InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Irrational Insanity ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey everyone!

Gomen this chapter took so long, been fairly busy lately and don’t have a lot of time... I was kinda forced to crush a whole bunch of stuff into this chapter and it was written in kind of a rush, so I don’t know if it’s up to my usual standards (whatever those may be) but hopefully it’s still good... ^_^

Plus, my muse seems to have gone on holiday a bit lately... if you see it, please tell it to get it’s ass back here cause it’s got several stories it needs to get working on! ^_^

Yeesh... Can’t believe it’s been a whole week since I updated... that’s like a new record for me!

Disappointments, disappointments! I seem to be disappointing people with this story... oh well, no one seems to hate it though! They either love it or are... iffy about it. ^_^

Anyway, onto the reviewers:

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Yep, Enter Shippo! Although I don’t much like him. His voice is annoying and they make him really incredibly spoiled and whiny... Still, I suppose he does have some good qualities! ^_^ Like being one of the only members of Inuyasha’s group that has moments of sanity. They’re fleeting moments mind you, but moments nonetheless, and how many of the others can say that?... I think Kirara... and that’s about it... But she can’t even say that cause she can’t talk! ^_^ Yep, Takehiko and Yuko were being... WHOOOO! ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - K, I’ll try!

-Lokelani04 - Lol, well I appreciate (and probably need) all the help I can get. ^_^ Lol, now was that pun intended or not? ^_^ I’m glad you think I keep this story interesting enough to keep reading! That’s all I’m trying to achieve here... I think... wait, what am I trying to achieve here? Am I trying to achieve something? ... o.O... ^_^

-Punishment of the Inu - Lol, I’m glad you liked that one! This one’s got a bit more of a psychotic Inu (effects of the pregnancy of course) but hopefully it’s still enjoyable... ^_^ Kikyo and the others? I don’t know. I wasn’t even expecting Shippo to turn up, but then he just popped in out of nowhere and now he’s part of the story! ^_^ I don’t know if I’ll include any of the other’s though... Guess we’ll have to wait and see... ^_^

-Kilika - Umm... okay? I’m not really certain what you want me to say to this. To the first on the other hand, I suppose I could say thank you... but I’m not sure if you’re complimenting me or not... on the second on the other hand... the best I can do is offer you a paper bag... cause I don’t think this is getting any less Incesty. However, I’m glad you like my writing style... though it’s a bit disappointing that you don’t care for the story... Maybe I can come up with something you can actually enjoy sometime in the near future neh? I’m working on a fic (don’t know when it’ll be posted) that’s still yaoi, but it doesn’t have any incest in it (which is really weird for me). Or I’ve got the other story chained that doesn’t have any yaoi in it... It’s not one of my best writings though (at least in my opinion) but still, you might find something likeable about it. ^_^

-Taisho - Lol, well of course a lot of people have done that-- it’s a challenge! And it’s issued by two different people (one being an author a lot of people seem to like) and it’s eye-catching to most authors so it would likely attract many candidates to write it. I’m not trying to be entirely original with this-- that’d be stupid and impossible since I already know there are who-knows-how-many other versions of this plot out there. I’m just trying to make it different from them. Make it stand out and try and catch the readers interest and hold it. Hopefully I am managing to do that... ^_^ Still, I’m glad you think that I get into the characters heads. I must admit, it’s a little dark and somewhat cramped in there sometimes, but if it gets the story out in a fashion that can make it enjoyable for you, then I’m more than willing to make the sacrifice. ^_^ -- Oh, I know it’s not completely necessary. But still, when I’m reading a story, if I come across something in it I don’t understand (like a foreign word) I’d prefer to just scroll to the bottom of the page then go out to google and ask them, or question the author. Lol, it’s just a little thing of mine. Feel free to ignore it if you like! ^_^ And thanks for the info on the names... I don’t know how much it’ll help me now though, but it’s still nice to know that! ^_^

-FXL - Lol, I’m glad you’re loving it so far! ^_^ I do know about (first site I ever joined as an author) but I don’t think I’ll put this story there. Let’s face it, I’d have to edit out whole chapters practically before it’d be considered acceptable content there... and I think I might scare off some of my other reviewers if they read this anyway. ^_~ I’ve already got it on a different site though that used to give me a lot of reviews... but their maitenencing right now, so I haven’t been able to update there in forever... >_<

-Austen - Lol, I agree with you about the third movie-- it is the best. But I haven’t seen the 4th one yet, so... And I agree with you on the next point as well-- it’s always good to find good Sess/Inu stories! ^_^ I know it’s not the most original stories (it’s based on two very popular challenges) but what you said I did is exactly what I was going for. I don’t like taking slightly used plots and making them interesting-- either overused or completely original. Those are just my prefences because they are challenges! I love challenges! I understad your qualms about Mpreg-- I used to be like that-- bu the challenge called for it, and I’ve never done it before, so I though what the hell! I’ll give it my best shot and see how it goes... --And I’m glad you like the fact that I update a lot! It doesn’t actually seem like that to me, since time seems to go a lot faster for me, so I could go a couple days and it would seem like I hadn’t updated for a week... I don’t know, it’s some sort of weird quirk of mine. I look foreward to any posts you may have for my other stories! ^_^ And I’ll forgive your spelling/grammer mistakes if you’ll forgive mine. I’m from Canadia! ^_^   ~*~   Irrational Insanity

As the weeks passed, Inuyasha’s pregnancy quickly began to effect him (and the rest of the household) more and more.

“Effect,” of course, was the word Sesshomaru liked to use in place of “turned-into-an-insane-psychotic-raving-lunatic.” For some reason, he didn’t think Inuyasha would appreciate being called insane at the moment.

Normally the hanyou would just brush it off, or come back with some sort of snide comment of his own.

With the pregnancy though, he seemed to have lost that ability.

The boy had taken the words “hysterical” and “overreacting” to a whole new level (one that no one quite cared to reach) and his new favourite pastimes seemed to consist of screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, and then breaking down completely and sobbing all over the place the next.

On one occasion, the boy had even gone so far as to break into a fit of hysterical laughter for seemingly no particular reason. When he had finally calmed down, he couldn’t even remember why he was laughing.

He would have been seriously concerned for his mate’s well-being, if Takehiko hadn’t explained to him that this was... fairly natural during a pregnancy, and the best thing to do was simply let it play itself out.

That, of course, was much easier said than done.

Especially since Inuyasha seemed torn between how to react toward Sesshomaru-- either sneaking timidly around, cuddling up again, or growling loudly at him at any given moment of the day.

That is, of course, when the hanyou would let him get close enough to have that happen.

It had gotten very extreme lately, though Takehiko had, again, said that was to be expected as the pregnancy was coming to a close, but it didn’t make Sesshomaru’s time with it any less difficult to handle.

His own instincts were telling him to stay close and protect and comfort his mate, but, considering half the time Inuyasha seemed to be acting rather violently and aggressively defensive toward him, it was very difficult, and he was forced to stay away most of the time.

What’s more, the hanyou had become very protective of his stomach as of late-- which they had all found out after Sesshomaru made the mistake of coming up and wrapping his arms around his mate from behind to stroke his stomach.

That idiotic move had nearly cost him his arms, and everyone had quickly learned that Inuyasha did not appreciate any contact with others that he himself did not initiate first. And sometimes, even that contact was appreciated, depending what mood Inuyasha was in.

It was actually slightly surprising considering Inuyasha’s stomach had not actually swelled up all that much.

It was definitely getting larger, to be sure, but anyone looking at him might simply think he was getting a little overweight, not necessarily carrying pups, though Takehiko had said repeatedly that his pregnancy must be nearing it’s end.

This lead Sesshomaru to the conclusion that, either the pups were incredibly small, or, by some sort of demonic or... masculine power of Inuyasha’s, they just weren’t showing.

Inuyasha, completely unconcerned by any of this, had taken to lashing out at anything that moved-- Sesshomaru being at the top of his list-- for no apparent reason, often growling low in his throat for no apparent reason, before dashing off to some unknown destination, only to be found trembling and crying sometime later in some dark, abandoned room of the castle.

He would then have to be coaxed out cautiously and carefully by Sesshomaru, and it could take several hours before the hanyou was calm again, and back in working... or at least nearly functioning order.

However, that trait had gotten a little bit better as of late... leastways, better than it had been a few days ago.

Inuyasha had become severely depressed then and had had absolutely no self-confidence.

That wouldn’t have been so bad, had Sesshomaru been able to do anything about it.

However, Inuyasha was so self-conscious during that period, he had refused to let Sesshomaru near him.

In fact, for a long while, only the women’s presences would be tolerated by the half-demon.

After what everyone had taken to referring to as “the mushroom incident” with the kitsune, things had gotten a bit better again. At least, they had improved to the point where he was allowed to see and be near his mate again.

If you could call that an improvement.

However, after finding the wailing mushrooms instead of regular ones in his food, Inuyasha had become extremely suspicious of everything and anything he ate, and sometimes even demanded it be taste-tested beforehand.

Not that it really mattered, since it clearly wasn’t poisoned, and Inuyasha would always just throw it up later anyway.

The boy’s irrationality had grown to, what Sesshomaru was certain was it’s ultimate high, as well as his desire seemingly to test his vocal chords at any given moment for any given thing. The colour of the bed sheets being too dark, for example.

Luckily enough, on any given day, there was always at least one person who could always calm him down, no matter what.

Unfortunately, that person’s identity seemed to change everyday, and it became quite the chore to try and figure out who it would be, since Inuyasha never gave them any clues.

Usually it wasn’t Sesshomaru though, so the full-blooded demon stayed well enough away from his mate unless called for, spending his time instead wandering the grounds, silently meditating and reminding himself that, in the end, it would all be worth it.


In his wanderings he had seen and heard many strange things, encountered strange people-- like the old priestess, Kaede.

The woman was an old priestess who had lived for a while in Izayoi’s village-- the very healer who had told Izayoi of half-demon pregnancies in the first place-- and Takehiko had sent for her to help during the last stages of the pregnancy.

Sesshomaru didn’t pay her much mind other than to wonder how exactly she could help his mate, and what had happened to her eye that she needed to wear a patch over it.

These were just fleeting thoughts though, and soon overcome by much more interesting things.

Like Shippo and Rin, for example.

The two had become nigh on inseparable since the mushroom incident, and Sesshomaru had caught them more than once lying low in the grass, staring at the visiting youkai milling about the grounds, and whispering conspiratorially to each other.

He had briefly entertained inquiring as to what they were doing, but had decided that it would likely be safest on his sanity if he did not.

The sane part of his mind was stretched enough as it was, he hardly needed to strain it further with the strange ideas of a ningen wench and a kitsune child.

Children and humans tended to have strange theories and insights on things-- ones he would rather not familiar himself with.

He was thoroughly exhausted lately, and was more concerned with what would happen the next time he opened the door to his bedroom-- would he find his mate shaking and crying, throwing up, yelling and screaming, throwing something at him, or maybe, mercifully, asleep?

It was always a mystery-- a test of his patience, his temper, and his sanity.

So that’s why he was hovering outside the door now, debating whether or not to go in.

It was unsettling-- he’d never felt such uncertainty before in his life as he did just now-- all because his little brother had gone psycho on them and couldn’t control his emotions-- just wondering if it was safe to go in and sleep with his mate.

Bracing himself for whatever horrors would come, Sesshomaru hesitated a moment more, before gently and quietly pushing open the door. ~*~  


Hanyou - Half-Demon

Kitsune - Fox

Youkai - Demon

Ningen - Human ~*~  

A/N: Well that’s it for now. If at least one sentence in this chapter was coherent then I’m considering it a success! ^_^