InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Hogwarts? ❯ Sorting Hat ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Okay sry for not updating in so long. Right now, unlike the other authors, I have no written excuse because there is none. I was just to lazy. (Again)

Here are the poll results:

Kag/Harry **********

Kag/Draco ****

Kag/Oliver *


Kag/Inuyasha **

Okay thank you guys for voting, but now the polls are over. It's now officially a Kag/Harry Fanfic. Okay I know I haven't been putting Shippo and Yume in the story too much because I keep forgetting that their there. Okay well that's all I have to say.

Okay here's the next Chapter.


*Chapter 7*

*Kagome's POV*

I woke up suddenly when the damn alarm went off. I had this sudden urge to throw it out of the window, but resisted because it wasn't mine. I was going to lay back down when someone rudely kept shoving me.

"Kagome!!!! Wake up! We have to get ready to go!" Hermione yelled out in my ear.

`Oh MY GOD! Were late?!?' I thought franticly as I ran to one of the many closets in the room and threw on anything. After that I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and what not.

When I was finally finished running around trying to get ready I noticed Hermione just sitting on the bed watching me with a little twinkle in her eye.

"HERMIONE! What are you sitting around for were late!!!!" I practically screamed at her.

"Its 7:30" She said calmly as I looked at her through narrowed eyes.

"Hermione ….Run," Was all I could say without blowing.

Just like that she sped out of the room as if she were being chased by lions, which wasn't much of a difference because Kagome looked about ready to explode.

As I ran down the stairs I stopped, while watching her run down the stairs into the kitchen and probably into the backyard to escape my rage.

"1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8̷ 0;9…10…" I counted trying to let off my annoyance. She woke me up at 7:30!! `No self respecting human would wake up that early!' I thought.

"Hi Kagome," I turned around to see Harry standing behind me.

"Hi, what are you doing up?" I asked because he looked like he could get in a couple more hours of sleep.

"I heard screaming and I thought you got hurt," He said with a little blush forming on his cheeks, and his ears were tinted pink.

"Oh Sorry about that! We didn't mean to wake anyone up." I said feeling a little guilty about thinking how many more people we woke up.

"It's okay, I didn't want to be late anyway." He said

"Lets go eat some breakfast first." He said as we headed toward the stairs.

*Harry's POV*

When we reached the end of the stairs, I saw Kreacher coming out of a hidden door in the wall muttering things about the witched and wizards living here.

"Filthy mud bloods, unworthy little brats…….." Kreacher let the rest of the sentence slide when he stopped in front of us. He was staring at Kagome, which I didn't like one bit.

I could tell Kagome felt uncomfortable around him.

"Go somewhere else Kreacher," I said while stepping in front of her and holding her hand

"Rotten little brats, no respect, if only the mistress were here," Kreacher said while walking off into another piece of the house.

"Thanks" Kagome said shyly with a very noticeable blush after stepping from behind Harry's back, but not letting go of his hand.

"No problem, Kreacher's been bugging everyone lately." I said while trying to ignore the little thoughts in his head.

`You like her don't you?' The little voice began.

`…. So?' I thought to myself.

`Why don't you tell her?' The voice said.

`If you don't someone else will get in the way.' The little voice nagged.

`….will you just go away!?!' I thought aggravated.

`What are you talking about I'm you!' It said back.

`Oh great I've gone crazy.' I thought miserably, but my misery turned into a blush on my cheeks when I noticed we were still holding hands. Neither one of us looked like we were going to let go.

I looked at her face. She was blushing too, while finding her the floor suddenly very interesting. `She's beautiful' I thought as we continued to walk down the corridor hand-in-hand.

We walked the way in silence, both afraid to say anything.

We finally made it to the kitchen, everyone turned to look at us. We immediately dropped our hands, which in turn brought little chuckles from the grown-ups and laughter from the Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Etc.

"Aww you two look cute together!" Tonks said laughing along with everyone else.

I looked over to Kagome. We both had identical blushes. My whole face went bright red with embarrassment, and so did Kagome's.

"It's not what it looks like!" Kagome said in defense even thought her blush deepened. That set off another round of laughs.

"Jeez these people laugh to much!" she whispered over to me.

When the laughter finally died out we went to find a seat. Kagome went over to sit between Hermione and Ginny, While I walked over in the same direction to sit between Ron and Fred.

(AN: Here is how they sat:

I know that doesn't look like a table, but just pretend


| |

George| |

| |

Fred | | Ginny

| |

Harry | | Kagome

| |

Ron |________ | Hermione

Okay there)

*Kagome's POV*

"Hey Hermione, What time does the train leave?" I asked her.

"I'm pretty sure that it leaves at 11:00, well at least that's when it usually ends." She said.

"What house are you guys in?" I asked just to get an idea.

"Gryffindor," They all said in unison.

"Wow. All of you?!?" I asked in shock.

"Yup!" Ron said while taking huge bites of food in his mouth.

"Eww! Ron what did I say about table manners! Your disgusting!" Hermione said while taking her eyes away from the gruesome site.

"Fine Fine alright I'll be good," He said with a stubborn sigh and the roll of his eye.

Hermione just stuck out her tongue as if she were a 5 year old again.

After breakfast, well if you still had any appetite after you saw Ron eat, we all had to get ready because the train left in an hour and it took about 30 minutes to get there.

We all went to our separate rooms to get our stuff. When I got to my room I found the sleeping kitsunes on my bed still, well at least one was sleeping and that one was Shippo. Yume jumped onto my shoulder as Shippo would.

Hermione already had gotten her stuff downstairs along with everyone else. `I'm I the only one left?' I thought as I dragged my trunk down the hall way.

"Do you need help Kagome?" I turned around to see Harry standing there.

"Well I could use some help," I said hesitantly " but I'm okay" I said finishing off just in case he didn't want to.

"I'll help you." He said with a slight blush.

"Thanks," I said with the tiniest of blushes. `Why do I keep blushing so much!' `This blushing in getting really annoying.'

`Well, he is sweet and cute' I thought. With yet another blush.

We made it downstairs pretty fast. Everyone was already loading into the car when we arrived.

"Come on Kagome, Harry we thought something happened to you guys." George said with a wink.

That set us both off with blushes.

"Whatever," Harry said.

While trying to squeeze in the tiny car. I felt something moving in my arms and I looked down. Shippo was waking up.

"Mommy?" He asked sleepily.

"Where are we?" He asked through have closed eyes.

"Were going to Hogwarts now." I said while smiling down at him.

"Really! Were going now!" He said wide awake.

"Yup, but you have to be a good little boy until we get there." I said with a little laugh as he pouted.

The rest of the car ride was in silence, each of us were in our own thoughts. `What if I don't get into Gryffindor?' `What if I make a fool of myself.' `This is my first year and I'm going as a 5th year!' `I don't know anything about Magic' I thought with a little frown.

Harry must have noticed my frown because he reached over to hold my hand and give it a comforting squeeze with a smile. I smile back. Luckily no one noticed. `At least I won't be alone there.' I thought as we entered the King's Cross.

"Okay guys were here." Mr. Weasley said, He was driving.

"Everyone out!" He said.

"Mommy are we there yet?" Shippo said sleepily from my arms.

"Not yet, were only at the train station." I said to him as he jumper from my arms to the ground where Yume was and started running around.

"Okay Come on Everyone get your stuff and head towards the platform, It leaves in 15 minutes!" Mr. Weasley called out to everyone.

I got my stuff from the back of the car and walked over to the others. They started toward the Platform. I was walking next to Harry.

"Harry?" I said.

"Yes?" He said back

"I don't see Platform Nine and Three-Quarters." I said looking around confused.

"Oh don't worry, It's a magical platform. I'll show ya when we get there." He said with a smile.

"Oh okay." I said still slightly confused.

We walked down the station. We finally stopped at a one of the columns that held the room up.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Hermione.

"This is the platform." She said.

"How could this be a platform?" I asked looking at the brink column.

"Oh, sorry I forgot you haven't been here before. All you have to do is walk straight through the wall, and then there are going to be a lot of kids and a train that says Hogwarts Express." She said trying to explain it.

"Okay everyone, Fred and George you go first." Mr. Weasley said.

"Gotcha," Both twins said while running through the wall and going through it as if it weren't even there.

"Whoa," I said. Harry must have heard me because. He gave my hand a little squeeze and said, " I'll help you if you want." With a blush.

"Thanks." I said relief filling me. `What If I hit the wall instead of go through it?' I thought a little wary of going through it.

"Mr. Weasley, can I go with Kagome because it's her first time going through." Harry asked shyly.

"Oh yes, I forgot. Yes Harry you can go with Kagome." Mr. Weasley said with a smile.

"Okay Ron, Hermione go through." He said while turning to them.

"Okay," Hermione said while they walked/ran to the barrier.

"Harry, Kagome you guys go. Kagome all you have to do is run through it. Okay? Try not to think about it so much." Mr. Weasley said with an encouraging smile.

"Um, okay" I said even though I didn't want to.

`What if I hit the wall?!' I thought.

"Come on Kagome." Harry said softly as we walked to the barrier. Harry grabbed my hand again, and gave it a little squeeze. I smile at him. We both walked through the barrier.

`Whoa' `I didn't hit the wall!' `Harry's so nice. Not to mention cute.' I thought with a little blush forming on my cheeks.

"Thanks," I said while smiling at him. We walked over to where everyone else was loading there luggage and put ours there along with the others.

"Hermione, Don't you and Ron have to watch over the kids." Harry said.

"Oh yes, Come one Ron. Get your Prefect badge on." She said while walking over to me, she said, " Well just be over there," She said pointing over to where the other kids were loading onto the Train. "don't worry well be with you guys in a minute." She said finishing her sentence.

"Okay, just one thing. What's a Prefect?" I asked her a little embarrassed.

"Oh we just have to help people like the first years. Were sorta like supervisors." She said trying to explain it to me.

"Oh okay." I said.

"You guys better get into a seat before the train leaves." She said while walking off.

"Shippo? Come here." I said while watching Shippo and Yume walk over to me.

"Yes Mamma?" Shippo asked.

"I'm going to let you walk around, but you have to be on the train." I said knowing that they would do something pretty evil to people that they didn't like.

"YAY!" Shippo squealed. While running off to somewhere.

"BE careful!" I said while watching them run onto the train, while tripping some people.

`I hope they don't do anything too drastic.' I thought.

"Hey Kagome come on I found a seat for us." Harry said while running up to me.

"Okay," I said while following him trough a crowd of people. We boarded the train. While I walked I saw people from different Houses. Some of them looked mean, some looked nice. Harry stopped at one of the doors that lead to the train seats.

Ginny was already there when we got there. Harry and I sat ourselves down.

"Hi Kagome," Ginny said with smile.

"Hi," I said back

"What house do you think your going to make?" Ginny asked, she was probably hoping that I'd be in Gryffindor, and so did I.

"I'm not sure, but I really hope that I don't get Slytherin" I said.

"Don't worry about that part. I don't think there's anyway for you to get Slytherin." Ginny said as if it were that obvious.

"Thanks," I said with a giggle.

All of the sudden the door flung open to reveal a boy about the same age as me. He had platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. (AN: I have no idea what-so-ever what his eye color is.) There were also two boys following him as if he were their ruler.

"Oh it's just you potter." The boy spit Harry's last name out as if there were something fowl.

"What do you want Malfoy." Harry said, anger was evident in his voice.

"Nothing about you, I just wanted to know if the rumors were true." He said while looking over to me.

"I see they are," he said while looking at me from head to toe. "I was told there was a beautiful new student coming to our school."

"but I didn't think that she'd be with you" He sneered at Harry then turned back to me.

He walked towards me.

"Wouldn't you like to come with us, I mean you wouldn't want to be seen with the golden trio. Come on now." He said

"Hm……Maybe if you put a little make-up on you'd be able to be My girlfriend." He said with a little thought.

Harry must have gotten mad at that because at that he jumped on front of me and said, "YOU GET AWAY FROM HER! YOU'RE NOT WANTED HERE, BESIDES SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND! I LIKE HER!" Harry said anger and venom filling his every word.

I felt a blush coming onto my cheeks, and so did Harry.

`Oh my god! Did he just say what I think he said!' I thought franticly. Even though secretly I wished it were.

"Sure, like you could even get a girl to talk to you, come on Crabbe, Goyle." He said while walking off to probably terrorize someone else.

"Um…I think I'll go now." Ginny said while winking over to me, which in turn made my cheeks burn. She walked out and closed the door.

Harry just stood there for a couple minutes probably trying to figure out what just happened. Then he turned to me with what must be the biggest reddest blush I've ever seen.

"I I I ……." He tried to make out what he was trying to say, but instead stuttered.

"Did you really mean what you said?" I asked softly and shyly, while looked down at my feet. With a blush on my cheeks.

He waited a few minutes before answering. Those minutes seem to come out as hours. The only sound in the small little room was our breathing.

"Yes," he said, his voice barely came above a whisper.

I let out a breath I didn't know that I'd been holding. I was relieved! Before I knew what I was doing I ran over and hugged him holding him tight as if I were afraid I loose him.

*Harry's POV*

I felt her small figure run up and latch her arms around my waist. First I was surprised, but that surprise vanished as it was quickly replaced by happiness.

I held her around the waist, burying my head into her hair. She smelt like Jasmine and sweet flowers. I pulled back a little enough to see her face.

I looked down at her, she was so beautiful. Her eyes were shining with joy and her cheeks looked like they were on fire.

"I um… I…" She tried to struggle to say what I wanted to say earlier.

Suddenly she gave up what she was trying to say and brought her lips up to mine in a gentle, but firm kiss. At first I was stunned, and couldn't move until my brain registered what had happened.

*Kagome's POV*

`His lips are so soft.' I thought dreamily as he started kissing back. Sub consciously I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We soon broke the kiss because we needed to breath sometime. We were both panting and had the worlds biggest blush.

"So, does that mean you'll be my girlfriend," he asked a little shy.

"Of coarse, and you didn't have to ask," I said with a smile while burying my head in his chest.

We sat down on the seat again, but this time me on his lap snuggling and him holding me. `I wish we could stay like this forever' I thought happily as I snuggled deeper into him.

We stayed like that for the rest of the train ride, until we heard a knock on the door.

"Were about to enter Hogwarts." The voice said and moved on to another room.

We both reluctantly got up from our more than comfortable spot, and slipped our robes on our clothes. I felt the train slow down to a stop. I was nervous. Harry must have seen felt my nervousness and gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"Don't worry you'll be fine, I'll be right there with you," He said giving short kiss in the lips. (AN: Kagome is still on his lap)

The door suddenly opened. There stood a very very tired looking Ron, Hermione, and Ginny along with two very sorry looking foxes. Then their tired faces were replaced by ones of laughter when they saw our position.

"Did we miss something?" Ron asked trying to contain his laughter along with Hermione and Ginny, they were really bad at doing that because a few seconds later the burst out laughing.

Harry and I must have reached a record for the biggest and most blushes.

They kept laughing, but we didn't get up until we heard people getting of the train. Yume and Shippo just ran out of the train, before I got a chance to scolded them for whatever they did. We were walking hand-in-hand until Hermione Snatched me away.

"Don't worry Harry, I just need to borrow your girlfriend for a sec." she said while giggling.

Ginny and Hermione brought me to an empty space, while Ron and Harry stood there trying to guess what we were saying.

"Sooooooo, care to tell us what happened when I left?" Ginny asked trying to suppress her giggles.

"Well nothing really," I said trying to cover my blush.

"Sure, If that were true then you wouldn't be blushing as much," Hermione said with yet more giggling.

"Fine fine, you caught me," I said while filling them in on what happened.

*5 Minutes Later*

"Wow, that's so cute!" Ginny squealed.

Just them Harry Ran up to us.

"Come on guys there letting people into the castle now." He said while going to stand next to me. He held my hand and we walked a little.

Ron came up a few minutes later.

We started heading toward the castle

Then we saw Hagrid coming from the castle just standing there.

"Hi Hagrid," Hermione said while walking over to him.

"Hi guys, it's nice to see yer again," He said while looking at all of us.

"You guys better be gettin' to the castle now," he said while walking toward the castle with us.

When we finally got inside I heard an old lady call my name.

She had her gray-ish hair tied back into a neat bun, and had an elegant green robe on.

"I'm Professor McGonagall, you will have to get sorted with the first years, and then go with the fifth years." She said while shooing Harry and the others to the dining Room (AN: I have no idea what-so-ever what they call it.

Before Harry left he said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine." While giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"okay," I whispered quietly when he left.

`What if I don't get into Gryffindor?' I thought. `Even worse what if I get into Slytherin!' I had all these thoughts about where I would go. I looked oddly miss placed with all the first years.

"Okay everyone you're going to walk through those doors and when I call your name you'll go up to the stool that will be there and sit with the sorting hat on." Professor McGonagall said, while interrupting my thoughts.

All of the sudden the doors opened and there was clapping. We all walked up the isle between the long wooden tables. Starngly enough there was a hat on the stool, it looked like it had a mouth and two eyes, but then again I could just be imagining it. Then all of the sudden the hat broke into a song.

(AN: sry guys I don't know what the hat said the book because I some how lost it. So I'm using the one from the fourth or third year.)

"A thousand years or more ago,

When I was newly sewn,

There lived our wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin, from fen,

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,

They hatched a daring plan

To educate young sorcerers

Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders

Formed their own house, for each

Did value different virtues

In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were

Prized far beyond the rest;

For Ravenclaw, the cleverest

Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were

Most worthy of admission;

And power-hungry Slytherin

Loved those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide

Their favorite from the throng,

Yet how to pick the worthy ones

When they were dead and gone?

`Twas Gryffindor who found the way,

He whipped me off his head

The founders put some brains in me

So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,

I've never yet been wrong,

I'll have a look inside your mind

And tell where you belong."

After the hat finished talking everyone broke out clapping. `Whoa the hat is going to read my mind?!' I thought as I looked over to the table Harry and the others were at.

Luckily Shippo and Yume were with them to prevent them from doing any harm. The only people I didn't see was Fred and George. `There probably trying to sell there joke shop candy.

"Madley, Laura!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out.

The girl sat on the stool while professor McGonagall put the hat on her head. A couple seconds later the hat called out "Hufflepuff!"

More people went up and got down to the tables they were sorted into.

"Higurashi, Kagome!" She heard her name being called.

`oh my god! I'm so nervous!' I thought as I seated my self onto the tiny stool.

`Well this is it!'
