InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Mine ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Hm, hm, hm, playing the music too loud and I can’t think!

Lol, sorry, I’m in a weird mood, and I like this song so I’m not gonna turn the music down (especially since I’m in the middle of a noise battle with someone else) and I can’t remember what I was saying, so...

I’ve gotten 990 hits on this story! That’s pretty cool!

This site has some interesting features, like the rating thing, but it’s all lost on the fact that you have to spend fifteen years sitting there typing out ####.......##..####...#####............#........#####....###...###

###.. ... ######.......######.....#######....####...######...############.###........ .######....##..##..####.

It just completely discourages everyone from reviewing.

And I’m not talking about my story either, I mean all stories. Cause I’ve seen some pretty good ones on here that have gotten more than 50 reviews on other sights, but only gotten 1 on this one, and I don’t think it’s cause the quality of the story has gone down.

Anyway, enough of that, lets get on to answering the reviews.

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - I know exactly where you’re coming from. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a nosebleed from a story either (which is strange, cause when I bleed I really bleed. What can I say-- I’m a bleeder! ^_^). Someone would probably have to hit me in the face before I’d get a nose bleed. I’m just too far gone to get it from a little lime. I don’t know if a picture would do it either (I have seen some pictures based on stuff like this and they’re not very good >_< -- what can I say, I’m a freaky lemon author and a hentai art critic) but maybe if they had them doing that in the anime... yeah, that might be enough. Of course, then Inuyasha would probably be cancelled and the whole world would be in an uproar. ^_^ Anyway, thanks for the compliment-- just for that, I’m gonna put some lemon in this chapter! ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl- Kk ^_^

-Inu4Ever - Well, technically that wasn’t so much a cliffy as a break off. Originally this chapter was part of the last chapter (at least the beginning) but that made them both waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long as one big lemon monster and it just didn’t work. Besides, I wasn’t done this half yet, so it would have taken me even longer to get it up if I hadn’t done that. (Not to mention the fact that I love keeping you guys hanging in suspense!)

-Honorelle - Lol, yep, finally, there’s an actual lemon scene. That only took me, what, ten chapters? Yeesh. Anyway, I hope you suck up all the little fluff and happiness in this chapter, cause I can promise you right now, it’s all downhill from here. I got something evil in mind for our two fav Inu’s (partly because the challenge called for it, partly cause I’m just a sadistic twisted bastard) and it’s not gonna be pretty. Hope I don’t ruin the story with it though... Anyway, enough of that, have fun with this chapter! There’s lots of Inucest in it though...

DISCLAIMER: (Don’t read that if you don’t read this -->) I do not own Inuyasha, Kagome, Kana, Kagura, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Sesshomaru (there’s a lot of k’s and s’s in this, isn’t there?) Naraku, Onigumo, The Shichinin-tai, Kirara, Kaede, Sota (or any of Kagome’s family and\or friends), Buyo, Jaken, Rin, Ah and Un, the saimyoushou and\or anything else associated with Inuyasha. All these characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi and the people who make the tv show\manga. I make no money off of these people. The story, however, as well as one character, belong entirely to me, though I don’t make any money off of them either.

Okay, that’s the last of what I’ve got to say for now, so if you understood at least the disclaimer above, then you can continue with the story:   Mine

They never did make it to the bed.

After the kiss (which had been slow, hot and strangely languid) Sesshomaru had shown one of his rare moments of impatience, grabbing Inuyasha’s haori and all but yanking it from the hanyou’s body.

Inuyasha, being quite fond of his fire-rat clothes, grabbed Sesshomaru’s hand to stop him from damaging the clothing (though it was really more to annoy his brother) and he slowly and carefully undid his obi, letting it snake to the ground before moving on to work on removing the rest of his haori.

His pace, however, was clearly not fast enough for Sesshomaru, who reached up and brushed Inuyasha’s away so that he could remove the rest of his clothing, and Inuyasha let him, hands hanging limply at his sides until his brother stepped back, and he raised them in an attempt to return the favour, but Sesshomaru stopped him, held him out at arms length, and for several minutes just stared at him, wanting to lock every detail-- every dip of muscle, every jut of bone-- down into his memory.

Inuyasha, on the other hand, already knew his body quite well, and did not find it nearly so fascinating as his brother, and was beginning to fidget as his self-consciousness grew under his brother’s close scrutiny.

‘Sesshomaru.’ Inuyasha said in a whiny voice, and Sesshomaru looked up to meet his brother’s eyes, revelling in the lust and want he saw there-- in the need. He could have stared into those golden pools forever had Inuyasha not been so persistently whining at him, so he silently released his brother and brought his hands up to begin undressing himself, brushing Inuyasha’s hands away when he would’ve helped.

The hanyou snorted and muttered ‘control-freak’ under his breath.

Sesshomaru ignored him and continued with the task at hand until both stood stark naked in the moon-lit room, and now it was Inuyasha’s turn to stare.

He had always thought Sesshomaru was beautiful-- who could not? He had the long and elegant features that belonged only to the most graceful, powerful and aristocratic youkai, and the silvery elegance that only Inuyoukai possessed.

And, even though without his kimono and the armour he always war he lost some of that aristocratic beauty, it was replaced by something far better, something far more natural. And, as far as Inuyasha was concerned, Sesshomaru needed anything that made him look more natural and relaxed. With nothing but his skin to wear, Sesshomaru seemed completely at ease, as though his clothes were really the things to be self-conscious about. And he was right, Inuyasha supposed. After all, a body was natural. There was nothing wrong or embarrassing about a body-- everybody had them! Well, everybody alive, anyway. But clothes could easily embarrass or diminish the status of a person. Maybe that’s why he had never much cared for the really fancy clothes-- he liked things simple and natural, and no fucked up silk kimono could ever top his fire-rat clothes for that.

Just like no “fuck up” silk kimono could top Sesshomaru’s skin for that.

He didn’t know what made his brother suddenly seem so relaxed, so naturally open, but it made Inuyasha’s mouth go slightly dry and, whatever it was, he wanted it. No, he needed it, like the trees need the rain, and he knew that Sesshomaru was feeling similarly about him.

So, relying completely on impulse and instinct, Inuyasha dropped slowly down to his knees in front of Sesshomaru, and, letting his hands come to rest lightly on Sesshomaru’s hips, he leaned forward to slowly lick the underside of his brother’s erection.

Sesshomaru gasped involuntarily as Inuyasha gently ran his tongue along the bottom of his erection before opening his mouth and letting the head slip inside.

His hips jerked forward and her snarled, his hands flying to Inuyasha’s hair as the hanyou slowly, inch by agonizing inch, took his brother into his mouth.

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed slightly as confusion coursed through him for the second time that evening. What was Inuyasha doing? Why was he doing it? Inu Taisho had ordered them to mate, easy enough-- just a quick fuck here and then they could be done with it-- but there was no other obligation, no other reason to offer each other any other kind of pleasure. So why...

His thoughts were cut off as Inuyasha took him (finally!) all the way into his mouth, the head of his erection brushing the back of Inuyasha’s throat and the hanyou gagged slightly and swallowed as pre-cum flooded in a steady stream into his mouth.

Sesshomaru’s hips stuttered forward at the sensation, causing Inuyasha to choke again, his teeth grazing Sesshomaru’s length and making the elder youkai hiss as Inuyasha placed his hands on his brother’s hips and slowly drew off of Sesshomaru, licking his mouth and grinning at the low moan of loss that escaped Sesshomaru’s mouth.

Inuyasha gave a few more generous swipes of his tongue across his brother’s length, sweeping along the underside and skimming the slit, lapping at the milky fluid, before pulling back and beginning to rise to his feet.

He was stopped by Sesshomaru, who then dropped down to his knees in front of him, using his grip on the hanyou’s hair to pull him into a bruising kiss, hot and demanding and long enough to leave both demons breathless and desperate for more.

Sesshomaru pulled slowly away and stared at his brother, a million thoughts racing through his mind at once, throwing him into a daze-like state he was not used to feeling.

When Inu no Taisho had announced that they would be mated, Sesshomaru hadn’t been angry. He had been so far beyond angry that “angry” was nothing more than an insignificant spec in the distance, and he had barely managed to get away in time before he exploded, venting his rage on some of the trees that made up the forest Inuyasha so loved.

And then he had gotten control of himself-- disgusted that he had ever lost it in the first place-- and gone to meditate in the cave hidden behind the ravine’s waterfall-- the very ravine he and Inuyasha had fought on moments before-- that no one else even knew existed, contemplating his father’s ruling. And the longer he contemplated it, the faster his anger dissipated and the faster his excitement grew.

Sesshomaru was not blind after all, and he would have been lying if he said that he had not thought about his brother (though it had been during his heat) in a more than brotherly fashion.

Inuyasha was beautiful, anyone with even only one working eye could see that.

There was beauty in everything he did-- the way he held his very soul in his eyes for all the world to see, the unrelenting dedication and loyalty he had to those he called his friends. The way he ran-- leapt-- practically flying over the trees that bent to accept him as part of them-- as graceful as any youkai. In the absolute artless way he fought.

All these things defined his brother with an unrelenting beauty that belonged uniquely to Inuyasha and that Sesshomaru had only recently began to notice.

He had always resented Izayoi for trying to take his mother’s place, and then Inuyasha for stealing his father’s attention.

Over the years, as they had adapted to one another’s presence, that hate had only grown, effectively planting a wedge between him and his brother, forcing them further apart everyday.

So why had everything suddenly changed?

He felt Inuyasha slithering down his body and he tightened his grip in his brother’s hair, because, as good as that felt, he still wanted, still needed something else. Something that wasn’t Inuyasha’s mouth. And he knew that his brother needed it too.

Inuyasha’s questioning eyes met his own, the expression of which Inuyasha could no longer begin to hope to be able to figure out, and Sesshomaru slowly shook his head, pushing Inuyasha back, not entirely sure what he was doing (another rarity), only knowing that something-- his youkai perhaps-- was urging him to make Inuyasha feel the same pleasure that he himself had just experienced.

And it alarmed him, this sudden desire to give pleasure, to open up and let Inuyasha inside the walls he had so carefully set up around himself-- even if only a little ways.

And he could not more fight the instincts to just love his mate than he could tear his own heart from his chest (something he probably could do, but did not feel inclined to find out about).

Slowly he snaked his way down Inuyasha’s body, mimicking his brother’s previous actions on him-- his tongue slipping out to gently, almost delicately, trail up the underside of Inuyasha’s manhood, in a manner that suggested he was taste-testing a dish he wasn’t entirely sure he’d like, while his eyes remained trained on Inuyasha for his reaction.

Inuyasha’s reaction was to arch up violently, eyes squeezing closed as his hands involuntarily clenched at his sides, a low whimper escaping his lips, and Sesshomaru was slightly startled by Inuyasha’s almost violent and unrestrained manner to such a simple touch.

Intrigued, Sesshomaru slowly drew the head into his mouth, tongue scraping along the slit and licking up the smoky liquid there while Inuyasha moaned, his head thrashing wildly to the side, his hips arching, his back tight as a bowstring.

Sesshomaru pinned Inuyasha’s hips down and hen slowly, far too slowly for the hanyou’s liking, drew Inuyasha into his mouth, mimicking his brother’s slow torture of before, drawing back until just the generously seeping head was in his mouth, and then lowering back down, making Inuyasha whimper again, his nails scraping uselessly, searching for some sort of purchase on the unhelpful ground.

Sesshomaru repeated this action several times, swallowing occasionally (which elicited the fascinating reaction of Inuyasha bucking up, his hips struggling for freedom, and loud breathy moans escaping from his flushed mouth while his chest heaved erratically up and down) while his free hand wandered down to molest the twin sacks just beneath.

‘Oh Gods!’ Inuyasha hissed, his hand grabbing Sesshomaru’s hair in a not-quite encouraging motion as he said ‘Sesshomaru... I’m not... gonna last don’t... STOP!’ The last word came out nearly a shout, his hand tightening cruelly in Sesshomaru’s hair, and Sesshomaru smirked as best he could around his brother’s erection, dipping his head down and pulling it back up, allowing his fangs to graze the sensitive flesh again.

Inuyasha’s whole frame began to shudder and, as much as Sesshomaru longed to see the look of ecstasy cross his brother’s face when he came, he didn’t want it to happen just yet (and he was determined to have at least some control over the seemingly out of control evening) so he pulled slowly off his brother, releasing his erection with a loud, wet sound, freeing his hips as well, which thrust up against the air a couple of times before seeming to finally realise that he was no longer there.

Gold eyes flew open, a trace of resentful abandonment in their depths (which amused Sesshomaru to no end) as they gazed unseeingly around them for a few moments.

And then it happened.

Inuyasha’s lips drew back enough to show the familiar glint of his white fangs, his eyes roaming down his body to Sesshomaru’s face, lids drawn back and eyebrows titled up at the centre in need as a low sound escaped the hanyou’s lips.

Inuyasha whined.

A long, low, harsh sound, filled with need and desperation for ecstasy denied, and it rushed through Sesshomaru, heating him with fire that could rival the flames of hell as an answering growl rose in his throat, and he sprung forward, plundering and raping Inuyasha’s mouth with his tongue.

Inuyasha, already panting heavily, now could not breathe at all, and, as black clouded the edges of his vision, he felt a moment of panic-- something that was quickly lost as his tongue battled with Sesshomaru’s for dominance.

When Sesshomaru pulled away, Inuyasha’s eyes were half-lidded, his long lashes casting faint shadows on his pale cheeks (which seemed to almost glow in the faint traces of moonlight that reached them) and his lips red and swollen from his assault on them.

It was singularly one of the most erotic and beautiful sights he had ever see.

Of course, he had yet to see the boy come, and he felt certain that, when that occurred, it would be a sight to be rivalled by no other.

Reluctantly he drew back enough to slip his hand up and gently press his fingers against Inuyasha’s bruised lips.

Inuyasha stared at him in a strange combination of confusion and determination, as well as a hint of defiance in his eyes as he slowly parted his lips and allowed the potentially deadly appendages to slip inside.

Sesshomaru stared unflinchingly back at his brother as fangs grazed the edges of his fingers, both locked in the familiar challenge of a stare-down that they had practiced so many times before.

Of course, on none of those times had either of them (let alone both of them) been naked, aroused (after having just sucked one another off to the brink of orgasm) and, in Sesshomaru’s case, preparing to fuck each other into the floor.

When he felt his fingers were sufficiently lubricated (and he could take no more of the simple torture of having his fingers encased in that slick velvet heat-- something which turned out to be highly erotic on his somehow very sensitive fingers) he pulled them out of Inuyasha’s mouth and gently trailed them down his brother’s chest, over his abdomen, down past his groin (carefully avoiding his quivering erection) to circle the tight ring that would led to his brother’s core.

Inuyasha tensed slightly, his face a mask of questioning, lust and curious fear. Yet he could tell by the slight tremble that ran through his brother’s body that he wanted it, and so, gently as he possibly could (considering there were razor-blade claws on the end of his fingers), he began slipping the digits in, one by one, fingers stretching the resisting walls until he had three of the lucky claws inside his brother’s surprisingly mouth-watering body.

Inuyasha squirmed and whimpered in discomfort, and Sesshomaru, with a sudden irrational agitation coursing through him, grabbed his brother’s hips to keep him still.

He had very little experience in the matters of pleasure another male, but he had heard rumours of males mating (since youkai had none of the qualms over such a relationship that the ningens so obviously displayed) and he knew there had to be something enjoyable about it, otherwise why would they continue to do it?

His fingers pressed against a small lump, and Inuyasha’s whole body stiffened, his back arching violently as a surprised gasp escaped his lips, and his eyes grew incredibly large.

‘Hm.’ Sesshomaru smirked. ‘Guess I found it.’

He brushed his fingers over that spot again and Inuyasha cried out, arching as though his spine wanted to burst from his body, and Sesshomaru’s smirk only grew (as did his new found fascination with his brother’s body and violently responsive reactions).

‘Do you like that, little brother?’ Sesshomaru asked, eyes flashing with lust when Inuyasha moaned throatily in response.

‘Sessh-o-mar-u!’ Inuyasha breathed out in broken syllables. ‘Onegai...’ Inuyasha’s plea was cut off as a hoarse cry sprang from his lips, while his hips jerked upward again, only to be pinned down by Sesshomaru, who was more than eager to have Inuyasha finish his plea, eager to finally hear Inuyasha beg him.

‘What do you want, Inuyasha?’ He murmured, leaning up to let his tongue snake out to molest one of Inuyasha’s nipples, drawing another whimper from his brother.

But Inuyasha was too far gone to even considering playing the defiance game with his brother, barely able to from coherent thought, let alone argue with his brother about this. He would give Sesshomaru what he wanted for now.

Later, however, Sesshomaru would pay.

Right now it was all he could do not to push his brother down and force Sesshomaru to finish it already!

‘Please...Sesshomaru.’ He said, each word separated by a gasp or moan of some kind. ‘!’ The last word coming out a snarl as he dragged Sesshomaru by the hair until they’re mouths met in another bruising kiss, ignoring the small bite to his lips he received in response. He had once known a monk with a terrible curse of wandering hands (especially around women, but he had seen the man go after the occasional man as well-- and get the crap beaten out of him for his effort) and he usually ended up getting painfully slapped (or beaten) for his minor molestations. Whenever Inuyasha had asked him why he would persist in such a stupid activity (having witnessed (and been on the receiving end of) several of the monks molestations-- and having been one of the ones to beat the shit out of him (though he was probably more considerate about it than any of the others had been), the monk would merely say “The prize is well worth the effort”, before moving on to grab another woman’s (or Inuyasha’s from time to time) ass.

Only now did he finally think he understood the meaning behind those words.

His thoughts were interrupted when Sesshomaru removed his fingers from inside of him, gently easing away from Inuyasha’s body, and commanding “roll over” to the hanyou.

Inuyasha shot him a dark look, but complied with his brother’s command, raising himself up on his knees and hands (likely to soon become elbows) while Sesshomaru moved behind him, taking the position that inu’s had long used when mating.

Gripping his hands on Inuyasha’s hips, he slowly positioned himself at his brother’s entrance and, with as much care as he could possibly take, began to push into his brother.

It hurt like a bitch, and Inuyasha whimpered and instinctually pulled away, though Sesshomaru’s hands on his hips kept him firmly in place as his brother was gently sheathing himself in Inuyasha’s hot body. And, even though he knew Sesshomaru was being careful, that didn’t stop the pain from shooting through his body, didn’t stop the hurt (though he supposed his being hanyou helped quell a good deal of it) and he couldn’t stop the small sounds of pain tearing from his throat, tearing at Sesshomaru’s heart as though they were blades and riddling him with guilt, something he was not used to feeling, and most certainly did not want to feel again.

He whispered quiet, incoherent words into his brother’s ear (which was compressed back and flattened completely against his skull), the kinds of noises you might use to still and calm a frightened horse, as he sheathed himself in that hot, tight cavern.

When he was finally fully inside Inuyasha, he stopped, waiting for his brother’s trembling body to adjust, while a tremble of his own worked it’s way through his body, betraying him as he resisted the urge to pound his brother into the floor.

Little did he know that that trembled was what brought Inuyasha back from his pain induced stupor, what caused him to force himself to relax and push against Sesshomaru, urging him into movement. And the youkai couldn’t have remained still if he’d wanted to.

Sesshomaru groaned despite himself, and slowly drew back, out of his brother, until only the head of his erection was inside, before pushing back in again, just as slowly, angling his hips up so that he would brush against that hidden spot inside Inuyasha.

The hanyou moaned and pushed back against Sesshomaru, who repeated the process of gentle thrusting, in a slow, comfortable rhythm.

The slow didn’t last very long though, as Inuyasha continued to whimper and press back against him, and Sesshomaru could feel it building-- molten heat pooling at the base of his spine-- and he was upset that it was going to be over so soon. However, he was not completely gone yet and, again following the urge to have some control over the evening, he reached his hand around Inuyasha’s slim waist and wrapped his slender fingers around his erection, pumping in time with his thrusts, determined that his little brother would be the first to loose it.

That was all Inuyasha could take.

Thrusting forward into Sesshomaru’s hand, Inuyasha screamed, his warm seed spurting out over Sesshomaru’s hand as his body convulsed with the force of his orgasm.

The feel of his brother’s body clenching around him was all it took: Sesshomaru came, sheathed to the hilt in his brother’s hot, tight body. He thrust in a few more times, milking out the last of his seed while Inuyasha trembled beneath him, his arms shaking with exhaustion and exertion as he struggled to remain upright.

Sighing, Sesshomaru collapsed on Inuyasha, the weight of his body causing the hanyou’s arms to give out, and he fell to the floor with a “woomph” as the air was knocked out of his lungs.

Pinning his brother’s smaller frame beneath him, Sesshomaru brushed aside the silver mass of hair, gently licking the juncture of Inuyasha’s neck on the area where it came down to meet his shoulder, just above his collarbone. The place where Inuyoukai had designated to display their mating marks for centuries.

Pulling back his lips to bare his fangs, he gazed hungrily down at the smooth expanse of flesh splayed out beneath him, his eyes catching the sight of the pulse beating strongly in the side of his throat, before leaning down and sinking his fangs into the tender prize.

Inuyasha gasped in pain and tensed, ready to turn around and beat the shit out of Sesshomaru, but he stopped when he felt a tongue, gentle and rough at the same time, slipping out to lap at the wound made moments before by the teeth it shared residence with.

Inuyasha remained still, tense, but slowly relaxing as he realised that Sesshomaru was not, in fact, attacking him, though what his brother was doing had not quite clicked in the hanyou’s mind yet.

His tongue gently caressed the wound, slowly pushing away the stinging burn that had come with the bite, and Inuyasha lay there, wide-eyed, as a strange sense of pleasure, of belonging, welled up inside of him, along with the almost overwhelming felling of being wanted. Of being loved.

And it was amazing and confusing and wonderful at the same time, and he felt no more anger or pain from Sesshomaru’s bite, but his heart swelled inside of him, threatening to burst out of his chest at any given moment, and he longed to return this feeling of... whatever it was to his brother.

Sesshomaru slowly lapped up the blood, not letting a single drop of the crimson elixir escape him, and when he was finished, he pulled back and Inuyasha pushed up, turning slowly to face him and fix him with a curious, but accepting and content--if not happy-- look, and was surprised when Sesshomaru responded with a peaceful, satisfied look of his own.

It was then that he decided that the world really was coming to an end. His father wanted him to mate with his brother. He had mated with his brother-- the very brother he had hated with every fibre of his being for as long as he could remember (and visa versa). And he had liked it. He wanted to show Sesshomaru some act, give him some feeling that could compare with what he had just made him feel... And Sesshomaru was being gentle with him, tender almost, and was showing facial expressions. If that wasn’t a sign of the apocalypse, Inuyasha didn’t know what was.

Silently, Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around his younger brother and began lifting him--bridal-style-- into the air.

Inuyasha squawked in indignation, but allowed his brother to carry him over and lay him gently on the bed, before slipping in himself, and he did not miss the way Inuyasha’s eyes flickered toward his neck.

Tilting his head, he slowly guided Inuyasha’s lips to his neck, his youkai instructing him to do so before he started thinking again and his mind reminded him of all the reasons why he shouldn’t let Inuyasha mark him.

He showed no signs of pain as the fangs embedded deeply into his flesh, and Inuyasha almost reverently began lapping up the crimson fluid that poured from his brother’s throat-- like he was tasting a foreign, and particularly delectable dish he had never tried before but was finding to be very good indeed.

When he was done, Inuyasha pulled back, his tongue unconsciously slipping out to lap up the red smeared across his lips, and Sesshomaru resisted the urge to kiss him.

‘Now I am your mate.’ Inuyasha said in an almost cocky tone, reverting back to their earlier argument, and Sesshomaru smirked inwardly at the strangely defiant look on Inuyasha’s face.

‘Now you are mine.’ Sesshomaru said, swallowing the indignant growl that rose in Inuyasha’s throat as he leaned forward and kissed him roughly.

When he pulled back, Inuyasha had another of those looks on his face that Sesshomaru was coming to love so much, staring up at his brother with half-lidded eyes, his cheeks flushed, but not nearly so much as his swollen and so badly abused lips.

‘And I am yours.’ Sesshomaru said, a hint of fascination in his voice as he tested these words in the still air, speaking more to himself than Inuyasha, though that was okay, because Inuyasha didn’t really register what he had said anyway, moving to snuggle closer to the warmth and comfort of his brother’s chest while Sesshomaru’s arm almost unconsciously moved to wrap around him.

‘Yours?’ Inuyasha murmured, sleep lacing his voice, making it low and hard for even his youkai ears to hear, his body beginning to go lax against Sesshomaru’s.

‘Mine.’ Sesshomaru confirmed, but Inuyasha was already asleep.

Staring at his brother’s face, seeing it look peaceful for the first time other than when he was sitting up in the high treetops, staring up at the sky, his mind far away when he thought no one was looking (and even then it wasn’t so peaceful, because his brother was always thinking about something). Now there was nothing but peace and a small, content sort of smile on his brother’s face, those ridiculous ears of his that Sesshomaru had recently become so fond of drooped to either side in exhaustion, and Sesshomaru carefully leaned down to pull the heavy fur he used as a blanket on particularly cold nights (though now it was more of a way of keeping Inuyasha as close to him as possible and warding away the rest of the world) spending several minutes just making sure that every inch (excluding his face) of Inuyasha was covered, before wrapping his arm back around his brother’s slight form, before slowly allowing himself to slip off and join the hanyou in a peaceful, contented sleep.

Several rooms away, Inu Taisho’s ears had twitched at the faint scream that had echoed too dully for the sleeping Izayoi’s ears to hear.

Startled, he sat up, recognising his youngest son’s voice, only to stop and paused when the scent of arousal reached his sensitive nose.

He knew his sons like the feel of a sword in his hand during battle, and there was no mistaking their scents (faint as they were), even if he had smelled them aroused very few times before. Actually, since this was Inuyasha’s first heat, this was pretty much the first time he had smelled his youngest son aroused. Not that that really mattered.

Grinning, he laid back down, knowing his plan had finally been a success, and, judging by the sounds of that scream, a very big success at that.

‘You get him, Sesshomaru.’ He murmured to the uninterested room, quieting as Izayoi shifted and stirred beside him.

She cracked open an eye and sat up partially when she noticed he was awake, concern and alarm in her eyes, before they caught sight of his grin, and she stopped, staring at her mate in confusion.

‘What has happened?’ She asked, he human senses oblivious to the evidence swarming so obviously around her.

Not wanting to keep Izayoi up with something that could so easily be dealt with during the respectable hours of the morning, Inu Taisho gave a small shake of his head, rolling over to pull her gently against his body, unwittingly mimicking the position of his two sons as he slowly breathed in his mate’s scent.

‘It is nothing.’ He said quietly. ‘Let it wait for the rising of the son.’ And Izayoi cast a curious look up at him, but decided it wasn’t worth it to push the matter-- if he had decided not to tell her now, willingly, there was no way in all the seven hells she would ever get it out of him.

So she let out a small, sigh of contentment mixed with traces of exasperation, and curled up against her mate, slipping quickly back into the dark recesses of sleep, neither of the two couples aware of the quiet footsteps scurrying away from the eldest son’s door, both pairs too happy at the fact that they were with their chosen to give the rest of the world much thought or consideration at the moment. ~*~  


Haori - Japanese half-coat

Hanyou - Half Demon

Obi - Sash (Like the ones that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have tied around their waists)

Youkai - Demon

Inuyoukai - Dog-demon (Like Sesshomaru and Inu Taisho. Even though Inuyasha’s name means “dog demon” he’s really only half, so he’d probably be more like “inuhanyou” or something.)

Inu no Taisho - Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s father. Means “Lord of the Dogs”.

Ningen - Human

Onegai - Please (sometimes translated as more of an “I beg of you!” but it means the same thing.)

Inu(s) - dog(s)

Izayoi - Inuyasha’s mother. She’s the ningen part of his heritage (big surprise there!). ~*~  

A\N: Yes I know there were no apocalypses back then, but then again there were probably no blood banks or hitchhikers either, and both of those have been previously mentioned in my story.

Anyway, let me know what you think of the chapter, and if you have any corrections for the glossary feel free to tell me that as well. And... Ack! My watch just broke!

...Ugh! Stupid cheap piece of shit! That’s the second time the strap has broken! Bleagh! *Glares menacingly at the “stupid cheap piece of shit”*


I hate things that don’t work right!

Well, I guess I better go and get this taken care for, so adios for now!