InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ Gomen!! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Larka: I have some bad news. For the past few weeks I've tried to come up with some new chapters for 'What's Happened', but alas nothing has come to me. It is, as I feared. My story has died!! Gomen, gomen, gomen!! *bows*

Nai: *pokes story with a long stick* Yep dead for sure.

Jas: Larka has had a lot of trouble with stories lately. Her story with her friend Ivoryi, the one with MizuRaccu, and one of the Three Ladies…

Larka: -__-;; Your not helping Jas…

Nai: And to top it off Larka has a bunch of big projects that are nearing their due date…

Larka: ^__^;; *shifts nervously* Oh yeah…about those…

Nai: As you can see our authoress has to get her priorities straight.
Jas: So we apologize to you for her. Sorry about this inconvenience. But fear not! If you like Lord of the Rings I've been planning a new story for her!!

Nai: *grumbles* Yeah, yeah flaunt it while you can…

Larka: The only way that this story may ever go on is if some of you give me ideas on how to get it going again. It doesn't matter what it is really as long that the coupling is Kag/Nar and that all of the characters that are normally good in the anime are bad in the story. Anything would be great!!

Nai: Trust me at this point in time Larka is REALLY desperate.

Larka: *whimpers* I don't want it to die!!!! *cries*

Jas: *pats*