InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ New Moon, Crescent Moon ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Oooooooooh, that explains it.

Lol, okay don’t mind the above comment, it was just the sound of realisation dawning on me.

Okay, so I already updated once today, but I had some free time, and I wanted to get back to Inu and Sesshomaru and this particular scene because one person seemed fairly eager to get to it.

Alright, I’m really busy right now, and I really probably should leave this to wait for a while, but everyone is eager for me to get off of Rin and Kouga and back to Inu and Sess, so here you go.

To everyone whose been commenting and asking when Inu was going to do this, hope this satisfies your cravings for now! ^_^

So, now, to the single person who reviewed in the time they had:

-fawn of the woods - Lol, no problem. It’s my job to explain things in my stories or that I might say if you don’t understand them. ^_^ -- Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. My entire family is that way too. ^_^ -- Lol, well I’m glad somebody’s enjoying the Kouga/Rin relationship. Most people said it was unexpected, but I don’t think a lot of people liked it very much. I never really considered the reason being that it was so unlikely the way you did-- since Kouga killed Rin and all. Actually, you’re probably right... however, in this fic he didn’t kill her, so hopefully it works (I think I went a little OOC on him though...) And if this pairing surprised you, I think the next one I come up with might do so even more... ^_^ -- Hm. I don’t know. I suppose I have made Inu seem fairly helpless lately, although Inu really is helping Sess by breaking down his barriers a little, that’s not what you mean. Well, maybe Inuyasha will help Sess sometime, but I don’t know... that might have to wait until after the pregnancy... it’ll be kinda hard for a pregnant Inuyasha to help anyone with anything really. Still, I’ll try and keep it in mind...

Did I make any sense in that at all?

Anyway, so this is a bit of a longer chapter, so if you don’t have a lot of time (or if you just don’t give a crap) ignore the rant posted above and below. It doesn’t effect the story and wants nothing to do with it really.   ~*~   New Moon, Crescent Moon


Inuyasha felt cold.

Well, his feet did anyway (though part of him not currently in contact with his brother’s body).

And that was his first warning that something was not right. Demons (half or otherwise) were not as effected by the climate as humans, and he usually only felt cold when there was actually snow on the ground and sharp wind in the air-- and even then it was more of a “chilly” than a “cold”.

Slowly he opened his eyes, shifting around in his brother’s lap in an attempt to sit up, while Sesshomaru moved his arms around to accommodate this new position as the young hanyou tilted his face up slightly to sniff the air.

He didn’t smell snow.

In fact, he didn’t smell much of anything, except what he assumed to be the faint tinge of moist earth from the dew that had already started to gather on the grass.

And that instantly set of warning bells in his head.

Inuyasha instantly pulled rapidly away from Sesshomaru, his hand digging painfully into his brother’s stomach as it sought for leverage, causing the elder youkai to grunt in annoyance, quickly trading it in for concern as his brother’s scent spiked with fear.

He didn’t bother to ask what was wrong.

He knew what was wrong.

And a moment later his suspicions were confirmed when Inuyasha grabbed onto some of his own hair, holding it out before his ever-widening eyes, his fear spiking up yet another notch as he took in the shimmering black of it’s colour.

Sesshomaru could feel his little brother tense-- could feel the fear coursing through his veins faster than blood-- and he automatically tightened his embrace, trying to convey silently to Inuyasha that is was alright, as well as stop the retreat from his grasp that was sure to come.

‘Sesshomaru.’ Inuyasha whimpered out in desperation, his instincts taking over his mind and telling him that he couldn’t stay. His brother had not hurt him yet, but if he stayed here-- if he stopped struggling-- Sesshomaru was gonna go haywire on him and start ripping him to shreds. Since his youkai blood was all but gone now, that part of him could not protest this idea, nor could it assure him and remind him that this was his mate and was not going to harm him.

He pushed violently against his brother’s chest (though since he was human it had very little effect), trying to get away.

All his life his mother (and then his father when he had eventually found out) had ordered him to keep this night a secret. From everyone. Even Sesshomaru. But since his elder brother had almost always been bent on killing him, that went without saying.

Because they all knew the risks that would come if anybody ever found out.

And he had forgotten.

He had forgotten this-- out of all the things he could have forgotten-- he had forgotten the night he turned human.

So it was no big surprise to feel the fear racing itself through him now.

After all, Sesshomaru hated humans-- would kill them as soon as look at them.

And Inuyasha knew that Sesshomaru thought them to be weak, and he also knew from past experience that he was right. They were weak. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

And Sesshomaru hated weakness.

Sesshomaru.’ Inuyasha said again, his tone more desperate this time as he wriggled about in his brother’s grip, making it harder and harder to hold onto him. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in annoyance that his efforts to calm the hanyou had failed, and tightened his arms even further around the squirming human in his arms. Unfortunately, this only served to further increase Inuyasha’s struggles.

‘Inuyasha, calm yourself!’ Sesshomaru commanded, but Inuyasha was far past the stage of reasoning.

He could still remember the first (and thankfully only) time someone had found him on the night of the new moon.

He had never known such fear before in his life.

Never know such pain or... weakness.

He did not want to relive that.

Especially not with Sesshomaru.

‘Let me GO!’ He all but screamed at his brother, thrashing about it that unbreakable grip as hard as he could.

Sesshomaru snarled.

The human Inuyasha was no match for his strength, of course, but if Inuyasha kept thrashing about as he was, he could very well injure himself. Or the pups for that matter-- the current health and situation of which he had no idea but was becoming gradually more and more concerned about.

He had heard rumours that great amounts of stress could cause early labour, or stillbirths sometimes. He didn’t want that for his mate or his pups.

So he needed to calm Inuyasha down.


However, since none of the usual methods seemed to be working (and Sesshomaru was quickly running out of options in that category) he was left with no other option than to turn to his instincts-- to let his youkai take over.

Letting out another low, authoritive growl, Sesshomaru shoved Inuyasha’s dark mass of hair aside and leaned forward swiftly, placing a rough, but not deep bite, right on the back of his mates neck.

The action was a display of dominance: Since the alpha (mate or not) always ended up on top one way or another, it left the lesser’s neck perfectly exposed to them, and, since the neck was fairly vital in survival and was very easy to injure or kill someone through, it usually gave the dominant one some sort of control over the other.

It was not mean, however, but meant as either a means to reprimand or reassure-- letting his mate know that he was there, with him, and they were both safe, so there was no need to get all worked up.

Inuyasha’s entire body went rigid and still at the contact, his chest rising and falling in violent heaves, his eyes wide as he felt the teeth sink slightly deeper. He may be half-human, but he was also half-demon, and had been raised for a good deal of time solely by humans. Therefore, he wasn’t entirely sure what the bite meant, only that the currently dormant part of his mind that belonged to his youkai was currently whispering to him to just give in and surrender, telling him he was insane for not doing so earlier. And he could not help but remain still (though the fact that Sesshomaru’s fangs were still imbedded in his neck certainly did help with this).

Sesshomaru felt Inuyasha go still, but could smell the confusion from his mate. Clearly Inuyasha did not understand this most basic custom of Inuyoukai, and did not really know why he was stilling either. If Sesshomaru wasn’t careful, Inuyasha might take this the wrong way-- as a means to physically harm him and still him so he could induce more pain upon him.

He didn’t want his mate to think that, but, with a mouth full of blood an his brother’s skin, there was little more he could do than offer Inuyasha another low growl, that he hoped sounded reassuring to his mate, but it was difficult sometimes with growling.

Unlike cats, who could purr to tell others what they felt, dogs did not have that ability. They could only growl, and, while Sesshomaru (in his human-like form at least) could indeed make a sound similar to purring, he refused to do so, always thinking it to be a degrading action that was far too associated with the feline-race, and so always tried to avoid using it.

However, that left him only with growls in situations like this, and they were much harder to express.

Growls had myriads of meanings, but how anyone else took them all depended on the tone in which they came out and the situation they were expressed in.

And those clues were slight in their usefulness at best.

He could only hope that he had gotten his point across with Inuyasha and that his brother wouldn’t panic again.

After a moment of sitting silently, Sesshomaru slowly withdrew his fangs from his brother’s neck, earning him a slight wince of pain from Inuyasha, before he began to lap at the wound affectionately.

When it was cleaned to his satisfaction and the blood had stopped welling, he pulled back, slowly turning the onyx-haired human around the face him.

‘Inuyasha.’ He said softly, reaching down and tilting his brother’s face up toward him, forcing him to look at him. ‘It’s alright.’ He said, before leaning down and offering him a kiss that was even softer than his words.

Inuyasha’s whole frame shuddered, his mind absolutely refusing to believe that Sesshomaru meant his words despite his heart and youkai’s desperation to believe them, and he let out another low whimper, trying weakly to pull back.

Sesshomaru only growled again, putting his hand on the back of his mate’s head to stay him, and gently nipping his lip in silent reprimand at his mate’s continued misplaced mistrust of him, before pulling back and looking down into the dark eyes of his brother, his own shadowing nearly to a shade of auburn as he gazed searchingly and coldly back into his brother’s fear-struck eyes.

‘Do you really want to leave me that badly, Inuyasha?’ He asked softly, keeping his face a dark mask as he felt Inuyasha freeze in surprise, staring up at his brother with wide eyes.

‘Of course not, Sesshomaru!’ He said, as if Sesshomaru had just uttered the most ridiculous, idiotic, blasphemous phrase on the planet that would insult even those without a religion. ‘That’s not it at all--’

‘Then stop trying to flee me.’ Sesshomaru said reprimandingly..

Inuyasha stared at him a moment, before looking down, his bangs falling to shadow his eyes. ‘It’s not that simple.’ He muttered, and Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow at him.

‘Why?’ He demanded, and Inuyasha felt anger driven by desperation roar to the forefront of his mind.

‘Because I’m human!’ He shouted at his brother, his head snapping up so he could stare at Sesshomaru with wide, tear-filled eyes (curse his human emotions to the deepest circle of hell!) as his words effectively rendered Sesshomaru silent. ‘I’m human, Sesshomaru.’ He said softly, his voice sounding incredibly broken as Sesshomaru frowned at his mate.

‘I am well aware of that, brother.’ He said, some of his old ice slipping back into his tone and Inuyasha tensed up once again.

‘You hate humans!’ He said, his voice rising up again as Sesshomaru felt comprehension begin to dawn upon him, and he quickly silenced whatever else his brother might have had to say with a savage kiss.

Inuyasha struggled again, but could not break the demon’s grip and was forced to simply endure (which was separated from “enjoy” by a very fine line) the kiss until Sesshomaru deemed it time to finally pull back and look at him.

‘I don’t hate you, Inuyasha.’ He said slowly, softly, locking eyes with his brother once again. ‘Not matter what form you take. You are my mate. And I will always love you.’

Inuyasha stared at him for a moment, shocked by the words he had just heard his brother utter, searching Sesshomaru’s eyes carefully for several moments for something he wasn’t sure he’d find.

But, after several long, silent moments, he did, and he felt the human part of him begin to relax slightly again as he slowly, tentatively, as though fearing he might be bitten or struck, leaned up and placed a kiss on Sesshomaru’s lips.

When his brother did not pull away in disgust or anger, Inuyasha took this as incentive to continue, even as his self-confidence and assurance began to slowly return to him.

He quickly began placing kisses all along his mate’s jaw, his lust and need growing to overcome any fear and uncertainties he ma have had before as he slowly untangled his arms and pushed on Sesshomaru’s shoulders, (which would have had absolutely no effect if Sesshomaru had not understood what he wanted and leaned back himself) until he had lowered his mate to the ground and was straddling him.

And this was certainly new-- Inuyasha being in the dominant position for once (stranger still since the hanyou was currently in his weakest state) but Sesshomaru allowed it.

Inuyasha had initiated this, and he would let Inuyasha take the lead-- go only as far as his brother was comfortable with going, and stop whenever he needed.

Besides, he had no idea how much weaker his brother’s current state really made him, or how much the human body could take anyway. He hardly wanted to be responsible for hurting him or the pups because he was too strong for his little brother to take at the moment. If it cost him the dominance of this night, then that was fine-- he would have it back again when they were finished he was certain.

And Inuyasha himself could not help but thrill at the submission his brother was showing to him (something he had never truly seen in Sesshomaru for-- submission and his brother just weren’t words one associated with one another unless they were in strange fantasy’s that were usually over before they had begun) as he swiftly began to remove their clothes, desperate to reveal his brother’s skin underneath and have it touching his own.

He ran his hands up and all over his brother’s body as if seeing it for the first time, taking as much advantage of the situation as he thought he’d be allowed, paying particular attention to the crimson stripes that adorned his brother’s wrists, hips, ankles, cheeks and eyelids before his attention finally swivelled to the cobalt moon in the centre of his forehead.

‘Why do you have that?’ Inuyasha asked, his fingers tracing over the small tattoo-like crescent silently awing at the way it felt strangely smoother than the other adornments his brother had, and yet he knew it to be no more sensitive than them. At least his brother never gave any indication that it was.

Sesshomaru, who had closed his eyes and grit his teeth under Inuyasha’s careful (and thorough) exploration of his body in an effort to stop himself from flipping them over and taking the boy right then and there, started slightly at the unexpected break in the silence.

He cracked open his eyes to see Inuyasha’s own inquisitive brown-orbs (as well as fingers) focused in on his forehead and, presumably, the moon there.

He opened his mouth to reply, then paused, frowning slightly.

He had never actually wondered about that himself.

It wasn’t as though he saw the damn thing very often, or really noticed it all that much whenever he did, so why should he care where it had come from? It was there and seemed to serve no particular purpose other than as a defining way for all his enemies to remember him (and they all ended up dead anyway), so why should he care?

Still, he didn’t think Inuyasha would care particularly much for that answer right now, so he opted for a less harsh but still truthful one.

‘I don’t know.’ He said slowly as Inuyasha pulled back to watch him attentively, apparently expecting him to continue (though he had not been planning on it). ‘I would imagine it comes from my mother’s side, since I have never seen a marking like it in any of the demon’s on our father’s side.’ He said, mentally cursing the hanyou’s insatiable curiosity for trivial things like this. It was both endearing and frustrating, but often it had made the hanyou into an unnecessary nuisance.

‘Oh.’ Inuyasha said softly, because what else could he say? It wasn’t as though he knew a lot about Sesshomaru’s mother or anything that happened before he was born, or that it was really a topic he (or his brother for that matter) felt comfortable discussing, so he decided to let the matter drop.

Besides, there were far more interesting things he could be doing at the moment.

Inuyasha, ignoring the steady gaze Sesshomaru now had locked on him, continued his slow exploration of his brother’s body, driving the elder of them insane with his gentle not-quite caresses that were always over before they seemed to begin.

He could feel Sesshomaru lust beginning to grow, feel the small barely-there shivers running through his brother’s body as he slid slowly back until he felt Sesshomaru’s erection press against his ass, and he surprised himself by not feeling any fear from this.

His mind and body clearly had finally come to the conclusion that Sesshomaru (his mate for fuck’s sake) was not, in fact, there to harm him, and was simply doing his best to protect him and save him from more pain. He was not going to hurt him. No matter what.

He brushed back against his brother’s length again and heard Sesshomaru hiss, felt the body beneath him tense as his brother’s eyes slid closed for a moment before opening again.

‘Inuyasha.’ Sesshomaru warned, staring through the slits of his eyes at the smirking face above him as Inuyasha teasingly rubbed himself back and forth against him.

For a moment Sesshomaru lost it, and he reared up, his hands grabbing onto Inuyasha's narrow hips and lifting the slight frame up, positioning him over his already weeping erection before freezing, mentally raging at himself for loosing control for that instance-- an instance in which he could have easily harmed his little brother-- and turned his attention back to Inuyasha, concerned.

He looked up at his brother, really taking in his human appearance for the first time.

When Inuyasha had begun to transform in Sesshomaru’s arms, he was not sure what was happening and felt more than a little fear rush through him for his mate.

However, that fear was quickly replaced with an unfamiliar sort of awe as he stared at the now-human in his arms in fascination.

He had known that half-demon’s had a night of weakness-- a night when they lost their human powers-- or at least had heard rumours of it, but he had always assumed it to be that: rumours. He had never seen, in all his years of living with him, his little brother transform. Though it wasn’t as though they exactly spent a lot of quality time together, but it made him realise exactly how good Inuyasha must had become at hiding this from others. The fact that his scent changed didn’t hurt either, but if someone lived with him the way Sesshomaru had, they would simply have to keep track of the nights when Inuyasha’s scent changed or disappeared and they’d be able to figure it out.

Actually, that would be a bigger help than actually seeking the hanyou out, because, other than the clothes and general build of his body, there was absolutely nothing the same about Inuyasha.

The silver hair had turned the colour of coal (though much nicer looking and feeling) and his bright golden eyes were now deep and dark, the irises almost blending in entirely with pupils, and his skin had taken on an even paler sort of quality than it had had before.

All in all, Inuyasha looked... vulnerable.

In fact, strange though it was, he appeared even more like a little lost puppy without his koinu ears than he did with them, and, while the change wasn’t entirely unattractive, Sesshomaru wasn’t entirely sure he liked it.

He preferred the fiery, defiant Inuyasha to the trembling, vulnerable one.

Still, as he looked up into Inuyasha’s dark eyes, he could tell that it was, for the most part, simply a physical change (though the emotions were definitely effected somewhat by the transformation as well) and that, inside, Inuyasha was still the same.

That in mind, he carefully held his brother in place above him, waiting for Inuyasha to give him some sort of signal that, yes, it was okay to continue, before slowly lowering him down.




Hanyou - Half-demon

Youkai - Demon

Inu-youkai - Dog-Demon ~*~  

A\N: The method Sesshomaru used to calm Inuyasha is a common trait in dogs (and some other animals as well) to ascertain dominance. It can happen in a fight, or when a particularly young “pup” is misbehaving and needs to be reminded of it’s place. It’s actually fairly effective-- You’d probably go still too if somebody grabbed the back of your neck between their teeth (or fangs ^_^)! -- Lol, I’m learning lots about dogs thanks to this story. Things I really didn’t want to know, and I figure I’ll make you guys suffer with it a little bit too... ^_^

Lol, don’t know if anybody cares, but this is kinda a cute story, and I don’t really know what it has to do with Inuyasha (or this story for that matter) but it kinda reminded me of Inuyasha (for some reason-- maybe because of Myouga?) so I thought I’d put it in here:

A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. He read, "The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was turned to salt." His son asked, "What happened to the flea?" ~*~  

Thanks to everybody whose been submitting and voting!

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - *****************

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - **********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - *********

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - *****

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ****

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males ****

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as

well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - ***

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity ****

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - ***

-Haruko - means spring - girl - ***

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy ***

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed ***

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl **

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason **

-Takara - means treasure - either **

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar **

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory *!

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free *

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl *

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul *

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air *

-Natsuko - Summer Child

-Fuyuko - Winter Child