4Ever - Yeah, I know what you mean, I’ve seen some pretty baaaaaaaad stories in my time. Though, actually, considering some of my own stories, who am I to talk? ^_^

-Honorelle - It’s nice that someone actually tried to guess! But nope, it’s not Kagome! ^_^

LonelyAngel - Well I’m glad you can enjoy this story, but you should know, there is going to be yaoi in the future chapters. Can’t avoid it, sorry, but it has to be there. It is the whole basic point of the story after all-- for Sess and Inu to mate. And it’s good to know I haven’t “ripped them out of their personalities”. I do try not to, but sometimes its just unavoidable in a story like this. They’ll probably get a little out of character in future chapters, I’m sorry to say, but it’s all relative to the story.

Okay, now for the most important part.

DISCLAIMER - (Even though I’m still in a state of denial about this, law and AFF require me to post this disclaimer, so please read and understand before continuing) I OWN NOTHING! Well, none of the Inuyasha characters anyway. I make no money off of them, but so far one single character (Katashi) and this whole story belong completely and entirely to me! Other than that it all belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

If you understand, then please continue on with the story: ~*~   Naraku’s Sisters

Inu no Taisho could not have been much happier.

It was quite obvious that, while his sons would acknowledge it or not, his plan was working-- and quite well at that.

It was three days into Inuyasha’s heat, the scent of which was quite obviously driving most of his guests (and servants) insane -- but none more so than Sesshomaru (though his eldest son kept it hidden much better than any of the other’s did, a fact that both filled Inu Taisho with pride and despair). And it was because of this the brother’s were spending more and more time together -- Inuyasha driven by fear and the need to be protected by his youkai’s chosen mate, and Sesshomaru by possessiveness and the need to protect his youkai’s chosen mate.

During the second day of Inuyasha’s heat, Sesshomaru had come storming (or as close to it as you ever saw Sesshomaru) through the entrance hall, followed shortly after by a slightly dazed (and very angry) looking Inuyasha, who was shouting out his indignation for all the world to hear as he loudly demanded to his seemingly ignoring brother why he thought he had any right to kiss him.

Ever since then the sexual tension between the two had risen to an almost unbearable level, and even Izayoi was beginning to sense something strange about the behaviour of her two sons.

He was hoping they’d relive it soon, because it was beginning to become a hard task to spend more than five seconds in the same room with them. The fact that Sesshomaru continually fixed his brother with icy stares and pinned him with cold words, while Inuyasha began tearing into him at every little thing did little to improve the situation. Even though they had been something similar to this before, it had not been nearly as heated or as tense then.

However, there were more immediate matters that needed to be dealt with at this moment-- like the arrival of Naraku’s two sisters.

The family of four (being Inu Taisho, Izayoi, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha) stood in the entrance hall as the servant brought forth those to be introduced (some of which had been in the castle for several days by now).

Inuyasha stood off to the side of his father and brother, watching the guests as they came and went and feeling thoroughly and completely bored.

His father had ordered them there so that they could make some introductions and, after becoming adjusted to the occasional lustful looks he received, he had quickly lost interest, giving up on even bothering to attempt remembering the names of the guests. In fact, other than when the wolf demon (who turned out to be a prince and leader of the northern tribe named Kouga) and two of his cronies (by the names of Ginta and Hakkaku) had been introduced, bringing Sesshomaru to almost instantly tense and narrow his eyes threateningly, never once leaving the wolves until they were out of sight, the whole affair had been rather dull.

The reaction to the wolven guests had startled Inuyasha and surprised his father, but Sesshomaru had pretended not to notice.

Now, after what must have been a thousand myriads of introductions later, Inuyasha felt like he was about to die of boredom.

He crossed his arms in front of him, slipping his hands inside his haori sleeves, ears drooping as Lord and Lady something-or-other from who-the-hell-cares allowed a servant to lead them to the rooms they would be staying in.

Inu Taisho and Izayoi shared a look and even Sesshomaru felt the corners of his lips twitch slightly at his brother’s antics. Inuyasha had never much been one for social and aristocratic events.

The moment was broken, however, when the next (and hopefully last) two guests arrived and were shown into the hall.

The servant announced them and then bowed and quickly exited the room while Inu Taisho smiled warmly at the two women (though Inuyasha knew his father well enough to know that the warmth was forced, and his father was carefully judging how much to trust the two women).

Inuyasha’s ears perked slightly at the servant’s mention of Naraku, and he assumed that these must be the much talked about sisters that were supposed to be staying here. They approached gracefully, identical images of opposite worlds: A dark haired, red eyed, pale-skinned youkai, next to a dark-haired, brown eyed, pale skinned human, while behind them a small green demon trailed, holding a large and ugly staff with two heads placed upon the top.

‘Ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you at last.’ Izayoi said, bowing low to the new arrivals. ‘Your trip was comfortable I expect?’

‘Very.’ The one with eyes red and shining like liquid fire said. ‘There were a few difficulties, but we arrived safely nonetheless.’ Her eyes flickered over to where he and Sesshomaru stood, raking over them as if judging them, before coming to rest on his brother, and Inuyasha felt his hackles attempt to raise as an uncharacteristic and uncalled for jealousy swelled within him.

He quelled it quickly as Inu Taisho seemed to take the hint and stepped forward, his hand gesturing toward him and Sesshomaru. ‘These are my sons, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.’

Inuyasha’s body bent at the waist as he felt two sets of eyes raking over him and Sesshomaru, scraping his skin like claws and leaving it tingling violently and unpleasantly afterwards.

‘It is an honour.’ The red-eyed youkai said, though, judging by her scent, the other was human. ‘My name is Kagura, and this is my sister, Rin.’ She seemed uninclined to introduce the other demon, so Inuyasha assumed that he was a servant or escort of some kind or another and not important enough to pay attention to.

And odd tension filled air as her sentence drifted off, and Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably as Rin’s dark eyes remained fixed on him.

‘This is a very magnificent home you have here.’ Kagura said after a minute, gesturing around. ‘I would love to see the whole of it.’

The smile replastered itself on his father’s face (looking very strained and out of place on the battle-hardened mask that was his father’s face) and he nodded. ‘That is a wonderful idea, Lady Kagura. Perhaps my sons could show you around-- would that suite you Lady Kagura?’

‘Yes’ the demoness said. ‘That would suite me very well indeed.’ And Inuyasha felt an unexplainable amount of dread well up within him at her words. ~*~


Inu no Taisho - Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s father. his name means something like “Lord of the Dogs”

Izayoi - Inuyasha’s mother.

Kouga - (Even though I’m pretty sure his name is actually spelled Koga, cause that’s how all the other people under that name have spelled it, everyone seems to like adding u’s in odd places to names, and I like this spelling better) He is the leader of the wolfs that fought with the birds of paradise after he kidnapped Kagome (though if you don’t know who he is, you’re pretty far behind). His name means “Steel fang” I think. I am seriously beginning to believe that “ga” means fang in Japanese. I mean, it’s there in KouGA, TenseiGA and TetsusaiGA. Of course, that would mean that “Kou” or “Ko” or however you want to spell it would have to mean steel. Hm. I’m probably wrong about this whole thing.

Haori - A japanese half-coat.

Rin - I know that in the anime she’s only like nine years old or something, but lets pretend she’s something closer to Inuyasha’s age here, and that she’s related to Naraku, alright, cause in the challenge this was based on it was supposed to have Kagome I think, but I just didn’t like that idea, I wanted to stick as close to the actual characters that would have been around as I could have (and since Kagome’s from another era, that just added a whole lot of questions in my mind that I didn’t feel like answering). Rin just seemed the best candidate for the job. Also, I think her name means something like “cold”, which seems weird cause she doesn’t seem like a cold person...

Anyway, that glossary turned into a big long rant (The one I promised I wouldn‘t have), so I figure I better shut up now so that you can all go and review my story! ^_^