InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Hogwarts? ❯ Gringotts and Who's Hagrid? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Before you say anything this fan fic id kag/kur.

*~Chapter 3~*

Kagome's POV

This morning wasn't one of the best I've had. It was a usual day. Souta playing video games, Grandpa trying to sell one of the cheap necklaces, and Mom cooking food. Time went by brutally slow! I couldn't wait till the afternoon, but when it finally came I didn't want to leave everything I had right here.


Someone was at the front door. `Hagrid' My mother went to open it and greeted whoever it was.

"Kagome dear, Hagrid's here! Get your trunk!" My mother said in an all too cheery voice.

"Okay mom, I'm coming" I said loudly so she could here me from up stairs.

`Can I do this? I mean, everyone in their 5th year has already been there for 5 years! And I'm just coming there without any knowledge of magic or a wand!' I thought with each breath getting more nervous.

I grabbed my trunk and started dragging it down the stairs behind me. `At least it's not as heavy as my yellow bag!' I thought. I finally made it down stairs without much trouble. My mom was asking questions like `Is Minerva still teaching?' `Is Dumbledore still the headmaster?'. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom give Hagrid a golden key. `What's the key for?' I let the thought slip as I walked over to them.

"Mom I'm here" I said softly

"Hi honey, this is Hagrid, he's the game master at Hogwarts. I used to know him from when I went there." She said

"Hi Hagrid" I said a little unsure of myself.

"Hello Kagome." He said with a little of an English accent.

"I'm goin' ter take ya to Hogwarts" He said

"Okay, when are we leaving?" I asked.

"First we need ter go ter Diagon Alley ter buy yar stuff." He said

" Um….what'd Diagon Alley?" I asked

"Oh don' worry it's a place where all the wizards go ter buy there every' day needs." He said casually.

"How do we get there?" I asked as if the place didn't exist.

"Floo Powder" He said while taking out a bag of what looked like dust.

He must have seen my confused face because before I could say anything he explained it to me.

"Floo Powder is magical powder that is used for traveling around in a fireplace, but after we go ter Diagon Alley, we have to wait at the Secret Head Quarters, There you will meet Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and The Weasleys, look no one is supposed to know about it because of You-Know-Who." He said most of the sentence in a whisper as if he expected someone to jump out from the dark.

"Who's You-Know-Who?" I asked.

He turned to my mother and said "She really doesn't know who he is! Does she?"

My mother shook her head solemnly.

"I'll tell you when were at the head quarters" he said.

"Okay now lets go to Diagon Alley" he said while taking the bag of dust and walked over to our fireplace (AN: Just pretend kagome's house has a fireplace) and put a little amount on my hand.

I looked up at him questioningly and he said:

"Just set inside the fireplace and say `Diagon Alley' clearly."

"okay" I said and did what he asked.

When I said Diagon Alley and stepped into the fireplace I was engulfed in a dark green light that was so bright that I had to close my eyes. I stayed like that for a couple minutes until I found someone poking my back.

"Knock it off Inuyasha" I said on instinct.

Then I finally realized what I said while my vision was blurred with unshed tears.

"Err…. Sorry if I hurt yar. I just wanted you to open yer eyes." I heard Hagrid's concerned voice.

"Oh sorry I thought you were someone else." I said while taking in my surroundings. There were people everywhere, Children looking at window shops, Old people talking to others as if they've known them forever, and Kids about my age gossiping.

Then I noticed that Hagrid was trying to talk to me. I think he said something about Gringotts.

"Hagrid, why do we need to go to Gringotts?" I asked him wanting an answer.

"There were goin' ter get yer money that yer moms left you" he said.

"Okay" I said not really paying attention to what he was saying, because of the tall building that looked like it was going to topple. The letters on the building said "Gringotts".

We walked into the building. I had to swallow my gasp as I saw ugly looking creatures that looked creepy and mean. Hagrid must have seen my distaste and whispered in my ear:

"Their called Goblins, they run this place. Their not exactly the sun in the sky. " He whispered.

Hagrid led the way to a high table where one goblin was sitting at. It looked up at us as if we were nothing, but dirt and went back to his work. Hagrid gave a little cough to get it's attention.

Then it looked at us and Hagrid said "We're here to get some coins out er' account" he said gesturing to me.

The thing looked at me and said "Key?"

I looked at Hagrid and mouthed the word key. He looked at me for a second and then said "OHHH……hold on I er key right here'" The Goblin diverted his gaze to Hagrid. Finally Hagrid got out the key that I saw my mother give to him earlier. The thing grabbed it out of his hand and got down from the table and gestured for us to follow him.

We followed the goblin down the hall. As we walked I saw a sign that said:

"Enter, Stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there

Wow……..who would be such an idiot to steal from here? Hmm……. Miroku maybe.

We walked until there was a door which we entered. I was surprised to find that it wasn't marble like the other part of the building, but it was dirt. We walked for a short time until we reached a little trolley. Hagrid told me that the place was so big that they have trolleys to take you to your volt. I gave a little yelp of surprise as the trolley zoomed up and down, and inside out (AN: okay I know that sounds stupid, but it rhymes.)

The trolley stopped much to my liking on front of a big metal door. The Goblin took out my key and placed it in the hole in the door. Then almost magically the door swung open. Inside I almost fainted at the sight before me. There were tons and tons of gold! Hagrid saw my delight and said:

"You didn't think yer mother left yer nothing did you?" he said a little surprised. We gathered as much money we could carry and headed out of Gringotts.

We walked around Diagon Alley Deciding where to go next, when I clumsily bumped into someone. It was a boy I ran into. Hagrid looked at the boy sourly. I gave Hagrid a surprised look as the stranger helped me up.

"What do you think your doing here?" He said a little cruelly.

"I'm going to work unlike you, I see" the stranger said mutually.

AN: Sorry that's the end of the chapter. Lol I know you must hate me.