InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Sick ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Hey guys! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this chapter up! I’ve been very busy lately-- got tests to write, and all that other shit. Plus, I’ve been neglecting my other stories in turn for this one, so I’ve been trying to give them a bit more attention.

Anyway, I’m back now with another chapter now, so I guess I should stop rambling and just let you guys have it. ^_^

-Misty_Rose - Yeah, thanks! A lot of people have been saying that, but I think I’ll just leave it be anyway. It still works in a way, and it’s definitely better than Aishiteru (mostly because this way it actually makes a relative amount of sense) ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl -Well that’s good, but how bout this time around? ^_^

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Well, maybe it’s because Insanity loves company. ^_^ Lol, I have to keep yu guys interested or else I’ve got no one to express this version of my insanity to now do I? ^_^ Anyway, hope you like this chapter, but it’s not nearly as sweet as the last one. ^_^ ~*~

----Pregnancy Signs in Dogs---

-Vulva\Genital Area will be slightly swollen.

-Teats\Nipples will become harder and more pronounced

-Temperament will change. The bitch (or whatever) will act less puppyish and become quieter, lazier and want more attention. The quietness is a wolf-trait (Hey! Inuyasha may finally have something in common with Kouga! ^_^). Because the pregnant dog is more vulnerable, it pays to be less conspicuous.

-Two weeks after mating, the dog is prone to morning sickness which may last a week or so. If they haven’t eaten anything, they will sometimes throw-up yellow bile. >_<

That’s all that’s really relevant so far (though the first two aren’t but I don’t know when or if they’ll become relevant, so...) and that’s about all that’s needed for this next chapter. ^_^-- I might look up some pregnancy signs in humans (though most of them are fairly obvious, and some are similar to the dog’s). ~*~   Sick

Inuyasha woke up the next morning with a jolt, his eyes widening in confusion and surprise at the sudden wakening and discomfort, and he frowned and looked around the room, not understanding what had caused it.

He looked up at Sesshomaru, who had his arms wrapped tightly around him, still lost in the dark, peaceful recesses of sleep, clearly sensing nothing to be amiss in the room or with his mate.

So why then did Inuyasha feel that something was not quite right?

He got his answer when, a moment later, another small jolt of pain rushed through him, followed by an overwhelming wave of nausea.

Inuyasha gasped, squeezing his eyes shut, hoping the feeling would just go away.

That didn’t seem to be happening, and a moment later Inuyasha knew this wasn’t one of those problems where, if you ignore it long enough, it would just disappear.

He clutched his stomach and whimpered painfully (For some reason trying to keep it below hearing level so as not to wake Sesshomaru-- though why the hell his mate’s sleeping mattered when his stomach was trying to turn itself inside out was a complete mystery to him!) and a moment later Inuyasha knew he couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Unfortunately, by now it was also too late to try and go somewhere or grab something more appropriate for this kind of situation, and he was left with only one option.

Springing into action, Inuyasha ripped away from his brother, rolled onto his side and leaned over the mattress just in time to heave all over the floor.

If that wasn’t bad enough for him, what came up was not normal, everyday vomit either. No, see, that might have kept his embarrassment when he had to deal with his brother down to a near-tolerable level.

This stuff was a thin, sickly-yellow, bile-like substance that his stomach had seemingly spent the entire evening concocting just in the hopes that he might end up expelling it all over the place like he was now. It tasted foul and the smell was almost enough to make Inuyasha throw up again.

Luckily enough, however, he managed to hold it in.

Wiping his mouth, he tensed up then groaned and mentally kicked himself when he felt Sesshomaru shift around beside him. Clearly his mate was no longer asleep.

But he hadn’t wanted to wake Sesshomaru up.

He didn’t know why, but somehow it was important that he didn’t disturb or anger his mate right now.

Swallowing and grimacing slightly, Inuyasha quickly rolled over and snuggled against Sesshomaru’s chest.

Maybe if he made like nothing had happened, his brother would forget about it and move on and he could just go back to sleep.

He had no such luck.

Sesshomaru had woken as soon as his mate had wrenched away from him, had heard him as he relieved the contents of his stomach (or lack thereof) all over the floor, and could now smell the bitter-sick smell of bile rising from the side of the futon.

So it confused him as to why Inuyasha, who was so obviously not feeling well, seemed completely healthy all so suddenly, and had suddenly decided that sleeping was a good idea again without even so much as a word to him.

It didn’t make sense.

And he had never had much tolerance for things that didn’t make sense.

So he tried to get to the root of the problem.

‘Inuyasha, are you alright?’ He asked, frowning slightly when he got no response and gently shaking his mate’s shoulder.

‘’m fine!’ Inuyasha groaned loudly. ‘Just let me sleep!’

Sesshomaru wasn’t nearly pleased or convinced with his brother’s less-than-acceptable answer.

‘Maybe we should have Takehiko look at you.’ He said, and Inuyasha stiffened slightly and huffed in agitation, though his posture and voice remained strangely submissive-- as though his mate was trying to be as unobtrusive as possible (a very un-Inuyasha-like trait) as he said ‘I already said I’m fine, what more do you want? I’ve never been sick a day in my life, so don’t go making a big deal out of this little thing!’

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed slightly, but his mind clearly realised that this was getting them nowhere, and decided that it would be best to leave the matter be for now.

He could ask Takehiko about it the next time he saw her, maybe have her give Inuyasha an examination-- even if he had to tie the stubborn half-breed down in order to do it.

Right now, though, they had more important things to worry about.

The room was filthy with both Inuyasha’s seed, and now his sick (the smell of which was beginning to rise up and taunt his gag-reflex) and he knew that, if someone wasn’t allowed to clean it up soon, they may never fully get rid of the smell (or at least, not enough to be tolerable to his sensitive nose).

What’s more, neither of them had eaten yesterday (nor really very much at all over the past weeks since all food had had to have been brought up here, and neither of them had been very hungry after all that had happened) and it was beginning to take it’s toll on the youkai lord, as well as Inuyasha, whose body was now working to provide for at least one more than normal.

Sesshomaru paused slightly at the thought, considering this.

Exactly how many pups was Inuyasha carrying?

He knew that canine demons sometimes possessed the abilities to give birth to whole litters of pups at once, but he had never actually found a demon who had experienced such. Not his own mother and father or Izayoi (who, despite being human, was fairly noble and strong in blood and spirit) nor recently in any of the wolf clans. In fact, he could not remember a time at all when he had heard of someone actually bearing a litter.

Then again, Inuyasha was only half-demon (which could either strengthen or weaken his odds-- Sesshomaru really had no idea. After all, it had given him the ability to bear pups in the first place) and was male. The results of this could be totally and completely altered by those facts, or may not be effected at all.

There was really no way to tell.

His mind was pulled out of it’s thoughts when Inuyasha shifted beside him, snuggling closer, trying to steal more of his body’s warmth.

‘Inuyasha.’ He said softly, his breath whispering across his mate’s ear, causing it to flicker back and away from the intruding air. ‘We need to get up.’

Inuyasha’s fate scrunched up and he made a small noise of disagreement, before muttering ‘You go on without me.’ on a sleepy grown, making Sesshomaru frown again.

That wouldn’t do at all.

‘Inuyasha.’ He said again, more firmly this time, as he again shook his mate’s shoulder in an attempt to more fully rouse him. ‘The sun has already risen, and if we do not hurry we will not arrive in time before all the food is devoured and cleared away.’

Inuyasha’s treacherous stomach chose at that moment to make itself known again as it let out a loud rumble, causing Inuyasha’s eyes to snap wide open in surprise, and then through a filthy glare down at the mutinous thing. It’s only response was to rumble again.

Inuyasha glared at it a moment longer, and then closed his eyes, settling back into the headrest and, despite all evidence to the contrary, mumbling ‘’m not hungry.’

Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow, and then continued to shake his mate’s shoulder, making Inuyasha frown, his ears flattening in annoyance, before he huffed angrily, and quickly turned onto his other side, away from his brother.

A loud gagging noise reached Sesshomaru’s ears, and he sat back and watched in amusement as his mate shot up on the futon, clutching his throat to stop from vomiting once again from the smell of sick.

Sesshomaru smirked at his brother, and then rose slowly to his feet, moving toward the low table at the wall facing the end of the bed and looking over the contents there.

His armour, Tokijin and kimono (which, he noted with some satisfaction, Yuko had cleaned) as well as his fur pelt were all lying there awaiting him, as well as the Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga, which were visibly humming next to one another, as though they could feel each other’s presence and were trying to draw the other to themselves.

However, one thing was missing.

Inuyasha’s blasphemous fire-rat clothes were nowhere to be found.

Instead, there was an elaborate white kimono-- not unlike his own (only with blue adorning the sleeves instead of red) and it was set with Tetsusaiga laying atop it in a manner that clearly indicated it was intended for Inuyasha.

Mentally smirking at the servant’s clear understanding that he no longer wished for Inuyasha to wear those hideous red things, Sesshomaru swiftly pulled on his own kimono and armour, before turning to look at Inuyasha, who was eyeing something on the mattress with distaste and paying him no particular interest, as well as clearly making no attempts to get up.

‘Cone, Inuyasha, enough of this foolishness.’ He said, tossing Inuyasha the other kimono, which landed rather comically across the half-breed’s head.

Inuyasha growled at the offending garment, tearing it away (and very nearly through it) as he pulled it off his head apparently just so he could glare up at Sesshomaru.

‘I already told you I’m not hungry!’ Inuyasha said angrily. ‘And where the hell are my own clothes?’

‘I imagine they are being washed, little brother.’ Sesshomaru said, unconsciously reverting back to his old title for the hanyou. It was meant more as a term of endearment or friendly teasing now than the brunt insult it had been splayed out as before, but it didn’t seem to quite have the desire effect, and Sesshomaru did not miss the way Inuyasha stiffened and squashed his ears back upon hearing it.

After a moments uncomfortable silence, Inuyasha deemed it time to speak again, lifting up the kimono Sesshomaru had thrown him and eyeing it a moment. ‘Well, there’s no way in hell I’m wearing these.’ He said, his voice rank with disdain for the seemingly offending garments. ‘They’re way too damn formal.’

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes again. He wasn’t in the mood to have another power-struggle with Inuyasha at the moment, nor was he in the mood for another screaming match with his little brother.

All he wanted was to get himself and his mate downstairs now, with as little fuss as humanly (or demonly, or whatever) possible. Even if that meant he had to carry the damn stubborn hanyou down there himself!

‘Inuyasha.’ He said, his voice a low, warning growl that immediately caught his mate’s attention, making him go rather stiff and small flickers of very out-of-place fear appear in his eyes.

Inuyasha stared tensely up at his brother, suddenly feeling very insecure and vulnerable with his mate growling at him, and his youkai shied away, all the while yelling at him to show submission-- don’t anger this creature any further, and just do what it wants already!

Slowly, his human side more than a little confused as to why he was giving up so easily, Inuyasha lowered his eyes and flattened his ears, tilting his head slightly to expose his neck in the ultimate display of submission.

Sesshomaru blinked in confusion and surprise at Inuyasha’s sudden show of submission, those feelings increasing tenfold as he watched Inuyasha get up (rather stiffly he might add), pulling on the kimono and Tetsusaiga (though how he had gotten hold of the sword was another mystery yet to be solved) before slowly walking toward the door, eyes still lowered, ears still flattened.

He paused with his hand resting on the wooden frame to look back at his elder brother.

‘Are you coming?’ He asked, his voice soft and low, barely concealing his agitation.

Sesshomaru stared at him a moment before, before mentally shaking himself, and quickly moving to follow after his brother.

After all, if Inuyasha had suddenly decided to be reasonable and submissive, who the hell was he to question it?

Why waste a good thing, he decided as the two of them slowly moved down the hall to head toward the dining area. ~*~


Gomen - (In my rant, not the story) Sorry

Youkai - Demon

Tokijin - Sesshomaru’s sword, formed from Goshinki’s (Naraku’s third “offspring”) fang. It has the ability to possess people, and is bent on destroying Inuyasha to get revenge. I’m not sure what it means.

Tetsusaiga - Inuyasha’s sword, forged from his father’s fang to protect him from demons who wanted to harm him as well as quell his demon blood. It has a barrier around it so no demon can wield it (why Sesshomaru hasn’t already stolen & managed to keep hold of it for very long). It can destroy 100 demons in a single stroke (but not someone like Naraku with many! ^_^) It means “Iron Pulverizing Fang.”

Tenseiga - Sesshomaru’s first sword, also forged from his father’s fang. The only problem with it is-- it lacks the ability to actually kill or harm anything. It’s a sword of healing and (as Toutousai put it) can bring back 100 people with a single sweep, so long as it’s wielder has compassion for humans in their hearts. It’s name means “Heavenly life fang”

Hanyou - Half-demon ~*~

A\N: All the names without votes have now been removed, and we’ll be working our way down from there. Again, the actually end results of this poll may have no effects on what names I pick, but they’ll help give me an idea! ^_^  

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - ***************

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - ********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - ********

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ***

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - ***

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males ***

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity ****

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - ***

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy **

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason **

-Takara - means treasure - either **

-Haruko - means spring - girl - **

Keitaro - Boy - blessed **

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar **

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory *!

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free *

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl *

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul *

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air *





























