InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Kouga, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's Dangerous Encounter ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Okay, this chapter’s a bit more interesting then the last one (I think anyway) and has more about Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in it (though no more lemon for now) and how our fav little hanyou’s surviving with his new mate.

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Haven’t you ever heard the phrase “Real Men wear eyeshadow”? Lol, take captain Jack Sparrow for example! ^_^ -- I don’t really see Naraku as a feminine male. That’s more Jakotsu’s role, now isn’t it? ^_~

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - What does it matter to us if Inuyasha dies? Sesshomaru has Tenseiga (leastways, in this fic he does). Now, if Naraku were to drag off his dead body, that would be a problem. ^_^

VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER - I do not own the Inuyasha characters! They all belong to Rumiko Takahashi and all those people. I only own the story and (so far) one character. I make no money off of any of these things, so...

If you understood that ^ then please continue with the story. ~*~   Kouga, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s Dangerous Encounter

Inuyasha sighed in frustration.

Ever since they had mated, he and Sesshomaru had definitely become closer. Perhaps too much so, because now, instead of the angry, annoying rival he used to know and hate, he had an overprotective, shadowing lover.

Sesshomaru rarely let him leave his sight (especially since there was still the risk of him being mated) and growled threateningly at anyone who so much as looked at Inuyasha the wrong way. Inuyasha had always known Sesshomaru to be more than a little possessive sometimes, but he had never really felt the full brunt of that possessiveness before, and it was driving him up the bloody wall!

Plus, his brother was beginning to insist that Inuyasha “dress appropriately to his status” and had only that morning tried to force him to wear a proper kimono. This was something Inuyasha had been very indignant about and had heatedly reminded his brother that he was a hanyou, and as such, utterly worthless. Sesshomaru had winced slightly at having those words thrown back in his face, but had not been dissuaded saying that, if that was the case, then perhaps Inuyasha would like to parade around naked. This all, of course, came after he had endured the long and painful process of Sesshomaru brushing out the tangles that made up his “mess of hair” as his brother had so eloquently put it.

That, combining with the knowing looks he received from his father, and the gentle smiles from his mother (who had obviously figured things out by now) were all conspiring together to drive him over the brink of insanity.

He wanted to get away, but, even with the mating mark, he knew the less controlled demons would try and mate with him. Though he had begun to notice that the lustful looks he received had faded in number, and came not as frequently. He didn’t know exactly what this meant (he doubted it had anything to do with the fact that he was mated) but he was grateful for it nonetheless. He didn’t want to be mated by another demon. Didn’t want to be touched by anyone other than his brother ever again.

Though, at the moment, he didn’t even want that.

Right now he just wanted an escape.

But no one wanted to give him one.

Growling in anger as Sesshomaru warned off yet another demon (who wasn’t even looking at Inuyasha, but had apparently stepped too close (within five feet) of Inuyasha for Sesshomaru’s liking). He gave his new mate a venomous glare (one of several the inuyoukai had received and ignored that day) before taking off away from his brother, risks all be damned!

He ran fast and far, not sure if his brother was following him, but making it difficult for him nonetheless-- jumping up onto trees and balconies (and occasionally weaving into rooms, running down the halls a short way before exiting through another balcony) just trying to get away....

He ended up colliding (for the second time) with the wolf prince, Kouga, who was walking and talking with Naraku’s sister-- that ningen girl, Rin.

‘Dammit! Are you blind or something?’ The wolf asked as he climbed to his feet, glaring angrily down at Inuyasha.

‘Fuck off!’ The hanyou said, in no mood to deal with the cocky wolf-prince as he pulled himself slowly to his feet.

‘You got a problem there, mutt-face?’ The ookami asked, his voice heated, and Inuyasha tensed, turning slowly to focus enraged eyes on the wolf.

‘Did you just call me a mutt?’ He demanded. He had, of course, been called the same and worse before (by this very demon, in fact) but somehow, hearing it from the arrogant wolf at this particular point in time, when he was in this particular mood, made it seem like the ultimate insult to the hanyou. Besides, he was hyped up and full of pent up anger that was yearning for someone to vent it on, and this wolf had been stupid enough to waltz right up and begin begging for it. There was no way Inuyasha would hold back. If a fight was what the ookami wanted, a fight was what he would get.

Kouga smirked and crossed his arms. ‘No, you’re right, that would be an insult to canines. You smell much worse!’

‘Don’t like my smell?’ Inuyasha asked with a smirk of his own, his one hand moving to hover over Tetsusaiga’s hilt, while the other came up in front of his face, knuckles cracking threateningly. ‘Then maybe I should solve your problem by cutting off your nose and stabbing some air into your belly!’

Kouga glared. ‘You’re acting pretty damn tough considering you no longer have your brother here to protect you. Did you run away from him, or did he send you away? Use you like a common whore and send you packing?’

Inuyasha smirked again, the wolf’s words really having no effect on him, because he knew they weren’t true. The faintly throbbing mark on his neck-- the matching one on Sesshomaru’s-- they were both proof of that. ‘If only you could fight as fast as you can talk.’ He said, smirk still in place. ‘Then we’d get somewhere.’

‘Shut up! Albino runt!’ Kouga snarled.

‘You oughta be put down for rabies!’ Inuyasha snarled back, bracing himself for battle.

But, no sooner had he tensed his body, preparing to spring at the wolf, when Sesshomaru seemingly materialized out of the air in front of him in that way he tended to-- the way that Inuyasha hated so much sometimes (if only because it gave Sesshomaru such a big fucking advantage over him)-- cutting Inuyasha off from his opponent.

‘Once again we meet wolf.’ Sesshomaru said, his voice low and deadly. ‘And once again you have stepped out of line.’ And there was an ice now in his brother’s voice-- an ice that Inuyasha knew so well, yet had completely forgotten the existence of in the past few hours. How fucking strange was that? Sesshomaru had always been cold-- glacier some might call it-- toward his younger brother. Yet all it took were a few hours of a low murmuring voice devoid of that coldness (and most everything else too) to make him forget. ‘You should have heeded my warning.’ Sesshomaru said, and Inuyasha smelled the familiar tang of his brother’s venom, and dammit all, there was no way in hell Inuyasha was letting Sesshomaru take this battle from him. He was too riled up-- he needed to fight-- and he had found and locked in on his prey, and here was Sesshomaru once again to ruin that for him.

‘Dammit all, Sesshomaru, would you fuck the hell off already?’ He snarled as Sesshomaru turned slightly to look at him, his back moving to face Kouga as though he did not find the wolf an opponent worthy of defending against. And, in reality, he probably didn’t.

He looked steadily at Inuyasha for a moment with the familiar coldness in his eyes, and Inuyasha glared right back, before Sesshomaru turned away again, back toward Kouga, his voice firm and dominating as he said ‘Be silent, Inuyasha.’

Inuyasha froze.

Rage coursed through him like blood, radiating off of him like heat from the sun, and he saw Kouga and Rin’s eyes flicker toward him, hints of fear leaking into both of them as he began to tremble with the force of his anger. Sesshomaru, however, gave no real sign that he could feel the danger he was in with his back to Inuyasha.

‘Lord Sesshomaru, if I may--’ Rin began, but was cut off by a death-glare from Sesshomaru, who could clearly sense his brother’s rage.

Turning back to his brother, Sesshomaru met Inuyasha’s dark glare with an icy one of his own, taking in the small flickers of red in his brother’s eyes (barely even visible to youkai eyes) as the brother’s stared each other down.

‘Inuyasha’ Sesshomaru said in a threatening tone, warning his brother to back down-- trying to remind him with words exactly who was the dominant one of their relationship, while he himself somehow managed to forget that Inuyasha backed down to no one, and would be tamed by no one. One ominous step forward was all it took for Inuyasha to snap.

He leapt forward with a growl, slashing his claws at Sesshomaru’s face, his eyes aiming for the streaks of crimson that stood out so clearly on his brother’s cheekbones, making easy targets of themselves.

The demon’s eyes narrowed slightly and he moved easily out of the way, so fast it appeared as though he had not moved at all, but had more teleported to his current location.

Inuyasha spun to face his brother, eyes seething with rage as he shouted ‘Fuck you!’ Not an entirely original line, but with enough venom to make Sesshomaru feel it. ‘Fuck you to hell you fucking bastard!’ The hanyou nearly screamed at his brother, before turning and leaping off before anyone could react.

Kouga and Rin stood there, not entirely sure what had just happened, when Sesshomaru turned suddenly back to face them, not loosing the mask of ice that seemed permanently attached to his face for even a second.

‘Take heed wolf’ Sesshomaru said, his tone deadly and reminding the ookami of the danger he was currently in. He tensed and looked to meet the glacier-cold eyes that stared evenly back at him. ‘If you come near my mate again, I will kill you.’ Sesshomaru said. ‘And the world will be a better place for it.’

That said, Sesshomaru turned and walked away (going the opposite direction of that of his brother) while the wolf and ningen remained in place, wide-eyed and slightly confused, Rin unconsciously biting her lip.

It had been her job to separate the two, and, after their first encounter with the wolf-prince, she had decided that another run-in would be just the thing for the two brother’s.

Yet that did not explain why Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had acted so harshly. The scene before them and been simply too complicated, with depths running deeper than her and Kouga had been able to venture into, and she knew there was more behind the anger of Inuyasha and the coldness of Sesshomaru than they had been permitted to see.

She glanced back after Inuyasha, wondering just where he would go to, but already knowing the answer. He would go to the place she had seen him sneak off to on more than one occasion-- on nearly every night since her arrival, in fact. He would go into the forest.

And Naraku would be waiting there for him.

And he would kill him.

Rin glanced nervously at Kouga. The thought made her positively sick. She did not like the idea of incest at all, but she knew that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were a good match (both brother’s had looked more content and happy that morning than she had ever seen them, even though Inuyasha continually ranted on about Sesshomaru forcing him to have his hair brushed) and it sickened her even more at the idea of tearing the two freshly bonded lovers apart.

She had been sent here to find a mate-- something she had been more than happy to do, since it would finally give her some freedom from Naraku-- not destroy those who love sought so determinedly to bring together, and she didn’t want to be apart of the plan anymore. Staring at Kouga (who appeared to be saying something that she was not listening at all too) then back after Inuyasha, she fought with herself for a moment (after all, if she betrayed Naraku, she and Kagura had no where and no one else to go to) before giving an internal scream of frustration and shaking her head in an almost violent manner.

‘I’m sorry, Lord Kouga’ she said, cutting the wolf off from whatever he had been ranting on about. ‘I have to go... there is something....’ she glanced up into clear blue eyes and had the momentary sensation that he could see every thought, ever bad deed she had ever been forced to commit, and panic surged through her, the need to get away almost as strong as Inuyasha’s had been. ‘I just have to go!’ She said, turning and running after Sesshomaru while Kouga shouted something after her that she completely ignored.

When she had been little she had been an only child (her only brother having died before she ever even knew him). At least, that’s what her parents told her-- that she had no other siblings.

That lie had proven itself wrong in the form of their death when Naraku had showed up and slaughtered them right before her eyes and taken her away to his castle-- to become his helpless slave-sister forever more.

For a long time she had refused to talk to anyone or anything.

Then she had met Kagura, who had turned her into her little “pet-project”. Kagura, though unable to stand her presence, could relate to her situation (though she had never loved her parents and had been several years older when Naraku had killed them) and worked hard to crack through her invisible shell and teach her all the things she would need to know to survive with Naraku.

They had grown close since then (though Kagura would never admit it, and would savagely hurt anyone who ever suggested it) but it was only now, after seeing that scene play out before her, that she realised to the full extent how much her sister meant to her. And if Kagura had been her mate (a sickening thought, but for the sake of her own private argument) she could not even begin to imagine how much more her sister would come to mean. In so many ways.

And they had had their numerous disputes, similar (though not as violent or rash) to the one that she had just witnessed that could sometimes take hours to resolve themselves.

Unfortunately for Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, they didn’t have hours.

It had only been ten minutes since Sesshomaru had left, and already an ominous feeling was forming in her gut.

Yet she was still a long way from the youkai lord, she could tell, and had no idea where to go searching for him. By the time she searched all the possible places he could maybe be in... it might be too late.

‘No, I mustn't think like that.’ She viciously told herself. ‘There is still time to save him. To save them both.’

Nodding, she set her jaw and strode forward with a determination that even Naraku admired in her, setting her course toward the area that she knew belonged to Sesshomaru, hoping against hope that the youkai would be there-- that she would be able to get to him. Before Naraku got to Inuyasha. ~*~


Hanyou - Half-demon

Inuyoukai - Dog demon

Ningen - Human

Ookami - Wolf

Youkai - Demon ~*~  

A\N: Okay, about the beginning of Kouga and Inuyasha’s encounter, I know, not entirely original, but I always loved that part of the series, and just had to put it in there! Kouga and Inuyasha‘s encounters are still just as funny as ever to me! ^_^!