InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 68 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Well, I’ve been trying to get these chapters up for the last five (yes five) days, but I haven’t had very much access to the computer to do so. Hopefully the fact that I’m giving you two chapters till make up for this. ^_^

I don’t know where the hell this chapter came from. I was in the middle of writing the next chapter (which should be posted shortly after this one) and then suddenly my muses decided that I needed to go and write something involving Rin, and this is the result. Stupid muses. Anyway, this probably needs a lot of work, so don’t read too much into it.

And don’t worry, the next chapter gets back to Sess and Inu... ^_^   ~*~   Introduction

Rin paused outside the door to her and Kagura’s bedrooms, biting her lip and glancing nervously over her shoulder.

The youkai standing there cast her a quizzical look, but Rin pretended not to notice, focusing her vision instead on Kouga and Shippo, who stood a little way back from them. She wasn’t certain what exactly she expected them to do-- maybe offer her encouragement of some kind or something... though it reality it seemed more a way to stall than anything else.

After all, she was about to introduce her stoic, obnoxious sister to a youkai that, she was hoping, her sister’s “youki” would be compatible with.

Considering everything that was going on now in the castle, it still didn’t really seem appropriate, but really, there was nothing for it.

She had tried to abandon her scheme after Inuyasha had disappeared, but that had been easily one of the more stupid ideas she had come up with in her life.

Hunting down youkai and trying to analyze them had become her hobby of sorts since she had come here. Then, once she had found one, plotting how to meet him, and then introduce him to his sister had been the next way to pass the time.

When she gave that up, however, she had nothing to do-- the castle could clearly function on it’s own without her assistance in anything-- and it left her mind free to wander. And that, in and of itself, was the worst possible thing to let happen.

Because with her wandering thoughts came again guilt and despair and sorrow at Inuyasha’s disappearance. The same sorts of emotions she could sometimes see flickering in Sesshomaru’s shadowed eyes when they would run into each other-- usually late at night when both were too restless to sleep and had taken to haunting the corridors instead.

For a while he had become her new goal; she had tried to ease some of the burden on his and her own heart by helping with the pups, but such actions were unnecessary and unappreciated. Though Sesshomaru seemed to be neglecting Arekusu and Inuko in turn for worrying about his mate, all someone had to do was attempt to get near them, and he would instantly lash out at whoever that happened to be.

The only one permitted to approach the two pups was Takehiko-- and even that was only so she could give them check-ups, and continue in their mission to expel the noxious vapours from within their lungs. It was an uncomfortably long process and it took nearly three days before the majority of the poison had been exorcised from the pups lungs and they were able to breathe normally again. Takehiko had then informed that, while there still might be some miasma present in their lungs, it wasn’t nearly as bad as before, and the pups’ youki’s would be able to handle it on their own. A strange sense of relief had flooded through the castle for the first time in days, and everyone else felt that they too could breathe a little easier.

That feeling didn’t last though, because soon all thoughts returned to Inuyasha, and the castle went back into it’s former melancholic redundancy.

As had Rin.

And, either luckily or unluckily depending on how you looked at it, Kouga and Shippo had caught onto her sudden bout of despair and sullenness. And, naturally, they had quickly moved to rectify it.

They had dragged her around after them (though really, Kouga was always more effective at this, considering Shippo hardly had enough strength to drag her anywhere) and worked ruthlessly to get her back on track with her plot against her sister.

She had tried to stave them off for a while, but in the end she had seen the logic behind it, and given in.

Besides, Shippo and Kouga were worried about her, and this seemed to be the only way to ease them. Though she didn’t openly admit it, she and Kouga had become very close in the last little while. She had begun to perceive how arrogant he truly could be in front of others, and stubborn and proud... all things that reminded her of Inuyasha. And for a while she had wondered if that was why she was attracted to the ookami. But then, when they were alone, and he was quiet and sweet and much more gentle and rational than she would have ever guessed he could be, she realised that, while similar, Inuyasha and Kouga were undeniably different people. And she liked them for entirely different reasons in entirely different ways.

Now that Sesshomaru and his father had left to try and rescue Inuyasha, she was more restless and upset than ever, and Kouga and Shippo had insister that now be the time to introduce her sister to the one she was going to attempt to make her mate.

That in mind, Rin refocused her gaze on Kouga’s face, watching as his lips moved in a silent “Go on, Rin.”

Naturally, this did little to quell her anxiety, but the small smile and encouraging nod her gave her, combined with the slightly annoyed look that now had painted itself over the other youkai’s face were enough to make her resolve harden somewhat.

Taking a deep breath, she turned and, with only a moments more hesitation, she turned and knocked softly on the door.

Silence greeted her at first, and she almost breathed a sigh of relief, assuming that her sister was out.

However, when a small gust of wind caused the door to click open, Rin instantly tensed up again. Damn. It looked like she would have to follow through after all.

Bracing herself for whatever wrath Kagura might bring down upon her later, Rin cautiously reached a hand up and slid the door open, allowing the youkai to walk in before her, before shutting it again, and turning to face the darkened room.

There wasn’t much light at the moment, but Rin could still make out the silhouette of her sister, sitting on the bed and using her fan to twist feathers in the air, before they suddenly disappeared to who-knows-where.

‘Kagura,’ She said softly, her voice cutting through the silence and causing Kagura’s eyes to flicker over to them, glittering brightly despite the lack of light. ‘There is someone I would like you to meet.’ Rin finished, gesturing over to the youkai.

Kagura’s eyes scanned quickly over Rin, before moving to focus on the demon standing beside her-- moving from head to toe in a rather condescending manner, before coming to rest on his face.

Two ruby coloured eyes met and locked with each other as Rin felt the familiar silent battle begin between her sister and the youkai-- the two demons appraising each other... challenging each other... She wasn’t entirely certain why her sister would sometimes deem it appropriate to participate in such things, but none of the youkai’s she met ever complained when she did-- a lot of them actually instigated it-- so Rin wasn’t about to complain.

She was more focused right now on the fact that Kagura had decided to participate in this little staring contest at all.

It definitely meant that the youkai intrigued her-- if for nothing else than someone to battle with-- and that, in and of itself, was a good thing.

However, as more time passed and their eyes still remained locked, neither youkai giving an inch, or moving from the positions they had been in, Rin began to suspect that Kagura just might be interested in something more, despite the fact that neither youkai even knew the other‘s name as of yet.

The smirk that slowly spread across her sister’s features only enhanced this feeling, and Rin couldn’t help but smile herself-- both in relief and smug satisfaction.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard after all. ~*~  


Youkai - Demon

Youki - Demon’s spiritual energy

Ookami - Wolf ~*~

CrimsonInHumanBlood - Lol, sorry! It’s just been so long since I’ve had a real twist in the story, I couldn’t resist! ^_^ Gomen! ^_^

-golden_kitsune - Well, it didn’t actually piss me off, it just put me in a really bad mood. The reason: It was a big disappointment. Lol, I don’t know if it puts everyone in a pissy mood (I know that some people out there liked it) but to me it was one of the worst Inu movies they’ve made yet. As far as I’m concerned, it didn’t even meet the expectations of it’s own summary, let alone just what you’d expect from Inuyasha in general. The whole thing was just created to appease the fans. That’s the way it seemed anyway. Anyway, I’m still angry at the movie, so I’m gonna shut up about it now before I really start ranting. ^_^ -- Hm... well, I don’t know how I can say it with a smile... Maybe it’s the sadist in me? That must be it. My sadistic muses are all thinking about the horrible ways they could kill off characters. I’m telling ya, they’re pure evil! -- Oh you will? *sighs in relief* That’s good, because I’m running out of people to protect me now. Mind you, I haven’t received any death-threats in a while, but I’m sure they’re all just trying to lull me into a false sense of security. ^_^ -- Mm, chocolate... makes it all the more tempting to kill of Naraku now! ^_^ Still though... in this story, anybody dying or living doesn’t really seem to be much of a given at this point. For all we know I could make that wound inu gave sess fatal. Or Sess could think Inu’s really attacking him and go in for the kill himself. It’s one of those points in the story where just about anything could happen. And usually does. ^_^

-Ladykaa28 - Yeah, you’re right, in all fairness to inu and sess, it really probably is time to turn the tables in their favour a bit. Maybe I should give them a giant can of insecticide or something. o.O Yeah, I agree-- anything less than a slow, painful, torturous death would be unjust to Inu and Sess. However, if they do kill him, they may just not have the time to properly draw-and-quarter him. Assuming that they do win, I can’t imagine Inuyasha holding out very long before the major break-down occurs. *grimaces* I can’t even imagine how long the bill for their therapy is gonna wind up being by the end of this. ^_^ -- Hm. Make Tsukiko into Sess’s? Hm... Well, it’s an interesting idea. I’m not sure if I could make it work, but it’s something to consider. Although, then again, if we take the Naraku side of her out, she’ll end up being 3/4 youkai like her brother’s, which means her appearance would probably be altered... considering her black hair and crimson eyes probably come from Naraku’s side, and her puppy-ears come from her being hanyou. Then again, if we only removed Naraku’s spider-side from her, but left his human part, then she would still be a hanyou, just a full inuhanyou like Inuyasha, which still might change how she looks or something, but... Woosh! I’ll have to think this over a bit more, my ideas are getting all mangled right now. *shakes head in an attempt to clear it and turns attention back to review*... well... that’s certainly a... detailed method for killing Naraku, neh? Although, if you consider it, other than the rape, Naraku actually hasn’t done all that much to Inuyasha. He kidnapped him, sure, and he starved and dehydrated him and separated him from his daughter, but other than that he’s been fairly lenient (never thought I‘d be saying that about Naraku in this fic ^_^). So really, other than the collar and being emasculated, that might not be that much of a torture at all. Lol, still, you’re right, if they get the opportunity, Naraku should be killed as slowly and painfully as possible. ^_^

-Snowfall - There, there *pats on back and offers up a tissue* I’d say it’ll be alright, but then again, I don’t really know if that’s true... hm... maybe you should go work on your hole some more? It might make you feel better to think of ways to properly maim and bury me. ^_^

-cloverfire19 - Death by suspense!!!! Lol, other than death by angst, probably one of the best ways to die! ^_^ -- You can’t believe I did that? I guess you don’t know me very well then, neh? ^_^ Lol. -- Hm. I’m afraid have to disagree with you. Naraku doesn’t deserve to have his throat ripped out. That would be far to merciful. No, he deserves to be maimed, beaten, mauled, mutilated, emasculated, and then, and only then does he deserve to have his throat ripped out. ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! ^_^

-Nikkie23534 - Yay! ^_^ The edge of your seat is the best place to be! Just be careful you don’t fall off now, that wouldn’t be good. Yeah, you gotta watch out for those monkey wrenches. *nods solemnly and has a flashback to an FMA episode* Hopefully there’s no permanent damage, though? ^_^ Yes! Of course cliffies make it more enjoyable! If you knew what was gonna happen every chapter of the story before I posted it, there’d be no fun in reading, would there? ^_^!

-Soma-san - Yep, Naraku’s a real bastard. And I suppose I should be thankful for that, because if he weren’t, he wouldn’t make much of a villain for my story, would he? ^_^ -- Yeah, we gotta cross our fingers and hope Sess realizes that Inu wasn’t behind that, cause otherwise the blood feud we’re so used to between them might open up again. Oh, I wish I could answer your questions, but I wouldn’t have much of a story for you if I did that, so you’re just gonna have to wait and see for now! ^_^ And I’m glad you enjoyed it!!!! Thank you so much for all the compliments and wonderful reviews! ^_^


-FXL - Ugh! I hate it when that happens. Remember when I moved, I was without a computer for, like, three months. The few times I got at one, it either didn’t have internet access, or it was in a place I didn’t want to be reading stories and the time limit was short. *grimaces sympathetically* -- Yeah, the depression scale did go up a few notches over these last couple of chapters, neh? Man, it’s too bad for Inuyasha that I like him so much, otherwise I might not torture him the way I do! It’s his own fault. About how long Inuyasha’s been there... I’m not entirely certain, actually, I think he’s only been there maybe a week a week and a half. So maybe his appearance was a bit exaggerated. Although, then again, considering all the internal and external stress he’s been under, it could be quite possible for him to look the way he does. Anyway, will Naraku pay for this? Well... I can’t exactly tell you that, now can I? That’d just go and ruin the rest of the story! And as to Tsukiko... well, even if they do save her, I can’t exactly promise a happy ending. At least, not for a while. If Naraku steals her, however, I think that could very well be the breaking point for inu. This chapter actually only showed a very mild glimpse into Inuyasha’s depression/angst and internal pain, and, if they get out this, I’m gonna probably end up throwing him one helluva pity-party or something like that. Hopefully nothing too annoying, but... Lol, still, you’re right, there are a myriad of possibilities for what I could do, and my muses are eagerly hacking away at each one. ^_^ Plus, all the new one’s you readers keep feeding me is making it all the more interesting... So many roads I could take this down... ^_^ Anyway, no, you can’t crush Naraku (though I assume that’s not for lack of trying, neh?) I still need him for the story! Take him out, and that turns a whole bunch of these plot twists I could have into dead-ends! Then where would we be?! No, I need my villain un-squished for the time being. You can have at him after, if you want. ^_^ If he’s still alive, that is... -- Oh, so you heard about the 4th movie then? Yeah, well I agree with his rating, although I have to disagree with what he said. The plot did make sense. At least, at one point I’m sure it did. But then the movie-makers decided that that would make the movie semi-coherent and enjoyable and decided to do away with that idea. Since what you said makes me believe you haven’t seen the movie yet, I can’t rant to you properly about it or else I’ll spoil it. So I’ll try and tell you what I think about it without doing that... (I hope) *clears throat*. Okay, it seemed to me that the movie was made only for one of two reasons: a) to appease the fans of Inuyasha (which it really didn’t do for me at least) b) make money. The plot was rushed and didn’t follow through with itself, the threat and villains in the movie were more threatening by the way everybody talked about them than anything they actually did, the history they speak of in the summary for Inuyasha was almost non-existent, the new characters were predictable, didn’t make sense and they expected us to care about them five minutes after introducing them, and the one’s we did know were all running around like chickens with their heads cut off in an attempt to do nothing in particular to defeat a very vague and all but non-existent threat. Not to mention that Kikyo’s entire appearance in the movie was, once again, unnecessary except to provide some internal angst for Inuyasha that she didn’t even really succeed in doing. AGH! AND as much as it pains me to say it, Sesshomaru’s appearance in the movie was pretty much the same. He was just there to appease all the Sesshomaru fans. The highlight of the movie was when he said “You are out of your mind.”! (Well, at least, for me it was). The worst part about it is, if they had just put a bit more effort into it and put more emphasis on the important things, rather than running around with the unnecessary characters, they might‘ve had a half-decent plot! *sighs* Sorry bout that, but talking about the movie put me in rant mode, and you asked me my opinion (never a good idea) and this is the end result... Gomen! ^_^ -- Well, I think I’ve talked enough, and you’re ending your review now anyway (with some much appreciated ego-boosters btw! ^_^) so I’ll just shut up now so you can go read something else. ^_^

-Trysted Inu Punishment - Now wait just a minute, I didn’t say he killed him! He just... shoved his hand through his gut and sliced open his stomach... Lol. ^_^ I’ve given you a plot? Cool! Although, considering what you just said, that makes me a little bit worried for our fav dog-demons well-being.... Then again, who am I to talk? ^_^ Lol, yes ANGST! And don’t worry, I don’t intend to stop writing. I haven’t given up on any of the other fics yet (void included) I’m just writing them one at a time (much to my readers’ chagrin). Lol, well good luck! The Inuyaoi section has been a bit slow lately (although it did have a bit of a surge a while ago) but hopefully you’ll find something to sink your teeth into. ^_^

-____Insert User Here - Well then, if you know my response to that, I’m not gonna bother saying it. I’m just gonna stare disapprovingly at you for a minute, and then I’m gonna get to the rest of your review. *Stares disapprovingly* Okay, that’s done, now on to the rest of what you said. ^_^ -- Woosh! Trapped without internet. No fic access. *shudders* I know what that’s like. >_< But you’re back now, so that’s good! ^_^ Lol, and I’m glad you enjoyed the updates! ^_^ Yeah, Naraku does seem to have some sort of plan, doesn’t he? It’s weird because I don’t have any plan at all, and yet he seems to know exactly what he’s doing. Dumb characters outsmarting me again. Lol, don’t worry about coming off here. I think that, if you’re reading a fic like this, you’re entitled to a little evilness, neh? ^_^ Lol, chapter 66? Well, let me know when you figure out why you liked it so much. Not that I’m about to complain, but... Lol, well I hope you’re happy, now I’m picturing Inuyasha actually doing that. Just reaching down, grabbing one of those things, throwing it, and then running off like a bat outta hell. ^_^ It’s kinda funny actually, until my muses get at this picture, fill it with the panic and fear and exhaustion he’d be feeling as he ran and searched for both his daughter and an exit, and then the horribleness when Naraku finally catches up to him again. Hm. And that would be why I don’t write comedy fics. ^_^ -- Anyway, lol, I’m glad (<-- Man, I need a new word!) that you enjoyed the plot twist! Lol, it’s been a while since I’ve had any major ones, and I couldn’t wait to see how everyone would react to Inu going out for Sess’s blood. ^_^ Actually, you didn’t sound that much like an over-excited kid to me, but maybe that’s just cause I’m a little sick right now and my brain’s not functioning entirely properly. So, if you say you sounded like an over-excited kid, then I’m gonna have to take your word on that. ^_^ -- Woosh! Okay, that just sounds like pure torture to me. But then again, I hate planes and I hate airports and I hate rushing around to a bunch of different places, so it’s probably not as bad as I’m picturing it, but still, that must be hell. -- Lol, don’t worry, you didn’t really offend Canada in any manner that I can see. And I might leave sometime. I dunno when or where I’d be going, but... There’s still a lot of places here that I haven’t been though, and it really is a beautiful country. ^_^ Lol, no worries though, if I do leave I don’t think I’ll be going to the US. Still, if you’re recommending. And, again, I’m not going to take offence to what you’re saying, You’re entitled to your opinion. Although, if you’re referring to Steven Harper, I’m afraid I’m for him, so... ^_^ -- Lol, yeah it is that, isn’t it? We really need a subject change or something... I mean, male lactation’s interesting and all, but only so much so... ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, I know the law wasn’t weird, it just made me think of some of the weird laws out there. And there are a lot of them! I mean, seriously, what the hell are people doing to make others think it’s necessary to come up with some of these laws? But anyway, I know what you’re saying. Here we have a little paper or something on the door or the window or some place like that, and pretty much the worst thing that will happen is you’ll be asked to leave the restaurant. Lol, it takes all kinds. -- Ugh, math! hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE it! With a capital IT SHOULD ROT IN HELL! *fumes silently* So, to answer your question, yes, I do know that! -- Lol, well don’t stop being half-crazed on my account! And I’m glad I could provide anything that can make you feel better after a long plane trip! ^_^ -- And if you’re referring to the “keep going” thing, don’t worry, it doesn’t piss me off. I never understand how other author’s can get pissed off when someone says that, either, it’s just as much a way of encouraging an author to continue as the rest of the review may or may not be. *shakes head* Anyway... Lol, best you’ve ever read, huh? ^_^ Well I’m glad you like it so much! Although I’m sure there are some much better one’s out there than this one, who am I to complain? ^_^ -- ... ACK! *ducks under desk as review explodes* HEY! *glares daggers before shredding what’s left of computers ending message* And as a matter of fact, my legs aren’t gelatinous!!! Lol ^_^

-Fluffymiyster - Lol, I know! No one expected it! That’s what made it so much fun to do! *insert evil laughter here* And hopefully I’ll manage to answer your questions in the next chapter. If not, then the chapter after that! ^_^ (And thanks for telling me! Although the thing says you are logged in and has your user name listed... Still, if it hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have had a clue who you were, so thanks! ^_^)

- ilovemystar - ^_^ Glad you liked it. ^_^ -- ACK! First ostriches from someone else, and now racoons! *whimpers and hides under desk* Yeah, inu’s getting pretty screwed up isn’t he? I’m surprised he’s lasted this long. But that’s the great thing about fictional characters-- they just keep going and going and going and going... ^_^ And thank you for reviewing! It‘s always great to hear from you guys! ^_^