InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ It's Over Now ( Chapter 74 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the delay! Been reeeeeally busy lately and I wasn’t sure how the hell I wanted to go about ending this.

I mean, clearly it’s not the end, end-- there is gonna be a sequel-- but it’s still an end so...

Anyway, thank you all so much for being so patient with me! You guys have been great! ^_^ Hopefully this’ll meet any standards you’ve come to expect from me, and I’ll see you when the sequel is posted! : D

BtW, any suggestions for a title for the sequel would be much appreciated-- I have absolutely no idea what to call it! : D   ~*~   It’s Over Now

Sesshomaru doesn’t know how long he was unconscious for. It was something that he, personally, lacked the ability to keep track of, and everyone else in the immediate area simply weren’t in any kind of shape to do so themselves. All he really had to go on was the angle of the sun, which was much closer to the ground than it had been when he had first arrived at Naraku’s; so, at least a few hours, then...

It was a little strange, waking up that way. He couldn’t remember very many times in his life when he had actually been unconscious, and the transition phase between sleeping and waking was enough to seriously disorient him. The whole limbo thing was just such a mortal element of life that he usually avoided, and it had caught him completely off guard.

Still, the time he had spent in unconsciousness had helped strengthen his depleted energy supply-- not much, mind you, but enough for his youki to being shrilling in his ears again about his mate-- and he quickly forced himself to fully rouse and slowly rise up to his feet.

Instantly the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up, and Sesshomaru froze in place, his senses screaming at him that there was some kind of danger nearby. His youki, strangely enough, didn’t seem at all concerned, and was actually only being all the more persistent about him going to find his mate. Sesshomaru forced it down as his eyes scanned across the immediate area, coming to rest on a familiar figure several feet away, snarling and hunched over the remains of what he assumed to be Naraku’s.

Sesshomaru found himself frowning a little as he took a cautious step toward Inuyasha, not entirely certain what his half-brother was doing, or why his senses were still on edge.

He couldn’t say for certain from this distance, but judging by the way his poison had shrivelled Naraku’s body, and the way Inuyasha was currently slicing his claws through his flesh, he assumed the hanyou was dead, so what other threat could there be?

It wasn’t until Inuyasha leaned forward, sunk his teeth into Naraku, and dragged his head back and up with his prize of Naraku’s entrails caught firmly between his fangs that Sesshomaru caught sight of his brother’s eyes-- hazed and half-mad and still painted crimson and aqua-- and he actually began to consider the fact that maybe his senses were warning him about his brother.

Trying to contain his momentary revulsion as he watched Inuyasha’s throat work to swallow his mouthful of flesh, he cautiously began to approach his mate. He wasn’t entirely certain what he planned to do to calm his mate, since Tetsusaiga still remained back at the castle and he knew of no other way to suppress Inuyasha’s youki, but he knew that he needed to do something, because he couldn’t just leave his brother there devouring what was left of Naraku’s corpse.

When he got about ten feet away from the hanyou, Inuyasha froze, his head snapping up and his eyes locking on Sesshomaru-- blood and sinews and who the hell knew what else trailing from his lips and smeared across his face as he watched Sesshomaru with wary malevolence.

Sesshomaru hesitated then, not entirely certain what to do next-- what Inuyasha would do. If he continued approaching, would his younger brother just continue to glare and snarl idle threats? Or would he, perhaps, attack? What would he do if Inuyasha did attack? He could hardly fight his brother again. They were both too tired and too hurt, and no matter how much he held himself back, he would likely end up hurting Inuyasha fatally.

But then, he couldn’t just stand idly by and watch Inuyasha be devoured by this madness, now could he? His brother was hurt and his father was dead and he still needed to locate Tsukiko. There was no time to spend waiting for Inuyasha’s youki to dissipate. Not when they were all so tired and in desperate need of a healer and still not safe, dammit!

And it was that last thought, more than any of the others, that made the decision for him.

They still weren’t safe.

They were out in the middle of some foreign land with who the hell knew what kind of demons that could show up and decide to attack at any moment. And, in this condition, Sesshomaru couldn’t guarantee that he could defend his family at this point. Or that he could keep Inuyasha from fighting if it came to that.

That in mind, Sesshomaru cautiously met Inuyasha’s eyes and took another slow step forward.

Inuyasha went even tenser than he had been before and a small snarl slipped past his lips-- warning him away.

Another step, and Inuyasha turned to face him, hunching low on the ground, more growls sounding in his throat; only this time they carried an edge of uncertainty behind them.

Another step and only a few more feet separated him and his brother.

Baleful red eyes stared up at him as Inuyasha continued to make low noises in his throat that were more unhappy than anything, his ears going back and his mouth turning down in displeasure and obvious confusion even as he slowly attempted to move out of Sesshomaru’s way.

Hm. Evidently, even in this state Inuyasha still recognised hierarchy.

Unfortunately for him, Sesshomaru had absolutely no interest in laying claims on his ill begotten meal, and he quickly took another two steps forward to make up for the distance Inuyasha had managed to put between them.

Inuyasha’s ears flicked up a little at that, before pressing even more tightly against his skull, and he hunkered even closer to the ground, attempting to stay out of Sesshomaru’s reach, though apparently either still too attached to his meal or too afraid to run away.

Giving his brother a small frown at his continued movements to escape him, he slowly circled around Inuyasha until he was behind him-- not missing how the volume of his brother’s growls rose exponentially as he tried to follow his movements.

Sesshomaru didn’t give him the chance-- moving quickly for the first time since this whole face-off had begun-- he used his inhuman speed to bring him forward until he was pressed right up against Inuyasha’s back, his arms going around his little brother’s chest, binding his own limbs tightly to his sides.

Inuyasha let out a howl of protest and attempted to lunge forward, his fangs flashing his outrage as he struggled in Sesshomaru’s grip, clearly not at all liking having the stronger male on his back.

Sesshomaru didn’t renege his hold on his little brother’s body for a second-- pressing forward until he could properly pin the smaller body, before swiftly nosing aside Inuyasha’s hair, and pressing his lips against the fading bite-mark that was peeking out just beneath the collar’s band.

Inuyasha went completely rigid beneath him, his body trembling a little as all his vicious complaints fell silent, his chest heaving rapidly beneath Sesshomaru as he seemingly struggled to comprehend what was going on.

Sesshomaru repeated the motion, this time allowing his tongue to slip out a little and lap carefully at the edge of the mark, pleased when Inuyasha’s body shook and he let out a weak, confused whine in response.

A silver head turned, and Inuyasha stared back at Sesshomaru with a mystified expression that was not unlike Tsukiko’s, his crimson eyes wide as he tried to understand.

He watched, baffled, as Sesshomaru continued to nuzzle his neck, drawing more unconscious noises from within his throat, his crimson eyes narrowing a little as he stared... tried to remember what this demon was... why it had this effect on him.

Sesshomaru could see the vague traces of familiarity entering into Inuyasha’s mind, and he did not hesitate to try and encourage them with words he knew Inuyasha would have to fight with his youki to understand.

‘Yes, otouto. You know me, don’t you? You remember my touch.’ He emphasized the word touch with another small lick, drawing a small whine from Inuyasha, who’s ears were twitching madly on his head-- seemingly unable to decide whether to stand up or press back as he spoke. ‘It’s alright, Inuyasha.’ He murmured against his brother’s throat, feeling the way Inuyasha’s whole body quivered a little in response. ‘Come back to me.’

Sesshomaru pulled his lips back then and gently scraped his teeth against the side of his brother’s throat-- not enough to seriously hurt, but enough to draw two small pearls of blood to the surface, which gently swelled until their weight forced them to fall in twin streams of red across Inuyasha’s pale, marred flesh.

Inuyasha jerked beneath him at that, his eyes going impossibly wide, and for an instant, the pupil’s dilating as he stared, and for an instant Sesshomaru was certain he saw gold filter through the sea of crimson that made up his brother’s eyes.

But something wasn’t right.

No matter how much Inuyasha’s rational mind may be fighting for control, his youki wasn’t giving in. It, for some reason, seemed to be trying to hold onto it’s control over Inuyasha’s body despite there no longer being a need.

Unless... perhaps it was Inuyasha’s mind that was forcing the youki to remain.

Sesshomaru paused as he considered that idea... yes, it would make sense. If Inuyasha’s mind had yet to accept the fact that the danger had passed-- that there was nothing left to be afraid of-- then it would gladly continue to leave the control of the body up to the part most able to defend it: The demon half.

Which meant that Sesshomaru would have to find someway to reassure his brother that everything was alright...

Frowning a little, Sesshomaru briefly considered how he could go about doing that. After all, it’s not like he could prove to Inuyasha any more that Naraku was dead-- the boy had been eating his innards mere moments before-- and what else Inuyasha might need assurance of was beyond him.

Unless, maybe...

“I’m here, Inuyasha.”

His own voice echoed in his mind, and Sesshomaru froze at the sound of it, though was not given much time to contemplate it as Inuyasha’s own frightened, doubtful voice quickly followed.

“Are you? Are you for real?”

And he could see Inuyasha’s wide golden eyes staring up at him, the uncertainty in them clear as glass... the desperation he felt evident in the tone of his voice as he silently pleaded for Sesshomaru to answer him.

And suddenly it was just that much more obvious what Inuyasha was worried about... why he didn’t feel safe.

Pulling back a little (but never releasing his hold on his baby brother) Sesshomaru carefully reorganized their bodies until he was again crouched behind Inuyasha, with the younger inu leaning heavily against his arms.

Inuyasha made a low, surprised noise at the sudden movement and shift of position, but didn’t fight Sesshomaru at all, his eyes inquiring and his neck bared in submission when he looked back at the other, incomprehension obvious on his tell-tale face.

He didn’t understand this.

This demon shows up, forces him away from his meal, doesn’t even bother to eat it after driving him off, pins him to the ground, nuzzles and licks him, and now suddenly he’s decided that they need to sit up so that he can start whispering some kind of nonsense at him the way all the others had.

Only this time, it was a bit different... the tone was nicer than the others’ had been. Deep and soothing and strangely familiar. It made him feel warm and calm. And somehow, that wasn’t right. Yet he found he couldn’t bring himself to care very much.

There was something... he should be remembering right now... something he needed to do or something... something was nagging in the back of his mind that was telling him he shouldn’t be relaxing like this.

He let out a small whine of distress, trying to voice his concern, only to receive another nuzzle that all but made his mind go blank despite himself.

‘Shh.’ The demon soothed behind him, and Inuyasha strained himself to actually comprehend what it was the other was saying. ‘It’s okay, shh.’ He couldn’t understand much more than that. Only the simple words. But it was enough...

Letting the tenseness leave his body, Inuyasha cautiously pressed back against the other male, seeking approval... and in return the arms around his chest loosened a little-- released his arms-- before sliding beneath said appendages to refasten more comfortably around his waist.

Mind feeling hazy, but slowly beginning to comprehend some of the things happening around him, Inuyasha took a shaky breath and tried to force his seemingly swollen tongue to form some kind of language.

‘Sess... S-Sess?’ He questioned softly, not entirely certain what the word meant, only that he needed an answer to it.

‘I’m here.’ Was murmured back as the arms around his waist tightened even further and he felt a gentle kiss placed at his neck. Inuyasha put one ear back at that, a frown creasing his face as his eyes landed on the corpse some three feet away and he felt a strange surge of fear prickle at his insides, making the muscles in his arms and legs instinctively tighten a little even as another word-- this one simpler and more complete-- slipped past his lips.


Again, his mind wasn’t entirely certain what that meant, but he knew it had something to do with that thing as well as a whole myriad of unpleasant memories that swept through him, and he anxiously awaited whatever the creature’s behind him answer might be.

‘He is gone.’ The demon said softly. ‘You needn’t worry, otouto. He shall never touch you again.’

Inuyasha’s frown deepened a little at that. The demon had spoken too fast, and he had missed half the words, only picking up on every third one or so, and that simply made no sense. He let out a quiet whimper of inquiry, since that was easier than talking, tilting his head a little to look behind him.

Sesshomaru stared calmly back, well aware of the confusion mingling with tears (of exhaustion or emotion, he couldn’t tell) welling in his mate’s eyes, and he quickly moved to place a soothing kiss on his mate’s temple.

‘It’s alright, Inuyasha.’ He murmured again, saying each word as slowly as he could-- trying his best to make certain his mate understood. ‘It’s alright. It’s over now.’

And maybe Inuyasha did comprehend what he had said, or maybe it was simply something about the tone of his voice... the expression on his face... or perhaps it could even be because of the kiss he had just placed on his forehead, Sesshomaru didn’t know, but the next second Inuyasha smiled-- small, weak, but beautiful-- before his muscles went lax in Sesshomaru’s hold, and he again slipped off into unconsciousness.

And perhaps Sesshomaru would have been worried, if, at the last moment-- right as they gave their final flutter before falling shut-- he hadn’t spotted Inuyasha’s eyes... and seen that the demon-crimson had receded and finally, blessedly given way to gold.

~Owari~ ~*~  


Youki - A demon’s demonic energy or spirit...

Hanyou - Half-demon

Inu - Dog

Otouto - Little Brother

(I think that’s all for this chap...) ~*~  

cloverfire19 - Lol, yep, he’s finally dead. : D I figure it may never happen in the series, so I might as well do it here. ^_^ And as to whether or not this chap was good... well, that’s really for you to decide, neh? I’m certainly hoping so. ^_^ Actually, I don’t care whether it’s good or not, just as long as you enjoy it! That’s the important thing! : D

-golden_kitsune - Lol, well I never really thought someone sticking fingers up someone else’s ass and injecting them with poison was particularly beautiful, but... ^_^ Okay, I won’t put him in a coma... this chap, anyway. Next chap... can’t make any promises, I’m afraid. ^_^ *Cackles maniacally* So I’ve converted you into a sadist too? *evil grin* It’s not my fault, though-- it was bound to happen to you eventually! Inu’s just far too good a character to torture! : D -- Mm, well I’ve only read a couple chaps of the manga, but I loved the FM Anime, especially with the ending they gave it in CoS-- my kind of ending. ^_^ Lol, I’ve heard Ling asked Ed to be his consort in the manga... is that true, or just the daydreams of some fangirls somewhere? Of course no one can replace Mustang! That’s like saying there’s someone that can replace Sesshomaru! It’s just not gonna happen! ^_^ Mm, yeah, I heard that Scar was the one that killed Win’s parents. I guess they changed it because it would’ve been hard to fit the conflict Winry would have over Scar killing her parents into the anime’s plotline. Mustang worked easier for that because he was someone Winry knew. They were actually supposed to have some kind of discussion between Winry and Mustang in the movie, but the thing was too long and they had to cut it out. I kinda like that it was Roy and not Scar, though, because it gave Roy a bit more depth that they might not have been able to fit into the anime otherwise. Mm, I wonder how different the manga ending is going to be from the anime ending. Lol, if I ever manage to get into a manga, the FMA and Inuyasha one’s will probably be the first ones I go after, though I’m a little iffy about the Inu ones because, as you said, Rumiko Takahashi is going for 600 chaps, and right now I’m pissed as hell at the anime so it’ll be hard to get back into it if I ever read the manga. Next week I’ll finally get to see the so-called ending for the anime, though! -.- It’s strange, because when I first started watching I couldn’t have been more interested in finding out what happens next, and now I’m more interested in finding out what show they’re going to replace it with. : / -- Lol, I’m glad you don’t mind my rambles. I really do talk too much, but you’re all just so great! Plus, a lot of you have started rambling back! : D It really makes it difficult to not ramble. ^_^ As long as you don’t mind, though, that’s all that matters. ^_^

-Ladykaa28 - Lol, yep, he’s dead. In a way you should probably be glad that you didn’t think of killing him that way-- it means you haven’t reached the same level of derangement that I have been wallowing in throughout the majority of this story! : D Mm, yeah, I think Inu’s Naraku-inflicted torture is over now. Now all he’ll have to deal with is his self-inflicted pain, which can be far worse. I don’t know how much straight-thinking he’ll be doing for a while, though. For now I think pretty much all of that is on Sess’s shoulders. Not that you can really blame Inu, after everything I did to him... he’s gonna need some serious therapy by the time he gets home. Yeah, I know, Inu Taisho probably would have been useful to them now. At least they’ve still got Rin and Takehiko and the rest waiting back at home to help them... now if they could just get home. ^_^ -- Lol, k, good luck! I hope it works for you and you get your muses working again! I know how big a pain they can be... still, hard to write a story without them! ^_^ Of course, it’s been so long since I updated, for all I know you could’ve started another fic by now, so that last comment was pretty useless. *shrugs* Meh, oh well. Lol, good luck anyway! Even if you don’t need it anymore. : D

-Jester08 - Yeah, Inu’s gonna have one helluva time wrestling with whatever guilt-complex he may develop after this fiasco. Good thing he has Sess there, neh? ^_^ Yeah, Izayoi... I can’t imagine she’ll be taking his death too well.... Hm... guess I’ll have to deal with her in the sequel... Lol, okay, I’m doing one. I’m not sure if I’m doing it entirely properly, but this fic is getting too long, so if ever there was a time to break it off, this seems like a good place to do it. ^_^ Lol, well I’m afraid it’s gonna have to end eventually, but I promise there’ll be a bit more before that happens. ^_^ Sorry for not updating soon, btw! : ( I’ll try and speed it up next time!

-Nikki23534 - Lol, glad you enjoyed it. Not as tasty as some of the other halloween treats I’m sure you got way back then, but... ^_^ I’m glad you’re still breathing, too. You would not believe how hard it is to give CPR across the internet. : D Well, Sess didn’t find her this chap, I’m afraid, but next... erm, story I guess, he will! I promise! : D

-Zetsuii - Lol, angst, angst, angst, angst! Can never have enough! : D And yeah, I mean, I’m not a guy, but seriously... Owwww... Hence why I apologized to all the males beforehand. Cause that’s just plain cruel. ^_^ Well, I’d say don’t worry about Izayoi, Inu and Sess, but coming from me, and seeing what I’ve done to the characters in the past, that just seems plain and simple stupid, now doesn’t it? ^_^ Well, both Inu and Sess are conscious for the majority of this chap... I mean, it doesn’t last very long, but it still happened, so ^_^ *Grins* Y’know, flattery just might get you a new chap! : D Lol, thanks so much for all your wonderful compliments! I’m just happy you’re enjoying my work so much! : D

-rin_sama1989 - Lol, well that’s one reviewer who’s not gonna kill me. Now I just need to get the other’s to agree to that, and I’ll be set! : D Lol, I’m glad you liked it! Never read resident evil, so I don’t know how gory that is. Probably shouldn’t, either... it’ll likely just give me ideas for new ways to torture our poor inu’s. : D

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, glad you liked it! :D And don’t worry, Inu’s gonna live! I didn’t put him through all that and keep him alive just to kill him now. Maybe later, though? *grins evilly*

-Tai-san - Of course you can’t get enough angst! It’s impossible! There’s not enough angst in the world to be enough angst. : D Lol, I’m glad you liked the chap! I know Naraku didn’t get the full-fledged torture session everyone commissioned for me, but still it was a damn painful way to go. ^_^ Glad your writer’s block has ended, btw! Such a fucking Pain in the ass... It’s always great to hear someone has survived and conquered it! : D

-Korune - Lol, well you didn’t have to, but I’m glad you did! : D And as to the horoscope thing, I did read the Gemini one, and you’re right-- they do compare you to Taurus an awful lot. Got a little annoying after a while, actually. ^_^ According to your profile, though, you’re the zodiac’s adolescent, whereas I am it’s child. I wonder, who do you suppose the parent is? Although, under the Aries profile it does say “perpetual children” so now I’m wondering if Peter Pan was an aries. ^_^ Lol, still, fairly creepy how accurate those things can be sometimes... makes you wonder if there is actually some truth hidden beneath all that crap they pile on around zodiacs. The Aries profiles are usually pretty much dead on for me, but as far as I know, they’ve never once gotten a horoscope for me right. Of course, then again, according to “Tickle” I’m supposed to be a Scorpio, so maybe that’s why? ^_^ I’m really not sure how these star-gazers came up with these shapes, though-- they must have had very vivid imaginations. Or hallucinations. I mean, come on, the little droopy Y thing hardly looks like a ram. And that sideways 69 doesn’t look like any crab I’ve ever seen. And if I did ever see a crab like that, then I’d probably assume it was some kind of mutant. ^_^ Congrats on being a wordsmith, btw! And good luck with aspiring substance! -- I can bombard you with rambles all I want, huh? Oh don’t say that, you’re gonna regret it! I’m bad enough without permission to bombard! -- Lol, you don’t know what to say about the story? And here I thought you were an airy wordsmith. : D Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed it, although I have to point out that things don’t “unfold” from my angst mind... they really just kinda... ooze... and then I scrape them up off the floor and try and turn it into something resembling a story. ^_^ *Hands you two pieces of cake* There! Don’t ask me what the second one is for, just eat it and be happy. : D Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed the fight/torture scene. Sorry bout the cat licking your toe, though. I have to say, you have much more patience than I do. My cat would have had thirty seconds before I started going berserk. ^_^ Hey, aries, remember? Short-tempered and impulsive. ^_^ Hopefully by now, though, your cat has stopped licking your toes... I mean, it has nearly been a month, I’m sure it’s tongue must be getting sore by now. ^_^ -- Lol, you gotta chat me up just as much? Lol, well by all means, you can certainly try. You’re not gonna win, I’m sure, but you can try. ^_^ And as to the randomness... believe me, I’ve been talking to reviewers for more than a year now. That, coupled with my own mind’s complete state of psychosis, there is probably very little randomness you could have that would surprise me. ^_^ Lol, you can email me if you want, I don’t mind. More than a couple of the others have emailed me and talk to me about things other than the story, so.. :D Invader Zim... *shudders* Bleargh, can’t stand that show. Lol, I’m afraid my mind is so full of angst it has very little room let alone tolerance for crack. -- Lol, so you’re quitting are you? HA! I knew you couldn’t keep up the rambling! : D And I’m glad you’re not sorry, because, victim or not, I enjoyed your boredom. It helped to fend off mine! : D As to halloween... oh, it was okay. Too damn cold outside so nobody was out-- all the kids were trick-or-treating at the mall! Hordes of vertically challenged people everywhere! : D 436 characters left? HA! You could do better! : D Lol, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go type somebody else’s... erm... eyes off? o.O

-____insert user here - Well it’s not all my fault, if you didn’t spend so much damn time listening to me, I never would’ve talked about it! : D Aw, don’t cry! *offers up virtual Kleenex* Now you’re making me feel bad! : ( -- Yeah, lol, all normalcy usually goes right out the window around the first or second post. Sometimes it clings til the third, but usually the first or second are enough to effectively destroy it. ^_^ -- So the Lost Island of Mu is now buried under the ocean? Or does it really cease to exist? o.O -- Lol, I had pocky once. Dark chocolate pocky. It wasn’t very good. I don’t like dark chocolate. : / Luckily enough, my sister was there to eat 3/4 of the stuff. *rolls eyes* and she claims she bought it for me. ^_^ *offers you more virtual pocky* -- Lol, no, never heard of/done NaNoWriMo. I somehow doubt I’d be any good at it anyway. ^_^ -- Lol, yep, the politically correct stuff is nuts. I saw this one thing on the news the other day that really made me go “WTF? o.O” but, as you said, it’s hard to say anything on here because I never know who I’m going to insult. And now anyone reading that will probably assume that I’m some kind of racist or homophobic or something, which I’m not. *sighs* Freedom of speech my ass. Lol, yeah, the “I apologize to all males beforehand” was because I was really quite mean to... well, not necessarily them but... I’m actually not sure if there are any males reading this fic, though. I mean, I think there are, but it’s really hard to tell. Most people on here seem to have asexual usernames, so if they don’t tell me beforehand I usually have no idea. ^_^ -- Lol, no, the voices in my head aren’t bothering me. Not anymore. I’m used to them by now. : D --- I’m glad you enjoyed the chap! : D Don’t worry, though, Naraku is dead. And, unlike in the real Inuyasha series, I have absolutely no qualms with leaving him dead. That’s right, I can kill a character off and make them stay dead! HA! Take that Rumiko! Lol, don’t mind me, I’m still pissed about Kikyo being resurrected again and again and again and Naraku being, evidently, immortal. You’re so very right, though, just because I didn’t kill Inu or Sess off now, doesn’t mean they won’t be later. All depends on how sadistic I’m feeling toward them I guess. ^_^ And as for Sess... well, since when has he ever been faced with something he couldn’t handle? ^_^ Except, maybe, for Rin asking if he would remember her when she died, but other than that... ^_^ Probably best not to count Inu’s problems anyway. There’s just too damn many of them. And I have to deal with em all... O.O... -- Cro-magnons weren’t smart? Damn. And here I was thinking this whole time that their IQ’s topped the scales. ^_^ LOL. Probably a good place to end it, it’s 3 in the afternoon, I started answering reviews around 1 and I think I’m starting to space out and get incoherent again. Hopefully it didn’t effect your review too much? Lol, good luck finding the brain cells, btw! Though I doubt you’ll be successful.

-AyaSnake - Lol, glad you’re enjoying it! Sorry about the typos, btw. *grimaces* I plan to edit them out sometime in the future when I’m not as lazy as I am now. ^_^ -- Really? : D I’m glad that my story could have that effect on you! Though I do apologize for making you cry. I seem to be doing that to a lot of reviewers lately. : / -- Flames of Purgatory? hm... sounds vaguely familiar... I don’t think I’ve read it, but the title sound familiar. What’s it about? -- Lol, okay, I’ll do my very best to! : D

-coldTenshieyes - Lol, of course. After all, if you’re going to kill someone, you should at least put some thought into it, neh? Good thing there’s no cops back then, because I’m sure that would make for a really disturbing crime scene... not to mention what the poor coroner would have to go through. -- Lol, yeah, Inu’s pretty mental right now. I’m afraid I didn’t quite make him psychotic enough. After all, he goes pretty much completely berserk every time he transforms in the series, but I think I gave him a bit more introspection than that. Still, whatever works, right? ^_^ Spice! Yes! Everything should have it! Well, not everything, it tastes awful on icecream and probably shouldn’t put too much of it on some other foods, as well, but still! Everything else! : D -- Hm. Well, I haven’t decide as of yet what I’ll do with Inu Taisho, so we’ll see... After all the resurrections in the actual anime, though, I’m a little loathe to want to do any in my own fics. Inu Taisho was one of the few characters in the series that seemed to possess the ability to die and stay dead-- a quality I’ve always admired in characters after dealing with Kikyo and Naraku so many times. ^_^

-Sasuke’s_lover - Well, I can’t really say that for sure. First off, I’m Canadian, not American, so... : D, secondly, I’m not other authors, so I can’t really give you their reasons. I think it might be because Inuyasha is a manga/anime and, as such, Japanese based, so people add in Japanese words. They do it in pretty much any and every fanfiction based off of a manga/anime I think. As for me, the only reason I use Japanese words occasionally is because Inuyasha takes place in Japan, so it is essentially Japanese. Plus, using the Japanese words gives you a bit more variety in your dictionary. I could go through saying “Demon” all the time, but adding in the occasional “youkai” adds a break to the consistency that people tend to crave when they’re reading. Those are my only reasons. For other fandoms, like Fullmetal Alchemist, I don’t use Japanese words, even though it is a manga/anime. As far as I’m concerned about them, they’re not Japanese so they have no reason to use Japanese words. *shrugs* But that’s only my reasons. Other people have different reasons for doing it, I’m sure, so you’d have to ask them I guess. ^_^ Did that answer your question? Or did I just confuse you more? I’ve been known to do both, I’m afraid... As to your next question about Oni and Youkai, those are just translations I got from a couple different places. I know that Oni more commonly means ogre and youkai some kind of spirit or something, but I also heard several places use them for devil and demon so I assumed it was alright. Hopefully it is, cause otherwise all my Inu stories are screwed. ~*~  

Well, that’s it for now! I’ll post the link to the sequel when I post it! Til then, thank you guys all so much for your wonderful support! I don’t do that enough, I’m afraid, but you guys all really rock! : D

