InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ Who Are You? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I just thought that I'd let everyone know that this story is also posted on FanFiction.Net, but because it has been a pain in the ass for a few weeks now I decided to post on here! So without any further ado: roll disclaimer!

Inuyasha: Larka does not own me or anyone else thank kami.

Larka: No that's because Keo owns both you and Fluffy.

Sess: Why the infernal name? And could you get your insane friend off me?!

Keo: Beware the Kitties! *glomps Fluffy*

Larka: *shakes head* On with the story.

Kagome sat up straight holding her throbbing head, "Wha..."

"You don't remember what happened?" questioned her mother.

"No nothing at all."

"Well" Mrs. Higurashi grabbed her daughter's hand "You were walking home from school when you were hit by a car. The driver had a heard attack and lost control of the vehicle."

"Then that means it was a dream." Kagome whispered to herself. The curtain around her bed was suddenly pulled aside.

"Ah I see you're awake Ms. Higurashi. I'm your doctor Shiro Sumuragi." He stuck out his large hand. Kagome nodded dumbly and lightly clasped his hand. He moved to the foot of the bed to check her vitals, "I think we'll keep you here over night for observations."

"Thank you, doctor." He gave a curt nod and left the room.


The next day Kagome was led out of the hospital by he mother and little brother Sota. Sota was so excited that he was practically vibrating with the joy of seeing his sister.

"Yay I'm so happy your back Kagome! Now I get to show you all the cool stuff I got! And you can meet some new friends I've met, and you can take me out for ice cream, and you can-"

"Sota, that's enough! Let Kagome rest for a while!" scolded Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome smiled, it was good to see her family again.

When the trio finally got home they were greeted by Kagome's grandfather: "Kagome you're finally home! It so wonderful to see you outside of the hospital!" He hobbled over to give her a bone crunching hug. Kagome felt her back pop.

"Ugh Grandfather I just got out of the hospital. Remember?"

"Oh you're right! Go on inside and rest."

Kagome walked through the front door and slowly headed upstairs to her room. The floor creaked slightly as she walked down the hall way.

"Man I didn't realize just how tired I was." She pushed open her door and looked around her room. `It's good to be home' she thought as she flopped on her bed. "Home sweet home! Here at last!"


Days passed and slowly Kagome fell back into her school routine. "Kagome hurry up! You walk to slow!" called one of Kagome's friends.

"Geez you guys it's only been five days since I've gotten back form the hospital I think I have the right to walk slow! She cried as she raced after her two friends.

"It's so great to have you back!"

"I know Yuki you've only said that a thousand times since I started school" Yuki blushed.

"But Yuki's right we really missed you. I mean you were gone for two years!" retorted Akane.

"Higurashi!" The trio turned to see a boy with short brown hair running towards them with a package in his arms "Higurashi!"

"Oh hi Hojo!" greeted Kagome as he caught up with them.

"Um.. Kagome this is for you" Hojo said handing her the package. "I hope you like it." Kagome took off the bright red paper covering the odd shaped package to reveal a large scented candle. "It's supposed to help you relax" he explained.

"Er… thank you Hojo." Kagome's friends giggled behind her.

"Um I was wondering, Kagome, if you were feeling well enough if you would like to see a movie tomorrow?" Kagome's friends giggled again.

"Go for it Kag he's the cutest guy in school!" whispered Akane. "Come on."

Kagome blushed "Sure I'll go with you Hojo."

"Great!" Hojo let out a breath of air he'd been holding, "I'll see you at six then?"

"Sure, six." Answered Yuki for Kagome. "She'll see you then!" Hojo walked off as Kagome's friends rushed her inside trying to decide what she should wear for her date while Kagome only blushed a deep shade of red.


"Mom I'm home!" Kagome called dropping her backpack on the ground.

"I'm in here," came an answer from the kitchen. Mrs. Higurashi stuck her head out of the door way "Kagome could you do me a favor and walk down and pick Sota up from school. I have to help Grandpa with a few things"

"OK I'll leave now."

She ran upstairs to grab her favorite blue-hooded sweatshirt and change into a pair of blue jeans. She thundered back down the stairs, said goodbye to her mom, patted her cat Buyo on the head and ran out the door. She slowed to a walk as she passed the well house.

`I could have sworn it wasn't a dream!' She sighed `But then again maybe it was. I mean demons!? Those only exist in myths!' Shaking her head to snap herself out of thought she headed towards her destination.


Kagome waited outside the two double doors of her brother's school as drones of kids made the way home. `Maybe I could go and check out the well again-.` She was cut off in mid-thought by a familiar voice:

"Hey sis what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Oh mom had me come and pick you up while she helps out Grandpa."

"Well let's go home then! I got a cool new video game I wanna play!" Sota raced across the school yard and down the street. Kagome rolled her eyes before following

`Gah! Little brothers!'

Sota sprinted up the shrine steps. "Come on sis hurry up!" he called from the top. Kagome panted as she slowly made her way to where her brother waited

"Where-did you-get the-energy-from!?" Sota grinned and ran towards the house. Kagome sweat dropped "Eheh, he I had to ask."

Walking after him she stopped by the well house `I wonder…It couldn't hurt to see.'

She slowly opened the wooden door and stepped inside the house. Pausing as her eyes adjusted to the light she made her way to the well. Dust floated up causing her eyes to water and her nose to itch.

`This'll never work,' she thought as she settled herself on the edge of the well. "Here goes nothing" she called aloud as she closed her eyes and slid off the edge into the black abyss. A strange floating sensation came over her body and she landed gracefully at the bottom of the dry well. When she opened her eyes Kagome looked up to see blue.

"But if I see sky then that means…" Using the vines that hung down into the bone eater's well she climbed out to survey her surroundings. Kagome stepped out and looked around. `It looks just how I thought it did. I knew it was real!! I should find Inuyasha'

She paused for a moment, thinking of which direction she needed to go before making her way into the woods. As she made her way through the dense forest she wondered why her mother had said that there was no Inuyasha. The trees began to grow less apart and more light began to filter through the emerald leaves. Kagome entered the newly formed clearing and gasped.

`The God-Tree.' "Inu-Inuyasha?"

The body's eyes snapped open "Who the hell is Inuyasha?" Kagome gasped but stepped closer to the person who glared daggers at her.

"What the hell do you want anyway?"

"You're not Inuyasha. You have black hair." Kagome narrowed her eyes at the young man "Who are you?"

Dun, dun, dun! Who is the person pined to the tree? Where is Inuyasha? If you review then I will update and you, yes YOU, will find out! Sca~ary, that sounded like and infomercial.

And here's to my first and only reviewer on silverbell!! Thank you and this chapter was for you my friend!! Hope you enjoyed it!!