InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Right In Front Of You ❯ Notes In the Locker ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It had been a week since Sunny decided to let go of
Grace. She had been doing well, the burden in her heart had been lifted, she was free.
She did her locker comination. Just before she got to the last number Kagome opened her locker. Kagome's locker was next to Sunny's and so was some boy she knew in science. Sunny put in the last number of her comination and opened her door.
A piece of paper landed on to the floor. Sunny eyed
it suspisiously then picked it up.


You and Kagome are to meet me at the gym entrance after school. Inportant information is needed to be discusted.


'SESSHOUMARU!?!' Sunny thought, her eyes were all bugged out, 'WHAT THE HELL COULD HE WANT?'

"You got the note too?" Kagome asked.

"What could he posibly want to talk about?!? Why me? Why today!?! Why him?" was Sunny's response.

"I don't know. But I'm betting it has to do with Inuyasha."

"Maybe he's gonna ask you out."

"Yeah, and my blood is popcorn and cotton candy and money, oh and a big screen t.v." she sarcasticly said, "Where do you go off saying that?"

"Just a sujestion."

"My ass."

The two floated through classes like ghosts that day, when the bell rang, the two jumped off their chairs.

They met Sesshoumaru at the entrance of the gym, just like the note said. They went to the loby of the school and started walking out the school. They started walking.

"So..." Sunny started, "what is it that you need to talk about? Food, classes, music, sports..."