InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What My Freinds and I would do in Japan! ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
What My freinds and I would in Japan!!

Just a reminder, I like so tottaly DON'T own Inuyasha or any related characters...

Chapter One

"Melissa! Come here!" Katie cried to her freind. Mel whipped her head around and walked over to Katie who was holding a weird necklace. It was a necklace with a number on the front and a location on the back. The front said 2005 and the back said California. Melissa thought for a minute while the fire alarm started up. "Don't Melissa, you'll hurt yourself..." Katie said flatly as she scratched off the writting on both sides. Grabbing a permanant marker Katie wrote Japan on one side and 1500 on the other. A bright light flared up around them and all that could be heard was Stephanie yelling at Katie and Melissa screaming.

Inuyasha stood up quickly as he heard the sound of three girls screaming in the distant. Jumping down from his tree, he ran off in their direction. Arriving at the origin of the sounds, he saw three young girls were cornered by a huge black spider. One was hypervintilating and trying not to pass out. The other was thinking of a way to beat it while the last was pocking the ground with a stick, oblivious to the whole ordeal. Katie jumped up when she saw Inuyasha watching them. The spider followed her gaze and spotted Inuyasha. It clicked it's fangs and lunged at the silver haired hanyou. Melissa looked up and saw Inuyasha and almost passed out.

Inuyasha pulled his sword and sliced the demon carefully down the middle. A jewel shard went flying through the air and landed at Katie's feet. "Wow! A shard of the Shikon No Tama! I could buy a manga with this..." Everyone sweat dropped. Katie looked up idiotically. "I'm sorry! Does any one else want one? I'm sure I could get a few." Inuyasha walked up to Katie menacingly. "Give me that!"He yelled. Katie got a sly grin on her face while Melissa and Stephanie prayed for her next victim. "I need something first..." Katie started slowly, closing her fist around the jewel shard. "Fine, I'll just take it from you!" Inuyasha wasn't going to be fooled. Katie sighed and stuck it in her shirt. "Come get it." SHe replied calmly. Inuyasha's face turned red and his eyes twitched. Shaking his head he said, "Fine! I will!" Melissa was giggling and Steph was watching curiously. Inuyasha walked towards Katie with his hand outstretched. Katie giggled and pulled the jewel out. "You don't really have to. Just one thing is all I ask!" Katie was all pouty eyed and Inuyasha looked releived. "What...?" He asked slowly. "I want...

"Kouga!" Ginta yelled as Hakaku slamed into him from behind. Kouga looked up boredly and asked, "What is it now?" Hakaku started, "Inuyasha was just-" Ginta butted in, "spotted in our territory." Kouga smiled. "That must mean Kagome's nearby." Without saying another word he headed off, following Inuyasha's smell.

------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Can anyone guess what I want! I am Katie by the way. My two freinds are Steph and Melissa, duh! Please read and review!
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