InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Shattering Life ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: I thought I’d warn people ahead of time that this chapter may not be all it could be. I’m simply too eager to get back to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha and thus may rush a few things with the other characters. My apologies if some of this doesn’t make sense.

Also, I am suffering from a rather severe case of writer’s block and I have some moment’s where I can write, but mostly I’m having trouble concentrating on the story. I’ll still try to update regularly, but it may take longer than usual (as I’m sure people are beginning to notice).

-Inu4Ever - Lol, yeah, this didn’t go entirely as had planned. I originally had the idea for a completely tortured and broken Inu, but I don’t know if I’m sticking to that plot very much. I think I’ve made Sess much more effected than Inuyasha. -- Lol, Naraku’s not gonna be in this for a while, I think. While I might like to see him get his ass kicked too, I also have to stick to the story plot. There is still something that the challenge called for that I need to add in before I can deal with Naraku.

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, I’m glad I changed your opinion. I can assure you that, even if the story is weird, it can in no way compare to me. Believe me, I give a whole new meaning to the word. ^_^

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Wow! Arigato gozaimesu(sp?) for the wonderful shower of compliments! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so much! ^_^ -- And you’re right, I am sadistic! But it’s my sadism that allows me to right such a story as this! ^_^

VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER - First of all, I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of them. Second of all, I do own Takehiko, Yuko, Katashi and any other original character I may introduce, as well as the story. I make no money off of these things either, but if you try and steal them I’ll have to Kaze no Kizu your ass into the deepest circle of hell! So please, don’t steal and don’t sue. ^_^   ~*~   Shattering Life

A crash reached Takehiko’s ears, giving the dog-demon pause as she listened outside the door to the Inu no Taisho’s study. She could hear voices inside and smell a good deal of strain and distress, and so, bracing herself for the worst, she cautiously opened the door and stepped inside.

‘--And if you won’t kill him then I will!’ Izayoi was nearly hysteric as she shouted at a very strained and slightly exasperated looking Inu Taisho, while nearby, Katashi tried ineffectively to reason with her.

‘Now please, Lady Izayoi, do not be so rash. I’m sure that--’ His voice faded from her hearing as the rest of what he said was lost on Takehiko and she watched Izayoi, taking in the way she stiffened, and then getting ready for the explosion, while silently scoffing. ‘Men!’

However, just when Izayoi had built up enough steam, Takehiko came to a sudden realisation: The walls were thick in this castle, but a voice as loud and shrill as a hysteric female’s could become would surely drift up to Sesshomaru’s room, and if Inuyasha heard his mother in a state of such distress... the gods only know what the end result of that would be. She decided an intervention would be necessary.

‘Lady Izayoi control yourself, please!’ She said in a calm yet commanding voice, drawing three sets of eyes toward her. ‘Everybody is strained enough as it is, but do you want Inuyasha to hear you screaming like that?’

‘Inuyasha...’ Izayoi said quietly, barely registering the rest of what Takehiko had said, all her previous anger seeping away to be quickly replaced with fear and concern, and the ningen barely seemed to notice as Katashi took it upon himself to make an idiot out of himself yet again.

‘Exactly, Lady Izayoi, you don’t wish to disturb your son with these antics--’

‘And Katashi, you do wish to stop disturbing the rest of us and put a halt to your antics I hope. They make you seem like even bigger an ass than usual.’ Takehiko said, choosing to ignore the indignant and affronted demon after that, but keeping her eyes on Izayoi, who looked very near to having a breakdown.

‘Inuyasha...’ She said again, her eyes snapping back into focus as the words seemed to click in the ningen’s mind, and she looked up at Takehiko with wide eyes.

‘Is he awake? Is he alright? When can I see him?’ She asked in a sudden flood of questions, not bothering to wait for an answer as she moved toward the door, stopping when Takehiko held up a halting hand.

‘He is awake, yes’ the dog-demon said quietly ‘However’ and here she cast them all a meaningful look, her eyes darkening slightly as she did so ‘he does not remember the attack. Nothing about it. And he believes that it was Sesshomaru, not Naraku, who mated with him.’ She paused and waited grimly for her words to register and the other’s in the room to respond.

Inu Taisho had a look on his face similar to Takehiko’s, Izayoi looked horrified and almost unbelieving, and Katashi just looked plain shocked and was, for once in his life, speechless. And the look on his face was so stunned it was almost comical and, had this been under other circumstances, she might have laughed.

Izayoi made a slightly shake of her head-- as if to clear it of this ridiculous notion-- a smile, full of pain and denial, flickering briefly across her face before tears moved to fill her eyes. ‘I must see him.’ She said, her voice low and strained as she stepped forward, only to be blocked by Takehiko.

‘No. You must leave Sesshomaru to deal with him.’ The healer said, and Izayoi looked at her disbelievingly.

‘Sesshomaru?’ She said quietly, her eyes growing even wider and more manic looking ‘You cannot be serious!’ She shook her head as though she didn’t need to explain why she said that (though in reality, none of the other’s quite understood why she seemed to think it was so “ridiculous”) and said ‘No. I am Inuyasha’s mother-- he needs me, not--’

‘His mate?’ Takehiko asked and Izayoi fell silent. Takehiko shook her head and looked at Izayoi sternly. ‘I know this is a hard time for you, Izayoi, but your judgement is impaired-- as it would be for any mother. Inuyasha may be your son, but he is still half-demon, and half-demons and full demons have different standards that humans, as I am sure you are well aware of. They are more complex than any of us-- even me and Inu Taisho-- can ever hope to understand fully, as the rules apply differently for ever single breed of demon.’ She said, purposefully leaving out Katashi, just to annoy the councillor. ‘Do not ever assume you know so much about demon’s-- or your own sons. None of us have the right to do so. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are especially difficult nuts to crack, and we do not currently have what it takes to break their shells. Only they can do that. What’s more, if Sesshomaru has chosen to reveal the truth to Inuyasha, a visit at this point in time would only further traumatize the boy. Do you want to break your son, Izayoi?’ Takehiko asked. ‘Because if so, then by all means, go up to his room and try to heal him. I can assure you the results will only upset him further. If you wish to leave this up to Sesshomaru for the time being and save your son some of this pain, then stay away for now, and let Sesshomaru handle it. He is wiser than you seem to believe.’

The room was silent, and Takehiko fully expected to be reprimanded by either Izayoi or Inu Taisho. However, neither of them spoke, and, after several minutes of uncomfortable silence, the ningen turned, seemingly resigning herself to the hand fate had dealt her, and left the room before anyone could stop her.

Takehiko sighed in relief as she smelled the ningen’s scent move away toward the gardens rather than the stairs, and then turned to stare at the oblivious Katashi, who was still staring after Izayoi.

After several moments her stare seemed to register with the other demon, and he turned questioning and cold eyes upon her, glaring indignantly as he said ‘What?’

Takehiko stared at him coolly, her voice holding an icy indifferance that could have matched Sesshomaru’s as she said ‘I have something I wish to discuss currently with Inu Taisho, and I do not wish to have any... unwanted ears present at that time.’ She said, putting emphasis on the word “unwanted”.

Katashi bristled and opened his mouth to retaliate, but was unable to say anything as Inu Taisho’s voice suddenly broke in, cutting off the demon as he spoke for the first time since Takehiko had entered the room. ‘Leave us, Katashi.’ Was all he said, and Katashi stared at him for a moment in disbelief, before stiffening again, offering a small nod and a tight bow as he turned and exited the room, leaving the two Inuyoukai alone

Then Inu Taisho sighed, collapsing slowly back into a chair, his gold-red eyes suggesting a fatigue that Takehiko was not used to seeing in her Lord, and she wondered if, perhaps, this was the wrong time for this.

However, she was not given much of a chance to offer to postpone it as Inu Taisho sighed again and said wearily ‘what is it you want, Takehiko?’

The healer let out a small sigh of her own, moving slowly to sit down as well, her blue eyes growing dark and brooding.

‘Inu no Taish, I know that you are aware of your sons mating.’ She said slowly, having no other place to begin this. At the Dog-Lord’s nod she continued, saying ‘And of course you are aware of Naraku’s violation of Inuyasha--’ at this, Inu Taisho tensed again, and Takehiko moved quickly to continue and distract him from that ‘I am aware of these things as well, obviously, but I am also aware that in either pairing, Inuyasha was not seme.’

Inu Taisho frowned and his eyes narrowed slightly at the healers offhanded choice of foul-language, but he forced himself to remain silent, curious as to exactly where she was taking this.

‘Now, I do not know for certain, having never dealt with such a case myself, but I have heard rumours that, among hanyou, even the males can become pregnant and bear children.’ The healer said slowly, waiting for the words to sink in.

Inu Taisho’s head shot up, his eyes going slightly wide as he finally began to see where this was going. The look in Takehiko’s eyes revealed all, and for a moment he could do nothing but stare.

‘How do you know?’ He finally asked, because, if she was right, then it was only three days into the pregnancy, and she should probably not be able to tell. Takehiko, however, shook her head and did not confirm it. ‘I do not-- it is just a guess or theory, and it is still far too early into the pregnancy to tell for sure, but think of it: Inuyasha became very moody after he and Sesshomaru mated, and seemed to loose energy quickly. He also seemed rather defensive, did he not?’

Inu Taisho considered these things and then slowly nodded his head. ‘Exactly.’ Takehiko said, offering him a small frown. ‘A human takes nine months to give birth, but a demon only takes about half the time of his true youkai. Since Inuyasha is half-dog youkai, that would normally only be about a month or so, but since he is hanyou-- not to mention male-- the time is impossible to determine. For all we know, he may not be pregnant at all. However, when Sesshomaru first brought him in, I checked him the way I normally would do, and I was certain I felt something shifting inside of him. Again, since he is hanyou, we have no way of determining anything for at least a little while longer-- even the growth rate of pups. It could be one month, or it could be the full span of a human pregnancy-- we don’t know.’ She paused to let Inu Taisho devour these new facts (and to delay her having to tell this next one) before quietly saying ‘but there is another thing.’

Inu Taisho was so enraptured in the thought that his sons might have produced heirs for him, that he barely caught the grim tone of the healer’s voice, and he looked up in confused concern.

Takehiko sighed, looking reluctant to speak, before quietly saying ‘There is a possibility that-- should Inuyasha be pregnant at all-- the pups don’t belong to Sesshomaru.’

Inu Taisho frowned in confusion, then his eyes widened in horror at what the healer was implying. No. It couldn’t be! It just couldn’t be--

‘Naraku.’ He said angrily, and Takehiko nodded again, eyes staring at him in concern, weighing his reaction.

Inu Taisho’s reaction was to narrow his eyes and clench his hand savagely, his claws coming to dig small pits into the palm.

‘No.’ He said quietly but firmly. ‘Inuyasha isn’t carrying his pups.’ Takehiko frowned at the determined way Inu Taisho said this, opened her mouth to protest, but before she could get a word in edgewise, Inu Taisho erupted ‘THEY ARE NOT NARAKU’S!’ He said, jumping up from his chair, and Takehiko’s eyes widened slightly, before she regained control and calmly said ‘Okay, they’re not.’

Inu Taisho glared at her a moment, his breathing heavy, before sinking slowly down into his chair again, hand coming up to cover his face, anger beginning to be replaced by despair.

‘But if they are’ Takehiko said quietly, cautiously but firmly, and Inu Taisho looked up sharply at her. ‘If they are’ she pressed on gently, because the very survival of the pups they were speaking of depended on Inu Taisho’s answer to this ‘What’ She asked slowly ‘Will you do?’

And Inu Taisho froze up, his insides turning to ice inside of him as this question entered his mind, because, for once in a very long time, he did not have the answer.

And, for once in a very long time, he had no idea what the answer was. ~*~  


Inu no Taisho - (I am beginning to wonder why I still put this here-- surely everybody knows who he is by now) Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s father -- means Lord of the Dogs

Ningen - human

Seme - The dominant male in a yaoi pairing (aka-- the guy doing the fucking!) ~*~  

A\N: Ooooooooooooh, cliffie!

Lol, actually now I need some help from you guys! As I have said repeatedly (so many times it’s probably annoying by now) I haven’t decided if Inuyasha’s pregnant or not yet (though he probably will be) but-- if so-- I need names for his “pups”. I’m thinking something from 2-4 or 5 would be a good number (just so I have a good selection), so I’d like to have your suggestions.

Currently I have a few picked out myself, actually, so I guess, let me know which one’s you like best or give me your own suggestions. I don’t know what I’ll end up using-- the most popular, or just my favs, but anyway:

***Note-- these names may have absolutely nothing to do with anything other than I liked the sound and\or meaning, so don’t take them too literally-- they aren’t written in stone yet! And even stone can be broken ^_^***

Inuko - (Has to be at the top ^_^) Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well

Nanashi - I don’t know how much I like this name-- it sounds evil It means “Without name“ - Boy or Girl

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female

Youko - I don’t know, I think this is supposed to mean demon-child, but I could be wrong. It’s for either.

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of)

Yuki - male - snow or luck

Gininu - Another one I’m unsure of, but, according to a friend of mine who hasn’t turned out to be entirely reliable in the past, it means silver dog. Actually, it’s a little strange if you try and pronounce it out loud. The “Gin” I’m pretty sure is the same as from “Ginkotsu” which means silver bones and\or silver skeleton. Something along those lines.

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^)

Hotaru - Firefly - Female

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword and\or Blade

Aki - Autumn and\or bright - It’s male and female

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2 out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season.

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?)

Akira - Male - Intelligence\brightness

Amaya - Female - Night rain. A lot of people seem to use this name in their stories for some reason. It sounds kind of depressing if you know it’s meaning.

***Note again -- Some of these names are clearly not original Japanese names (like Inuko) but were made up by some friends of mine (or, occasionally, me ^_^) but the majority of them are actual Japanese names and their meanings that I did not make up.***

Well that’s all of them, let me know if you have any suggestions cause I could really use some help here (but I don’t know when or how I’ll ever fit these names in... ^_^)