InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Yours ❯ So Long... ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…or any Inuyasha characters.
Disclaimer: Song used - “I Can't Make You Love Me” written by Mike Reid and Allen Shamblin, recorded by Bonnie Raitt. (listen to this song while reading. It really makes it that much better.)
I just wanted to let everyone know, I'm never going to finish this story. However, I just wanted to put up this one chapter that I'm actually quite fond of. I wanted to let everyone who ever actually liked this terrible story of mine, to read something actually worth reading. And that's this chapter.
This is about what was supposed to happen between Inuyasha and Kikyo once he finally decided to leave her for Kagome.
Unrequited love has always been something that I have a soft spot for, and this is the chapter dedicated to all that love someone who doesn't feel the same. To you.
Inuyasha knocked on Kikyo's door softly, trying to push further back the pain he knew he'd soon cause.
I'm such a son of a bitch. He thought forlornly. Why couldn't I just get the fuck over Kagome? She was gone for eight damn years. I didn't know how she was for fucking four, and I find this wonderful woman…and I may potentially break her heart. He sighed dejectedly. I couldn't get over Kagome because she's the other half of my soul. Fuck that. She is my soul, and my entire world. No regrets, Inuyasha. I want to be with Kagome, and I'll never regret the fact that I never stopped loving her. I'm sorry, Kikyo. But, I want to give Kagome the same happiness she gives to me. I want to be truly happy...and I know that one day, you'll know what that word means, too.
He heard her light footsteps and waited with baited breath for her to open the door. When he heard the doorknob turn, he took a deep breath in.
Here we go…
Kikyo shuffled around trying to get ready. She knew what was coming. She had felt them growing apart ever since Kagome's arrival approximately eight months prior. She couldn't even figure out how they had lasted as long as they had. She had expected this for quite some time, and when he had replied to her I love you with a very hesitant Is it okay if I come over? I need to talk to you about something, she made sure to brace her heart for the impact that their split would cause. However, she hadn't ended it sooner because she was willing to take whatever it was he had to offer. Was it silly? Sure. Was it foolish? Probably. Would she regret it? Never. No matter what anyone may every think, she truly did love him. And she enjoyed their three years together…so much so that she would forever hold it close to her heart.
Knock Knock.
Her head twisted swiftly to the closed door, her eyes suddenly shining with unshed tears.
No, she told herself, he'll smell your tears, and then he won't be able to tell you that it's over. He won't be able to be with the one he actually wants to be with…you will not cry.
As she blinked her tears away, not letting a single one drop, she walked slowly to the door, trying to hold off the inevitable. She gripped the doorknob tightly, reminding herself one last time to not shed tears.
She twisted the knob and saw the man she loved with all of her heart standing there with so many mixed emotions in his eyes.
“Hey, Kikyo…” Inuyasha said so quietly, it was almost a whisper. He then placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and let her take his hand and lead him inside.
“So, what did you want to talk about, baby?” Kikyo asked as she led him to the couch.
Turn down the lights
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close
Don't patronize
Don't patronize me
Inuyasha grasped both of her hands once they were situated on the couch and looked into her eyes.
“Kikyo,” he started, “I don't think you know how much I truly care about you.” She took note of how he didn't say love. “And I don't like how I've been handling this situation for the past few months. You deserve to know the truth about my feelings.” He sighed, let go of her hands, stuffed his hands in his pockets, walked over to her floor to ceiling windows and peered outside. “You will find someone that will be so much better for you than I am. He will excel over me in ways I can't even imagine. He should be the one you give your heart to…not me.”
I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't
No, you won't
`Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
Kikyo walked sadly over to his slumped figure and placed her body between his and the window, forcing him to look into her eyes.
“…you don't love me.” She was greatly surprised at how she didn't choke out a sob in the middle of her sentence. “I mean, you don't love me…the way I love you…right?” She searched his eyes for an answer when he didn't vocalize one.
He lowered his head in shame. “I'm so sorry, Kikyo. I'm so so sorry.”
“Shh, Inuyasha. You don't have to be sorry.” She told him, as her eyes finally let go of the tears she had worked so hard to keep in. “It's not your fault.” She turned her body away from his to stand next to him, both of them, looking out the window. “We are not in control of who our hearts choose to love. We are not powerful enough for that, and because of that, I do not blame you. Our hearts pick the ones they want to devote themselves to, and sadly for me, I am not the one your heart has chosen. But it isn't your fault, so I don't think you need to be sorry…” She turned to look at him with tears now freely falling down her face. “It's Kagome though, right? She is the one your heart longs for, I mean.”
I'll close my eyes
Then I won't see
The love you don't feel when you're holding me
Morning will come and I'll do what's right
Just give me `til then to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight
He looked at her with sorrow in his gaze before he nodded. “I tried to get over her, Kikyo. I swear to all the gods above that I did. But, even after eight years, my love for her has only grown. And for that, I apologize deeply because I know that I've hurt you.”
Kikyo shook her head persistently. “No…well, yes, it does hurt me, but don't be sorry. You two are meant for each other, you know? And I've accepted that already, so I really think that you should, too. And, it really isn't that much of a surprise. Your story is a beautiful one.” She stopped for a moment to grasp his hands in hers. “One day, I wish to be able to feel what you two feel for each other. I would like to be able to experience what loving another with my whole being feels like. No matter how much I love and care for you, it cannot compete with how much you love Kagome. Or to how much she loves you back. If it helps, I will accept your apology for hurting me, but I know you aren't sorry for wanting to finally be with Kagome after all these years…nor should you be. After today, we will go on and live our separate lives, and one day, our paths may cross again. And who knows what will have happened by then? All I know is, I will find happiness. I will find love. And I will find neither in you, for you have found them in another.” She paused to take a deep breath, calming herself.
`Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't
No, you won't
`Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
“So with that said…live a full and happy life with the woman you want to spend it with. You have my blessing and you should never again feel guilty about what has transpired here.” She pulled him by the hand to the front door. After she opened the door, she stood on the tips of her toes and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't
No, you won't
`Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
“Kikyo…” he whispered quietly. “Thank you. For this, for loving me, for giving me three years of your life…thank you for everything.”
With a teary smile and a lasting embrace, she bid him farewell.
Softly uttered words were taken away by the breeze from the open window. “Good-bye, Inuyasha…”
I hope I was able to touch some part deep in your heart that makes you feel truly sympathetic towards all that have ever felt the pain of unrequited love.
I hope that no one is too upset that I will never finish this story.
I hope you'll continue to read my work in the future…if there is any?
I love you, readers! Review?(: