InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Hogwarts? ❯ 12 Grimmauld Place ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay people I need some Help. I decided to let you lick who kagome's going to be with. Please REVIEW and tell me who you like better.


Kagome/Oliver Wood




Oh yeah thanks Tinkerbell-06 for reviewing! And I promise longer chapters.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Chapter 5~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Kagome's POV

It took us forever to get there! Moody was always changing the route and more than half of us almost fell off from sleeping. `I swear this must be a punishment' I thought as I closed my eyes to find the wind plastering against my face.

"Tonks, are we there yet?" I said trying to yell over the wind, and also trying not to whine.

"Yeah were getting ready to" Whatever Tonks was saying was cut off by Moody yelling "Everyone prepare to land!" He yelled out so all of us could hear him.

Almost everyone was jumping for joy while he said that. We landed in the middle of a road. It was too dark to see anything. The lamp posts were extinguished as Mad-Eye Moody took out a metal stick and pointed it to the lamp posts so take away the light.

"You" he said while pointing over to me.

"I have a name you know!" I said while coming towards him. He just snorted.

"Here" He said while pushing a piece of paper in my hand.

"Memorize it and ask someone to burn it." He said.

I looked at the piece of paper. It only had a couple of words on it though.

`The Headquarters of the Order of The Phoenix may be found at number 12, Grimmauld Place, London.'

That was it……now what? I looked over questioningly to Mad-Eye Moody. He just took the piece of paper and shot a little fire ball at it.

"Everyone Follow me." Lupin said. We all followed him down the street trying not to bump into each other in the darkness. We finally stopped at a house, but we didn't go in it. We just waited their looking in the little space between the house we were on front of and the house next to it.

A couple minutes later a house appeared out of thin air, it was like it was there all along. We walked up into the house as quietly as we could. I was still in shock of seeing the house that I just stood there until someone gave a gentle shove forward.

When we got inside it looked like some kinda haunted house with creepy pictures that could move, and dark and quiet hallways. Well I thought it was quiet until I heard a shout from upstairs. `Wow, not even Inuyasha could scream that loud.' I couldn't hear what the shout was saying, but it probably wasn't good. I put Yume down from it's protective spot in my jacket.

Then I heard another screaming, somewhere close I could tell because I could hear every word of it.

"You lousy, rotten, dirty, stealing, conniving, little excuse for a man!" I heard the voice yell. It sounded like a mother yelling.


The voice got even louder as we neared a door. I had to cover my ears with my hand and wait for it to stop. We entered a kitchen, well at least that what it looked like. That's when I say a woman with bright red hair, a little stubby I must admit, but she looked like she was about ready to blow. Yume hid behind me as the lady screamed even more.

On front of her was a squat unshaven man in a tattered over coat. He had short bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair, and bloodshot eye, which was probably from drinking the beer in hid hand.

"I'm sorry Molly, there `as been nothin' wrong before, an' I just thought I could get away for a couple seconds." He said nervously.


*Cough Cough* Lupin gestured over to me as the two fighting people looked over to him.

"This is Kagome everyone." He said in a cheery voice, as if trying to make me forget about the fight.

"Why, hello dear!" The lady with red hair said.

"I'm Mrs. Weasley" She said while giving me a warm smile. She turned back to the person she was fighting with "that thing over there is Mundungus"

I smiled back not knowing what to do. Then I said "It's nice to meet both of you." I said with another smile. `If I smile anymore my mouth will fall off.' I thought.

"Dumbledore told us you would be here." She said while the guy named Mundungus decided to run out of the room.


Outside the kitchen I heard another voice scream.


I looked over to everyone else as I covered my ears with my hands once again. They all ran out of the room to end up in the room we were in before, the one with all the paintings.

`OMG! THE PICTURE IS TALKING AND MOVING!' I thought in my head. It was a picture of an old lady, screaming about her house.

Then a man in a black rode came up and tried to shut the curtains that were connected to the side of the painting.

"Shut up!" he roared at the picture.

After a couple minutes he finally got the picture to stop.

He turned to look at all the people watching him. His eyes finally landed on me.

"Hello Kagome, Dumbledore has told me so much about you." He said grimly.

"Um……Hi, who was that?" I asked him.

"Well, that was my mom." He said with a sneer as he said `mom'.

"Oh…" I said.

Then Mrs. Weasley beckoned all of the grown-ups into the kitchen for what she said was a meeting.

"Kagome dear, there are some kids your age upstairs, just go up and look into the rooms, you'll stumble in on some kids. Okay?"

"Um……okay" I said as I warily went up the stairs. Hoping that it could supports my weight. Yume looked up at me and snuggled next to my ankles. I picked him up and absently minded petted him.

Then I heard the screaming from when I first came again, but this time since I was already upstairs I could hear it fully. I gave the door next to me little knock on the door. The screaming stopped.

The door opened, but no one was on the other side. I warily stepped in afraid someone would jump me from behind. `Your getting paranoid Kag' I thought, as I looked around the room. The room was big, it had a lot of cabinets and portraits. There were also 4 beds. There were posters of people I've never seen before, all of them said something about Quidditch. I put Yume down so he could walk around.

I sighed as I was about to leave the room until I saw a full length mirror. I was a mess. My hair was all messed up, but everything other that my hair was okay. Since it would probably take a while to find the kids, I would have enough time to brush my hair.

I took out a brush that I always brought with me and in 2 seconds my hair was fixed. I sighed again as I left the room, but right when I crossed the door I found a girl who looked a year younger than me with red hair like Mrs. Weasleys hold out to grab my arm.

"Hi my name is Ginny." She said with a smile .

"Whoa, where did you come from?" I asked.

"Oh sorry about that I thought you were my mom and decided to hide." She said

"Oh, by the way my names Kagome, and this" I paused to pick up Yume. "Is Yume." I said finishing my sentence.

"Your mom sent me up here to find everyone and tell them there's a meeting, and that were not supposed to go downstairs." I said.

"Okay let's go get everyone else." She said in a cheery voice.

"Oh yeah I've been meaning to ask someone………who was upstairs yelling?" I asked with hesitation.

"Oh that was Harry he's really mad because no one has told him what has been going on in here." She said with a frown. We walked out of the room. Once we got out of the room Yume snuggled in my arms.

We walked down the hallway, and passed a couple of rooms. I once again heard the shouting.

"SO YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN THE MEETINGS, BIG DEAL! YOU'VE STILL BEEN HERE, HAVEN'T YOU? YOU'VE STILL BEEN TOGETHER! ME, I'VE BEEN STUCK AT THE DURSLEY…" Whatever he was saying was paused as I knocked on the door. Ginny didn't bother to wait for someone to open it.

When we got in I saw a girl with brown bushy hair, A boy with red scruffy hair, and a boy with dark color hair and a scar on his forehead. Ginny finally broke the silence by talking.

"Harry you don't have to scream." Ginny said with yet another frown.

"I'm sorry" the boy with the scar said.

"Anyway I'd like you all to meet Kagome; you know the girl mom said was coming."

"Nice to meet you Kagome, I'm Hermione" The girl with bushy hair said.

"I'm Ron." The boy with red hair said with a blush

"And I'm Harry Potter, but you probably already know that" the boys with the scar said.

"Hi It's nice to meet all of you." I said with a smile.

*~Ron's POV~*

`OMG, she's hot!' I thought as I looked at her. I was snapped out of my daze when Hermione introduced herself.

"I'm Ron" I said felling like a total idiot, as I felt a blush forming on my cheeks.

*~Kagome's POV~*

"Mrs. Weasley wanted me to tell you all that There's a meeting and no one's supposed to go downstairs." I said feeling guilty at their frowns.

"What kind of meeting are they doing?" I asked.

"Well it's about what's going to happen to Harry and Death Eaters, You-Know-Who, and Some other things that are top secret." Ron said almost as soon as I asked the question.

"Um……..Who is You-Know-who?" I asked a little embarrassed at how they looked at me as if I knew nothing.

"You don't know who he is?" Hermione asked in shock.

"No, I haven't known about magic until a couple of days ago. I'm starting as a fifth year, although it's going to be my first year staying there." I said as they looked at me surprised.

"You-Know-Who is Voldermort. He's killed more people than you can imagine, including my parents, I got my scar from him." Harry said with a sneer at his name .

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking." I said feeling guilty about bringing up the past.

"It's okay it happened along time ago." He said trying to make me fell at lest a little better.


"OMG what was that!" I said in surprise as I heard a loud noise coming from behind me.

"Whoa, who is she?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see two boys, `Wow are they twin?!?' I thought as a looked at the Hermione to help me.

Hermione must have gotten the hint and said "Fred George, this is Kagome" She said while pointing over to me.

"Kagome this is Fred and George." She said while pointing to the two boys in front of me.

"Pleased to meet such a beautiful lady as you." Fred said.

I must have been blushing because everyone started to laugh.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh yeah and this is little fox here is Yume" I said while pointing to the bundle in my arms.

*~2 Hours Later~*

I got to get to know everyone. Hermione, Ginny, and I became immediate friends.


Ginny got up to open the door. We then saw Mrs. Weasley there.

"Now all of you off to bed, Kagome there's another bed in Hermione's room. Have a good night sleep, oh and don't let the pixies bite." She said before she left.

"She really means `don't let the pixies bite' There are a lot of bugs here because no one's lived in it for about 10 years." Ron said.

We all left to go to our own rooms. I laid down on the extra bed in Hermione's room and snuggled in with Yume. From then on I fell into a blissful sleep.


Shippo's POV

`Mommy I'm coming' I thought as I jumped up out of the well. I knew how to go to kagome's house because once in a while she would take me with her for candy.

I ran into the house looking around for Kagome. I jumped up when I felt someone pick me up. I turned around and I saw her mom holding me.

"Are you looking for your mommy?" She asked. She knew who I was because Kagome introduced us.

"Yeah" I said with a sniffle.

"Kagome's not here right now sweetie, she's not going to be here for the next year." She said quietly.

"WHAT! She can't leave me!" I said with a little cry.

"Don't worry I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you come along." She said with a smile.

*~Kagomes Mom's POV~*

I looked at the cute little bundle I was holding.

"Don't worry I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came along." I said as an idea formed in my head. Shippo could go as her magical pet!

***Flash Back***

"If you really think Kagome needs something then just send it through Floo Powder to : 12 Grimmauld place, London." Hagrid said.

"Okay will Kagome be safe there? I haven't told her who'll she'll meet. She still thinks her fathers dead!" I said with a sigh.

"Don't Worry everything will be fine." Hagrid said as he stood up to leave with Kagome.

***End Flash Back***


*Kagome's POV*

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Hermione It's TOO early!!!!!!!!" I said in a mumble.

"Kagome come on Wake up! Harry's going to the ministry of magic today!" She said in a hurry.

At that I quickly shot up in bed and moved around to get dressed. I wore a Black tight pants, with a White shirts that had black long sleeves and the words `My way or the highway', and on the back of my shirt it said `a heart is not a play-thing, a heart is not a toy....but if you want it to be broken then give it 2 a boy.

Hermione was wearing light blue jeans, and a light blue shirt the said `Don't Frown, because you never now who could be falling in love with your smile.'

We ran down stairs just in time to see Harry go out the door to see the Ministry of Magic. He was on trial for doing underage magic, to defend himself from a dementor. (AN: If you've read the 5th book you'll understand, but if you didn't I'll tell ya in the story)

"Bye Harry and don't worry" Hermione and I said at the same time.

I turned to Hermione and said "He's gonna make it out right?" I asked unsure of myself".

"He Better" Hermione said.

We went back into the house and saw everyone come down to eat breakfast. We sat ourselves down. Fred and George sat down with us and looked at our shirts.

"Nice Shirts" George said while laughing out loud with Fred.


We all turned toward the Fireplace surprised to see a little kid in there.

"Mommy? Mommy where are you?" it said.

`Why is that voice so familiar??' I thought to myself.

The figure brushed himself off. And looked at us. His eyes landed on me. And screamed with joy.

"Mommy I found you! Inuyasha was so mean!" It cried while jumping onto me.

"Shippo? Shippo is that you!" I said as I stood up and hugged him too tightly.

"Kagome what is that?!?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

It's my adopted son, Shippo" She said introducing him to everyone.

"Who's Inuyasha?" Hermione asked.

"I'll tell ya later." I said.

`I'm gonna have to explain a whole lot!' I thought as everyone cooed and ahhed at Shippo.