InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What she wants ❯ What she want pt. 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Her voice cracked as she pleaded, humiliation and need mingling to nudge her deeper into his control. Never before had anyone even offered to tame her wild passions. Was it possible Inuyasha Takahashi could be that man? Suddenly and very definitely, Kagome hoped he would be as the flame inside her ignited again. Reaching toward him, she leaned in to kiss those wonderful lips of his.
But once more, Inuyasha leaned back on his heels, his hands still holding her head, forcing her to stretch upward to look into his eyes. Kagome knew he would see the wildcat in her eyes, the animal that lived deep in her psyche, feral and untamed in the ways of love. She understood his intent was to slow her down, to bank her fires, allowing them to roar into a blaze only when he commanded them to and not before. The understanding almost drove her to the edge.
Abruptly Inuyasha rose, pulling her to her feet. He left her blouse half on and half off, placing her in the middle of the room before returning to sit on the loveseat, reclining much as he had earlier. Only this time, he rested his arms along the back and stretched his long legs comfortably into the room, making himself quite at home.
“Undress for me.”
Suddenly being deprived of his touch disoriented her for a moment. She took a deep breath and refocused her eyes even as her spirit responded to the command in his voice. She'd done stripteases before for lovers, but always in fun and passion. What this man wanted, however, was something different and she knew it. In spite of herself and the game she had started, she blushed.
Her arms, still confined by the blouse, floundered a moment as she fought free of the garment, finally maneuvering it into a position where she could just rip it off over her head in one quick pull. But when she looked at him and saw the hunger of the predator in his deep amber eyes it dangled loosely from her fingers.
He would devour her, she realized. Those passionate kisses earlier, and now the removal of her clothes, baring her body to him, layer by layer, were just the first steps. To vamp for time and gather her wits, Kagome righted her top and folded it neatly, setting it carefully on the bright orange chair. She turned from him a bit, trying to hide her blush as her heart leapt.
Inuyasha nodded and gave her a small smile before indicating she should continue. With each item she removed, she bared more and more of her psyche as well as her body. Beneath his pants, Kagome saw his cock stir at her conflicting emotions of willingness and humiliation.
Reaching behind, she unzipped the tight pants, pushing the leather slowly down over her hips. She could not take her eyes from him, her cheeks burned as she removed another layer of civility. But too late, she remembered her shoes. The pants would never fit over them. And they needed to be unlaced before they would come off.
Biting her lip and bending in embarrassment to have her “dance” turn so clumsy, Kagome quickly unlaced the shoes and flung the laces around her ankles, slapping the thin lines against her skin in her hurry. She didn't even feel their sting as she finished and stepped down off the height the heels had given her.
With the shoes off, the pants went quickly so all that remained was her thong. Her lip still caught between her teeth, she hesitated a moment, her thumbs hooked into the sides as she threw a glance in his direction.
He sat with his arms still thrown out along the back of the couch, the very picture of a man taking his ease and enjoying the view. How easy it had been for him to unnerve her. At his nod, she understood he wanted the thong off as well.
Kagome wanted to fling it at him. Who did he think he was… calling her a hooker and then bringing her flowers… and what was she doing melting all over him like milk chocolate on a hot afternoon? Where was her dignity? Her pride? Her chin came out and her jaw sat as she stood, naked in the sunlight.
“Kagome, you are one heck of a sexy woman, do you know that?”
She opened her mouth to protest, and then closed it without saying a word. Hadn't she planned to yell at him for something? What was it?
Inuyasha stood up, unbuttoning his shirt as he rose. His smooth chest shone with a thin shimmer of sweat from the warm apartment and the woman who heated it up. Muscular, but not muscle-bound, the ripples of his abdomen made a double row of corded strength.
But he did not give Kagome time to stare, advancing on her with the same catlike grace she had used earlier. “Stay still,” he commanded her as he circled her, examining her naked body and debating which part he would consume first.
He noticed the tears of humiliation in Kagome's eyes and how her hands balled into fists at her sides, doubting she had ever been treated the way before. He noticed that she held her breath, anxiety and arousal building in her as he continued to circle.
The knotted shoulders and clenched fists told him he was pushing her into places she had never been. If he commanded her to spread her legs, she would do so eagerly and he knew she would be wet. He did not give the command. To do so would push her too fast. There would be time for that later.
Quickly he stripped of his pants, letting his cock loose. The shaft stretched long and hard, and ached to sink into the warmth hidden under that tuft of dark hair on her mound. A part of him demanded he hurry things along and give the tensions coiling in his belly the release they needed.
But waiting would make the experience all the sweeter. Reaching down, he pulled a clean white handkerchief from the pocket of his pants. Such a simple thing, really…and yet such a wonderful instrument of torture. Stepping behind her, he pressed his chest to her back enjoying the warmth of her naked body in the heat of the summer afternoon. His cock brushed the smooth skin of her ass and Inuyasha relished the sweet agony.
“Let me blindfold you, Kagome, and I will take you to heights you didn't even know existed.”
Kagome knew from past experience that by this point, she and whoever her partner was would already be rolling on the floor, yanking clothes off and throwing them in whatever direction they happened to go. Inuyasha's slow, studied approach unnerved yet excited her. His chest warm against her back, sent wonderful little tingles all the way to the tips of her fingers. She had an urge to reach down beside her ass where his cock nestled against her side, but didn't. As curious as she was about what his cock looked like, the white strip of cloth that hung in his hands before her caught her curiosity. No one had ever tried this game with her. Probably because their foreplay hadn't lasted any longer than it took to take off their clothes. Kagome's hesitation was fleeting. She nodded once, not trusting her voice. The white cloth so innocent and pure, could not, by itself, hurt her. The butterflies in her stomach settled as she accepted the temporary loss of her sight. Her hands were not bound and if Inuyasha did something she didn't like, she could rip of the handkerchief at any point. Thus desire beat down sanity with logic.
With her eyesight no longer giving her information, Kagome relied on touch and sound to give her clues as to what Inuyasha intended. She felt him slide his hand into hers and allowed him to lead her toward the loveseat. He prevented her from sitting on it, however.
“No, sit on the floor with your back against the seat.”
His voice came from just above her head, to her right, and she smiled to show him she was intrigued by this game. Dropping gracefully, she stretched out her slender legs, demurely crossing them at the ankles and making herself comfortable. She heard Inuyasha move away and was tempted to lift the handkerchief and see where he went. But the apartment wasn't large and if stealing from her was his intent, he'd find little of value.
She heard him rustling around the kitchen. A plate rattled and she called out to him, “There isn't much, but go ahead and help yourself.” The Sarcasm dripped and she frowned, puzzling over his intentions. The fires that had ignited just moments before sank to a simmer as she folded her hands, cocked her head and tried to figure out just what this was all about.
Several moments later, she felt him return and kneel beside her. It sounded as if he put something down on the floor, then all was quiet for a moment. Her frown deepened.
“Open your mouth,” he instructed her.
Hesitantly, Kagome opened her lips, the frown still knitting her brow under the white cloth. What was he up to?
Defiantly now, she opened her mouth wide. Something could hit her tongue and gingerly she closed her mouth around the spoon.
Kagome smiled as she recognized the round shape and that taste of one of the white grapes she'd bought yesterday at the supermarket. Nice and sweet with just a hint of tart in them. Swallowing, she eagerly opened her mouth for another
Inuyasha laughed. “Oh, you think you're about to be fed, do you? Try this…”
Kagome made a face as something pepperminty and squishy hit her tongue. She swallowed it down and wrinkled her nose. “Toothpaste!”
“Yep. This is all about sensations, Kagome. About learning to slow down and appreciate every sensual aspect of the life around you. It's also about learning to trust me.”
Kagome felt a spoon at her mouth. “Trust him? Did he think he would have gotten this far if she didn't? What might he be planning? Hesitantly, she parted her lips around the spoon as Inuyasha fed her. This was something smooth with little bumps and the flavor burst in her mouth. “Tapioca pudding…” Grinning she bent her head down as she enjoyed the flavors mingling in her mouth. “I begin to understand.”
She felt a brush against her breast and did not flinch from the soft and fuzzy something that stroked her skin. She could not identify it but decided it wasn't important. Only the sensuous caress mattered as Inuyasha traced it over her breast, her belly, her arm, her neck.
Abruptly it was gone. She sat up, eager for the next sensation. What would he show her? Unconsciously, Kagome changed positions as she became comfortable with their game. Instead of sitting with her legs straight out, stiff and closed up, she adjusted her position, now sitting cross-legged; leaning forward for what hew would give her next. Although her fingers itched to lift the white handkerchief and peek at the food Inuyasha hand on the plate, she kept her hands at her sides and tried not to bounce in anticipation.
Kagome jumped as she felt his fingers brush lightly against her breast and hover there. They were cool, as if he had dipped them in cold water on this hot afternoon and then rested them against her skin. But there was no pressure, indeed, he barely touched her.
Suddenly cold ripped through her skin and she gasped as an ice cube touched her flesh. He trailed it over the mounds of her ample breasts in diminishing figure-eights, not changing the pattern until her had circled around each nipple, the cold ice stiffening them and turning them into hard little nubs that ached for his touch. The remaining sliver of then slid down to her belly in trails of cold flame that made her squirm and cry out. Kagome's hands came up in automatic defense, to push away the cold, but she touched only the warm skin of his bare arms. The ice cube paused with an implicit warning. Moaning, she forced her hands back to her sides and let him play with her body. Heat flared inside her to answer the call of the cold ice. Flames heated her skin and melted the cube into nothing.
Then warmth on her skin again, the tips if his fingers spreading the water from the melted ice over her belly and breasts, stopping to gently pull her nipple, twisting it and giving it a small pinch before dropping her heavy breast.
As each new sensation tore at her control, her whimpers turned to growls. Her ragged breath caught in her throat and her need broke loose. She could not keep up this torment. She wanted him and she wanted him now.
Her hands grabbed for the blindfold, but Inuyasha was quicker. He ensnared her hands in his, holding them tightly, preventing her from taking it away.
“Trust me, Kagome. Trust me.”
The command in his quiet voice was hard to resist. For a moment she wanted what she always had --- quick passion that burned hot and flamed out quickly. But her pussy throbbed in a way it never had before, and deep down inside, she didn't want him to end too soon. This agonizingly slow pace held the allure of something worth waiting for. Sniffling back her frustration, she relaxed her hands and let him bring them down to her sides again.
Kagome flinched as the ice again touched her heated flesh just above her navel. Three times he circled it around, dipping it once to rest in the little hollow until he's forced another moan from the back of her throat.
Behind the blindfold, Kagome's eyes closed as Inuyasha slid the ice lower, tracing the outline of her mound and letting the water drip between the downy hairs to trickle and tease. Her nails dug into the carpet as she pushed her hips forward, her knees opening as far as her crossed legs would allow.
“That's it. Open for me.”
Even as his encouragement made her feel like the slut he had thought her to be, her legs slid apart and spread wide for him, inviting his touch. She no longer cared what he thought of her as long as he didn't stop. Leaning back on her hands, she opened herself to new ideas and sensations.
The ice cube, mostly melted, slid easily between the pink lips of her pussy and with a quick push, Inuyasha slid into her opening. The cold ice along her hot slit conflicting messages to her brain, which, in response, promptly shut down all rational thought. The heat of her pussy melted the small piece of ice and cold water trickled from her.
With an oath, Kagome ripped off the blindfold, her driving need finally outweighing her intention to obey. Inuyasha sat beside her, not a stitch of clothing covering the hard, sculpted planes of his chest or the ropey threads of muscle in his arms. Whatever this guy did for a living his body was incredible. What god had come down from on high to live on earth and walk into her life? Not from Olympus, this one. The Greek Gods were to civilized for the slow heat of Inuyasha Takahashi. A Celtic deity, Kagome decided. The primal lust of dominant males echoed in the depths of desire that glimmered in his look.
She paused only seconds as her glance fell to his magnificent cock, which stood hard and dark with desire. The condom already in place didn't hide the ridges and sheer size of him. With a second oath, she straddled him before he could stop her, holding herself above his cock.
“Enough!” she commanded. “I want you inside me now.”
Something flashed in his eyes ---was it anger? Irritation? She was past caring. All that mattered right now stood just a finger span away from entering her and driving her over the edge. Her pussy twitched as her need ran hot. But Inuyasha's hands tightly gripped her waist, preventing her from impaling herself on his upright cock.
“I'm not tamable, Inuyasha.” She had no patience for slow sensuality and she unleashed the feral animal that always drove her sexual encounters. “Hot and quick” was her style and she demanded it from him now.
But Kagome had not counted on his strength…or his ability to say no to the desire that flared in him as obviously as it burned in her. Inuyasha's lips pursed as he lifted her petite frame and dragged her to the floor beside him. He rolled over, effectively pinning her beneath him, his face inches from hers.
“We do this my way or not at all.”
Kagome's temper flared. Even as she spit the words out, her heart trembled inside. “How dare you? First you call me a hooker and insult me, and now when I give you want you tease me? Do you want to sex or not?”
Inuyasha just grinned and repositioned his grip on her squirming body. Holding her wrists above her head with one hand, he slowly slid the fingers of his free hand down the side of her cheek, pressing her chest where he grabbed a fistful of beasts and squeezed. Flesh bulged where her breast escaped the cage of his fingers.
“I want sex with you, Kagome. But my way.” He tightened his grip and saw the need flare in her eyes even as she squirmed harder.
“Slow…” He leaned closer to her ear, whispering the words he knew would drive her crazy.
“Sensuous…” His tongue flicked out to leave a trail of fire along her earlobe.
“Erotic…” His hand released her breast, leaving white fingerprints behind. His fingers slid along sinuous contour of her hip as he shifted and put his knee between her legs, forcing them apart.
“Oh, my god…” Kagome turned her face to him, her eyes barely focused. Mesmerized, she fell under the spell of this Celtic god whose tongue danced around her ear and whose fingers slid over the hair on her mound and straight to her clit.
“I like seeing you turn to a puddle of jelly.” Inuyasha grinned down at her.
“I bet you do,” Kagome managed to say around her gasp as his knee pressed against the tender flesh of her thighs, spreading her legs farther apart. And when he slid his finger into her pussy, she couldn't stifle the moan that emerged from the depths of her soul. “Oh, yes. Fuck me, Inuyasha. Fuck me with your fingers.”
“No.” Grinning, he pulled his fingers away, while using his other hand to keep his grip on her wrists. Kagome squirmed and tried to pull free, but the man's hands were like iron manacles around her wrists. Anger flared in her. Just who did he think he was?
“You can't lead me along and then drop me over and over. Are we going to have sex or not?”
His eyes went sad. “We are having sex, Kagome, if you would just slow down and enjoy it. There is so much more to sex than just rutting together like two wild animals. So much more than having a man stick his cock in you, coming, dropping into bed exhausted and being done with it. But that's all you know, isn't it?”
She didn't answer. She had no answer.
Inuyasha saw the confusion and need mingling in her eyes. What was there about her that made him want to teach her the finer points of love? A woman was something to be savored and cherished, not fucked and left. Which, he was beginning to suspect was all she had experienced.
He brought his fingers, still covered in the white, creamy juices of her pussy, up to her face. “Have you ever tasted yourself, Kagome? Do you know what a sexy you really are?”
With his wet finger, he traced her lips, pleased when her tongue snaked out to lick them clean. Deciding to push her limits of patience he held his fingers still. “Lick them clean for me, Kagome.”
With barely a moment's hesitation, she lifted her head and pulled first one, then he others, one by one, into her mouth to clean them off.
“This is all new to me, Inuyasha.” Her voice, husky with emotion and need, was barely above a whisper. “I can't just turn it off and on like you can.”
For answer, he released one of her hands and guided it down to his still rock-hard cock. “I can't turn it off and on either. But I won't rush through sex with you, At least not this first time.”
“First time?” Was he saying there would be more times? Suddenly it seemed two paths lay before her. One way laid the life she'd led this morning, right up until the moment she had seen Inuyasha sauntering down the street. That path was neat and orderly, with few surprises. Everyday she would go to her job, every evening she would come home to her empty apartment. Her life stretched before her in straight, disturbing sameness. Nothing would ever change. Even her sex life hot and quick with passions flaming, yes, but always the same. And ultimately, she'd be alone. No one stood in sight on the path; no one beckoned her further along.
The other path led… somewhere else. It wound out of sight quickly, the way dark and unfamiliar. It was untidy and a bit unkempt. Without being able to see far down the road, who knew what risks lay ahead? But Inuyasha stood beside this confident smile a bit cocky, yet reassuring that she would not be alone.
“I don't know, Inuyasha.”
And then his fingers slipped back to dance over her clit again, fingering her and sliding between her wet nether lips and driving sane thought from her mind as the banked embers flared into an all consuming fire. “I can't do this.” The whimper rapidly became a shout as the feral animal inside drove her wild. While sudden strength, she pushed him away, sitting up and snarling as the untamable force broke loose again. Passion's grip held her and Kagome flung away all the carefully gathered shreds of her self-control.
She pushed him onto his back and straddled him, his cock pressing against her mound. “I want you now,” she commands. There was nothing left of sane, rational woman. Just violent, incredibly primal need drove her now as she fought for completion. The hell with slow and sensual. She just didn't have the patience.
Inuyasha gripped her hips, again preventing her from impaling herself. “My way,” he commanded his voice raspy with power.
“You can't always have your way!” Kagome's voice rose to a screech.
She sounded like a complaining washwoman even to her own ears and lowered her tone. “I want passion… hot sex on a hot afternoon… and I want you to give it to me.”
She was losing control of the situation and knew it. Even as she tried to command him, her voice took on a pleading quality that infuriated her. Why was she coming so unhooked by this guy? Confusion and frustration knit her forehead into furrows as the heat inside her banked again… the hot embers hiding beneath a thin layer of pride. Was it only this morning that she had wondered if there were any “take charge” types of guys left in the world? Inuyasha Takahashi offered her a sexual experience she'd never had, on his terms, his way. Why didn't she have the courage to accept it?
AN: I leaving it off here if you want an update I will need at least 10 reviews