InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Panic ( Chapter 72 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Oooh, you’re all gonna kill me. *hides beneath desk*

Tried to update earlier, but I went to a dentist appointment instead. Between the two, I’d rather have picked updating, but I need teeth to chew, so in the end they won.

Anyway, I know I said this chap was gonna be longer than the last one... I hope you all didn’t take that too much to heart. I mean, it might be, but I don’t think so... *shrugs* Doesn’t matter. You’re all gonna hate me anyway.

BTW, if you have confusion about this chapter, I promise that I’m gonna do my best to clear it all up in the next few chaps. It’s just really hard to get in all the important details when the perspective of the character you’re writing from is out of his mind.   ~*~   Panic


Familiar, wet, thick... coating the air in it’s coppery, metallic tangs... the scent making him feel a bit light-headed. Well, more than he already did, anyway. And it was that, more than anything else, that drove Inuyasha forth into consciousness.

The truth is, he personally did not want to go back to being conscious. Consciousness wasn’t a good thing. If he was conscious then Naraku or someone was bound to notice him, and he’d likely have to move again... probably be hurt.

But, for whatever reason, his youki wanted to become mobile again, and it was being so frantically instant that Inuyasha found he couldn’t ignore it, no matter how much every other part of him might protest the idea; and so he found himself grudgingly rejoining the land of the living.

His eyes slid open slowly, bloodshot-gold cracking from behind bruised flesh to peer blearily at the world around him, not understanding why it was the world was currently lying on his side, and only wishing that it would just stay still for a second so he could focus on something.

He blinked, and that didn’t help all that much, so instead he simply widened his eyes as far as they could go to see if he couldn’t find something that was willing to stop spinning for five seconds that he could focus on.

He caught sight of a familiar mass of silver a little ways away, and he quickly fixed his eyes on that, pleased to see that, while it was certainly moving, that movement was clearly natural and not at all induced by the spinning inside his own head.

Blinking again, Inuyasha squinted a little until the thing slid into better focus, a little surprised to see his elder brother standing before him in full-demon form. When the hell had that happened? And why was he standing like that-- all stiff and hunched up? Where the hell was their father? Hell, where the hell was Naraku? And why was there so much damn blood in the air...?

Inuyasha frowned a little (or at least he tried to, whether the action actually occurred was beyond him) and forced his mind to pay more attention as he carefully took in his brother’s appearance.

Crimson eyes... silver hair... blue crescent moon and magenta stripes... yep, that’d be Sesshomaru all right. Only... when the hell had Sesshomaru exchanged his arm for tentacles?

Inuyasha’s “frown” deepened a little as he stared at the place where Sesshomaru’s left arm should be-- still was, actually, only now it was hanging rather oddly from his shoulder-- skin and sinews pulled taut and stretching further by the thick, black tentacles worming their way between muscles and bones. And that wasn’t right; why the hell would Sesshomaru have tentacles in his shoulder? That just didn’t make sense. Maybe it was an infection of some kind? Or... another hallucination, possibly?

Yeah, that was probably it, Inuyasha decided. There was nothing else it could be, after all. Dog demons may have a myriad of uncanny powers, but they didn’t just start sprouting tentacles at random. Or at least, Inuyasha had never seen them do it. So maybe they could actually do it, and he just didn’t know about it?

Inuyasha groaned softly and mentally cursed his youki for waking him in the first place, slowly letting his eyes slip closed. If he wasn’t allowed to see the real reality, then why the hell should he have to face it?

That decided, Inuyasha determinedly focused his attention to sliding slowly back into numb, blissful oblivion, not wanting to see anymore of his mind’s idiotic delusions.

And maybe the visions weren’t real, but the howl that erupted certainly was (it was so full of agony and rage how could it not be?), and Inuyasha couldn’t have kept his eyes closed at that if he’d wanted to.

Golden orbs snapped open again in time to see the tentacles embedded in his mate’s shoulder jerk away before blood momentarily blinded his vision.

The crimson sprayed around him like mist from a waterfall, splattering his face and forcing his eyes closed again to stop any of the metallic liquid from actually blinding him. He couldn’t get his lips together fast enough though, and before he could stop it several of the insanely large drops of blood slid past the barricade of flesh to wash over his tongue.

Inuyasha momentarily saw red at that.

And that surprised him, because, while his youki was certainly more than a little spastic whenever there was blood involved, his human side could usually keep it under control. Right now, however, it seemed that his human side was either too exhausted to fight, or had just plain given up, and it was several long seconds before the hanyou could rein his inner demon again.

In that time, what was left of Inuyasha’s mind slowly began to process that this blood not only smelled familiar, but it tasted familiar as well. And, while he certainly hadn’t smelled or tasted it in a long time, he had spilled enough of it in his lifetime to be able to recognise it now.

And maybe his eyes would lie to him, but his sense of smell, his sense of taste... hell, even his sense of touch were all telling him that this blood wasn’t fake. It was really here, coating his flesh in crimson smears and streaking his hair in red. And, if the blood was real, then it had to have come from somewhere... which meant...

Inuyasha’s eyes snapped open for what must have been the hundredth time since his youki had woken him up, quickly swivelling toward his mate, who, for some reason, was now lying on his belly on the ground, his eyes narrowed sharply in pain and his chest heaving rapidly up and down.

And that in and of itself was enough to give Inuyasha pause, because, in all the years he had known Sesshomaru, his brother had never been one to show pain. For him to do so now...

Inuyasha stared at Sesshomaru’s face for a long moment, a little startled to find Sesshomaru staring back at him, before slowly allowing his gaze to trail down to Sesshomaru’s shoulder... to the place where his arm would be... where his arm should be... Only it wasn’t.

Instead of being attached to Sesshomaru’s shoulder like a good arm should be, said appendage was lying several feet away, coated in blood, some of the severed muscles and bone peeking out from beneath torn flesh, and definitely not still a part of Sesshomaru’s shoulder.

Inuyasha’s insides froze as he stared at the gaping wound where the appendage used to be, his youki thrashing angrily within him and his mind barely able to keep it at bay as he tried to piece together what the hell had happened...

Why wasn’t Sesshomaru’s arm where is should be? The things... those tentacles or whatever, they had been there before... maybe they had done something?

Inuyasha considered this a moment, still staring intently at the wound before him, before something suddenly clicked in his mind.

Tentacles... hard and unrelenting... wrapped around his wrists and ankles... around him... holding him still while that bastard moved within him...


Inuyasha’s mind barely had time to comprehend that thought-- put together the tentacles that had held him before to the ones that had pierced his brother’s flesh-- before his vision again flooded with red. And this time he could tell there was no way he was going to be able to call it back.

His youki roared to life within him, pulsing against the veins and walls of flesh that encased it as it fought against the venom still holding him immobile.

Pain assaulted him as he slowly forced his muscles to respond-- to raise him up on shaky feet-- but he ignored it. Pain was the least of his concerns now. Pain was insignificant. It didn’t matter. As long as he could still move, as long as he could still fight then nothing else mattered.

The collar around his neck pulsed and tightened threateningly, spilling more poison within his veins, and Inuyasha’s back arched despite himself, a strangled snarl tearing free from his lips as he stumbled a little beneath the pain of it, before forcing himself to straighten again.

His crimson-clad gaze slid slowly over the hulking mass in front of him, nostrils flaring at the scent of blood, causing his fangs to elongate even further than they normally did as he took a small step toward the large demon who was staring at him in what he could only assume was desperation. Not that his youki really cared.

Only his mind’s frantic screams that this being was his mate from somewhere in the back of his head stayed him from attacking it. Even in this state his youki still recognised the meaning of the word “mate,” and it had no intention of harming the one it had claimed and been claimed by. No matter how good their blood smelled.

Instead he fixed his attention beyond his mate, where a familiar and loathed scent was drifting from, filling the air and making Inuyasha’s hackles rise despite his inability to see said figure.

Why this scent made him so angry, he didn’t know. All he knew was that this scent was associated with pain and fear and darkness and lonliness and despair and myriad other emotions like that. And he didn’t like it one bit.

And, as far as he was concerned, the only way to get rid of a scent was to eliminate the source of it.

Ignoring the strange, wounded-dog noises the youkai his mind called “mate” was making, Inuyasha took a few running step forward, before springing up-- leaping over the mass of silver fur in front of him-- to land easily enough on the other side, his knees bending on impact and dropping him down into a crouch.

His eyes slit and narrowed as he peered up from beneath blood-stained bangs, scenting the air again for the source of the scent, a little displeased when his eyes settled on a figure a few feet away, who was staring at him with what appeared to be a mixture of surprise and amusement.

Inuyasha glared at it.

This thing was the source of the scent?

Inuyasha let out a low snort of displeasure.

This thing was hardly worth his time. He could feel it’s demonic energy, and, as far as he was concerned, it was weak. The injured youkai behind him would have been a better opponent.

Still... that scent was irritating him to no end... And if this being was the cause of it, then, one way or another, it had to be dealt with.

Cracking his claws, Inuyasha slowly rose to his feet again... only to be knocked off of them a second later by something crashing painfully into his side, sending them both spiralling to the ground.

Inuyasha snarled his rage, the pupils of his eyes disappearing momentarily as he struggled beneath the being overtop of him, thrashing his head from side to side before freezing, his whole body tense and trembling.

He didn’t like this, he realised. This position of being held down beneath another... and not just because it made him vulnerable to the other’s attacks... it was a bad position... too associated with all those scents from before... he didn’t like it at all...

Inuyasha’s pupil’s dilated to mere slits of aqua as he frantically tried to focus his vision on his assailant. He could hear a voice above him shouting something at him-- his name maybe-- hands grabbing his wrists and pinning them down above his head... hair falling to trail over his naked chest... the scent of blood...

That was all it took for Inuyasha to lose all coherency, his mind going numb in his panic as he flailed and thrashed and kicked in vain beneath the creature over him, hearing but not understanding it’s shouts as it continued to pin him, until, in one last, desperate effort to get the thing to let him go, Inuyasha bared his fangs in a sharp snarl, and shot upward to sink them into his attacker’s throat.

Blood filled his mouth and assaulted his senses yet again, and Inuyasha swallowed it thickly, his breathing erratic as he felt the thing pinning him down go perfectly still.

Letting out a small growl that was really more a whimper than anything, Inuyasha violently yanked his head back-- teeth still clenched tightly around the flesh in his mouth.

There was an odd choking noise as still more blood sprayed Inuyasha in the face, and the body over his spasmed-- convulsing over his own body in a way that most certainly wasn’t doing anything to help his currently panicked state-- before going still, slumping down overtop of him...

Inuyasha barely dared to breathe as the crushing weight settled across his chest, forcing the air from his lungs as he slowly and thickly swallowed the blood still residing in his mouth, heedless of the flesh that slid down his throat along with it.

After what seemed like an eternity in trauma-time but was really only maybe a minute or two, Inuyasha dared to slit open his eyes.

Silver hair was the first thing to assault his vision-- not so light as his mate’s hair, but still similar enough in tones to momentarily panic him again. Golden eyes were next-- flung open wide in a face that was the very epitome of surprise and pain.

Inuyasha didn’t care.

The creature wasn’t his mate, and it was dead.

That was all that mattered to him.

Breaking his arms free from the literal death-grip the youkai hand on him, he brought his bruised hands down and shoved painfully at the body covering his own, grunting softly when he finally managed to roll it off and could suck in a breath again.

From somewhere off to his side his mate was whining low in his throat-- struggling to get up... the other youkai-- the one he wanted to kill-- was laughing low in his throat... the sound filling the air like the miasma around them...

Inuyasha barely noticed either of these things as he slowly staggered to his feet, not understanding why being held down by that youkai had effected him like that.

He decided it didn’t really matter.

Just as long as it didn’t happen again, he would be fine.

In the mean time, he had a demon to kill.

Twisting slowly around, Inuyasha again fixed his gaze on the creature responsible for the disgusting stench, his eyes bleeding an even darker shade of crimson as he caught sight of the smug look that now adorned that creature’s face.

The fool.

He’d wipe that expression right off the vermin’s face with his claws... make sure it never had the audacity to look like that again... and then he could bathe his hands in it’s blood.

Maybe if the thing tasted as good as his own mate’s blood did he would just go ahead and eat it. Then again, judging by the smell of it, he doubted it would taste very good at all.

Still, blood was blood, and he wanted more of it.

How much? He didn’t know.

But that last kill hadn’t been nearly satisfying, and now he was pumped and revved up on adrenaline and bloodlust.

Cracking his claws, Inuyasha again crouched down, bracing himself as the creature turned to face him... getting himself ready to attack... Choosing to ignore, for the moment, the giant dog struggling to rise to it’s feet beside him, more intent on his prey... on his desire to free the crimson rivers hidden just beneath it’s flesh...

He would just have to keep going until he was sated.

And this creature was as good a place to start as any.

That in mind, Inuyasha tensed his leg muscles, digging the sharp nails on his feet into the soil, before pushing off and lunging once again toward the being standing in front of him... ~*~  


Youki - A demon’s spiritual energy

Hanyou - Half-demon

Youkai - Demon ~*~

-Zetsuii - Really? Lol, I’m glad. I hate writing fight scenes. It shouldn’t be that hard really, and it’s more just the whole fast-pace of a fight scene that gets me... but still, if you thought it was good, then that’s all I wanted in the first place! ^_^ Hopefully this update was soon enough for ya? And yeah, I know, that was a bad place to leave it... but I think the end of this chap was even worse, neh? ^_^

-Jester08 - *Beams* Glad you liked it! ^_^ And I didn’t take as long to update this time! HA! Take that stupid lazy-ass muses! ^_^ Lol, on the edge of your seat? Well that’s good, that’s exactly where a cliffy is supposed to keep you. Lol. ^_^

-golden_kitsune - Oh, no, by all means, glare away at me. I certainly deserve it at this point, neh? And if you don’t glare at me, then I have to glare at myself, and that’s just really difficult, so... A nice person? Well, I don’t know. You seem to be. You were willing to protect me from the ostriches! ^_^ Still, you must have something of an inner-sadist if you’re reading this fic, neh? ^_^ Lol, yeah, Inu’s in full-demon berserker mode. And he may just defeat Naraku like this... but so far the cost doesn’t seem worth the end result, does it? Lol, nothing like a romantic evening spent together covered in blood. ^_^ I’m afraid that any WAFF scenes need to wait though. Inuyasha is pretty much psychotic now, and even if he breaks away from his youki, his mental state is going to be less than healthy. Still, we’ll see... They may get a semi-sane ending yet. -- *Grimaces* Sorry I couldn’t feed your habit. My suppliers went on vacation. Lol, I know what you mean though, I thought I was gonna die for a while when my muses were being bitches and the inu category was at a stand still. Thank God for FMA! ^_^ Now I have two fandoms to torture! ^_^ Lol. And don’t worry, I won’t charge you nothing. You’re comments are all I want. ^_^

-___insert user here - Lol, I get like that sometimes, too. Usually when I have had absolutely no sleep and am attempting to function on a semi-coherent level. ^_^ Onions? Well, that’s an... interesting thing to sing about. Lol, I’ll just leave that alone I guess. Probably safer that way, neh? ANYWAY, I agree, the human brain is an amazing thing. Probably the most amazing thing about it is how few people actually seem to use it. Lol, jj. Sorry, I’m feeling a little cynical today. ^_^ Gelatinous ankles? *grimaces* that’s gotta suck. Hm... running ten feet, picking up stuff, running back... sounds like the kind of pointless activity they’d have you do in gym class. But you said don’t ask, so I’m not gonna. ^_^ Lol, you’ll probably have to say it as many times as you say something you don’t want me to ask about. Maybe it would just be easier telling me what you do want me to ask about, neh? : P Lol, glad you liked the chapter. And don’t worry about not talking about it-- it’s my own fault really, isn’t it? I’m not really sure how, but somewhere along the way I’m sure I instigated this whole thing. And anyway, I don’t mind. ^_^ Lol, yeah, the responses are getting a bit lengthy, aren’t they? Lol, sorry, I told you, I’m a rambler, and you just give me so much to talk about. Not a good combination. ^_^ I’m trying to keep this one shorter for you. ^_^ Lol, as to the time... well, actually, I don’t know that. Usually before I post new chaps and stuff I’ll spend time the day before organizing all the responses and shit. Not always, but sometimes. I’m not sure what good it does, but it takes too long sometimes to do it all at once (hours, actually) so... Still, don’t want to leave anyone else. People are nice enough to leave me comments, the least I can do is respond to them. ^_^ Don’t worry, you didn’t insult me. As I said, I know I talk too much. Oh, and btw, they are rambles not rants. Rants are long tirades of angry speech. So, unless I’m angry, it’s not a rant. ^_^ One of the other reviewers pointed that out to me. ^_^ Glad you found your notebook, btw! ^_^ Mm, yeah. As fun as it might be to learn a new language, it’s not worth the amount of conniptions you get from the teachers. Although I did like my french teacher way back when. I didn’t learn anything from him, but I liked him. Not a lot of other people did, though... Lol, not that that’s important. -- Hm. Are you sure you’re not half-crazy right now? Lol : P -- Mm, yeah, I hate that. Lol, although the lactation thing I believe was actually related to the story unlike most of the rest of the stuff. Cause I posted that male lactation link at the top of one of the chapters, and then you viewed it I believe and told people about it in your class and... well, you know the rest. ^_^ -- Lol, alrighty then. I, personally, have never felt “cowy” myself, but if that’s what you feel, then that’s how you feel. ^_^ Lol, how did Gwen Staffani get in this conversation? And no, as far as I can see, you didn’t insult me. Or maybe you did, and I’m just not paying enough attention. As usual. ^_^ -- Oh, so you and your braincells are still in touch then? Hm. How the hell did they get to Panama? o.O Lol, I gave up the search for my braincells long ago. Right around the time I started writing Fanfiction. ^_^ Although if they’re hanging around in a gay bar, I’m not entirely certain I want them back. Okay, that sounded bad... *grimaces* It’s so hard to say things not meant to offend nowadays without offending someone. Anyway, that didn’t sound the way it was supposed to, so just strike out that whole last two sentences. -- Mm, I like to keep my responding time closer to the computer. Just easier access that way. ^_^ LOL, anyway, as I said before, I’m glad you enjoyed the chap! Hope you liked this one (and that you don’t kill me for it). I told you someone would die! ^_^

-Tasa - Lol, glad you liked the chap and the whole “Sess-losing-his-arm” thing. I wasn’t sure at first if I wanted to have Sess lose his arm because that might mess things up later, but I’ll just have to worry about that then. Right now it fits with the plot, so. ^_^ No Naraku-death in this chap I’m afraid (as I’m sure you noticed). We’re getting closer to the end, though. Though I suppose that doesn’t necessarily mean that Naraku’s gonna die, but... ^_^

-Cloverfire - A tease? Lol, yeah, I suppose I am. ^_^ The truth is only the truth and I’m not gonna deny the truth. ^_^ Hm... well, Inu did go all demon, but not on Naraku... As to whether or not he will go all demon on Naraku... well, I’m not gonna tell ya. You’ll have to wait and see. ^_^ As to the other fics, I’m assuming you mean Void and Chained (or maybe just one or the other, since they are my only currently on-going fics), Yes, I am going to work on them. I owe everybody reading those a big apology, my muses just went AWOL on those fics. They decided sometime in the summer that they no longer had the energy to write three fics at once, and instead cut it back to only one. So, while I do plan to work on those, it probably won’t be until I finish this fic. Sorry to keep you waiting on them. *Death-glare’s muses*

-Korune - Lol, well I suppose it’s fine if you apologize to the inanimate object. The real problem lies in when the inanimate object starts accepting your apologies. Then you know it might be time to start getting a little concerned. ^_^ -- Mm, yeah, I understand what you’re saying. Just thought I’d point that out. So if they do get out of this alive, I promise Sess is gonna do everything he can to make Inu better again, but if I decide Inu’s had more than he can take, then there’s probably gonna be a murder-suicide in the future. Unless I come up with something different, which I might. I never know when I’m gonna twist the plot until moments before it actually happens. ^_^ I’m glad you enjoyed this chapter, btw! Fight scenes are such a pain in the ass to write, so I wasn’t sure if it came out right, but so far no one’s complaining. ^_^ Mm, yes, well I considered having Inu sever Sess’s arm (almost did it, too) but I figured that that would probably be taking the collar control a bit too far and people would get bored with it. Besides, Naraku has to take some part in this battle besides just standing there and looking... sinister. ^_^ And as to me taking pity on Inu... YEAH, RIGHT! LOL! Well, we can always dream, can’t we? : P No, as you can see, I had something special saved up for Inu. ^_^ CRANK UP THE ANGST! Cause half of us can’t survive without it and the other’s don’t want to! ^_^ -- Lol, well I don’t much follow astrology, but I’m an aries so I know what you’re talking about. Not that I’m fickle, really. I just get bored so I jump around from different things too. ^_^ Lol, I don’t think any of us don’t want Naraku’s death to be long and slow and dragged out to the fullest. ^_^ -- Mm, yeah, I do that too, go back and read stories over. Even mine. It helps me remember what the hell I was talking about when I wrote something, if not why the hell I was talking about it. ^_^ -- Thanks! I shall do my very best! And, as tempting as it is, I can’t beat my muses. They’re in my head (usually : P ) so I can’t really make much physical contact with them, hence why they are in control. Hence why they are wearing the figurative pants in this relationship. *sighs*

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, glad you liked it! I promise I‘ll try! :D

-Tai-san - How can I torture you so? Well, actually, it’s quite easy. All you have to do is get in touch with your inner-sadist, and then everything just kinda falls into place. ^_^ Lol. Well, more is what I’ll give you then. Just give me a bit of time to write it. ^_^ Outburst? Where? *looks around for outburst* I didn’t see any outburst. Or if I did, then I’ve seen much worse so I didn’t recognise it. Lol, don’t worry about freaking out on me-- I get death-threats and screams of “HOW COULD YOU?!” most chapters recently. I figure after everything I’ve done in this story, you guys are more than entitled to a few explosions every once in a while. ^_^ Hm... Well, hopefully I can give you some of the answers you’re craving in some of the next chapters. I think we’re getting close to some kind of end now, so... ^_^ -- *Beams* You are more than welcome, and thanks again for responding! You’re encouragement is one of the things that keeps me writing! :D

-Ladykaa8 - Well, after what I just did, I sure as hell hope you can deal with it, cause there’s probably still gonna be more where that came from... Dismemberment? Hm... I’ll see what I can do... First my muses have to decide if they want him to die or not. -- *blinks* “Right now?” Does that mean that you can kill someone later and not spend a lot of time in jail? Lol, still, that’s probably a good idea. Fictional characters are safe to beat upon without any kind of jail-time, otherwise I’d be put away for rape, incest (can they do that?), torture, kidnapping, attempted-murder and any number of other things that I’ve had happen in this fic. -- I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit longer to see what happens to Naraku. And as to his death, as always, I make no promises. Too risky to make promises on a very unsure thing. Lol, I’ll keep the resurrection thing in mind, though. Could be interesting to say the least. ^_^

-rin_sama1989 - No, it don’t bode well, do it? ^_^ Lol. Yeah, I know, the fight scene is screwy. *Grimaces* I’m working on them, but I haven’t written enough of them yet to really have the right rhythm for them in my mind yet. Hopefully I will improve! ^_^ Lol, yeah, it’s the fast-pace that’s the main problem I think. It’s interesting cause I can write most other scenes at least moderately well, but fight-scenes always come back and bite me in the ass...

-FXL - Lol, glad you liked it. ^_^ Hopefully what happened in this chapter was big enough to keep you satisfied (or stunned) long enough to keep you happy until the next chap gets out. Kagura... yeah, she’s a real pain in the ass. I’m starting to regret integrating her into the story a little bit. I think that little mini-plot is falling apart at the seams. Lol, well I can’t promise you anything, but I’m rooting for Sess and Inu too. Now if I could just convince my muses to do the same, we’d all be set. ^_^ -- *blinks* The best? *blinks again* Are you sure you’re looking hard enough? There are some damn good Inu/Sess fics out there. Still, I’m not about to complain! :D Lol, it’s great that you think that! Well, to me it is anyway, I’m sure it’s not as good to other Sess/Inu fic authors, but I don’t care about them right now. ^_^ Anyway, I don’t know about the Kag/Sess pairings on because I really don’t venture into the het section much, or even anymore. The stories are too tame there for my taste’s usually and I don’t have the energy to sort through them. ^_^ Lol, once again, glad (Ecstatic!) that you like this story so much! Hopefully this chap didn’t ruin it for you! ^_^

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - *Grimaces* Sorry for the confusion. I’ll try and clear things up for you. Yes, Sess did lose his arm. He was attacking Inu Taisho and Naraku attacked him from behind with his tentacles, severing his arms. The whole “Inu-Taisho-wounding-Sess” actually began at the end of Chapter 70, but it was really brief, so it probably wasn’t that noticable. You’ve pretty much got it down, though. ^_^ Gomen again for the confusion! ~*~  

A/N: Well, I did promise you guys that somebody was gonna die... You can’t blame me!