InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Not-Female ( Chapter 49 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey everyone, don’t got a lot of time right now, so this is just gonna be quick! ^_^

-Punishment of the Inu/Tryst - Lol, yep it is getting a little tense, isn’t it? Boy... girl... boy... hm... which one, which one? ^_^ -- Special attention? Like what...? And yep, Naraku should be making another appearance... soon... ^_^

-Snowfall - Lol, I actually read this review shortly after posting Chapter 48, and for some reason I forgot about what had happened in 47, so I’m just like “... what the hell is she talking about? What lemon? I know Inu tried to start something, but... And what did Sesshomaru hear?” -- Lol, yes, I admit, it was a very slow moment, but we all have them, and I thought it was kinda funny. ^_^ And yep, it is really frustrating sometimes. All I know is never ever make the mistake of typing the code in capitals-- you won’t be able to post a review for the rest of the day! ^_^ Although, I do think I heard someone saying something about hitting ctrl and refresh at the same time to make the pages work better... but I don’t know if that applies to this. -- Lol, yep Inuyasha wants the pups out of his body. They’ve been in there for a full two months or whatever, and apparently their time is up. ^_^ I’m afraid it may have to wait until next chapter though to find out whose they are and all that whatnot... I’m still considering some of the things you told me that I hadn’t before and I need to figure out if and how I’ll make them fit into the story... ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, you still don’t want to see Sess suffer through the ordeal of them being Naraku’s pups? *sighs* ... ^_^

Well that’s it, time for the chapter I guess...   ~*~   Not-Female

Rin smirked happily as she wandered down the halls of the castle.

She had found him!

The perfect youkai for her sister!

Now, if she could just get said sister to show an interest... hell, if she could just find said sister, maybe she could begin to set things into motion.

She wasn’t meddling.

At least, that’s what she told herself.

She just wanted to see Kagura happy. And this seemed like the best way to do it.

Besides, she had a feeling she would be bored as all hell if she gave up on this little plot, so she might as well see it through till she either got Kagura hooked up with someone, or her sister killed her.

The sound of hurried footsteps reached her ears and she looked up just in time to see Yuko hurrying down the hall faster than she had ever seen the girl move, her arms laden with a menagerie of different and fairly strange looking items.

‘Konnichiwa Yuko!’ Rin said cheerfully, fully intending to inquire to the servant about her sister’s whereabouts. ‘Have you see--’ was as far as she got before the part-fox demon unexpectedly interrupted her.

‘Gomen, Lady Rin, I cannot talk right now!’ The girl said, nearly dropping the bundle of towels and other things she was carrying in her haste. ‘Lord Inuyasha has gone into labour, and I must get these things to Takehiko and Kaede right away!’

That said, the girl turned and continued down the hall at a rather alarming pace, somehow managing to not drop a single one of her items as she left a completely dumbstruck Rin standing in the hallway behind her, trying slowly to process the information given to her.

Once her idiotic brain finally got past the “Lord is in labour” part of that statement, and began to process exactly what it actually meant, Rin’s eyes all but dropped from her head as they widened, and she whirled around to stare after the servant.


Now that her mind had finally caught up with everything else, Rin did not even pause to think a moment before following after the girl, all thoughts of finding her sister temporarily forgotten as she hurried down the hall, following her down, not to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s room, but to a room used specifically for birthing, wincing as the dull sounds of pain reached even her hearing from inside the room.

The door slid open easily as the two girls entered, Yuko moving forward and setting her bundle down in easy reach of Kaede, who was again between Inuyasha’s legs as another pained moan escaped the half-breed.

‘Is he alrigh--’ Rin began, starting forward to get a better look at her friend, only to stop after a few steps as she caught sight of Inuyasha. Naked. And suddenly remembered that she was not dealing with another female here. Indeed, she had just gotten a full few of how not-female Inuyasha really was.

Colour rose in her face as she instantly stumbled back, knocking loudly against a table, and sending a bowl skidding to the floor, though it was merciful enough to both be empty and not shatter at the contact.

Yuko immediately rushed forward to pick it up, but accidentally knocked into Sesshomaru on the way, earning her a loud snarl from the demon Lord as she forced his attention away from his distressed and pained mate.

As far as Sesshomaru was concerned, Inuyasha was his number one priority right now, and all decorum and façades could be put off until he was certain his mate was better.

Takehiko was no less kind to the two girls after their little display of distracting chaos, and she fixed them both with a fierce glare. ‘For Kami’s sake, you two! This is not the place for any of your little shenanigans!’ The healer snarled out.

‘Is it just me, or is it suddenly very crowded in here?’ Inuyasha, who had seemingly been ignored throughout most of this, asked, trying hard to bite down his small snort of laughter despite the pain at hearing the healer (or really anyone for that matter) use a word like “shenanigans.”

The blinding pain that shot through his spine at the next moment unsurprisingly helped him honour this task as his teeth clenched tighter shut.

‘He is right. There should be as few in here as possible.’ Kaede said, casting pointed looks at both Rin and Yuko.

The two girls needed no further encouraging, and quickly bowed and left as Kaede turned back toward Inuyasha.

‘Ye know, males are not generally permitted to be in the birthing chamber at any time, even when there is none in labour.’ She said slowly, clearly directing that statement at Sesshomaru, who turned a glacier-cold gaze on her that could have frozen the very ceilings (and floors for that matter) of hell. Surprisingly enough, it was Inuyasha who answered.

‘He... isn’t... going... anywhere!’ The hanyou hissed out, earning him a slightly exasperated look from Takehiko (if for no other reason than he was being stubborn again). ‘I’m a male too.’ The half-demon continued on, ignoring the healer as he glared down at Kaede. ‘If he goes... I... go...’ the last came out on a pained groan as Inuyasha’s hand clenched tighter around Sesshomaru’s and Kaede began shifting some things around, even as she spoke to soothe the hanyou.

‘Ye need not fret, Inuyasha. I have no intentions of sending Lord Sesshomaru anywhere. He may have to hold ye down if the pain becomes to great.’

‘Well... isn’t that... encouraging!’ Inuyasha snapped back at her. ‘Ah! FUCK!’

The hanyou made an attempt to shoot up off the bed as another wave of pain shot through him, only to be pressed back down by Takehiko and Sesshomaru, the former of which already having a difficult enough time trying to support the horribly clenched-up legs.

‘Traitors!’ Inuyasha murmured, even though he knew that they were only doing it for his own good.

A few more minutes passed with only Inuyasha’s cries and struggles to break the silence that had settled.

Then Kaede looked up and around, a small frown on her face.

‘Yuko? Are you out there child?’ She called in the general direction of the door.

In an instant the door opened, and the young servant scurried forward, offering the miko a small bow.

‘Yuko’ Kaede said, her one eye fixing in on the girl. ‘I need ye to go and inform Lady Izayoi and Lord Inu Taisho of what is going on. But make sure they are aware that they must not enter the room unless I call for them.’

The green-eyed girl nodded ferverously and then quickly ran off to do as she was bidden.

Sesshomaru watched the girl go, and then turned back toward the miko, his gaze cold and questioning.

‘And what’ he said slowly ‘Is happening exactly?’ He actually had a fairly good idea of what was going on, but, considering the miko really had yet to decide if Inuyasha had gone into labour or not, and given that he had no knowledge on such things, he really didn’t know if it was still considered false or not.

Kaede may have been surprised at his question, but she didn’t show it, just stared at him a moment, then looked back down at Inuyasha.

‘Isn’t it obvious?’ She asked, receiving a cold glare in response which she ignored. ‘Your mate has gone into labour.’ She looked up at the youkai with her one good eye. ‘The pups are coming, Lord Sesshomaru.’ ~*~  


Youkai - Demon

Gomen - Sorry (this is a casual form of it)

Kami - God

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Miko - Priestess/Witch. In this case it clearly means priestess. ~*~

A/N: Well that’s it.

Yeah, I know, I’m dragging this on a little bit now-- I was actually going to have the birth this chapter, but then I realised that I had a few things I needed to take into consideration before I did that, so... next chapter though! (Which I’ll hopefully have up soon!)