InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's love got to do with it? ❯ What's love got to do with it? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What's love got to do with it?

Disclaimer: I own nuttin but plot, Rumiko Takahashi owns our beloved Inuyasha.

Hey Lella Here, I would like to dedicate this to all my friends ( Especially 2 in particular).

PS: For any1 who reads my beyblade fics, sorry for the long awaited sequal for the kai interview, been busy with this burst of new stori's but I garrante you won't be disapointed so keep in touch!

NOW time for the Fic! R&R

Chapter 1! The Love Bug ^_~

How do you tell if love is love or just a joke?

Kagome woke upt o a warm bright sky, she stretched the feeling of sleep off as the birds chirped at her window. She was glad to see it was the weekend and she didn't have to worry about missing school while she was away in the feudal era.

As she was getting out of bed Buyo came to greet her.

" Morning Buyo, you hungry?"

The cat purred as kagome ran down to the kitchen, and poured the cat food into a bowl, she then got out her own breakfast as well. The rest of the family soon joined her.

"Morning dear, up so early?"

"Yeah mom, I was just getting ready to go to the feudal era."

"Young Lady, don't you ever take a brake?"

Kagome giggled.

"Sorry not this weekend Gramps, by the way where's Sota?"

"I let him sleep in a bit, he was up playing games last night."

"O well, if anyone needs me I'll be in my room."

Kagome sprinted up the staires to her room, and turned on her sterio to Britany Spears 'Everytime' . She hummed to the tune as she soaked in the tub, thinking.

"Baths, what a wonderful thing.Peaceful and soothing"

Not wanting to waste too much time, she soon got out, packed her bags and, did her hair into her usual style. She was now ready for her days adventure.

She yelled bye to her family as she left and rushed down the well. As she jumped out she accidently landed on a sleeping Inuyasha's head. Immediantly he jumped up cursing.

"What the hell are you trying to do wench, kill me!"

Kagome then remembered about Inuyasha and realized that her day would be longer than she thought, but she also remembered that she should of been used to it by now, She took a deep breath and got ready to argue with the headstrong Youkai.

"How was I supposed to know you were napping here!"

"Well would it kill ya to look before you leap!, Kikyo was way more graceful."

With that Kagome became even more upset and headed for Kaede's.

" Hello to you too, Inuyasha!!!" She screamed as she left.

Kagome couldn't understand why Inuyasha was so Naive!

"Kagome, over here!'

She then looked up to see Sango, and Shippo beckoning her with Kirara following close behind them. Kagome ran over to greet them forgetting all about the fight she and Inuyasha previously had. She looked around and noticed that something was missing.

"Hey guys"

Shippo ran up and jumped into Kagomes arms.

"Kagome, You were gone so long. I'm so glad to see you."

" Thanx Shippo..... Where's Miroku? Is'nt he usually with you guys?"

Sango pretended to not remember their previous mentioned friend, then answered.

"Oooooh, now I remember. You mean the Lecher? He's with Kaede working on a new subdueing spell. Something to keep away Naraku's killer bee's."

They soon got caught up talking about how they hate the way men act. They also gave Shippo tips, warning him about becoming a gentlemen and not grow up to be as sick minded as most men were.

Inuyasha got up from thinking and left to find something to do. Thoughts of Kikyo and Kagome flooding through his mind. He walked silently into the hut and went straight to the corner.

"Why Inuyasha, what's ailing ye? Ye looks rather forsaken today."

"Yes Inuyasha, Why the sirene face?"

Kaede and Miroku asked him with concern trailing the tone in their voices.

He quickly snapped out of his trans snapped back to normal.

"Nothin's wrong with me! Mind yur own business will ya!!"

Kaede looked away in a why'd I even bother look and sighed.

"Whatever ye say Inuyasha."

he continued to ignore the two and plopped himself down. Miroku noticed he was acting strangley and took it upon himself to approach him on it.

"Excuse me Kaede, Inuyasha is something troubleing you?"

"I already told you Houshi, It's nothing!"

"Come on Inuyasha, you can tell me."

"Leave me alone will ya, I'm fine!!!"

"ok then, I guess you don't wanna talk about it."

"Geeze Monk couldn't you have figured that out sooner?!"

"Did something happen between you and Kagome?"

"Why, just because I'm angry, it has to be something about Kagome and me? Well it isn't"

" Calm down Inuyasha, I was just asking that's all.''

Kagome and the others came giggling in, as Shippo caught Kagome up to speed of what had happened while she was away.

"Hey Kaede, I just wanted to give these to you."

"O? What are these child?"

"They're just some bandanges, medicine, and snacks. Oh yeah, and the cream's for Shippo's scrape on the knee."

"Ye are too kind, Kagome."

" Oh believe me, it's nothing , I'm coming back later ok? Bye everyone."

kagome didn't even stop for a break the headed towards the door.

"Leaving so soon Kagome? You just came?"

" Afraid so Sango, I've got a couple of things to do before the weekends out."


Miroku then noticed Inuyasha look up for the first time since he came in and nuged Shippo. Inuyasha's expression made them both curious as to what was going on, but they decided to leave things alone. Inuyasha then got up and left behind Kagome. As she approached the well he reached out and tugged her back by her shirt.

"Hey what are you, Inuyasha, let go of me!"

Kagome pulled as much as she could but couldn't escape the hanyou's grasp. She had half a mind to Sit him, but then realized that if she did she'd go with him and didn't bother.She was still upset about earlier.

"No way are you going anywhere with that much of the shikon shards, you might loose'em!"

" Well, if you'd let go of me I could get them for you!"

"I'm not fallin for that, you Wench! I don't get fooled that easily!"

They continued to pull back, and forth when Kagome fell. Inuyasha quickly caught her.

She fell straight into inuyasha's arms like they were doing a tango. Neither of them wanted to admit how good it felt. A silence past over and everything went still for that moment, then kagome

pulled away, picked up her bag, and headed for the well.

As she pulled away her ring slipped off into inuyasha's hand.

Inuyasha yelled after her.

"Kagome, wait! What about your ring!"

Kagome sat at the end of the edge of the well, answered, then jumped down.

"It's ok Inuyasha, besides I trust you with it till I get back, don't loose it now."

Inuyasha watched as she vanished and let out a lil'smirk.

"See you soon Kagome"

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I Finally have the first chapter done, I hope the character's aren't too out of character now.

I also hope it wasn't too boring and I'm glad your even still reading to this point, it's my first sort of romance or inuyasha fict I've made so far. Keep in touch for the next chapter also I might finnish it up then, you never know right? See ya's laterz

Thank you again guys, Please Review!